Just when Cao Wei was preparing to conquer Shu, Sun Quan, the emperor of Wu in the south, was receiving a young scholar who had fled from Qingzhou to Soochow.

This young scholar is called Yinfan.

In recent days, the name Yinfan has been frequently mentioned in Jianye.

He is not only handsome, but also talented.

Most of the young scholars who fled to Soochow from the north were impressed by him, and gradually formed a small group headed by him.

It's just that the scholars from the north have no foundation after all, and Jiangdong's own hopeful family.

So the Soochow officials who received them at most separated them from ordinary people, but if they wanted to go further, it would only depend on everyone's luck.

Yinbo waited for several months, but in the end he was only assigned to be a minor official.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and as a scholar of Nangui, he gave a self-recommendation memorial to Wu Lord Sun Quan, comparing himself with Wei Zi and Chen Ping, and asked to see Sun Quan.

After Sun Quan saw the memorial, he was amazed by his tone, and he had just ascended the throne not long ago, and it was time to win the hearts of the world, so he made an exception to meet Yinfan.

After Yinfan entered the palace, facing many guards with spears and halberds, he did not look sideways, with a calm demeanor.

Seeing this, Sun Quan approved two points in his heart.

Then he deliberately picked a few questions about current affairs and asked Yinbo, but he saw that Yinbo answered them in an orderly manner.

Even after answering, Yinbo took the initiative to state the current situation, talking eloquently, personable, and very eloquent.

Finally said:

"Your Majesty, in the past Dong Zhongshu sent a peerless beauty to Han Xiaowu, and today I want to give His Majesty a beauty. This beauty is the "New Law" carefully edited by Cao Wei."

"When Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty established the world at the beginning, he ordered Xiao He to formulate laws and decrees, so as to regulate the laws of the world. However, since the Han Dynasty, there have been more than a dozen commentators on the law, and there are countless contradictions."

"Your Majesty's majesty is in the world, and the laws of the world need to be unified to govern the people. If you are not talented, you have the courage to send the "New Law" to help your majesty bring the world into one as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, he actually recited the "New Law".

Sun Quan took the "New Law" submitted by Yinbo and compared it, and it was word for word.

He heard what Yinbo said first, and he already felt that it was reasonable, and he was even more happy when he got this "New Law".

After the meeting, Sun Quan felt that he was a talented person, and asked Hu Zong who was present, "What do you think of this person?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Zong looked down on Yinfan:

"I first read this person's letter, his exaggerated tone is like Dongfang Shuo, and then he looks at this person's words and deeds, his eloquence and sophistry are like Mi Heng. But listen to his words and strategy, his talent is far inferior to these two."

After hearing Hu Zong's words, Sun Quan frowned slightly, apparently not liking Hu Zong's words.

In fact, Wu State, like Shu State, also had conflicts between foreign forces and local forces.

Representatives of foreign representative forces are mostly veterans who followed Sun Jian and Sun Ce in their early years, such as Cheng Pu, Zhou Yu, Lu Su and so on.

Most of these people come from the north of the river, in the area of ​​Sishui and Huaishui, which can be called the Sihuai Group.

In the early days, the Sihuai Group was mostly in charge of the army, while the Jiangdong Group was in charge of the government, and Sun Quan adjusted in the middle.

It's just that most of the veterans of the Sihuai Group have withered by now, especially since the Yiling War, the Jiangdong family has risen rapidly and has begun to gain military power.

Playing with balance is the instinct of every qualified emperor.

The imbalance between the two sides is naturally not what Sun Quan wants.

So while suppressing one side, he must also cultivate the other side.

The "Jiyan Case" that implicated Zhang Wen back then was actually a means by Sun Quan to suppress the Jiangdong aristocratic family.

What's more, when Sun Ce came to rule Jiangdong, he killed too much of the Jiangdong family, which caused a huge rift between the Sun family and the Jiangdong family.

Although Sun Quan has tried his best to repair the relationship between the Sun family and the Jiangdong family over the years.

But in the deepest part of his heart, he still has considerable vigilance towards the Jiangdong family.

Sun Quan's ability to meet Yinbo in an exceptional way was naturally because he had the idea of ​​cultivating non-local forces in Jiangdong.

But how could he tell Hu Zongming about this kind of thinking?

What's more, in the eyes of Sun Quan, Yinfan is also a talent no matter what.

However, when Sun Ce became the prefect of Kuaiji, Hu Zong, who was only 14 years old, was already Sun Ce's disciple.

