Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 770 Talking about Immortals at Night

"There is good news in the palace, what credit can I have?"

Feng Yong quickly dismissed it, "This is the emperor's credit, and it has nothing to do with me."

Zhang Xingyi only thought that he didn't want to show off, and didn't think too much about it, so he nodded immediately:

"Forget it, anyway, you don't lack that credit."

After all, this kind of credit will only be regarded as luck by others, and the reputation will not be good when it is said.

But when this topic was brought up, Feng Yong murmured in his heart.

Although I don't remember when Zhang Xingcai died in history, it is certain that he died early.

After all, anyone who is a little curious about the Three Kingdoms should know that the two queens of Adou are Zhang sisters.

If I remember correctly, the two sisters had no children in the original history...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong glanced at Zhang Xingyi with some inquiring eyes.

But Zhang Xingyi misunderstood what he meant, and there was a kind of tenderness in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the next sentence of this person was: "It's getting late, I should go."

As he spoke, he was about to get up.

Zhang Xingyi has sharp eyes and quick hands, quickly pressed him down, "Don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet, why are you in a hurry?"

"What else is there?"

"Didn't I just say that? Someone from Liangzhou has come over."

"What is this? Just follow the established regulations."

How to deal with the various forces in Liangzhou, Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion has long planned.

Now the big Han is taking the recovery of Guanzhong as the top priority, so he has no plans to send troops to Liangzhou in the next two years.

After all, Liangzhou is not just a Qianghu rebellion.

Behind the rebellion, there are often shadows of local tyrants.

In fact, the lives of most Hu people in Liangzhou are often not easy.

They were oppressed by tyrants, and in many cases had to rebel to survive.

And sometimes, in order to achieve certain goals, local tyrants even encourage Hu people to rebel.

Not to mention, the relationship between the local tyrants in Liangzhou is also intricate.

If the big man takes Liangzhou first, it will take at least three to four years to straighten out these relationships.

This is still when Feng Yong has the initiative.

If it is like the later Han Dynasty, let alone ten or eight years, it is possible that it has been deeply mired in the quagmire of the Liangzhou rebellion.

Time is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the governance of Liangzhou will involve a lot of human, material and financial resources of the big man.

In addition, the east is still under tremendous pressure from Cao Wei.

This is equivalent to fighting on two fronts.

Fighting on two fronts is out of the question.

Therefore, in view of the complicated situation in Liangzhou, Hu Qiang School Wei's Mansion formulated a series of plans.

There is infiltration, there is co-optation, there is economic control, and so on.

Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang, these four counties are the most elite core areas of Liangzhou.

At the same time, it is also the area with the most complicated relationship between local powers.

Again, without fully grasping the power of knowledge interpretation and intellectual resources, compromises must be made when it is time to compromise.

Now Feng Yong is using the four counties of Liangzhou to cook porridge, whether it is a rebellion by the Hu people, or whether it is the local tyrants supporting themselves.

All the chaos is Cao Wei's territory.

When they are messed up enough and the time is right, it will be much more convenient for the big man to free up his hands to manage.

If it is not broken, it cannot be erected. It is convenient to manage it after it is broken.

So after the Battle of Jincheng, Feng Junhou was already studying his opponents in Guanzhong.

As for the enemies in Liangzhou, as long as they don't come out to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, seeing his attitude, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"How long has it been since you read the official documents of the family? Are you just patronizing to hold the baby in the backyard every day?"

How could Feng Junhou admit it?

"Nonsense, I'm obviously watching it every day!"

Zhang Xingyi sneered: "Really? Then let me ask you, who is the one from Liangzhou?"

Feng Junhou was startled, who came from Liangzhou? These days I play with my baby every day, how could I know?

It can't be Xu Miao, right?

He said bluntly: "I don't care who comes here, anyway, we have already set the rules for Liangzhou, we just need to let them go slowly."

Zhang Xingyi couldn't help but slapped him and raised his voice:

"I still don't admit that I haven't read the official documents these days. The Zhang family sent Zhang to come here. Don't you care?"

After hearing this, Feng Yong blurted out and asked:

"The one who was defeated by me? He has the guts!"

Of the four counties in Liangzhou, Dunhuang is the westernmost, controlling the end of the Hexi Corridor.

At the same time, it also controls the entrance and exit of the Western Regions.

Zhang Gong of Dunhuang is famous in the Western Regions.

If they want to control Liangzhou and even the Western Regions with the fastest speed and the lowest cost, the Zhang family in Dunhuang is indispensable.

The Zhang family in Dunhuang is the key focus of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, and it is also the target of Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion to win over and transform in the future plan.

