Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 775 Promise

At the end of July, the Hanzhong area has entered the rainy season.

The water level in the Western Han Dynasty soared, and Feng Yong, who was urgently recalled to Hanzhong by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, had to give up the idea of ​​taking a boat and rode all the way back to Hanzhong along the Western Han River.

It was raining, so Feng Yong only took his personal guards on the road.

Guan Ji and her children stayed in Pingxiang until the end of August before leaving as planned.

"Brother, the rain seems to be heavier than before. Do you want to find a place to stay?"

Wearing a bamboo hat and worn clothes, Li Yi wiped the water from his face and asked.

Feng Yong looked up at the sky.

The sky was gray, and cold raindrops fell on his face, and he felt that the rain had flowed down his neck and into his clothes. It was moist and uncomfortable.

Feng Yong asked, "How is the road condition on this road? How long will it take to reach Wudu?"

Li Yi glanced at Xu Xun who happened to go back to Hanzhong with him.

Xu Xun quickly replied: "Brother, the road conditions are not bad. If we go at the current speed, it may be dark by the time we reach Wudu."

"The rain is not too heavy. You can continue on your way and rest before dark. Let people go to the front to check first to see if the road has collapsed. Pay attention to safety."

Soon there were two riders speeding up and rushing forward.

Feng Yong got off his horse, walked to a high ground, and looked down at the Xihan River not far below.

When this road was taken at the beginning of spring two years ago, the Northern Expeditionary Army could still use it to transport grain.

But now, even if he was standing far away, Feng Yong could still hear the raging roar.

The leather boots made of high-quality cowhide were soaked through, water seeped into them, and the feet were clammy and cold.

There was the sound of "creaking and creaking" stepping on the mud behind him, and Feng Yong knew that Li Yi and Xu Xun had followed without turning his head.

"In the past two years, you have taken Dongfeng Express to transport grain to Longyou. It has really worked hard."

Feng Yong said.

I and others are still traveling on Qingqi, but Dongfeng Express has to transport food in this situation, and it is hard work, needless to say.

Xu Xun didn't expect his elder brother to say this, so he quickly replied:

"Brother is leading the army to kill thieves in the front. That is to protect the brothers with his life. Who would not be grateful to the brothers in the meeting today?"

"The little brother is just transporting food in the back. Compared with the elder brother, how can it be called hard work?"

Military merit is the fastest way to advance. As the elder brother is the leader of the club, the higher the position and the more stable his position, the more hopeful the brothers in the club will be.

Take the present as an example, the elder brother is the captain of Hu Qiang, and he is in charge of all affairs of the Hu people in Longyou, which is a big piece of fat.

What is the price of the grain distributed to the Hu people, what is the price of the cattle, sheep, horses, wool, leather, etc. that are collected, and what is the price of selling them, etc.

Isn't it up to the elder brother to decide?

Elder brother has the final say, isn't Xing Hanhui the final say?

Even if the brothers in the club don't do anything, they can make a lot of money by opening and closing their mouths and turning their hands.

It's just how did this Hu Qiang captain come from?

Didn't my brother take his life in exchange for it?

Raiding Longguan, fighting fiercely at Jieting, managing barbarians, intimidating Liangzhou, and just changing someone, can you do it?

Therefore, it is most suitable for my elder brother to take up the position of guarding the Qiang school lieutenant.

"If you really want to say hard work, brother is hard work."

Xu Xun said sincerely.

He often runs to Pingxiang, so he naturally knows what kind of place Pingxiang is.

At the very beginning, the city wall was not even an earth enclosure, and the base of the wall was full of excrement and urine.

Compared with Jincheng, I don't know how many times it is worse.

Now the brothers in the club live comfortably, and that is because the elder brother is in front of him.

Holding the whip in his hand, Feng Yong smiled lightly:

"You don't have to humble yourself. I walked this road two years ago and know what it's like."

"Besides, there was a severe drought in Longyou at that time. It was you who worked tirelessly and led people to transport food to Longyou, which eased the urgent need to protect Qiang Xiaowei's mansion."

