After so many years in this era, Feng Yong has fully adapted to everything in this era.

A big man who lives under the leadership of the prime minister cannot become a qualified bureaucrat without paying attention.

For example, to be a prefect of Yuejue, you not only need to know the current situation of Yuejue, but also know the history of Yuejue, and even its origin.

As a captain protecting the Qiang, you have to quickly collect information about the Hu people in Liangzhou, and even the evolution process of the Hu people in Liangzhou history.

If you want to be a good governor of Liangzhou, then you must at least understand its history from the time when Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty opened up the Hexi Corridor and thoroughly dug through the Western Regions.

As the lieutenant of Huqiang and the governor of Liangzhou, Feng Yong was about to smash the two hard-printed "Historical Records" and "Hanshu", which were about Liangzhou and the Western Regions.

When it comes to Liangzhou and the Western Regions, there are three people who cannot be avoided.

One is Emperor Xiaowu, which is a must.

One is Huo Piaoyao, which is also necessary.

There is another one, that is Zhang Qian, which is even more necessary.

As the pioneer of the Silk Road, Zhang Qian is well known to later generations.

In later generations, everyone knows about the Land Silk Road, and some people also know about the Maritime Silk Road.

But there is also a Silk Road, which is less mentioned.

This road is the Southwest Silk Road.

From the records in "Historical Records" and "Hanshu", Feng Yong can infer that this Southwest Silk Road is even older than the Silk Road starting from Chang'an.

Because the "Hanshu" records very clearly, Zhang Qian himself said:

When I was in Daxia, I saw Qiong bamboo sticks and Shu cloth, and asked: How about this?

The people of Daxia said: My Jiaren went to the city of Shendu, which is thousands of miles southeast of Daxia.

In other words, before the former Han Dynasty opened up the Silk Road, things from the Shu region had been trafficked to death.

In order to completely open up the Southwest Silk Road, Emperor Xiaowu sent Zhang Qian to Qianwei County to preside over the southwest barbarian affairs.

Only then did Yelang's arrogance later come, and the big man further expanded his territory to the southwest.

However, there is a but here.

Even Zhang Qian, the most famous explorer in Chinese history, failed to find a direct road from the southwest to Shendu in the end.

During the period of Emperor Xiaowu, who was the most expansive in the Han Dynasty, this matter was not completed, so it goes without saying about the following things.

It is the limit of this era that the Han Dynasty can bring Yongchang County (now western Yunnan and northern Myanmar) into management.

The dynasties and dynasties of later generations basically failed to exceed this limit.

A strong man is really awesome, not bragging.

Therefore, according to Feng Yong's judgment, before the things in Shu land reached Shendu, there should be many hands in the middle.

Of course, there may be two or three trips, or even one or two trips.

This depends on the extent to which the guys in Shu who want money will not die for money.

It's just that with the alternation of eunuchs and foreign relatives in the middle and late Han Dynasty, and internal corruption, for more than a hundred years, from the northwest to the southwest, Hu Yi rebelled continuously.

The Southwest Silk Road is likely to be broken under such circumstances.

Not to mention anything else, just in Southwest Shu, many of the original official roads were interrupted or even destroyed due to the barbarian rebellion.

When Feng Yong was the prefect of Yuejue, the flat avenue from Yuejue to Jincheng re-dredged was forced to be interrupted for more than a hundred years because of the uprising.

If it weren't for the ghost king's aura that has the effect of reducing intelligence and coercion on the Yi people, he would not have known that there is such a road leading directly to Jincheng.

Therefore, apart from the remaining five-foot road, Feng Yong has long given up any hope for the other plank roads and mountain roads that Qin State began to build in Nanzhong hundreds of years ago.

Because it has been broken for more than a hundred years, no matter how good the quality of the project is, it cannot stop the devastation of more than a hundred years.

What's more, it's still in a ghost place like Nanzhong.

Even if you can still find traces, where can you find someone who knows the way?

