Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 822 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

"Feng...Feng Wen...Feng Gui...Feng Junhou is coming back?"

Just now in the living room, Li Twelve Lang remained calm even though he was laughed at by everyone.

But now when he heard that Feng Junhou was coming back, his face immediately turned pale, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

The shadow of a person, the name of a tree.

As the eldest son of the Li family who stayed in Nanxiang all the year round, he knew better than anyone in the clan the resources that Feng Wenhe could mobilize.

Among other things, the Nanxiang Exchange alone circulates countless materials every year, from the most bulk grain to the unique wool, wool, brown sugar and other items unique to the Han Dynasty.

Even as long as you have connections, you can get a certificate issued by the Longyou Huqiang School Captain's Mansion, and you can also buy honey wine and spirits that are only available in the Xinghanhui.

Although it can't be sold in the territory of Dahan, it can only be sold to Wei State, Wu State and even Hudi, but it can't stand the huge profits!

The farther you sell, the bigger the profit.

It is said that when sold to the Western Regions, the price of spirits can be dozens or even hundreds of times higher.

Who is not jealous?

Why did Li Mu dare to throw the aristocratic son to the mountain mine in the legendary place of evil spirits in public?

And why dare to force a small family to sell all their ancestral property?

It is because she has mastered the channel for everyone to make money.

Whoever dares to violate the rules is the public enemy of everyone.

Although some people are sad and will call her vicious behind her back, but no one will help the family that violated the rules.

Li Mu alone can be so bold.

It is conceivable what the consequences will be if Feng Wenhe really wants to take action against a family that has declined like his own.

Li Mu is evil and poisonous, if she blows the pillow wind to Feng Wenhe on the bedside, saying that she was persecuted by the eldest son of the Li family...

Li Twelve Lang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He knew very well that it was impossible for the clan to protect itself to the death like that small family that was forced to sell their ancestral property.

It is only possible that the strong man cut off his wrist and pushed himself out to meet Feng Wenhe's wrath.

After all, he is not the only son and grandson in the clan!

Undoubtedly, there are still many brothers who are happy to see him fall into that place of evil spirits.

Thinking of this, Li Twelve Lang gritted his teeth, not caring about being rude, turned around abruptly, went back to the living room, found a seat, and sat down silently.

"Li Langjun, what are you doing?"

The female student followed and asked inexplicably.

Li Twelve Lang arched his hands, with a refined smile on his face:

"I also ask this little lady to go back and tell Congmei that since she is still busy, I will continue to wait here."

The female student said with some embarrassment:

"Li Langjun, Mrs. Mu is very busy."

Li Twelve Lang answered very understandingly:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! If she resigns and is still not free, then I will come back tomorrow."

Facing Li Twelve Lang's words, the female student had no choice.

After all, she didn't have Mu Niangzi's order, so she couldn't drive Li Twelve Lang out of the living room in front of so many people.

At that moment, she had no choice but to respond, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Li Twelve Lang said with a caring face:

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to remind her not to work too hard and pay attention to her body."

"Otherwise, as an elder brother, I would be worried."

Hearing Li Twelve Lang's words of concern, I looked at his earnest and caring expression.

Everyone in the living room couldn't help being stunned.

At the same time, he praised in his heart: Li Twelve Lang is worthy of being the son of the Li family, he is really shameless!

What do you call your younger sister?

Do you dare to call Miss Mu that in person?

After Li Twelve Lang said these words, facing everyone's horrified and contemptuous gazes, he still had the face to smile and nod to everyone.

Finally, he closed his eyes as if nothing had happened, and sat there to rest his mind.

Everyone has to admire this calmness and demeanor.

It's just that in the sleeves that he didn't see, Li Twelve Lang's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his nails had already sunk into the flesh.

After Li Mu learned of Li Twelve Lang's actions, he finally revealed a slightly surprised look on his face:

"This time, he really has some courage."

Then he leaned back in the chair and looked up to the sky for a while, then suddenly laughed again, "No, I'm afraid I was scared by the Lord."

Recalling that he was used by the prime minister to test his current male monarch, the smile on Li Mu's face became even brighter.

Now it seems that I still have to thank the prime minister...

Li Mu thought of thanking the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, and A Dou also felt that he should thank Feng Yong.

Compared with the hard days before, now the palace can use whatever they want, eat whatever they want, wear whatever they want, and spend money however they want.

I don't know how moist the day is.

No, even Xiangfu discussed with him, letting him use the money from the inner mansion to rebuild the North and South Army.

Although the money was a bit distressed, it was worth it.

Also, the empress finally became pregnant again. Although it was the manifestation of Emperor Gaozu, it was also due to Feng Yong.

If it weren't for the medical workers in his family, I don't know if the queen's hidden illness could be cured.

So this time Feng Yong returned to Hanzhong, A Dou decided to thank him face to face.

In the east of Hanzhong, there are still Cao bandits who have not retreated, and Xiang's father led the army himself, so it is impossible to welcome the returning generals on a large scale.

But it is still okay for the emperor to greet the future general in private.

