The only lessons humanity has learned from history is that no lessons have been learned from history.

From Guan Zhong's scheme to buy deer and Hengshan in Chu State, to the Dao La oil of the later Bluestar's most powerful country "Look at you", the world's largest grain exporter, to what chips and so on.

Basically the same routine.

When we raised leeks, we were good husband and wife, good brothers, and last but not least strategic partnerships.

Come on, brother, let me tell you, if you produce these things yourself, you have to start from scratch, and the cost is too high.

Not as cheap as buying them from me, I have them all.

If you still think it's expensive, rent it, it's cheaper.

If you want to cut leeks well, it is necessary to make less money at the beginning of the layout, and it doesn't even matter if you lose a little.

In business, is it normal to invest capital?

When it comes to cutting leeks, it is the most basic requirement to pull out the X and be ruthless, and it is necessary to turn your face and deny people.

Competitors are the kind of relationship between the enemy and the enemy, the kind that will never die, come as it is convenient.

It's all to the point of life and death, and you still have to be cheeky?

"The most important thing is to cultivate a group of compradors as the spokespersons of interests..."

Governor Feng emphasized.

"What is a comprador?"

Zhang Xiaosi, who was trying to take notes, asked for advice very seriously.

Like a well-behaved female student asking the teacher a question.

"Those aristocratic families in Wu who have caravan contacts with us are compradors."

Inspector Feng couldn't hold back his glee for a while, so he had to say nonsense, "They can get huge profits from the big man's raw material, brown sugar and other goods, and at the same time, they grow sugar cane in Jingzhou."

"They are the group of people who are least willing to see the big man and the state of Wu turn against each other, but they have the right to speak in the ruling and opposition parties of the state of Wu."

"So as long as we sell grain to them, we can easily induce them to plant sugar cane in Jingzhou."

"Things are really going to develop to that point, Wuhu..."

Inspector Feng let out a strange laugh.

"Don't laugh like that, it's weird!"

Guan Ji slapped Inspector Feng and said angrily.

Then I thought about it again, and said with some doubts, "It's a good plan, but will those people in Wu be fooled?"

Zhang Xingyi also looked over and could see that she had the same question as sister.

Governor Feng said earnestly:

"You guys are still too young to see through the essence of these so-called schemes."

"In fact, these things play with people's hearts, so tricks are not too old, as long as they are useful to people's hearts."

The leftovers from Guan Zhong’s play, after thousands of years, “Look, sister” will continue to play, isn’t it still a joy to play?

Standing on the sidelines, or pointing out the trick, I feel it is very simple, and I feel that I will not be fooled if I feel that I am involved in it.

But if you really become a party, you may not be better than others.

Because those who can get away with breaking this situation are either the lucky ones favored by heaven, and the rest are only those with great perseverance, great wisdom and long-term vision.


"Tai Shigong made it very clear a long time ago: the prosperity of the world is all for profit; the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit."

"If people like the family can give up such a big benefit, can they still be called the family?"

A giant like a big man can be packaged and sold by aristocratic families, not to mention the two countries of Wei and Wu, who are doing their best to pamper the aristocratic families.

What's so strange about selling it again?

The price is negotiable.

Although the big man is suppressing the aristocratic family, it is only suppressing the conservative family.

If you don’t believe me, don’t you look at the sixth house of the Li family in Sichuan, the He family, the Li family in Longyou, and the Zhang family in Dunhuang, don’t they all live happily?

As long as you play according to the rules of the big man, everything will be fine.

Can a family that grows sugar cane and sells brown sugar be called a conservative family?

It must be called a transformational family, right?

Everything is very reasonable.

The more Zhang Xiaosi listened, the brighter his eyes became, his hands kept swishing, and he quickly wrote down these words.

General Guan, on the other hand, pushed Ghost King Feng in dissatisfaction:

"Before you said that you should never say these things in front of your children, but now you are going too far than me!"

Zhang Xiaosi immediately glanced at Governor Feng.

Inspector Feng gave a "tsk", and said plausibly:

"What do you know? I call it the strategy of governing the country, but what you said earlier is called the strategy of trickery, can it be the same?"

"I don't understand these things! Anyway, from my point of view, they are all the same thing."

This is unreasonable...

I saw Governor Feng glanced at General Guan, and said slowly:

"The Feng family's handed down books, don't they talk about these ways of governing the country? Anyway, children will have to learn in the future. Let's talk about it now, what's the matter?"

The Feng family's handed down book at the bottom of General Guan's box is a secret treasure that he intends to leave to the descendants of the Feng family.

Hearing what Feng Cishi said, she immediately looked at the note in Zhang Xiaosi's hand.

