Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 836: A New Way of Thinking

When Feng Guiwang pacified Jincheng, he deceived Zhang's uncle and nephew who came from one of the largest families in Liangzhou. It was really hard to say.

Xu Miao may not be unaware that Zhang's uncle and nephew actually fell into the big hole dug by Lao Feng.

But does he have a choice?

Impunity is not enough to calm people's hearts.

If the punishment is too heavy, it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the Liangzhou wealthy.

So he had no choice at all.

In fact, if that's all it is, then that's it.

Because Guiwang Feng at most wanted to trick Zhang's uncle and nephew, and at the same time plant a mine between Xu Miao and Dunhuang Zhang's, that's about it.

But I can't help but have a female middle school Zhuge behind him.

This woman's surname is Zhang, her first name is Xingyi, and her character is Xiaosi.

At that time, it was the ghost queen, cough, wrong, it was around the time when Mrs. Feng's family gave birth, and Zhang Xingyi officially took over the internal affairs of Xiaowei's mansion.

After being severely beaten up by King Feng Gui, Liangzhou fully withdrew its troops, and Xu Miao was even ready to die for his country.

Unexpectedly, the Shu people retreated contentedly after eating the surrounding areas of Liangzhou, and did not pursue the victory.

It was really beyond Xu Miao's expectation.

Of course, the Shu people didn't do any follow-up actions.

For example, dumping goods to Liangzhou crazily is simply not treating Xu Miao as a human being.

But even if Xu Miao knew that the other party didn't regard him as a human being, there was nothing he could do about it.

Because all the people in Liangzhou, from the rich to the miscellaneous, are very welcome to the things of the Shu people, and they all gave a thumbs up and praised "Yakexi":

"This brown sugar is sweet, this wine is delicious, this wool is warm..."

There is no way, a bunch of soil turtles, who have never seen the world, how do you tell us to reject this damn sweetness?

If Xu Miao really dared to break the business with Longyou, maybe the Shu people hadn't come over yet, there would be righteous men in Liangzhou preparing to pack food and ride horses to meet the king's teacher.

After Longyou fell into the hands of the Shu people, the nobles in Liangzhou have been vacillating. Apart from wanting to get more benefits from the Shu people, there is another key point:

In the eyes of the world, Wei State is still strong enough, no one knows whether Wei State will regain Longyou.

Until the last moment, with the pissing nature of the aristocratic family, it is naturally impossible to bet easily, or bet on both sides.

What's more, after Longyou fell into the hands of the Shu people, Xu Miao managed to re-establish the communication channel between Liangzhou and Guanzhong through various details mixed in the caravan.

With the continuous infiltration and differentiation of Liangzhou by the big Han, a strange scene of increasingly prosperous business exchanges between Liangzhou and Longyou has been created.

However, under such circumstances, the Zhang family in Dunhuang, which was buried by King Feng Gui, soon exploded.

The Zhang family sent Zhang to Longyou!

This made Xu Miao, who was already wary of the nobles in Liangzhou, even more distrustful.

There is no way, there are more and more caravans traveling between Longyou and Liangzhou, who knows how many connections those wealthy families have with the Shu people?

It was also after Zhang Ji arrived in Longyou that Zhang Xiaosi had a heart-to-heart talk with Feng Guiwang on the couch one night, "Yueren said Tianmao" or something.

Of course, for heart-to-heart talks, talking about the world, ghosts and gods, and so on, Zhang Jiu came to Longyou, so Zhang Xiaosi got a promise from Feng Guiwang that he could properly divert resources.

With Zhang Xiaosi's intervention, everything will become complicated, otherwise, how could Zhuge, the female middle school, be called for nothing?

So the original young master of the Bald Hair Tribe, Bald Hair Tianli, originally wanted to lead the tribe to the east, to seek refuge with King Feng Gui, and to learn from Liu Hun, the Hun, in order to gain a family background.

Unexpectedly, he was humiliated too much by King Feng Gui in the end, so he ran to Liangzhou to join the Wei people in a fit of anger.

There are powerful enemies outside the border, and there are turmoil from wealthy clans inside, but Xu Miao, who is short of manpower, unexpectedly got this elite cavalry from the barbarians. How could he not be overjoyed?

Of course, he is not stupid.

He can believe that the baldness is not for nothing.

That's because Hao Zhao had recruited the bald-haired tribe many times before he was alive, and even drew 5,000 elite cavalry from his clan to support Longyou during the battle of Longyou.

Moreover, in the early years of Taihe, Quying in Xiping rebelled, and the rest of his tribe fled to the West Sea. He was still bald and beheaded the leader of the bandit, and sent it to Xidu himself.

Therefore, in Xu Miao's eyes, the bald department has always been more submissive to Wei.

However, the relationship between the Bald Hair Department and the Shu people is not very good.

When the Qiang Hu rebelled in Longxi, the bald tribe went south and snatched a large number of livestock and population from those Qiang Hu, but in the end Feng Yong was taken advantage of.

It is said that even Shaojun Chang-bald Tianli was forced to kneel in front of Feng Yong's mansion for a long time.