Unexpectedly, now Guan Ji suddenly told herself that Hualan has the ability to do business in the south!

How could Feng Guiwang not be excited?

He couldn't help calling softly and affectionately: "Xijun..."


Guan Ji hid in Feng Yong's arms, her voice was nasal and a bit lazy, like an extremely docile kitten.

"Well, the relationship between Hua Niangzi and you still looks very good, see if you can..."

Before he could finish speaking, the docile kitten immediately turned into a furry female leopard. Luckily, Ghost King Feng was well prepared and rolled over to escape the fatal blow.


In the dark night, I couldn't see the expression of General Guan, but I could hear these two words were definitely squeezed out from between his teeth.

It's just how Gui Wang Feng is willing to admit that he is shameless:

"Xijun, let's get over this, I just want to ask where she can go to the south, why is she shameless?"

General Guan is not as thick-skinned as Feng Guiwang, how can he have the nerve to bring up the old story of being sold to a garland by that guy?

But there is also a ready-made excuse:

"You are a majestic monarch after all. The property under the Xinghan Society may not be earned by others for several generations. Now you want to take the family property of a little lady of the family. Isn't it ashamed?"

Ghost King Feng gave a "tsk", and said solemnly:

"Xijun, you and I have slept together for many years, don't you know me? Am I such a villain? How could her little family business be accomplished without me? How could I see it?"

If it was said that it was someone else, Guan Ji naturally did not believe it.

But who is Ghost King Feng?

For so many years, he has never been the only one who led others to make a fortune, and I have never seen him make a fortune relying on others.

Guiwang Feng is well-known in this matter.

"Then you still need to know what to do with the southern route? Didn't the cavalry in the previous two years have been able to reach Yongchang?"

Before Yuelu Ranch did not mass-produce Yunnan colts, Yongchang and the second counties of Yunnan still relied on the support of Wang Zhen and Lu Kai (that is, Yongchang Fucheng and Wuguan Gongcao who stood firm in Yongchang when Nanzhong rebelled and refused to surrender the rebels). The relationship between the two loyal ministers in the local area.

Only in this way can we barely maintain the nominal rule of the big man.

It wasn't until the mass production of Yunnan colts in Yuejuan that Dahan's transportation and distribution capabilities to Nanzhong were greatly improved, and coupled with the continuous development of Nanzhong, it was considered a normal connection with Yunnan and Yongchang.

This kind of normal contact refers to the ability to communicate with each other, and at the same time to deploy a small force of troops. As for wanting more, there will be no more.

Unless it is like the Southern Expedition, with the power of the court, regardless of casualties and losses, it is possible to force the army to enter.

"I want to ask her something, if possible, ask her to help."

While talking, Ghost King Feng tentatively crawled to Guan Ji's side again.

"What help?"

Guan Ji wondered.

With the current power of the Xinghan Society in the territory of Dahan, Hualan asked the Xinghan Society for help.

"Help me find some seeds."

"Huh? What kind of seed?"

"I heard that Linyi is rich in rice, which is different from the rice grown in the south of Dahan, so I want her to help me find some Linyi rice seeds from there."

The so-called Linyi is actually Champa, which is the southeastern part of the Southeast Peninsula in later generations.

It was originally Xianglin County in Rinan County in the former Han Dynasty.

In the period of Emperor Shun of the Later Han Dynasty, the son of Gongcao of Xianglin County led thousands of people to rebel, killed the county magistrate, broke away from the Han Dynasty, and established Linyi State.

At that time, the Later Han Dynasty was in a period of national power decline, unable to conquer at all, and could only watch Xianglin County become independent, and it has been nearly a hundred years since then.

Champa rice, the famous star crop, is named after it was produced in Champa.

Feng Yong didn't know if Zhancheng rice came out at this time, but it was always right to hit two shots if there was a date or not.

The two most notable features of the Little Ice Age are the continuous decrease in temperature and the southward shift of isoprecipitation lines.