In addition, Hu Zong himself was the minister who helped Soochow formulate laws and regulations.

So Yinfan was evaluated by Hu Zong in this way, but Sun Quan couldn't express his intentions all at once, so he had to ask again:

"Then what do you think is the most suitable position for Yinbo?"

Since Hu Zong was not optimistic about Yinfan, he naturally would not propose too high a position:

"He is a good talker, don't let him govern the people, why don't you try to arrange a small job for him first."

Hearing Hu Zong's suggestion, Sun Quan disagreed and said:

"He is now known as the head of the Nangui scholars, and his reputation is not small. He was previously assigned the position of a small official, which has aroused criticism from others."

"If I arrange a small job for him again, I'm afraid the world will say that I don't know talents. Now is the time to win people's hearts, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this."

When Hu Zong heard what Sun Quan said, he thought it made sense, so he asked:

"Then I wonder what position His Majesty plans to give him?"

Sun Quan had planned for a long time: "Just now he talked about the most, nothing is more than the prison, it is better to let him be the court captain."

Tingwei Supervisor is one of the chief officials of Dali Temple, in charge of prisons.

This position is not too low.

Going up further, it is Ting Wei, one of the Three Dukes and Nine Ministers.

Although he felt that His Majesty's official position was too high, when Hu Zong heard Sun Quan's tone, he knew that he had made up his mind, so he did not refute it after all.

Yinfan was able to meet the emperor because of a memorial, and he became a court officer from a small official. In the eyes of many people, he was appreciated by Sun Quan and a celebrity in the eyes of the emperor.

Under his deliberate friendship, many ministers of Wu State are willing to communicate with him.

Among them, two admired Yinbo the most.

One is Zuo General Zhu Ju, and the other is Ting Wei Hao Pu.

Hao Pu's identity is quite special.

He was originally from Jingzhou and once served in Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei entered Shu, he made Hao Pu the prefect of Lingling.

When Lu Meng attacked the three counties, he planned to surrender Hao Pu.

Later, when Han and Wu divided Jingzhou equally, Wu returned Hao Pu to the Han.

Later, Soochow backed away from the alliance, Lu Meng crossed the river in white clothes, and Hao Pu returned to Soochow again.

In this chaotic era, surrender is not something shameful.

But this repeated voluntary surrender behavior ultimately made people suspect that there was something wrong with this person's character.

So Hao Pu has an indelible stain on him, and he is always squeezed out intentionally or unintentionally on weekdays.

The arrival of Yinbo suggested that Sun Quan pay attention to laws and regulations and implement new laws, which invisibly made Tingwei in charge of prisons show his sense of presence.

Coupled with the fact that Yinbo was also a surrendered person, the identification of identities invisibly narrowed the relationship between the two.

As Yinbo's boss, Hao Pu has a good impression of Yinbo, and under Yinbo's deliberate closeness, the two quickly become close friends.

Hao Pu not only showed his admiration for Yinfan many times in front of others, but also often lamented that Yinfan's talent is such that it is really inferior to be a court officer.

So under the propaganda of Zhu Ju and Hao Pu, Yinbo's reputation resounded throughout Jianye City.

With a great reputation and being a celebrity in front of His Majesty, the front of Yinfan's mansion has been very lively in recent days, with a lot of traffic and people coming and going.

Even General Wei Quanzong also intersects with him.

Wuchang and Jianye are both the center of Soochow, and the information between the two places has always been exchanged.

What happened in Jianye soon spread to Wuchang.

Taichang Pan Jun, who stayed in Wuchang with Lu Xun, could not help being very angry when he learned that his son Pan Zhu not only had contacts with Yinfan, but even sent him money and food.

He wrote a letter on the spot to reprimand him:

I have received the great kindness of the country, and I repay my ambition with my life. When you are in the capital, you should be respectful, be close to the virtuous and admire the good. Hearing this from afar, my heart is shaking and my face is hot, feeling melancholy and tired. If it's too sparse, I'll go to the staff to receive a hundred sticks in a hurry, and urge me to pay the salary.

Not only scolded his own son, but also sent envoys to beat his own son with a hundred sticks, and even asked him to take back the money and food he sent out.

When the people around heard this, they were puzzled by Pan Jun's reaction, thinking that Pan Jun had done too much.

The top general, Lu Xun, couldn't see it anymore, so he came to the door to persuade him:

"Your Majesty admires Yinbo, why does Chengming hate this person alone? Even if Chengming doesn't want to associate with that Yinfan, he can just ask your son to cut off contact with him."