After the Great Wei lost Xiping, most of the Qianghu in the Huangshui River Valley turned against the Shu people, but the bald people still guarded the West Sea, unwilling to fully obey the orders of the Shu people.

All these things, in Xu Miao's opinion, at least the bald tribe is much more credible than the local wealthy in Liangzhou.

If all this is not based on the premise that Feng Guiwang has friendship with the bald hair department, of course it is established.

Just let alone Xu Miao, even inside the big man, except for Zhao Guangguanji who was the first to follow Feng Yong, no one knew about the early friendship between Feng Yong and the Bald Hair Department.

And Feng Yong made things difficult for the bald-haired department, in fact, he was trying to tame the wolf.

So Xu Miao naturally didn't know that the one he was using to guard the gate was a wild wolf that had been tamed by King Feng and then released on purpose.

This wolf still has some wildness in its bones, and it might still bite people without King Feng.

But as long as King Feng is still there, it will only listen to King Feng.

Now Ghost King Feng asked him to watch the door for others...Of course it went there obediently!

Anyway, while getting funding from Feng Guiwang, other people paid it a lot of money.

Doing one job and getting two wages is something that everyone likes.

"The news came from the Colonel's Mansion, I heard that Liu Han...cough, Liu Liang also went to Liangzhou after the beginning of spring..."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong strangely again, and said, "That's fine. Just arrange it at your own pace."

"It's only spring, the snow in Liangzhou has just melted, and the caravans haven't fully resumed their traffic yet."

"The news of the Battle of Xiaoguan has not spread widely in Liangzhou, so we have to wait."


"That's right, just wait."

While talking, Zhao Yun found a place to sit down, knocked lightly on the table, and a cold light flashed in his eyes:

"Wait another two or three months, and the news of the battle of Xiaoguan should spread to every corner of Liangzhou. Then it will be a good time to send troops."

Having said that, Zhao Yun sneered:

"At that time, Xu Miao himself, not to mention those families who secretly have contacts with Longyou, will be beaten to death."

Feng Yong's eyes lit up when he heard Zhao Yun's words.

The old really old and spicy.

Twenty thousand broke one hundred thousand, and Cao Da Sima, the highest-ranking Wei Guojun, personally led the army.

This is undoubtedly a very big blow to the morale of Wei's army and people.

People like Cao Cao had to take a series of measures to stabilize the interior after the Battle of Chibi.

What's more, Xu Miao had just been appointed governor of Liangzhou during the battle of Longyou.

Not only did he not have the opportunity to be kind to Liangzhou like in the original history, but he even had to take precautions against the nobles in Liangzhou.

When Liangzhou is completely sure about the news, and then all kinds of emotions are fully fermented, it is not impossible for Liangzhou to collapse internally.

"And in two more months, it will be the harvest time."

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong and said something meaningful.


Old man, looking at you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, I never thought that you are not a kind person!

It's fine if you don't make a move. Once you make a move, you never thought of giving Xu Miao a chance.

After talking with Zhao Yun about the matter, and then arranged for the students who were well fed and drunk outside, Feng Yong returned to his yard in Jicheng, and the sky was already dark.

Under the dim light from the yard, a woman stood at the gate of the yard with a lantern, waiting for her family Alang to return.

Seeing this familiar scene before him, Feng Yong became a little dazed.

"What are you thinking?"

Zhang Xingyi saw Feng Yong standing not far in front of her, but for some reason, she stopped suddenly, and she took a few steps forward with the lantern.

The light from the lantern revealed the deep thought on Feng Yong's face, Zhang Xingyi asked involuntarily.

Feng Yong woke up from the short memory, looked at the woman in front of him, he took the lantern from her hand, held her hand at the same time, and walked towards the yard with her:

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered the past."


"Well, three years ago. At that time, you were standing at the gate of the yard like this..."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi felt surrounded by a layer of slightly sad sweetness when she thought of her previous entanglement with him, she subconsciously held Feng Yong's hand instead.

"At that time, you were not as bold as you are now."

"Didn't you grow up then?"

"Bah! You have no guts!"

"Heh, do you have the guts? You'll know when you go to bed..."



No matter how good Zhang Xiaosi is in the female middle school Zhuge, there are some things that rely on physical strength rather than mental strength.

After all, she still failed to escape the clutches of King Feng Gui, and was finally taught a real lesson.

In the end, he had to curl up and hide in King Feng's arms.

In the warmth between the two, Feng Yong mentioned one thing:

"Si Niang, when I was talking to the old general today, I remembered something."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Zhang Xingyi hummed lazily, like a well-fed pig.

"Didn't Sun Quan send people overseas to search for immortals? That night, when you mentioned this to me, I said I would give him an article."


Zhang Xingyi, who had been tossed and drowsy, suddenly became energetic when he mentioned this:

"Alang's article, my concubine has memorized it by heart! It's just that the time has not come and it has not been published to the world. It is really hard for people to endure."

As Zhang Xingyi said, he suddenly recalled, "Didn't Ah Lang change his mind and plan to send the article to Soochow now?"

"Don't worry, didn't you tell me to wait until the person sent by Sun Quan has news before sending it?"