The so-called southward shift of the iso-precipitation line means, to put it bluntly, that the annual precipitation decreases, making it extremely prone to severe drought.

Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there have been severe droughts almost every two or three years in Hebei, Central Plains, Guanzhong and other places.

Even in the south, paddy fields will turn into dry fields due to insufficient precipitation, and rice cannot be grown.

Champa rice, in addition to its high yield and short growth period, can also grow in dry fields. It is one of the good crops used to reduce the damage of small glaciers.

Hearing that Feng Yong wanted to find seeds, General Guan said hesitantly: "I see..."

It's not that she doesn't want to help, but what happened in Yuejuan County that year made her feel a certain shadow.

She thought for a moment, then suddenly said:

"My concubine once heard that after Lu Dai of the Wu Kingdom pacified Jiaozhou, he sent people to the south many times. Funan, Linyi, Tangming and other small southern countries sent envoys to pay tribute."

"If Alang really wants Linyi Rice Seeds, wouldn't it be more convenient to pass through the State of Wu?"

At this time, the Indochina Peninsula was not the place where primitive tribes gathered as people imagined.

Let’s not talk about whether the small countries that sent envoys to pay tribute to Wu State are weak or not.

Just knowing the item of tribute is enough to show that they have at least entered the era of monarchs and ministers.

"This matter must not pass through Wu Guo!"

Feng Yong said decisively.

Now, with great difficulty, Wu Guo was tricked into planting sugar cane in the south of Jingzhou.

Even if Lu Xun could see the strangeness in this, he couldn't stop Wu's aristocratic families and military leaders who independently owned trilogy from voluntarily giving up the huge profits of brown sugar.

In this case, if Champa Rice doesn't come out, it's okay to say, but if it really will come out, and ask for seeds through Wu Guo, then it's asking for trouble for yourself.

But Feng Yong and Guan Ji have slept on the same couch for so many years, so he naturally knows what she is worried about.

Leaving aside the unholy fate between Guan Ji and Hualan, even if it is related to the secret of Hualan's family business, no matter which outsider comes here, it is also a taboo thing.

"If Ah Lang really wants to know, then I will try to ask."

After all, Guan Ji still loves her family, A Lang. Hearing what he said, she just responded when she suddenly remembered something:

"The concubine is really confused. Alang should ask Amei about this matter!"

Feng Yong was taken aback: "Why did it involve Amei?"

Guan Ji was about to answer when suddenly there was a faint cry from outside.

"It's Shuangshuang and Ah Chong who are crying!"

Guan Ji sat up abruptly, began to grope for the bed to light the lamp, and said anxiously:

"It's been hot these days, Shuangshuang and Ah Chong haven't been able to sleep well."

While talking, she turned on the light and said with some self-reproach:

"The concubine was thinking about going over to put the child to sleep after her hair was dry, but she didn't expect to be provoked by A Lang, but she forgot all of a sudden."

As she spoke, she picked up the clothes scattered in the corner of the couch, put them on in a hurry, then turned around, and kissed Feng Yong:

"The concubine may be sleeping with the child tonight. Alang doesn't have to wait for the concubine. Regarding the garland, Alang listens to me. It's definitely right to go to Amei!"

After saying the last sentence, she didn't explain much, and rushed to see the child in her slippers, leaving Alang alone on the empty couch.

Feng Yong lay sprawled on the couch, sighing: "It really is at the bottom of the family status..."

It's good to leave, just to be able to think about what I just said quietly by myself.

With regard to the flower garland, why did Xijun let herself go to Amei?

Feng Yonggang muttered for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and slapped his thigh fiercely:

"Hey! How did I forget about this? It's really riding a donkey to find a donkey, it's dark under the lamp!"

As he spoke, he sat up and began to look for clothes to put on.

I remember that when we were in Jincheng, the relationship between Hualan and Amei was still very good.

