Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 790: Expedition

Back then, the third lady of the Guan family and the young lady of the Zhang family fought in a decisive battle at the top of Jincheng. With the support of many heroes, the third lady of the Guan family easily defeated the young lady of the Zhang family.

The young lady of the Zhang family had to retire to Nanxiang in the end.

After the third lady of the Guan family got her wish, she thought that the overall situation was settled, but she didn't expect that the little lady of the Zhang family who was far away in Nanxiang got the secret book taught by the Empress of Han Dynasty.

After several years of hard training, Mrs. Zhang finally achieved something, so she came back out of the rivers and lakes and once again challenged Guan Ji, who had become the wife of the leader.

This time, Miss Zhang not only greatly improved her skill, but also learned the lesson of betraying her relatives back then.

Not only did he use his own advantages to split Guan Ji's supporters, but even in the foreseeable future, a considerable number of people will turn to support her.

This incident perfectly explained what Feng Shui turns, don't bully young people, um, young girls are poor.

Of course, before Guan Ji married into the Feng family, she was able to determine her status as the wife of the Feng family in advance, so naturally she couldn't do it just by relying on her muscles.

Although Feng Huishou had noticed her unusual pectoralis major when he saw her for the first time, this was not the point.

The point is, when she was able to defeat Zhang Xingyi back then, Xinghan would have contributed a lot.

For example, the rumors that Feng Yong and the third lady of the Guan family were a match made in heaven all over the streets in Jincheng were spread by Xinghanhui.

Coupled with the fact that she has been firmly seated as the head wife of the Xinghan Association for these years, Guan Ji naturally knows where her basic position is.

Although just now when Feng Yong said "Xing Han Hui is not a big Han family", she was taken aback.

But after calming down, Guan Ji quickly weighed the information beneficial to her from these words: the Xinghan Society will very likely conflict with the future great Han family.

This is an extremely important message.

Perhaps only the most trusted person is qualified to know Alang's opinion.

In the future, Zhang Xingyi will be the supporter of the big Han family, and the Xinghan Club will naturally be Guan Ji's base.

So Guan Ji said that those families who got close to Zhang Xingyi were actually planning for a rainy day, and put a label on Zhang Xingyi, so as to cut off Zhang Xingyi's idea of ​​getting involved in Xinghanhui in the future.

Feng Yong didn't point to Po Guanji's little thoughts.

Even if my little lord did something wrong, he would have to find a way to deal with the aftermath, let alone such a thing?

He just asked: "Those families are backed by the royal family, Xijun, are you not afraid when you say that?"

"What are you afraid of? No matter how much the royal family supports those families, can they still let them dominate?" Guan Ji sneered, "Didn't Ah Lang just tell my concubine that it is not a good thing for one party to dominate?"

"When the Xinghan Society first started, didn't the royal family support it as well? The queen of our big man is not an ordinary person."

Feng Yong nodded: "Yes, Zhang Jiawen, Guan Jiawu, I have a deep understanding..."

The Xinghan Society stands side by side with the great Han family, the royal family is in the middle and balanced, and the three pillars are the most stable.

From the support of the Empress of the Han Dynasty to the Xinghan Association in the past few years, to the support of the young lady of the Zhang family to the future Han family, the women of the Zhang family are really extraordinary.

"Heh," Guan Ji sneered, "Of course Guan Jiawu is right, but this piece of family text, people used to say it was the third wife of the Zhang family."

"But I don't know, who is the Zhang Jiawen that Alang is talking about now?"

"A girl from the Zhang family, who else can there be?" Feng Junhou yawned and replied vaguely, "I'm exhausted, I fell asleep..."

Guan Ji kicked him bitterly.

Feng Junhou gritted his teeth and held on, pretending that he had fallen asleep and dared not say a word.

Although Guan Ji was quietly plotting at night, when she faced Zhang Xingyi the next day, she still had a deep sisterhood.

After all, the so-called emerging noble families of the big Han are just an idea.

Even in the Xinghan Society, which rose up one step earlier than the emerging prominent families, there is only Feng Junhou who is qualified to be called an important official of the court.

The remaining few can barely be called political stars, and have not yet qualified to enter the court for discussion.

Therefore, what Feng Junhou and his wife conceived at night did not know when and what month it would take to happen.

The present is still more important. For example, the breakfast in front of you is very good.