So Feng Yong didn't know that the Zhang family sent someone here, and it was indeed a bit dereliction of duty.

Feng Junhou finally realized that he was wrong, and quickly covered up:

"Oh, I forgot, I seem to have seen it a few days ago."

Zhang Xingyi said bitterly: "Just be stubborn."

Feng Junhou remained unmoved when someone exposed his true face.

Anyway, the young lady of the Zhang family is not an outsider, so she is not afraid of embarrassment.

"What does the Zhang family want to do? Did they say so?"

Feng Yong asked.

"It was delivered by the Li family in Longxi. I just said that Zhang wanted to visit relatives and friends in Longyou. I hope we can let him go. I didn't say anything else."

The relationship between the aristocratic family is inherently intricate, and there are countless in-laws in the open and in the dark.

Coupled with the legacy of the ancient gentleman left over from the pre-Qin period, it is common for the opposing sides to talk about etiquette.

It's no secret that Zhuge Old Demon still communicates with Chen Qun, Sima Yi and other important officials of Wei State.

Of course, there are exchanges, but on the battlefield, those who deserve to be killed still have to be killed.

Just like in history, the old demon Zhuge was cornered and wanted Sima Yi to pretend to be a cute girl.

And Sima Yi also found out through the messengers that Zhuge's life was not long.

So this kind of exchange is actually a kind of secret confrontation.

It is not surprising that the Zhang family in Dunhuang can communicate through the Li family in Longyou.

"It doesn't matter if we let it go." Feng Yong said with some surprise, "But the Zhang family is so blatant, aren't they afraid?"

"That's why I said that you haven't dealt with official business at all these days!"

Zhang Xingyi was indignant at someone's laziness, "After Zhang's uncle and nephew lost Jincheng, you were accused of collaborating with the enemy again."

"Although Xu Miao didn't convict them, the officials definitely couldn't do it. Now Zhang is just a scholar. What is he afraid of?"

Hearing this, Feng Yongruo thought: "The Zhang family's actions may not be a demonstration against Xu Miao."

"You don't care what they are, wouldn't the more chaos in Liangzhou be better for us?"

"so what?"

Feng Yong asked.

"So I'm just asking for your opinion right now?"

Zhang Xingyi leaned over, gritted his teeth and said, "You are the captain of Qiang Hu, and you are also the ghost king who is far-sighted!"

Ah! If you don't fight for three days, you will go to the house to expose the roof tiles.

"If you dare to talk about ghosts at night, you won't be afraid of ghosts coming to you?" Feng Yong threatened.

Han people respect ghosts and gods a lot, Zhang Xingyi's complexion suddenly changed, and he subconsciously looked outside the tent.

Feng Yong smiled triumphantly, Xiao Mian, I am a majestic generation of ghost kings, and I can't cure you?

"Okay, it's getting late, you go to bed first."

It was too hot, and the temperature inside the gauze tent was a little high. Feng Yong couldn't sit still, coughed and said:

"Since the Zhang family sent people over, it means that they intend to contact us."

"If they want to learn from the Li family in Longxi, then you can use the resources of the Xinghan Society appropriately. I will accept this matter."

As he spoke, he made a gesture to stay on the bed.

"What are you panicking about?"

Zhang Xingyi had a look of fear on his face, maybe he was frightened just now, so he quickly grabbed him and refused to let him go.

"What else is there?"

"There's a lot going on."

Zhang Xingyi wanted to talk when he had nothing to say, "You haven't dealt with the affairs of the family for so long, let's have a good talk."

"Speak well if you have something to say." Feng Yong tried to move his arm, "My arm hurts from you grabbing like this."

"It's a general anyway." Zhang Xingyi said contemptuously, "Others have been wounded by swords and guns, and you are still afraid of my scratching!"

"Are you going to discuss whether I am a general? Or do you really have something to tell me?"

Feng Junhou has a thick skin and doesn't care about Zhang Xiaoniang's irony.

"Do you still remember what we said last time about the division of Sun Quan and the crown prince?"

There was a light in Zhang Xingyi's eyes.

"Remember, what's the matter?"

The weather seemed to be getting a little too hot, and it looked like it might be raining.

"Of course I remember, what's the matter?"

When Feng Yong said this, he suddenly thought of a possibility:

"Then there won't be any real problems between Sun Quan and the crown prince?"

Could it be that Sun Shiwan became fatuous as soon as he proclaimed himself emperor?

"The prince is fine for now, but Sun Quan is weird."

Upon hearing this, Feng Yong quickly asked, "What's wrong with Sun Quan?"

"Today there was news from Soochow that Sun Quan formed a boat division and wanted to go to sea to find Yizhou and Danzhou."