Zhang Xiaosi reacted very quickly, immediately put the notes behind him, and stood up:

"Sister, brother-in-law, I suddenly remembered. This morning, the secretariat sent a note to the inner courtyard, saying that the message was sent by Yuexuan. I'll go and have a look first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Guan Ji to speak, she ran away with her notebook in her arms.

Guan Ji was so angry that she gritted her teeth and vented her anger on Feng Guiwang. She lifted a small piece of skin on him with two fingers, and savagely said:

"Don't teach her these things again in the future! Family heirlooms can only be passed on to the descendants of the Feng family!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Feng Guiwang was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and the old god said on the ground, "How can such things be learned in a short while?"

"Do you know what productivity and production relations are? Do you know what the relationship between economic base and superstructure is?"

General Guan blushed, she understood every word, but she couldn't connect them together, so she became angry from embarrassment: "Speak human language!"

"For example, everyone in the world knows that tickets are good things and are made of paper, but they just want to make them. Can they be made?"

"Well, even if they know how to choose paddle materials, know how to make ink, and know how to print tickets."

"But after it's printed, how do people recognize the bill? Do they know? This is the fundamental."

Feng Guiwang was eloquent, and General Guan listened very carefully.

Although she still can't understand.

But as long as she knows that her family heirloom is so powerful, that's enough.

After listening to Feng Guiwang's bragging, General Guan was satisfied, and began to ask with concern:

"Si Niang said that there is news from Yue Yu, do you want to go and see?"

"What can happen to Yue Yu? At most, it's just a little more food."

King Gui of Feng said indifferently, "How much money did the Xinghan Society invest in Yuejue, so that the people of Yuejue can live like this?"

"Let's not mention the entire Shu land. Over the years, the imperial court has not treated the people badly, right? Dividing the fields, borrowing cattle for farming, and borrowing grain for planting, just so that the people can have a good meal."

"Now the imperial court just wants to buy more food from them, and it's not about raising taxes. What big things can happen?"

Over the years, although the weather in Dahan has not been smooth every year, it is an indisputable fact that the grain production has reached new highs every year.

Not only the promotion of new farming methods and new production tools, but also the imperial court has never stopped building water conservancy over the years.

Not to mention Dujiangyan, not to mention Yuexuan Sunshui River Valley, even the Shanhe Weir in Hanzhong has been continuously built over the past few years, and now it can irrigate nearly one million mu of fertile land.

Shanhe Weir is the earliest irrigation project built in Hanzhong when Emperor Gaozu was the capital of Nanzheng, and it is also the most important irrigation project in Hanzhong.

Therefore, the grain produced in Hanzhong can not only supply the army stationed in Hanzhong, but also send some of it to Longyou.

There are four artificial irrigation projects in the world: Zhengguo Canal and Baigong Canal in Guanzhong, Dujiangyan in Shu, and Shanhe Weir in Hanzhong.

Therefore, Guanzhong and Shu are both lands of abundance.

Although Sima Yi is now starting to farm in Guanzhong, Guanzhong has been defeated for a long time, and it will take two or three years to recover.

What's more, Guanzhong is now the front line of the struggle between the Han and Wei dynasties. Even if Sima Yi's farming skills are full, it is impossible to compare with the Dujiangyan rear.

Of the four major irrigation projects, Dahan accounted for half of them. In addition, the Sunshui River Valley in Yuejuan County, the second largest plain in Shu, was developed in advance.

With advanced farming methods and production tools, a lot of grain can be squeezed out with just a squeeze.

This is where Feng Guiwang's confidence in selling grain to Jingzhou lies.

After all, now that Liangzhou is in hand, with green storage towers and grasslands, it must be the trend of big men to farm with large livestock instead of manpower.

As long as you really win Guanzhong and work hard for a few years, you really have to consider things like cheap grains hurting farmers.

After all, the mode of production has improved, the grain output has increased, and the population has declined. Who will eat this grain?

Of course, this is on the premise that the big man took Guanzhong.

As for now... it can only be bought at a high price.

The weather vane of Dahan's grain price, the price of grain at the Nanxiang Exchange, has already exceeded two hundred yuan.

In fact, this red line was crossed with Feng Yong's acquiescence.

The copper mine in Nanzhong has officially produced copper. Coupled with the printing and distribution of notes, Dahan's economy has improved over the years. If there is no inflation, it is self-deception.

So letting the food price slightly exceed 200 Wen at this time can make some people relax their vigilance and make them more courageous.

As for leeks, remember to loosen the soil and water some after cutting, otherwise how can you make them grow again quickly?

Therefore, Feng Junhou is very sure: there will definitely be many people willing to sell grain worth more than two hundred yuan.

"My lord, my lord, I heard that the warehouse is collecting grain, and it costs two hundred and thirty dollars. Will our family sell it?"

In a village on the edge of the Sunshui River Valley in Yuejuan County, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy was carrying a satchel across his shoulders, and the satchel was bouncing rapidly on his buttocks.