"Now that the stick reprimands the son and asks him to take back what he gave to others, this meeting will not only offend Yinfan, but also be out of line with etiquette, and will be laughed at by the world."

Pan Jun sighed: "If not so, how can I understand my aspirations?"

Like Ting Wei Hao Pu, he was originally a minister of Liu Bei, and guarded Jingzhou with Guan Yu as an officer in the administration.

However, Pan Jun had always been at odds with Guan Yu. After Sun Quan acquired Jingzhou, he surrendered Soochow.

But unlike Hao Pu, Pan Jun was born in a wealthy family in Jingzhou. Because of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's subsequent suppression of the aristocratic family's various behaviors, he is more inclined to Soochow.

After all, Soochow did not restrict the privileges of aristocratic families.

Suppressing the Jiangdong family is only the need of the upper-level political struggle, and it does not conflict with the privileges of the Soochow family.

More importantly, officials from Jingzhou have subtle identities, and they only need to remain neutral to be safe. There is no need to participate in the struggle between the Sihuai Group and the Jiangdong Group.

Whether Hao Pu is too ambitious or ignorant, that is his business.

What Pan Jun had to do was not to let His Majesty feel that he, who was also from Jingzhou, also intentionally got involved in this kind of thing.

As for the possibility of offending Yinbo, Pan Jun didn't even care.

"No matter how much your Majesty admires Yinbo, he is just a lucky person. He seems to be rich suddenly, but in fact he has no foundation. Even if I offend him, why should I be afraid?"

Lu Xun knew that Pan Jun had always been upright, and when he heard what he said, he didn't try to persuade him, but just sighed:

"It's a misfortune for the country that the villain is lucky enough to make progress even if the minister has to pay a visit to the government."

"Nowadays, there are more and more lucky people, but unfortunately we are far away from His Majesty, and cannot persuade him face to face."

When Pan Jun heard this, his heart was moved: "It seems that the great general has something else to say?"

Lu Xun looked around.

Pan Jun understood and asked all the servants to retreat.

Then Lu Xun said:

"When His Majesty first came to the throne, he newly established the Zhongshu Dian School to supervise the central and local state and county clerical affairs. Lv Yi is the Zhongshu Dian Xiaolang, and now he is gradually becoming a powerful blessing."

"Some people say that their decisions are subtle, that they seek flaws, that they accuse crimes and prosecute rape, and that you must hear about them. I didn't believe it."

"Unexpectedly, a few days ago, one of Lv Yi's disciples violated the law and was killed by Jian'an prefect Zheng Zhou, so Lv Yi framed Zheng Zhou, and now His Majesty has ordered Yousi to imprison Zheng Zhou."

Having said that, Lu Xun showed worry on his face:

"From this point of view, Lu Yi's nature is cruel, his usage is profound, he is really a villain."

"I thought that Lv Yi hadn't gone, and now there is another Yinbo who plays tricks, isn't it that the lucky ones are getting more and more?"

When Pan Jun heard it, his color changed instantly:

"The prefect, the important minister of the country, how can he be imprisoned easily because of the words of a mere villain? If things go on like this, how can the law of the country survive? The more powerful the villain is, the more unfortunate the country is!"

Lu Xun smiled wryly: "The prince once wrote a letter to His Majesty to advise on this matter, but His Majesty refuses to accept it, so what can I do?"

When Pan Jun heard this, his face became even more ugly.

In the past, when Cao Cao first set up the post of school affairs, it was to broaden his eyes and ears, and to assassinate the generals and officials under him.

Now Your Majesty learns from Cao Cao and sets up this post, which is self-evident.

Later, Cao Cao's school officials, Lu Hong and Zhao Da, played tricks on their prestige, and they often trapped others, so there was a saying at that time: Don't fear Cao Gong, but fear Lu Hong; Lu Hong is still good, Zhao Da will kill me.

Both Lu Xun and Pan Jun are smart people, from the small to the big, it can be inferred from Zheng Zhou's incident that if this continues, Lu Yi will become the generation of Lu Hong and Zhao Da in Wu State as soon as possible.

Recalling that since His Majesty ascended the throne, he seemed to dislike listening to his subordinates less and less, and the two couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Although the General and I are far away from His Majesty, how can we turn a deaf ear to the country's villains? I would like to write a letter with the General to advise Your Majesty."

Pan Jun said decisively.