Feng Yong asked in surprise, "Sun Quan is crazy?"

Even Feng Junhou, who is known as farsighted, still feels that he can't keep up with Sun Shiwan's brain circuit.

When he had the opportunity to take Hefei, he didn't want it, but went to attack Jingzhou instead.

When Hefei's defenses were tight, he continued to give away the head.

It was agreed that Han and Wu will form an alliance to attack Cao Wei together, and now the Han and the west are attracting the main force of Cao Wei.

You set up a boat division in the east, instead of attacking Jianghuai, you told me to go to sea to find islands?

Isn't this a brain circuit that is different from ordinary people?

"Wu's courtiers just watch Sun Quan mess around like this?"

I know where the islands are. As long as the world is unified, I can help you find as many islands as you want.

But if you look for it now, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

"Wu's court persuaded everyone, but Sun Quan refused to listen."

Zhang Xingyi replied.

This is floating, floating powerfully.

"Why did Sun Quan go to Haidao?"

Feng Yong wondered.

"It is said that they want to plunder the people to make up for Wu."

The more Feng Yong heard it, the more ridiculous he felt:

"Wu Guo Shanyue has been rebelling all year round. If you want to replenish the population, wouldn't it be better to attack Shanyue? Is it worth going to the sea to find it?"

And isn't Wu Guo very skilled at playing this hand?

After Sun Quan became emperor, he was too excited and lost his memory?

Now is not the age of great sailing, no matter how powerful Wu's ships are, at most they use the monsoon to sail at sea.

If you are not careful, it is normal for the fleet to go and never return.

Now you tell me that you are going to capture the people of the island at sea to make up for Wu?

Sun Shiwan, you are planning to rub everyone's IQ on the ground!

Feng Yong couldn't think of...the solution.

He glanced at Zhang Xingyi.

"Si Niang thinks, what's weird about this?"

Feng Yong asked tentatively.

"Ah Lang also felt that Sun Quan didn't send people to the sea to find overseas people?"

Zhang Xingyi asked back.

"Let's not talk about looking far away. What's more, the boat master is still Wu's sharp weapon. At the risk of harming the country's sharp weapon, to seek the slightest benefit, even a mediocre person knows that it can't be done."

Feng Yong said with certainty, "If you say it's not weird, I don't believe it."

Sun Shiwan's abnormal brain circuit is not normal, but he should still have this IQ... right?

Zhang Xingyi's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if discussing such things secretly with Feng Yong made her feel very excited.

It's like a tacit understanding between two people.

"Alang also feels something is wrong?"

"In this kind of matter, my mind is not as good as yours. Tell me what you think and give me a hint."

Feng Yong retreated to the couch again, and sat cross-legged across from Zhang Xingyi, apparently intending to have a discussion with her.

"Alang, do you still remember that Zhang Wen?"

"Of course I remember, he even sent someone to deliver a letter during the Chinese New Year."

The Zhang family is the representative of the interests of the Xinghan Society in Soochow. Soochow's rough sugar is basically transported to Shu through the Zhang family's relationship.

How could Feng Yong not remember?

"When Sun Quan became emperor last year, he pardoned the world. Zhang Wen's younger brother, Zhang Bai, was also pardoned."

Zhang Yi first said a seemingly unrelated matter.

"It's a good thing."

Feng Yong nodded.

"But one person is now exiled to Jiaozhou."


Feng Yong, after hearing Zhang Xingyi's words, was even more confused.

"Yu Fan, the original riding captain of the Eastern Wu Dynasty."

Feng Yong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Is this guy exiled again?"

Feng Yong has a relationship with the Zhang family in Soochow, and the economic relationship between Dahan and Soochow is getting closer.

Therefore, it is relatively easy to collect information on some Soochow figures.

This Yu Fan is not a big official, but he is well-known.

The reason why Feng Yong can remember him is because he acted frantically and without restraint, he is a famous talker in Soochow.

This guy, when Yu Jin surrendered to Soochow, he scolded Yu Jin. Not only did he beat him with a whip, he even persuaded Sun Quan to kill him in front of Yu Jin.

When Mi Fang offered the city, he scolded Mi Fang.

When she met Mi Fang while traveling by boat, she scolded Mi Fang so much that she closed the window of the boat and dared not see anyone, so she hurriedly avoided.

Later, when traveling by car, they passed the gate of Mi Fang's barracks. In order to avoid him, Mi Fang ordered the gate to be closed.

Unexpectedly, Yu Fan's car couldn't pass, so he began to curse again:

"You open the window when it's time to close it, and you close it when it's time to open the door. Is this something people do?"