Feng Yong shook his head.

"Then why did Alang mention this?"

"I think Sun Quan sent Wei Wenwen and Zhuge Zhi out for almost a year, right? He should be back by now."

Even if it is the conditions of the future generations, people will feel like they are drifting away after a year of floating on the sea.

Let alone in this day and age.

"Okay, my concubine turned around and asked people to pay more attention to the news from Soochow."

Zhang Xingyi nodded.

But she said with some worry, "Ah Lang, no matter what, Soochow is also an ally of the big man. If the prime minister finds out about this..."

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Yong shook his head, "Even if the prime minister knows, he will just pretend he doesn't know."

In the past, Old Demon Zhuge might still disagree.

But under the circumstances that Liangzhou must fall, the big man has formally formed a pincer attack on Guanzhong, and there is no longer any worries.

Not to mention that after the first battle of Xiaoguan, the Wei army in Guanzhong couldn't breathe for two or three years.

If you guard Guanzhong, you must first guard Longyou, and if you don't have Longyou, you have nothing to do with Zhongzhong.

What's more, Guanzhong, where even Anding County has been lost?

Feng Yong understands the truth that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it, but the old monster Zhuge doesn't understand it.

As long as the big man maintains the current upward trend, Guanzhong will be in the bag of the big man sooner or later.

At least in Feng Yong's opinion, Zhuge Lao Yao will definitely launch a huge battle for Guanzhong before dying.

When Guanzhong, Liangzhou, and Shu are connected together, the momentum to strengthen Qin has been achieved.

Although the state of Wei is not the Six Kingdoms, the big Han is also stronger than Qiang Qin.

Because the Hexi Corridor was officially established as a county by Emperor Xiaowu, Qin did not have the land of the Hexi Corridor.

After hundreds of years of development, the Hexi Corridor is no longer a place of barbarians in the pre-Qin period, but a treasure land of talented people and rich products.

But if we really want to reach that step, I am afraid that the relationship between Han and Wu will undergo subtle changes. It is always right to plan ahead.

"Those idiots in the Wu Kingdom are basically like this. They are more than conservative, but not aggressive enough. If you want them to go further, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

With Feng Yong's current record, he has every confidence to look down on Sun Quan.

The State of Wei originally had three strategically important places to control the State of Han and the State of Wu.

One is Hefei, the other is Xiangyang, and the third is Qishan.

Now the big Han has broken through Qishan, but Hefei and Xiangyang have always been places that Wu State can't reach.

Back then, Guan Yu launched the Battle of Xiangfan, forcing Cao Cao to almost move his capital to avoid the edge.

Sun Quan gathered troops in Hefei early, but he was discouraged later!

He even followed Cao Cao's suggestion, voluntarily gave up the most likely opportunity to capture Hefei, and turned his head directly to stab Guan Yu in the back.

Later, as we all know, Sun Quan achieved Sun Shiwan's achievements in Hefei.

Not to mention Xiangyang.

The State of Wei once gave Xiangyang to Sun Quan almost for nothing, but Sun Shiwan could not even hold such a strategic place in Jingzhou, and was later taken back by the State of Wei.

Since then, the state of Wu has completely lost hope of making progress.

"Anyway, whether this kind of thing will succeed or not is still a matter of debate. Even if it succeeds, it can't be done all at once. It has to be arranged in advance, and you have to work hard slowly before you can say there is a chance."

At this time, King Feng Gui talked about Soochow with contempt on his face:

"Didn't the Prime Minister also say that? His intelligence is not good, so he is limited to the river to protect himself. Power cannot cross the river, just like Wei's thieves cannot cross the Han. If you have more power, you will not take profits."

"Since they are more than successful, then find a way to give away their spare energy, so as not to cause trouble for us in the future."

Zhang Xingyi was only limited by the limitations of history, and more importantly, he was too tired from being tormented by Feng Guiwang, so his mind couldn't turn around for a while.

Now hearing what Feng Yong said, coupled with the gradual recovery of consciousness, intelligence immediately followed:

"It's true. Anyway, there are big men watching by the side. Even if Cao thief wants to cross the river, we need our consent."

When she said this, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Cao Rui is suffering from repeated losses in our hands, if he sees an opportunity in Wu, do you think he will take the opportunity to go south?"

Ghost King Feng suddenly trembled!


This little lady, it turns out that you are a wolf!

So it really deserves to be Zhang Xiaosi?

This angle of thinking is really tricky!

I always think that if the big man really wants to become the boss, Wei and Wu will definitely join forces to fight against the Han.

But he didn't think of the famous saying of later generations: the eldest brother fought with the second child, and the third child died.

This is also very possible, isn't it?

If Wu Guo really showed his flaws, Wei Guo took the opportunity to cut Wu Guo's flesh to mend his rotten sores, which would be a way out!

Even if it's not complete, Cao Rui can re-establish his prestige.

As for whether Wei Guo has this opportunity... maybe not in history, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist now.

Whether there is, it depends on how the boss and the second child end up, doesn't it?

Thinking of this, Ghost King Feng was agitated, how could he hold back now? So I couldn't help turning over!

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