The millet porridge was boiled to a fragrant paste, and Zhang Xingyi drank it very happily.

The soy milk turned light red because of the brown sugar, and Guan Ji squinted her eyes to savor it carefully.

Feng Yong only drank white rice porridge, although sometimes he wanted to drink millet porridge, but if that happened, he would have to drink another bowl of brown sugar soy milk.

Amei has no such scruples, she can drink whatever she wants, but two tea eggs for breakfast every day are essential.

In the eyes of Hu people, tea bricks are precious things, but in Feng's house, they are just seasonings for boiled eggs.

Holding half an egg in both hands, just stuff it into her mouth, this is a girl who is not picky about food.

Ah Chong is different, he only eats egg whites when he eats eggs, and when Guan Ji is not paying attention, he will secretly pick off the yolks with his hands.

"What a wonderful thing. The children of common people don't even know what a chicken looks like. You are a picky kid."

Guan Ji half regretted and half reprimanded Ah Chong, while picking up the scattered egg yolks on the small dining table of the stroller, and threw them into Ah Mei's bowl.

Ah Mei's face didn't change, she picked up the bowl and ate it.

Someone couldn't bear the sight of the main wife bullying the concubine's room, so he kicked Feng Junhou underneath.

Feng Junhou was stretching out his chopsticks to pick up a bun, but he was kicked so that his hand was tilted, and the chopsticks were directly inserted into another bun.

Feng Yong let out a "tsk", and seemed to disapprove of Guan Ji's words:

"Isn't it just a chicken? You say it like a scorpion. There is some truth to what you said a few years ago. Now, which big man doesn't raise a few chickens and ducks?"

"No matter how bad it is, I have five or six geese. Although geese don't like to lay eggs, goose eggs are not as meaty as chicken and duck eggs, but you can always taste the taste."

"This kid is picky, Xijun, let him eat it by himself first, come on, this is a red bean paste bun, eat it quickly."

Feng Junhou thoughtfully put the wrong bun into Guan Ji's bowl.

"Thank you, Aaron."

Guan Ji, who likes sweets, took a bite and narrowed her eyes again. It seemed that the buns were very tasty.

Feng Yongding settled the chopsticks in his hand, and then picked up another one he wanted.

The continuous increase in iron smelting production over the years has not only benefited the military, but also promoted the promotion of new production tools and farming methods.

Now new production tools and farming methods have become popular in Dahan, and the grain production in central Shu has been increasing year after year.

With more food, the people will be able to raise some poultry and livestock, so agricultural and sideline foods will also be enriched.

Unlike previous years, when the crops were lean, bran was used to fill the stomach and save lives. Who would be willing to use it to feed poultry?

After Guan Ji finished eating the steamed stuffed bun, she turned to feed Ah Chong again, and at the same time said:

"Ah Lang, you are the only one who is qualified to say this. Try someone else? A reputation that doesn't know the suffering of the people can't escape."

"The chicken and duck eggs in common people's homes are all useful, who would be willing to fall into their own mouths?"

"However, thanks to Alang's hard work over the years, the common people of our big man can all eat well, and life is much better than before."

It is a fact that people in Sichuan have started to raise more chickens and ducks in recent years, but it is also a fact that the people themselves rarely have the opportunity to taste poultry eggs.

Because most of the few poultry eggs in their hands were carefully saved, and when enough was saved, they were used to offset taxes.

Over the years, poultry eggs are used for dry food, and poultry feathers are used for blower down jackets, which are considered strategic materials related to the country.

Therefore, the government allowed the use of poultry eggs and poultry feathers to offset taxes.

This policy not only allows the government to solve some of the raw materials that are in short supply, but also allows the common people to keep an extra ration at home, which is a good win-win policy.

As for opening a breeding farm, even if Feng Yong publicized the art of wishing chickens, only the rich and powerful in Shu would dare to touch it, and it was the kind where several families joined forces to share the risk.

And places like Longyou, where the cold time is too long, can raise poultry on a large scale. At present, only the Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion has this kind of ability.

Otherwise, when chicken plague, duck fever, and swine fever come, all the hairy ones will die.

If you have a lot of money, hair doesn't count, so is it a joke?

Ordinary rural landowners and old fortunes dared to touch this thing so boldly that all livestock and poultry died overnight, not to mention falling back into a state of abject poverty, and the family's decline was inevitable.