Sun Quan said that the queen held a celebration banquet and got up to persuade him to drink. He dared to lie on the ground and pretend to be drunk, so as not to give Sun Quan face.

Sun Quan exiled him more than once, but every time he came back after being pardoned, he never learned his lesson.

His various actions not only did not damage his reputation, but even made him bigger.

In order to buy people's hearts, Cao Pi often set up an empty seat for him.

As for Feng Yong, he didn't need to buy people's hearts. He laughed out loud when he heard about Yu Fan, especially when he heard Yu Fan scolding Mi Fang.

Because what Mi Fang did was really not human affairs.

"Ah Lang guess who he scolded this time?"

Zhang Xingyi also showed a smile on his face and asked.

"Isn't it Sun Quan?"

"Not only scolded Sun Quan, but also scolded Zhang Zhao."

Zhang Xingyi couldn't help laughing, "Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao were talking about gods, and Yu Fan pointed at their noses and scolded them."

"It is said that the gods they mentioned are actually dead people. There are no gods in the world."

"Sun Quan finally became angry and exiled him to Jiaozhou."

Feng Yong couldn't help laughing either.

One is the emperor of Wu, and the other is the most senior official, so Yu Fan pointed at his nose and scolded them.

No matter who it is, I can't hold back my face.

Oh, no, the result would definitely be different if that little fat guy, Adou, came.

After all, the little fat man was often sprayed with saliva by Dong Yun, so he should be used to it.

The two chuckled for a while.

Finally Feng Yongcai remembered the business: "Yu Fan's exile in Jiaozhou has nothing to do with Sun Quan sending people to sea?"

Zhang Xingyi smiled meaningfully: "Why doesn't Ah Lang understand? Yu Fan was exiled to Jiaozhou because of the deeds."

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat.

immortal? !

"As far as my concubine knows, in the fourth year of Jianxing, Qin Lun, a Jiaren from Daqin, came to Wu. He was interviewed by Sun Quan many times and often asked about overseas affairs."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi had an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, "According to that Daqin Jiaren, Sun Quan asked him several times if he had ever seen a fairy mountain at sea."

Feng Yong was not very clear about this matter: "How did Si Niang know this?"

"This is not a secret matter. At that time, the people of Wu treated him as someone from afar and publicized the virtues of Sun Quan."

"That Daqin man is still staying in Jianye. The barbarians don't have much knowledge. Give him some brown sugar, and he'll say everything."

Zhang Xingyi said indifferently.

It's normal to talk about Fangtu folklore with overseas people, and talk about the strange people and strange things you saw during the journey.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi was able to spell out Sun Quan's thoughts from these clues.

This woman is amazing!

"The stupidity of an emperor often begins with seeking immortality!"

Feng Yong murmured.

With the top power in the world, you start to want to live forever, people's hearts are just so dissatisfied.

After hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhang Xingyi finally got his head off Feng Yong's shoulder, sat up straight, looked up at the ceiling, and said slowly:

"If Sun Quan really used the excuse of plundering the people of the sea to pretend to be the people of the Wu state to find Xianshan, even if he is not stupid now, he is not far from being stupid."

As she spoke, her voice became low, "He wants to be the emperor forever, so what should the prince do?"

Feng Junhou rolled his eyes, and suddenly an idea popped up.

I only heard him say:

"Haike talks about Yingzhou, the smoke is so faint and the letter is hard to find. The more people talk about Tianmu, the clouds can be seen or faded..."

Zhang Xingyi was immediately dumbfounded.

Talking about fairy mountains, you can read peerless articles on the spot?

Zhang Xingyi suddenly felt that those who praised Cao Zijian's poems in seven steps were really ignorant!

"There is a master in my division, whose surname is Li."

Feng Yong forcefully explained the meaning of the text, "Li Gong's literary talents are unparalleled in the world, and he is a real exiled immortal. He and Xie Gong in the text are close friends."

God's friendship is also friendship, it's not wrong.

"And Xie Gong, who has seen the real fairy mountain, this article was written when Li Gong and Xie Gong talked about the fairy mountain."

Zhang Xingyi's gaze suddenly became brighter than the candlelight outside the gauze tent.

"Is there really a fairy mountain in this world!?"

Feng Yong squinted at her: "I came from Xianshan, do you want to say goodbye?"

"Go!" Zhang Xingyi gave Feng Yong a push, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

She knew that she had lost her composure just now.

Feng Yong chuckled: "Tell me, if I give this article to Sun Quan, what will he think?"

Zhang Xingyi was dumbfounded when he heard Feng Yong's words.

After a long time, he murmured: "You are really vicious, you are actually using such peerless articles for calculations, you are simply a gentle scum!"

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