The sound of "pop" shows the anxiety of the owner of the satchel.

He ran barefoot all the way, and just as his black-gray left foot covered with mud crossed the threshold, the baby loudly told his parents the news.

"There is still more than a month before the wheat can be harvested. Where can the family get surplus food now?"

The baby's adult was not at home, but the woman who was busy in the silkworm room heard the child's voice and hurried out to stop her own child's yelling:

"When you come back, go get some water and prepare for dinner. Just study hard in school, and you don't have to worry about family affairs."

The woman was dressed in linen clothes. Although they were a little old, they were clean.

Although his face was a little tired, his eyes were shining brightly, which was the hope for life.

Because this year's silkworms look better than last year's.

With these silkworm seeds, Shu Xiu, whose child goes to school, doesn't have to worry about it, and can even add some meat to the family during the Chinese New Year.

Because there are pastures in Yueyi, the family can also rent cattle from the government to grow some land.

Therefore, the food at home is not only enough for the family to eat, but there will be some surplus.

However, the experience of starvation in the past few years has made women regard food as their life, and it has almost become an instinct to carefully store excess food.

It is impossible to sell.

The woman's family was originally a tenant for a wealthy family in Guanghan County. In the year when Feng Junhou pacified Yuexuan County, the main family said that the court would not allow so many people to be raised, so the family was kicked out.

Finally, he was placed in Yuexuan by the imperial court.

I thought this was a barren land, but I didn't expect that under Feng Junhou's governance, I could still get a field.

Later, Qiongdu built a school.

Although Feng Junhou has left Yuexuan, everyone's life is getting better and better because of his legacy.

In many newly established villages, primary schools will be built around a certain location.

Children from a few or a dozen nearby villages can go to school as long as they are registered households.

Shuxiu is definitely needed, and it's not too cheap, at least one year's output of a silkworm farm.

But fortunately, Xinghan will vigorously develop mulberry and sericulture in Yuejuan, and the silk produced in Yuejuan is much better than other places.

With the prosperity of the sericulture industry, almost every household in Yuexie County has a silkworm room.

A housewife who raises silkworms for one year can send her children to school, which is like a dream for Cangtou Guishou.

More importantly, if the child lives up to expectations, he can be recommended to study in a school in Qiongdu.

That means that this family will cross the Qianshou class and enter the ranks of wealthy families.

Because the students who come out of Qiongdu Academy are at least the stewards of Xinghanhui's industry.

If the child is more competitive and can be sent to Nanxiang School, it means that he has officially turned himself over and became a scholar-official class.


There are too many ifs and too many opportunities, which fill the hearts of the Yueju people with hope.

Just like this woman, although it is a bit more tiring, she is willing.

Every day before dawn, children from each village gather together at the entrance of the village and walk together to the school several miles or even ten miles away, which has become a special landscape in Yuejuan County.

The beginning of all these changes began with that Feng Junhou.

People in Yuejuan now call the mulberry trees planted in front of their houses Feng Sang.

Because I heard that this kind of mulberry tree was a mulberry tree that Feng Junhou spent a lot of money to find that can raise good silkworms.

And it was also Feng Junhou, who tried his best to let the people raise one more season of silkworms in a year.

Therefore, the silkworm of Yuejuan is also called Fengcan.

Even the silkworm seeds are lent by the government to the people, and they will be repaid after the cocoon is formed-this is also Feng Junhou's strategy for governing Yueyu.

Before Feng Junhou ruled Yuexie, not to mention the heads of Guizhou, rich people wanted to raise silkworms, and silkworm eggs alone were a problem.

Unlike now, a woman can give the family hope of turning around.

Schools are places for literacy, and literate children are one of the channels for disseminating various information to family members.

Only this time, the children who brought the news home did not get the expected feedback.

He responded sullenly, carefully put away his schoolbag, then picked up the pole, and prepared to fetch water from the well in the middle of the village.

"This child, so impatient? Aren't you tired after studying in school for a day? There is still half a steamed pancake left on the table, fill your stomach first, otherwise where will you get the strength?"

Wealthy people have now started to eat three meals a day.

But common people, how can they be so particular?

To be able to send children to school is already doing their best.

So basically two meals a day.

Compared with before, the biggest difference is that I can eat a full stomach.

The child gets up early to go to school, and the breakfast is basically left over from last night.

Or add some water, boil it into porridge, and eat some preserved vegetables, pickled vegetables or something.

Until after school, when I get home, I have dinner.

"Mom, I'm not hungry, let's eat together at dinner."

The child swallowed, but shook his head in response.

The family can eat steamed cakes once or twice a month.

So where is the rest of this half steamed cake?

It must have been left for him by his parents on purpose.

The child didn't wait for his mother to speak again, so he picked up the empty bucket and walked out the door.

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