"Feng Hou fought hard against Cao Bandit in Xiaoguan, and rushed back to Hanzhong in this cold weather. It is really hard. Come, come, drink some hot soup to warm up."

In the temporary palace in Hanzhong, Adou warmly entertained Feng Junhou.

"Knowing that Marquis Feng is not used to the food outside, the queen specially sent someone to Nanxiang to hire a cook."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Feng Yong hurriedly stood up.

"Take a seat!" A Dou quickly motioned, "I told you this is a family feast, so there's no need to be so polite."

"Yes, there are no outsiders present, so there is no need to be so polite."

Zhang Xingcai, who was sitting next to Ah Dou, said with a smile.

Feng Yong looked around, except for the queen and Zhang Xingyi, there was no one else.

It's a family banquet, well, that's not wrong.

While Zhang Xingcai was speaking, Feng Yong hurriedly lowered his eyes, on the surface it seemed that he didn't dare to look at the queen squarely.

But at that moment, she and Zhang Xingyi were sitting together from the corner of her eye. The two sisters had similar eyebrows, but their expressions were different.

Feng Junhou lowered his head and repeated silently:

"Adou and I are brother-in-law, this is a family banquet, yes, this is a family banquet..."

Finally, he raised his head and said to A Dou: "Your Majesty, this is what you said, so I will not be polite."

"Why are you being polite? You don't have to be polite. I also want to ask Feng Hou about the situation in Xiao Guan's battle!"

A Dou moved his body and got as close to Feng Yong as possible, his small eyes were shining brightly:

"Feng Hou, you don't know how worried I was when the news that you were blocked by the Cao thief in the east of Xiaoguan reached Hanzhong."

"Even the queen can't eat, what I'm afraid of is that I, a big man, will lose a good minister!"

Feng Yongdao: "Your Majesty and the Empress are worried about it, and I am really terrified."

"Don't panic! What are you panicking about!" A Dou's voice suddenly became louder, "You don't know, when the news of Xiao Guan's great victory came, let alone me, even Xiangfu..."

Speaking of this, Adou himself burst out laughing, "I've grown up so much, I've never seen Xiangfu laugh so loudly."

"That was the happiest day for me. Oh, not only me, but how many people in this man went crazy."

"Not to mention those ministers, even I couldn't believe it at the beginning. Twenty thousand broke one hundred thousand! It's comparable to the Battle of Chibi back then."

"Everyone was afraid that this was fake news, so they ran to Xiangfu and me to inquire about the news."

"After confirming that this is true, many veterans even cried bitterly, saying that the revival of the Han Dynasty is already visible!"

A Dou talked endlessly, Xiaopang's face was shining with excitement.

Although he was talking about Feng Yong, he looked more like the protagonist, laughing heartily from time to time.

It can be seen that this young monarch actually has an ambitious side.

"If it wasn't for the fact that there were Cao bandits in the east of Hanzhong who hadn't retreated, I would have held a celebration banquet. Even so, in those few days in Hanzhong, I don't know how many people got drunk."

"I sent people from the palace to the warehouse of your Xinghan Club, but they couldn't find a jar of wine, hahaha..."

"Those good wines that were going to be shipped to Liangzhou were all cut off halfway by paying high prices."

The more A Dou said, the closer he got to Feng Yong, "Fortunately, there are still a few altars left in my palace."

"The only regret is that when everyone was celebrating in Hanzhong, you, the person who should be there the most, was not there."

"Today you finally come back, and let me be Feng Houhe!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, only to find that the earcup was still empty.

"Why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry up and pour wine for your brother-in-law and Feng Hou?"

Zhang Xingcai pushed her sister and reminded her.

Zhang Xingyi originally hated other people getting drunk, but today is a special case.

She got up with a smile, held up the small wine jar, and poured wine for A Dou first.

Then he turned around and poured wine for Feng Yong.

But seeing that bright wrist like beautiful jade, eyes like autumn water, smile blooming like a flower, he bent down and exhaled like blue:

"Feng Junhou, I know that you don't like drinking too much, but today is different from the past. Let's drink fine wine to honor heroes. Please drink victoriously."

Zhang Xingcai, who was far away, clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Well said, toast the hero with fine wine. If it wasn't for my inconvenient body, I might have to pour wine for Marquis Feng myself."

Zhang Xingcai was pregnant and couldn't drink alcohol. In order to avoid the smell of alcohol, she sat a little far away.

When A Dou saw that the Queen had spoken, he hurriedly continued: "It's very, very, come on, I respect Feng Hou who has made great contributions to the great man."

Feng Yong saw that this was wrong, I didn't even have time to take a bite of the food, you want me to drink it?

This is not the sour wine of the past, but it is an unauthentic distilled wine.

This body of mine is not the body that was tested by alcohol in the previous life. If I drink it on an empty stomach, I am afraid that I will be three points drunk first.

It was just a toast from the emperor, how could Feng Tubie refuse?

What's more, A Dou was sitting next to him, almost hooked up with him, and there was no way he could be lazy.

At the moment, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and swallowed.

Fortunately, this is honey wine, which is still suitable for Feng Yong's taste, and the alcohol content is not too high, so it can stand it.

