Martin walked towards Li Ming holding two bowls.

Li Ming didn't bother to get up, so he just stretched out his hand to ask for it.

But Martin took his hand back again, and looked at Li Ming, who looked a bit wandering:

"Did you wash your hands?"

Li Ming smacked his lips, signaling the saponin powder not far away:

"If I eat without washing my hands, I will deduct my work points?"

The white disaster in Liangzhou last year almost caused a wave of refugees in Liangzhou.

Fortunately, Feng Langjun's gold-lettered signboard is strong enough, coupled with Feng Shishi's business in Longyou in the early years, he raised money here and there.

That's why he can barely lead the people of Liangzhou to tide over this difficulty.

Although Cao Cao sent Xia Houyuan to pacify Liangzhou a few years ago, the local rebellion in Liangzhou has never stopped over the years.

The consequence of long-term turmoil is that a large amount of land has been abandoned.

In addition, most of the Qianghu in Liangzhou are half-cultivating and half-grazing. If they don't cultivate land, they can survive if there are enough cattle and sheep in the clan.

As a result, even in a short period of stability in Liangzhou, the speed of farming recovery was far slower than that in the Central Plains.

Until Feng Langjun came from the south.

He brought a brand-new concept that the great Han regards the Han and barbarians as one, and also brought the advanced farming methods of the Shu land.

He is a benevolent person in the eyes of the barbarians.

Under his leadership, the Han and Hu people who could not survive the white disaster began to build water conservancy and reclaim wasteland.

When Liao Hua, the new head of Liangzhou governor's office, arrived, he also brought a batch of food.

Finally, the problem of food shortage in the governor's mansion was completely alleviated.

The remaining shortage can be solved by Dongfeng Express slowly transporting grain from Shu.

Coupled with the market adjustment function of the Nanxiang Exchange, and the food obtained by Governor Feng in Liangzhou, it is enough to support the governor's government to carry out labor-relief in a leisurely manner.

The open fields are equally divided between Han and Hu people, which is very fair.

It's really fair.

Because of the PY deal between Governor Feng and the Liangzhou family, the grassland needs a lot of herdsmen, and the workshop needs a lot of handymen.

The Han people are naturally more attached to the land.

But it is easier for Hu people to get started with livestock.

The implicit regulation of the government can make Hu people more inclined to enter pastures and workshops.

Scholars like Martin and Li Ming who came to Liangzhou to take the exam, the first step was to participate in this work-for-relief.

The infrastructure project of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion is different from the traditional corvee organized by the government.

Civil servants are just like in the army, ten people make a team, fifty people form a team, a hundred people form a village, etc.

What Ma Tian and Li Ming had to do was to lead the civilian husbands assigned to them to complete the tasks assigned to them by their superiors on time to repair canals or open up wasteland.

Of course, taking the exam and becoming a foreman, this change of status is too great, and many scholars still reacted very strongly.

But with Zhang Xiaosi in the Governor's Mansion, he was naturally prepared.

With Feng Cishi's current status, coupled with Feng Langjun's unique special skill of "clever speech and color", he is not afraid of arguing with literati at all.

The phrase "build a heart for the world, build a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations" is enough to make scholars all over the world shut their mouths obediently.

However, "leading a hundred men to rule a canal but not being able to rule the world?"

Since you have the ability, prove it!

It's not that I don't give you a chance to prove it.

The exam is your chance to prove that you can be a shepherd.

As long as they can complete the tasks assigned by the governor's office, someone will record the work points.

If you accumulate enough work points within three months, you will be able to pass the first stage of the exam.

It means that you already have the most basic herding ability.

Of course, if you perform well and save enough work points in advance, you can also pass the exams for the first three months in advance.

But this is not an easy task.

Because a scholar must at least lead a centurion, not only must he know how to coordinate and distribute, but also how to organize people.

At the same time, scholars have to constantly sum up experience and complete tasks as soon as possible.

Also know how to resolve disputes.

After all, the common people are not robots with no emotion, and they are a mixture of Han and Hu, so some contradictions are inevitable in daily life.

How many years has the Nanxiang engineering team been engaged in?

How many people can do so much earthwork, is there anyone in the world who knows better than them?

The tasks that are assigned according to the number of people are all assigned by pinch.

If you want to fool, it must be impossible to complete.

If it is done step by step, at most it can barely be completed.

Only those with at least some ability stand out.

If that's all, that's all. In the first stage of the exam in Liangzhou, there is actually such an operation as deduction of work points.

Such as defecating anywhere, not washing hands before meals, and many other rules.

