"Mingwen, have you finally finished talking with your lord?"

When Feng Yong was lamenting Liu Hanzi's bravery and fearlessness, someone behind him suddenly asked.

Feng Yong turned around quickly, but saw a long-faced man standing behind him with a look of joy on his face.

Who is not Zhuge Qiao?

Zhuge Qiao's right hand was holding a child, and he was staring at Feng Yong with wide eyes.

It was Zhuge Zhan, Huang Yueying's biological son, whose nickname was Achi, which means belated.

"Brother?! Why are you here?"

Feng Yong was very surprised to see Zhuge Qiao, but also very pleasantly surprised.

There are many people in this world who are willing to get close to him, but without too much purpose, Zhuge Qiao is one of the few.

It's just that after Feng Yong returned to Hanzhong, he had no chance to meet Zhuge Qiao.

Because he didn't have Hanzhong at all in the past two years.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, Mingwen, you are already famous all over the world!"

Looking at the tall Feng Junhou in front of him, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help saying something with emotion.

Feng Yong laughed and waved his hands again and again: "No matter how famous the world is, I still have to call you brother?"

"But my elder brother is still doing nothing. I am really ashamed in front of you."

Zhuge Qiao said half seriously and half jokingly:

"Back then, I shouldn't have been so embarrassing. If I had followed Li Wenxuan's example and had the cheek to call you brother, I wouldn't be so embarrassed today."

Feng Yong remembered that when he met Zhuge Qiao for the first time, he really regarded himself as his brother, and he felt warm in his heart: "Even if you wanted to pretend to be small at that time, I wouldn't dare to respond!"

After the two talked and laughed, Zhuge Qiao lowered his head and introduced Feng Yong to Zhuge Zhan:

"Come on, Chi, this is Feng Junhou. You can also call him Brother Feng from now on."

"I've seen Feng Junhou, I've seen Brother Feng."

Mrs. Zhuge Zhan bowed to Feng Yong, and then asked Zhuge Qiao with some doubts:

"A few days ago, my mother said that Feng Junhou was the brother-in-law of the Feng family. Why is he now the brother-in-law of the Feng family?"

Tong Yan Wuji made Feng Yong laugh.

"So Mingwen has already met brother?"

"When I first arrived in Hanzhong, I naturally wanted to come to see my wife." Feng Yong nodded and said, "I even told Ah Chi a story."

"There is also Qu'er. The songs sung by the Feng family's brother-in-law and Feng's brother-in-law are even better than those sung by my mother."

Zhuge Zhan quickly added, while looking at Feng Yong with hope.

This brother-in-law of the Feng family told good stories and sang well, it was really Ah Chi who liked to be with him.

"I see."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and then said to Zhuge Zhan, "Ah Chi, I want to talk to Brother Feng's family about something, can you go and find Mom by yourself first?"

Although Zhuge Zhan was a bit reluctant, he still nodded.

Only then did Zhuge Qiao call his servants over and lead him away.

"It's quite smart and cute."

Feng Yong said something.

"Your Excellency also said the same thing. Compared with me, Ah Chi is much more talented, and my mother usually dotes on him."

"My lord, it is often said that Ah Chi has been smart since he was a child, so he should not be spoiled too much. Otherwise, he may be suspected of premature maturity, and he may not be a very important ear."

Zhuge Qiao explained.

Feng Yong was not surprised that Old Demon Zhuge would say these words: "Prime Minister has always been like this."

After all, there is Zhuge Qiao's own example in front of him.

A few years ago, Hanzhong was both a front line and a desolate place, especially when the late emperor died and Shu was in turmoil, Zhuge Qiao was sent to Hanzhong.

Before the Battle of Longyou, if Feng Yong hadn't used the medical resources at hand, Zhuge Qiao would have died of illness like Zhang Yi because of overwork.

After the Battle of Longyou, Ma Di was exiled, Li Hui was about to retire from illness, and the old demon Zhuge started to integrate the land of Shu into a complete body.

It was against this background that Zhuge Qiao left Hanzhong, which had begun to become the second center of the Han Dynasty, and was sent to Nanzhong.

Anyway, Zhuge Lao Yao's son is not easy to be.