Therefore, these raw materials such as dry food, blowers, down jackets, etc. really need to be collected with great effort.

Junhou and his wife were talking about people's livelihood, but the secretary next to him had other ideas.

Hearing what Feng Yong said about Guan Ji, the secretary was very happy.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Guan Ji turned her head to feed Ah Chong, she secretly put a bun into Feng Yong's bowl as a reward.

"Over the years, even barbarian lands like Nanzhong have used Quyuanli..."

When Guan Ji said this, her face was full of pride. As usual, she wanted to sing praises to show how extraordinary her family Alang is.

"Don't talk nonsense! What kind of barbarian land is Nanzhong now? Now I don't know how many people want to go there to plant sugar cane! Eat, eat!"

Feng Yong took another bean paste bun, gagged her mouth, and then turned to Zhang Xingyi:

"When you're done eating, go over and give your sister a helping hand, so that your sister can have a good meal."

Zhang Xingyi responded quickly, got up and went to take the child's job from Guan Ji.

Zhang Xingyi was skillfully feeding Ah Chong, and Feng Yong was also carefully feeding Shuangshuang a mouthful of rice soup, and asked:

"The autumn grain that is going to be harvested this year, is it sure that it can guarantee the ration supply of the Hu tribe in winter?"

Zhang Xingyi has really integrated into this family now, even if Feng Yong didn't call the name, several people can hear who he said this to.

I saw the big secretary carefully wipe the rice grains on Ah Chong's face, and replied nonchalantly:

"Brother-in-law, when it comes to farming, besides you, how many other people in this big man can compare with Xu Erniang?"

"After conquering Jincheng, she led people to open land on the east side of the river, which was specially used for planting Yutou."

On the edge of the Yellow River, water was diverted to plant Yutou instead of staple food, because there were Cao thieves on the other bank at that time.

Even if Yutoudi was destroyed, the loss would not be too great.

The only pity is the dropped fertilizer.

Because Yutou does not have high requirements for water and fertilizer.

However, for the Huqiang Xiaowei Mansion, which controls more than a dozen pastures, fertilizer is the most indispensable.

But if they were lucky enough to keep that piece of Yutou land, it would be a big profit for a batch of food for emergency relief.

Looking at it now, Xu Erniang's original decision was the most correct.

"Xu Erniang has already assured me that there will definitely be no problem with the rations of the Hu tribe for the winter this year."

Zhang Xingyi wiped Ah Chong's face clean before showing a satisfied smile. It seemed that in her eyes, this problem was not as important as the rice grains on Ah Chong's face.

But it's okay not to mention the Yutou. When it is mentioned, Feng Yong thinks of the Yutou powder dry food that Xu Xun recommended to him at the beginning.

There is also Xu Erniang, a Han agriculturalist who has a unique feeling for Yutou.

Feng Yong suddenly felt that what his mother-in-law said was right, the people of the Han Dynasty were actually very happy to be able to eat real food.

Although he cried to Governor Zhao about the lack of military rations, but as a highly independent Qiang guard captain, if Feng Yongzhen said that he had no backup, then he would really be blind to the power bestowed by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Food is not enough.

At worst, when frying the dry food of Yutou powder, put two more drops of butter, sheep oil, lard or something, and add more salt.

Feng Junhou believes that those barbarians who have not had enough to eat for most of their lives can't taste the difference at all.

So what if someone could taste it?

Whose food has not been dampened? What's wrong with the taste a little bit?

I do not want to eat?

Do you want to eat bran?

Do you want to eat the whip?

Do you want to eat the saber?

Don't want to eat, just want to eat good?

Then join the servant army, and then accumulate enough military merits to become a real soldier of the Han army and enjoy super-national...cough, superhuman treatment.

Military merit, and only military merit, is the fastest way to cross classes.

Where can I find military merit?

Mo move on the battlefield.

Now there is such a good opportunity, an opportunity to quickly gain military merit: Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion is preparing for the Eastern Expedition, issued a call-up order, and formed the Yi Cong Army.

As long as it is under the rule of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, regardless of Han or Hu, families with conditions can join with their own horses and weapons, and the government will be responsible for the military rations.

As soon as the news came out, Longyou immediately became a sensation.