Lu Xun was overjoyed: "Chengming has always been known for his uprightness. His Majesty will surely wake up after hearing your words!"

While the two were discussing how to persuade Sun Quan, a group of barbarians in Wuling County in Jingzhou were hiding on the mountain and looking down the mountain.

There are many hills and streams in Wuling.

The unique terrain prevents Wuling from forming a large area of ​​cultivated land like the Central Plains.

But at the foot of the mountain, there are small flats separated by hills. These discontinuous small flats are the main cultivated land in Wuling County.

Officials and nobles of the Han people built manors on these flat lands, and at the same time drove the barbarians who had lived here for generations to help them cultivate them.

In the past two years, in addition to grain, these manors have also planted a considerable amount of sugar cane.

Planting sugarcane will take up arable land, and if there is less arable land to grow food, the output of food will naturally decrease.

After Soochow attacked Jingzhou, and experienced the Battle of Yiling again, successive years of wars severely damaged Jingzhou's economy. In recent years, Jingzhou's grain production has been insufficient.

Otherwise, a few years ago, Lu Xun would not have asked Sun Quan, who had many trilogy, to open up farmland because of the lack of food in Jingzhou.

It's just that the counties like Nanjun and Jiangxia are the main grain-producing areas in Jingzhou, so most of the newly opened farmland is for grain.

But places like Wuling, Lingling, and Guiyang in the south of Jingzhou are not important places.

The Shu Han gang took advantage of it, even willing to pay a high price for things like coarse sugar. Growing sugar cane is much more cost-effective than growing grain!

Coupled with the curved plow, it is most suitable for use in this kind of place.

So these days, who's manor doesn't plant only enough food for themselves, and the rest of the manor is planted with sugar cane?

Anyway, selling grain is selling, selling raw sugar is also selling, of course you have to sell the expensive one!

It's just that the grain production is already low, and sugarcane has occupied at least half of the arable land.

Over the past few years, the owner of the manor has become richer and richer.

But there are more and more people who are starving.

The first to be starved to death were of course the barbarians who had been bullied all the time.

Barbarians are also human beings, and as human beings, they have the desire to survive.

The strong desire to survive made the barbarians restless.

In the eyes of simple barbarians, the first thing that should be destroyed is the lush sugarcane forests under the mountain.

In the past few years, the Han people have wantonly destroyed their homes and planted sugar cane in all the places that can be planted with sugar cane.

At the same time, they kept taking young and strong people from the stockade to help them grow sugar cane.

So this sugarcane is the root of all evil.

After the sun went down, the sky gradually darkened.

The barbarians on the mountain took advantage of the thin night, like cunning beasts in the mountain, and rushed towards the manor below the mountain.

The guard in the manor soon noticed the abnormality and sounded the alarm.

"Barbarians, barbarians!"

The leader of the guard hurriedly climbed up the wall of the village. When he saw the situation outside, he couldn't help but gasped.

Even when night fell, as far as the eye could see, there were densely packed figures all around.

Not far away, a fire soon lit up. It was the barbarian who pushed down the straw stack and started setting fire to the ground.

There are even more barbarians holding wooden sticks, tree trunks, bone sticks, etc. in their hands, rushing towards the wall of the village.

"Let the arrow!"

The arrow feathers flew down, and the barbarians fell one after another, but they didn't make the people behind them flinch.

With anger in their eyes, they shouted incomprehensible slogans, and continued to rush forward bravely.

"Hold on!"

All the guards were not allowed to rush up the wall of the village and defend it desperately.

They knew that if the barbarians rushed into the manor, no one would survive.

What they didn't expect was that the manor had been lit with fire at some point, and at the same time, people were constantly shouting.

"what happened!?"

"Those barbarian slaves who work are rebellious!"

"What did you say?"


At the beginning of August in the eighth year of Jianxing, the Wuxi barbarians in Wuyang County, Wuling County of the Eastern Wu Dynasty rebelled, burned the manor and destroyed the cultivated land. The barbarians in other counties heard about it and responded one after another.

For a while, the barbarian rebellion in Wuling County expanded rapidly, and counties fell one after another, and there was a tendency to spread to Lingling, Hengyang and other counties.

When Sun Quan heard about it, he recalled Lu Dai, who had put down the Jiaozhou Rebellion overnight, and asked him to be stationed in Changsha to prevent the rebellion from spreading further.

At the same time, under the guise of Taichang Pan Jun, he urgently summoned Jingzhou troops to prepare for chaos.

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