Whether you can enjoy happiness is not certain, but you must have a share in suffering.

"Why did my brother come back to Hanzhong suddenly? Could it be that the prime minister has figured it out and can't bear to let you go to Nanzhong to feed mosquitoes?"

Feng Yong asked.

When Zhuge Qiao heard what he said, he couldn't laugh or cry:

"Mingwen, you'd better not say a few words like this, if the adults hear it, I'm afraid it will make the adults unhappy again."

Just now he wanted to bless me.

Feng Yong didn't take it seriously, and said secretly in his heart, anyway, he didn't run as fast as me.

"Brother, you haven't said why you came back suddenly?"

Mentioning this, Zhuge Qiao's face was both happy and worried:

"When I left Nanzhong, there were all news of your death under Xiaoguan. You know, your name, cough..."

Speaking of the name of the ghost king, some people may not care.

But Zhuge Qiao is an honest man, the so-called legend of the ghost king who eats human flesh, drinks human blood, and guards three thousand girls at night, how could he have the nerve to tell it in front of King Feng?

"But the Southern Zhongyi people are not stable?"

Feng Yong heard him mention Nanzhong, and seeing his expression again, he knew what he meant, so he took the initiative to bring it up for him.

"So you already know the plain text?"

Zhuge Qiao was slightly taken aback.

"Brother, Xinghan Club has opened so many sugar cane plantations in Nanzhong, how can I not pay attention to the movement of Nanzhong?"

Feng Yong shook his head and smiled.

This elder brother has nothing to say in terms of character, he can even be called a gentleman, but in terms of flexibility, he is lacking.

Just like the evaluation of the world: talent is not as good as brother (Zhuge Ke), but sexual karma is more than that.

There is nothing to say about any of the county officials, but if you want to go one step further, I'm afraid it will be a little embarrassing for him.

This is probably why the prime minister wants to hone him.

Nothing can be done without grinding!

Taking advantage of the fact that the big man is still a relative of the prime minister, after a few more years of hard work, he might be able to make some progress.

But the talent is there, and greater achievements are impossible.

"It's my ignorance!"

Zhuge Qiao finally came to his senses.

"Although I know that some barbarians in Nanzhong want to make trouble, but the news is not as comprehensive as that of the Dudu's Mansion. My brother is the long history of the Dudu's Mansion, can you tell me about it?"

Although at the beginning Feng Yong used the name of growing sugarcane to confuse people in the Xinghan Association to develop Nanzhong.

But in fact, in recent years, compared with Yuejuan County, the development progress of the other counties in Nanzhong has been a bit slow.

After all, it is much easier to develop the Sunshui River Valley in Yuejuan than to develop other southern and central counties.

As long as the Yi people in the border area between Yuejuan County and Hanjia County are settled, Yuejuan County will have a flat road leading directly to Jincheng.

Coupled with the Battle of Longyou, the Xinghanhui made great efforts.

After these two big projects, Xinghan Club has already invested most of the money and food that can be mobilized, so it is a bit difficult for Nanzhong.

Although there is a five-foot road in Nanzhong, after all, the ancient road hundreds of years ago cannot keep up with the growing transportation demand.

This is also the reason why Yue Yu's development should come first.

Because there are not enough Yunnan horses, how many things can be transported by manpower on the road condition of Wuchi Road?

Only when the ranch and equestrian farm in Yuejuan has reached a large scale can it provide enough animal power for transportation. At the same time, before that, the five-foot road can be repaired first.

For all the above reasons, the Nanzhong sugarcane plantations of the Xinghanhui are basically distributed in the three counties of Zhuti, Zangke, and Jianning.

They are all places that can be reached directly by the five-foot road, and they are also places relatively north.

It can be said that these counties are now firmly in the hands of the big man, and the government orders are issued without any obstacles.

Not to mention Yuexuan County, which has already become one of the basic boards of Xinghanhui.

As for the Xinggu County from the southern part of the original Zangke County, the Yunnan County to the south of Yuezhang, and the southernmost Yongchang County, most of the time they still follow the old rules of the original history.

The Han Dynasty controlled the leaders of the major tribes and the local powerful families, and indirectly controlled the place through these chiefs and powerful families.