Because in the past several recruitment orders were issued by the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion, they were selected from specific tribes first, and no one else could join if they wanted to.

Hu leaders want to reap benefits, Hu warriors want to convert their entire families to Han nationality, and Han people want to join the household registration in the Xinghanhui system.

Coupled with the many heroes in Liangzhou, who doesn't know that Nanxiang County, which was rebuilt by Feng Junhou himself, is a holy place for rangers?

The so-called great heroes, for the country and the people, are not without heroes who simply want to follow Feng Junhou.

So there are quite a few people who want to join the Yi Cong Army.

These days, Pingxiang City is several times busier than usual.

At the same time, the pressure on public security in Pingxiang City also began to increase. After all, those who are willing to come to the army to gain a future must be bloody.

What are you looking at?

What are you doing?

There will inevitably be situations where you draw your sword and face each other at the first sight of disagreement.

However, the handling of this situation by Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion has always been the simple and rude way inherited from Nanxiang.

Guys who dare to make trouble on the street are usually greeted by sergeants who appear out of nowhere, and are directly thrown to the ground.

Even if someone wants to rely on their skills, they still have to admit defeat under various methods such as fishing nets with long hooks and poisonous drugs.

A riot on the street is not considered a bad incident, coupled with the current special circumstances, the parties will often be interrogated on the spot.

"What's the last name?"

If you recognize the situation, sign up obediently, and if you want to show your indomitability, you will be greeted with fists and kicks.

Only the leading sergeant sneered:

"Ah Weng, when I was killing thieves in front of the battle, I held the head in one hand to lead the meritorious service, and in the other hand I took the army rations to eat. In A Weng's eyes, what does your bravery count?"

The hero who was beaten until his nose bleeds finally replied: "I also came to join the army."

"To join the army, go to the school outside the city to sign up. What kind of a hero is making trouble on the street? Follow me quickly."

After all, he half-detained and half-delivered the man to the army.

In the camp of the volunteer army, there will be someone to teach them all kinds of rules, if they pass the screening, they will stay, if they fail, they will leave.

The Volunteer Army is also divided into grades. Those who have responded to the call several times and performed well will be compiled into a roster independently. This is the reserve of the Captain's Mansion.

After being recruited, the salary is lower than that of a formal sergeant.

Some of them will be singled out to be the leaders of the newcomers.

This time, whether it is the Modao Camp, Wudang Camp, Cavalry Battalion, Engineering Battalion, or the Guards Battalion and Dark Night Battalion under Feng Yong's direct command, all will be dispatched.

The school field outside Pingxiang City was full of voices.

After Feng Yong returned to Pingxiang, all the soldiers in the battalions of Xiaowei's Mansion Army, except the wounded and sick, began to nervously make the final preparations before the expedition.

The generals in charge of each battalion are all in the barracks, and they obey orders to lead the army at any time.

Even Feng Yong and Guan Ji have been going to inspect the camps every day for the past few days.

The cavalry battalion returning from the battle across the river is the key inspection target of the two.

"Idiot, with the stirrups, don't clamp your crotch so tightly. This is your horse, not your mother-in-law. What are you doing so hard? Use your strength on your waist!"

In the camp of the cavalry battalion, Zhao Guang was pointing at a small group of soldiers and yelling and swearing, swearing and swearing, he was a full-fledged veteran ruffian, with a good skin for nothing.

The repeated battles in the past few years have added two scars to his face. It seems that this guy does not have the perverted evasion attribute of his father.

Yang Wanwan, who led Feng Yong and Guan Ji into the camp, was a little embarrassed and coughed, "General Zhao."

Zhao Guang turned his head and saw Feng Yong and Guan Ji dressed in men's clothes, and quickly changed his face and ran over: "Brother..."

Guan Ji raised her phoenix eyes.

Zhao Guang suddenly had a serious face again: "The last general has seen the prince!"

Feng Yong nodded and pointed over there: "What's the matter with those soldiers? Is there anyone in the cavalry battalion who is not used to the new harness?"

"Hui Junhou, they were just recruited from the Yi Cong Army reserve, but there are only a dozen of them, so it's fine."

Zhao Guang explained, and then turned to tell Yang Wanwan, "Wei Ran, let people continue to train them, don't let up."

Then he personally led the two of them to inspect the barracks.