Just about to grab some food after drinking, Zhang Xingyi on the side directly filled it up:

"The Prime Minister is not here. This cup is for the Prime Minister to respect. The Prime Minister once said, the foundation of my great man has been determined in this battle between the Lord and the Lord. Guanzhong will be taken sooner or later. Please drink to win!"

A Dou's small eyes narrowed with laughter, and he said again and again: "That's right! That's what Xiangfu said, please, Marquis Feng!"


Feng Junhou took a deep breath and drank again.

"This cup is to thank Junhou for our royal family. To say something that is not taboo. Over the years, Junhou has helped the royal family a lot. Please drink to win!"

Zhang Xingyi smiled sweetly, with rolling eyes, and persuaded softly.

Feng Junhou looked up at the beautiful woman: I found that your mouth is quite good at speaking, why don't you get my name of eloquence?

Zhang Xingyi's curved crescent moons seem to be able to talk: why don't you drink quickly?

"Yes, yes, yes! This cup, the Lord must drink!"

Adou continued.

Are you a follower?

What the queen said, you said yes; what the sister-in-law said, you said right!

Feng Yong held back the slander in his stomach, drank another big glass, and then squinted at Zhang Xingyi: "You talk again!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi said with a smile, "After drinking for three rounds, please enjoy it, my lord."

Then turn around and sit back in place.


I can eat it?

Feng Junhou was taken aback.

"Come here! This is the braised pork that I specially asked the cook to cook. Try Feng Hou, is it different from yours?"

A Dou pushed a plate of braised pork to Feng Yong.

"At this banquet, if there is no such braised pork, it will not be considered a first-class banquet."

In A Dou's opinion, this braised pork is one of the most delicious foods.

Feng Yong picked up a piece of half-fat and half-lean meat, put it in his mouth, and then took a few mouthfuls of rice: "It's delicious!"


Finally, there is something to cushion the stomach.

A Dou also ate a few mouthfuls, and then said:

"Feng Qing, after the battle of Xiaoguan, some officials said that Cao's bandits in Guanzhong are really nothing to worry about, and they will return to the old capital, just around the corner. Do you think they can enter Guanzhong next year?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, shook his head hastily and said:

"Your Majesty, this is a way of underestimating the enemy, not the way to know how to fight. This time the Cao bandits invaded with a lot of calculations. If the Cao bandits hadn't underestimated the officers and men of the school captain's mansion, I'm afraid I would have taken it as some people said. Fold under Xiaoguan."

"Although I defeated Cao Zhen's 100,000 army, it was just a defeat, not an annihilation. After the battle, I calculated that there should be 50,000 to 60,000 thieves who fled back from this battle."

"It's better to expect more enemies than fewer. Therefore, according to this calculation, there are at least 100,000 Cao thieves in Guanzhong."

"After this battle, although they are powerless to commit another crime, they should be able to defend the city. Besides, Cao's national strength is strong, and I'm afraid they will be replenished from the Kanto side soon."

In the battle of Xiaoguan, Cao Zhen lost elite soldiers, and the Wei army in Guanzhong was seriously injured.

But that was in exchange for the serious casualties of the officers and men of the Captain's Mansion.

"The Captain's Mansion will probably not have the power to fight again within two years."

The military service currently implemented by the Han Dynasty is a half-professional half-recruitment system. The soldiers who serve are professional soldiers, and auxiliary soldiers are conscription.

The corvee service can be reduced or exempted for the main soldiers, and the auxiliary soldiers have three rounds every three years.

In this way, the combat power of the army can be maintained, and there are sufficient reserve sources of troops.

Over the years, the dependence of the Yi people in the South and the Hu people in Longyou, coupled with the hidden population found out, provided enough soldiers for the big man.

Especially the southern Zhongyi people and some Longyou Hu people are very high-quality sources of soldiers.

They are proud of dying in battle, and they don't want to stay old and sick. This custom makes them not afraid of casualties on the battlefield.

But there is a premise, that is how to make them sincerely surrender.

This premise is solved, and the national power of the Han Dynasty has become stronger and stronger over the years, there are many things that can be afforded.

If you are too anxious, it will ruin the current good situation.

Hearing Feng Yong's opinion, the queen's eyes flashed, she stood up, and bowed to Feng Yongying:

"Feng Hou is a great talent! Feng Hou has contributed a lot to the big man to be able to have today, please accept my worship."

A Dou was listening enthralled, and when he saw the empress like this, he came to his senses, and quickly stood up and cupped his hands and said:

"That's right, that's right!"

Fatty, the answering bug!

Feng Yong didn't dare to accept the emperor's worship, so he quickly stood up and stepped aside.

It was Zhang Xingyi who watched impatiently from the side: "Oh, brother-in-law, sister, you are like this, do you still let Junhou eat well? Junhou, come, have another drink!"

As he spoke, he came over to fill Feng Yong's wine again.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ah Dou said quickly, "Drink and drink!"

Feng Yong's face turned green, and he couldn't help but glared at Zhang Xingyi, what good will I do you if I'm drunk?

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