"Longyou is able to have today, if you really count, you also have credit."

When Xu Xun heard his elder brother praise him so much, although his mouth was modest, the corners of his mouth that reached to his ears clearly expressed his heart.

Feng Yong turned around and said to Xu Xun, "Longyou is barely settled down now, and you don't have to work so hard in the future. What are your plans next?"

Xu Xun was taken aback.

Li Yi reacted quickly and kicked him from behind.

Xu Xun finally understood, his heart was beating wildly: I am... I am going to officially become the core of Xinghanhui after Zhao Erlang and Li Dalang?

The people who took up positions of real power in Xinghanhui were the first few people who followed their elder brother.

After all, at everyone's age, they are still in the mixed seniority stage.

Except for my brother here, basically no one else has a chance to stand out.

Xu Xun's voice trembled a little: "Little brother listens to elder brother's arrangement."

Feng Yong smiled slightly, and didn't hold back:

"I have two paths here. The first is that the prime minister intends to change Yuejuan into an inner county. Meng Yan, the prefect of Yuejuan, is going to be transferred to Hanzhong to enter the prime minister's mansion, and Zishi (Wang Xun) will move to be the prefect."

"The prime minister asked me if there was anyone I would like to recommend for the vacant post of prime minister."

This is the differential treatment between the second generation of officials and the students who came out of the school.

Among the students in the school, Zhang Yuan is the most outstanding student. He is currently studying in the martial arts hall. If he can become a trainee captain after graduation, he will be considered as the best start.

It is only under Feng Yong's special care that such an achievement can be achieved.

And Xu Xun, as the second generation of officials, has accumulated some credit, and he started directly as the county magistrate.

Xu Xun's face brightened, he swallowed, resisted the impulse, and looked at Feng Yong, "I don't know what the second one is?"

"The second thing is that the students from the General Staff's Mansion of Hu Qiang are all teaching martial arts now. Some logistical matters are too cumbersome. I want to find someone to help manage them."

"You have been helping the Longyou army transport food in the past few years, and you have a lot of experience, so you should be able to get started quickly."

"Of course, if you don't like either of these two, I can still recommend it to the prime minister or the emperor..."

Before Feng Yong could finish his sentence, Xu Xun interrupted him directly: "Brother, younger brother chooses the second option, to serve in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion."

Jun Cheng looks pretty good now, but don't forget, Hu Qiang Xiaowei's mansion is in charge of all the affairs of Hu people in Longyou, Guanzhong, and Liangzhou in name.

I don't know how many times the future future is bigger than Jun Cheng!

As for the prime minister's mansion, Yang Yi, Wei Yan, Jiang Wan and others were not only a generation older than him, but also more senior than him.

With my current age and capital, I don't have Li Wenxuan's capital.

Going there is at most just serving tea and pouring water, how many years will it take to get ahead?

The Wei's Mansion of Hu Qiang School is naturally inferior to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but how old is my brother?

And as long as you are not blind, you can see how much the prime minister regards your brother, so even if your brother's future is worse than the prime minister's, it may not be much worse!

Now that you have this good opportunity, wouldn't you be stupid if you don't hurry up and hug your thighs tightly?

As for recommending to the emperor, it is even more unnecessary.

My lord, now the chief minister Qiucheng, is a person trusted by the middle palace, what do you still squeeze in?

Feng Yong was slightly surprised that Xu Xun could make a choice so quickly.

He glanced at Xu Xun approvingly: "Okay, when we arrive in Wudu, I will immediately send someone to Hanzhong to ask the prime minister for instructions."

Not only Xu Xun, but even Li Yi were a little surprised when he said this: "My brother is going to Hanzhong anyway, why not mention it to the prime minister at that time?"

Feng Yong took a deep look in the direction of Guanzhong, and said to the two meaningfully: "I'm afraid it will be too late."

What's too late?

The two looked at each other in confusion, and were about to ask again, when they saw the two riders who were going to explore the road just galloping back.

"Report to the Lord, the road ahead is not damaged!"

"Okay. Get on the horse and go!"

Feng Yong waved his whip and ordered.

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