"Brother, the commotion is so big this time, is it true that they are really going to enter Guanzhong?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense day by day, Zhao Guang couldn't help asking quietly after all.

"Is this something you should worry about? Prepare well, and just obey the military orders. What you should worry about now is whether the soldiers of the cavalry battalion have rested or not."

Feng Yong scolded while inspecting the camp.

In the captain's mansion, only Feng Yong and Guan Ji knew the complete battle plan.

Even if Zhao Guang's relationship is not ordinary, but if the confidentiality regulations should be enforced, it should still be kept secret.

"This crossing of the river is no different from ordinary actual combat training, but there are dozens of casualties, and two or three days of rest are enough."

When Zhao Guanggang said this, he saw that Feng Yong's face was a bit wrong, so he quickly explained:

"Brother, just don't worry. After returning this time, let alone the soldiers in the camp, every horse in the camp has been carefully inspected by the younger brother."

Feng Yong's complexion became better, he nodded and said, "That's what makes sense."

Zhao Guang patted his chest and slapped the stainless steel cover loudly: "Brother, don't you know little brother?"

"I dare not say anything else, but this matter in the army, I am confident that I will not fall behind."

Feng Yong glanced at him and said, "I believe in you because I believe in the eyes of the old general. It has nothing to do with whether you are my little brother or not."

After all, Zhao Guang finally got the recognition of "the first emperor's cavalry", which is no longer a shame to the Zhao family. If even he can't lead the cavalry battalion, then others can't even lead it.

"This time we are going out of Xiaoguan. There is Yueshi City in front of Xiaoguan. Have you forgotten how you lost the title of General?"

Zhao Guang was so shocked by his brother's critical blow that he stared at him with a muffled grunt, not daring to brag anymore.

After inspecting the camp, Feng Yong took the lead up to the watchtower.

Not only can you overlook the entire cavalry battalion from the tower, you can even see part of the layout of the Rebel Army not far away.

Seeing Feng Yong's eyes fall there, Mr. Erlang of the Zhao family, who thought he had endured for a long time without speaking, finally made a breakthrough:

"Brother, are there too many volunteers recruited this time?"

"What do you know? It makes sense for me to do this."

Feng Yong turned his eyes back from there, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The big movement in Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion this time has made many interested people feel that this time's Eastern Expedition may not be as simple as the previous few times.

In the past two years, the Hu Qiang Colonel's Wei's Mansion has been campaigning from east to west, comforting Hu Anmin, and attacking Liangzhou. Although there was no big war, the small battles have never stopped.

Especially after the capture of Jincheng and Xiping counties, Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion began to have formal contact with the Hu people in the northern grasslands.

The original military establishment limit was no longer sufficient to adapt to the current situation. After Zhang Xingyi formally took office as the chief secretary, he won an opportunity to expand the staff for the Huqiang Captain's Mansion.

The official establishment of the army expanded from the original 10,000 to 20,000.

Nominally, the Longyou Dudu's Mansion, which is one level higher than Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, only has a quota of 30,000 soldiers.

In addition to the 50,000 people in Hanzhong, most of the troops of the Han Dynasty are on the front line of the battle with Cao Wei.

This time, Hanzhong is in a state of cautious defense because of the arrival of the Great Han Emperor.

The Longyou Governor's Mansion must not only guard against the four counties of Liangzhou in the west, but also prevent the Cao thieves in the east from crossing Longshan. At the same time, it must go south to reinforce Hanzhong at any time.

Therefore, in this battle, Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion is a strategic mobile force with heavy responsibilities.

Feng Yong understood this truth very well, this time he almost put all the military power at hand on it.

At the same time, the servant army was expanded wantonly, and the young and strong of the Hu tribe were taken away as much as possible.

After all, the Hu people in Liangzhou have a long tradition of rebellion, and they have only been tamed a little in the past two years.

Who knows if there is no strong suppression from Hu Qiang Xiaowei's mansion, will someone make some monster moths?

Walking in the rivers and lakes, safety first.

Dear Huren Davari, it's time to show your loyalty to the great man!

And follow me to kill thieves, and when I come back, I will give you green cards for big men!

At the beginning of September in the eighth year of Jianxing, Feng Yong, the captain of the Han Qiang guard, led tens of thousands of horses, and prepared to cross Longshan and reach Xiaoguan.

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