The flower man girl also took advantage of Amei's relationship to come to Fengzhuang every day to eat and drink.

There was a lot of commotion about the Yuejuan Ranch in the back.

In order to be on the safe side, Hualan asked Amei to buy shares at first, and then she had the courage to go to King Feng Gui, expressing that she also wanted to follow suit and set up a private racecourse or something.

At that time, it was a critical period to win over and divide the aristocratic families in central Sichuan. For the sake of long-term interests, some big families had to eat the shit that Feng Guiwang fed to their mouths, and gave money and food to help two barbarians open a horse farm.

It was originally a small stall of two young girls, but it was managed by Feng Guiwang and finally became a listed company.

At this time, the more Feng Yong thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became, and the more suspicious he became:

"There won't be people from the Sichuan family participating in this garland cavalry?"

Hundreds of years ago, the Shu land could sell things to Shendu. As the natives of the Shu land, it would be unreasonable for those aristocratic families to say that they had no way to sell their goods to the south.

No way, that little savage girl Hualan was basically taken advantage of by those old and cunning aristocratic families.

With the help of her connections, those aristocratic families gave the horse team the name of Amei, the ghost king's concubine. Who would dare to stop it?

Of course, it is also possible that those wealthy families who invested in the racecourse believed that behind the flower garland was the support of Feng Guiwang...

All kinds of information are not equal, so it has become what it is now.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong turned over and stayed on the spot, exited the main courtyard excitedly, and walked quickly to Amei's small courtyard next to him.

Ah Mei is really a girl, she is usually silent, but it makes people ignore her relationship with Nanzhong.

I'm afraid she doesn't know now that someone is using her name to make trouble in Nanzhong.

These aristocratic families are indeed centipedes, dead but not stiff!

As long as there is a chance, you can hold on tightly and turn over at any time.

Thinking all the way, he turned into Amei's small courtyard, but saw that the light in the main house was still on.

He waved his hand to prevent the female guard on duty from informing Amei, Feng Yong pushed the door in, and saw Amei lying on the table, writing something with a pen.

"What are you busy with? Still not sleeping?"

Ah Mei heard the sound of the door opening, just raised her head, but found Feng Yong who was coming in, and stood up in surprise and joy:

"Why did the male gentleman wait for the hour to come here?"

"I can't sleep, so I'll come and see you."

After Feng Yong turned around and closed the door, he came over impatiently, picked up Ah Mei, and threw him on the couch.

"Male gentleman..."

"Don't talk, my lord, I am happy tonight!"

If my conjecture comes true, then the big man can control the progress of Nanzhong, and I'm afraid it can speed up the progress.

I'm not afraid of the aristocratic family playing tricks, but I'm afraid of them lying on the spot and pretending to be dead!


How about going south!

"Over there, Hualan, have you been in touch with me?"


"Do you know the specific situation of her cavalry?"

"Concubine...well, I don't know...only know about her, she was earlier..."


"Every three months, I send someone to send a sum of money. I think it's troublesome, so I let her send it directly to Jincheng's Zhuangzi... oh..."

Sure enough.

Amei's dividends are withheld by Jincheng Zhuangzi, and Jincheng's Zhuangzi is now managed by the housekeeper, Uncle Zhao.

For things that Uncle Zhao couldn't handle, he sent someone to ask Madam Feng for instructions.

As for Feng Junhou, he is the one who does big things. How can it be his turn to deal with such a small matter in the mansion?

The most important thing in the Feng family is money, and money is a trivial matter.

Coupled with the fact that the nobleman forgets a lot, he has been fighting Wei thieves in the front for the past few years, and the rear has been stable, so he basically has less control over Jincheng.

What is missing, just ask for it.

Hearing what Amei said now, Feng Yong understood that Amei is also a shareholder of Hualan's cavalry.

Ah Mui is a shareholder, what is the difference between that and being a shareholder yourself?

Thinking of this, Ghost King Feng was even more excited, and shouted: "Seed!"

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