This is also unavoidable.

No matter how capable Feng Junhou is, he can't get rid of the high temperature and pestilence in the jungle, mosquitoes, poisonous insects, beasts and birds, and other obstacles.

As for road construction... the infrastructure madmen of later generations will have to wait until they have the strength to do it.

Feng Junhou is even more helpless in this era.

Therefore, for the three southernmost counties, we can only take it slowly, bit by bit.

Feng Yong believes that as long as there are enough interests, those aristocratic families in Shu who have nowhere to go can always be driven to restore the courage of their ancestors to overcome obstacles and expand their homes.

"Zhang Bogong (Zhang Yi) was too impatient. Since he came to Nanzhong, he has changed Li Dudu's previous tolerant attitude and enforced the law strictly against the barbarians, so the barbarians have always been dissatisfied."

"It's just that the Southern Expedition hasn't passed many years, my lord, Yu En, cough, and Mingwen's lingering prestige is still there, so I can barely suppress it."

"I didn't expect the news of Xiao Guan to spread, and I don't know who spread the rumors first. It only said that the ghost king has been sent by heaven, so the stone tablet that the ghost king witnessed back then should also be toppled..."

The so-called stele is the stone stele erected by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty and the heads of various tribes in Nanzhong when they made an oath in Wei County, witnessed by the ghost king who pretends to be a ghost.

At that time, Ghost King Feng had set off a lot of fireworks, which made the Yi people think it was a vision from heaven, so they knelt down and licked it.

So over the years, the people of Nanzhong Yi have cooperated with Dahan in the development of Nanzhong.

However, the Great Han Cheng used Meng Huo and General Huo Aji and other prestigious barbarian leaders in the south to stir up the concept of ghost king.

Finally, use the name of the ghost king to harvest leeks—that is, the ghost king will witness the oath and strengthen the authority of the oath.

Now there are people who learn from each other, and use the way of others to give back to others:

The ghost king will be condemned by heaven, because he has done too many evils, so the vows made back then don't count!

Feng Yong could figure out with his ass what slogans these birdmen would yell after they shouted to overthrow the stele.

Don't you just want to make trouble?

Don't you just want to oppose it?

He can even guess who will be involved in it.

There will be aristocratic families who have lost power in Shu, and there will be those noble families and tribal leaders in Nanzhong who are unwilling to lose their status as local emperors.

Of course, there will be people who have the same thoughts as Meng Huo in his early years: Liu Bei can be the emperor of Shuzhong, but I can't be the emperor of Nanzhong?

"At the beginning, the prime minister's southern expedition was half begging and half begging, or even begging for begging. Otherwise, he would not have persuaded Gao Ding to surrender with his family."

Since care is the main focus, there will naturally be some people who should be killed but not killed.

"It's just that there will always be some people who are lucky and think that the big man dare not kill them."

Feng Yong sneered, "This way of governance is based on Zhang and Chi. Dudu Li was originally from Nanzhong, and he treated him leniently; Dudu Zhang enforced the law strictly, just to let those Nanmans know the laws of the great Han."

"I happened to be plotted by Cao Thief under Xiao Guan, but it was just an excuse for them. Even if there was no such thing, they would turn back sooner or later."

The imperial court's plan, or Zhuge's old demon's plan, Zhang Xiaosi had already explained clearly to himself.

Without finding out those people with evil intentions, how will Zhuge old demon carry out the plan to integrate the complete body of Shuzhong?

Now Feng Yong has every reason to suspect that A Dou and Zhang Xingcai's running to Hanzhong may not have been a bait arranged by the old demon Zhuge for some people in Jincheng.

At that time, as long as there is a rebellion in Nanzhong, some people may think that Jincheng also has a chance...

Of course, this is just Feng Yong's own idea.

As for whether some people in Jincheng have the courage to do so, I don't know.

How did Zhuge Qiao know that there was such a complicated intrigue here?

He only felt a little startled when he heard Feng Yong's words:

"According to the meaning of the plain text, could it be that someone in Nanzhong has long expected that there will be rebellion?"

Where would Feng Yong admit it?

This kind of shady plan will damage the glorious image of the prime minister, it can only be understood, but cannot be explained in words!

He shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother, it is useless to say this now, you should continue to talk about the situation in Nanzhong."

It's true that Zhuge Qiao is an honest gentleman, but honesty is not a fool. When he saw Feng Yong's expression, he knew that he had guessed six to seven points right without saying anything.

Then he went on to say:

"Actually, someone from Nanzhong also wrote a letter to the Governor's Mansion to force Chen Yi people to rebel. In addition, I need to know your exact news, so I hurried back to Hanzhong."

When Feng Yong heard this, he was a little surprised: "Who?"

"Ma Di."

"It turned out to be him." Feng Yong was stunned, "If it was him, it would not be a surprise to have such vision."

After all, he used to be the disciple Zhuge Lao Yao valued.

The place where Ma Di was exiled was Yunnan County, one of the three counties that the Han did not really fully control.

Yunnan County has Yuexuan County in the north and Jianning County in the east. Compared with Yongchang and Xinggu County, it is the next most likely control target of the Han Dynasty.

Ma Di offered to be exiled there, and it can be seen that he does have a certain vision.

"Nanzhong, where will there be rebellion, did Ma Su say that?"

"Xinggu and the second counties of Yunnan."

This is no surprise.

Still the same sentence, Yuejue is the territory of Xinghanhui, and Zhuti County did not rebel against Meng Huo back then, and it is even more impossible to rebel now.

There is Ma Zhong in Zangke County, and Jianning County is the seat of the Governor's Mansion.

Even if it is Yongchang County, it is the same as Zhuti County. When Meng Huo rebelled, he could hold on to the absolute domain and devote himself to Han.

The rest are the two counties of Yunnan and Xinggu.

"If my guess is correct, I'm afraid it was his idea that brother came back this time?"

Zhuge Qiao's face froze, and he murmured, "He made a point, but the main thing is that I want to come back..."

Back then, Feng Junhou was extremely aggressive, beating up Ma Su so much that he couldn't take care of himself, it was the kind that really couldn't take care of himself.

Because after Ma Di was beaten, he fell ill on the couch, and almost couldn't catch his last breath, almost sending his family to the funeral.

In addition to this matter, both parties kept silent afterwards, so others naturally dared not ask the parties in person.

Therefore, in the eyes of uninformed outsiders, the grievances between Feng Junhou and Ma Su are serious.

Zhuge Qiao naturally didn't know the twists and turns, so he didn't dare to admit this in front of Feng Yong.

On the other hand, Feng Yong, when Ma Di was mentioned, he couldn't help but think of the Jieting incident, which was still vivid in his mind.

However, at this time, three years have passed.

Time flies, really.

"Ma Di, is he okay at Nanzhong?"

Feng Junhou asked with emotion.

Zhuge Qiao misunderstood Feng Yong's meaning, he only said that he talked about Ma Di, reminding Feng Yong of old grievances, and wanted to make a fuss about Ma Di.

At that time, you will really be hurting others.

"Mingwen, listen to my brother's advice, let him get over the past. Ma Su has suffered a lot in Nanzhong in the past few years."

"In fact, he still has some talents. In the past few years, he has led the Yi people up and down the mountains in Yunnan County, and personally taught the Yi people how to farm."

"Even Taishou Lu (that is, Lu Kai) publicly praised his talent, saying that he was quite trusted by the local barbarians in Yunnan."

"This time again, he communicated to the Governor's Mansion in advance to let the Governor's Mansion be on guard against someone making trouble."

"With your current status, there's no need to ruin your reputation for him..."

Zhuge Qiao is trying to persuade Feng Junhou, but Feng Junhou is getting more and more strange the more he listens:

"Brother, what are you talking about? When did I say I was going to make things difficult for Ma Di? There is no old grudge between me and him. Besides, I recommended him to be used by Prefect Lu when he went to Yunnan."

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhuge Qiao was dumbfounded:

"You actually have a personal relationship with Ma Di?"

"Ma Di is the prime minister's disciple, so I can be regarded as half of the prime minister's disciple. Isn't it normal for us to have a personal relationship?"

Feng Junhou said confidently.

"Isn't it personal hatred?"

"Brother, you've already said that! Ma Youchang and I are friends of gentlemen..."

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