Not only scholars have to take the lead in obeying, but also pay attention to make the civilian husbands they lead also obey.

"I really didn't think about it before, but it's just leading hundreds of people, it's so difficult."

Li Ming took the Lu bean soup handed over by Martin, took a sip, and then said something with emotion.

Although it was a bit of complaint, but the tone was obviously a little smug.

Much has changed since the beginning.

the reason is simple.

Such a strict and thorough examination can only show that the Governor of Liangzhou was well prepared.

In other words, the examination and selection of talents is far more serious than imagined.

It turned out that some people in Sichuan who were worried that this move was to appease the aristocratic families in Liangzhou were secretly relieved.

As for Martin and Li Ming, because of their outstanding performance, they already have more than 300 civilians under their command, and they are basically determined to pass the first stage of the exam.

As long as they submit a policy theory that they can see through their eyes, they can advance.

"If you don't know the complicated affairs of the world without bowing your head, who can't talk about governing the world?"

Martin also sat down beside Li Ming, holding a bowl and answering with emotion.

After drinking a bowl of Lu bean soup, the dryness and heat on his body seemed to be reduced. Li Ming asked:

"I heard that in the past two days, in order to catch up with work, some peasants had to work in the scorching sun at noon, which caused several people to suffer from fever. What happened in the end?"

Martin is far better at dealing with others than Li Ming, and can often inquire about information that others do not know from some channels.

He only heard him reply:

"It is said that the qualification to manage civilian husbands has been suspended. How to deal with it in the end depends on the news from the governor's office."

As Martin spoke, he shook his head:

"When the Han Dynasty returned to Liangzhou, it was necessary to pay attention to buying people's hearts. In my opinion, the construction of water conservancy and the reclamation of wasteland this time have exactly this intention."

"If this matter gets out and is used by someone with a heart, it can't be said that it will damage the reputation of the Governor's Office. Therefore, in my opinion, the Governor's Office must handle this matter carefully."

Every day at noon, the civilian husband should be allowed to rest for an hour. This is the rule set by the governor's mansion.

Because civilian husbands only eat two meals in the morning and evening, at noon they can drink some Lu bean soup at most to relieve the heat.

But what they do is heavy physical work, so naturally they can't be forced too much.

The two were chatting, and there was a burst of cheers not far away.

Then came Yiyi Yaya's singing faintly:

"My concubine, that's the first time I get paid, I just fold the flowers, that drama in front of the door..."

Li Ming sighed and asked Martin:

"Tell me, what would Governor Feng think if he heard that his poems were changed into this way?"

Martin didn't care about it, he laughed:

"Inspector Feng may not be ignorant of this matter. Since no one stopped it, it means that the superiors acquiesced."

As he said that, he winked, "When it's too hot to rest, let the folks listen to these songs, which can boost their morale."

Li Ming smiled wryly.

As a scholar, hearing that a famous poem was messed up by an actor and sang it to the folk husband, it is so embarrassing.

However, the folks below don't have much entertainment on weekdays, so after a long time, it is a bit too depressing.

So the actor from the construction site appeared.

Either rap or storytelling.

The words are messed up, and the singing is even more messed up.

But those civilian husbands like to listen to this tune.

Every lunch break, no need to arrange, they will vacate their seats and wait for the actors to appear on stage.

To Li Ming's ears, it was bad.

But in the eyes of civilian husbands, it is something to look forward to.

They are all vulgar and mud-legged people, and they don't know a single word. Who can understand those elegant songs?

Therefore, the more blunt the rap and storytelling, the better, and the more vulgar the better.

It's just that the vulgarity is excessive, and sometimes it is a bit excessive.

So when he heard that Xiaolongnv had been defiled by that Cao who specialized in obscene sacrifices for a living, the tense and helpless civilian husband suddenly went into an uproar.

But I saw a man standing up abruptly, cursing angrily:

"Zhuzi dare!"

While cursing, he threw the clod of dirt in his hand at the storyteller.

Unexpectedly, the storyteller had been prepared for a long time, he got short and nimbly got under the table.

The clod flew back and fell directly into the crowd behind.

I don't know which unlucky ghost I hit, I only heard a scream, and then another curse: "You bastard!"

He was already angered by the storyteller, but at this moment, everyone sitting in the shed became a little agitated.

"What are you doing?!"

But seeing a few guards guarding the door of the shed, a few stewards shouted, "You don't want to hear it, do you?"

The shed immediately fell silent.

"I have food, drink, shelter, and can listen to books. Where can I find such a day? What are you doing? If you don't want to listen, go to work!"

The storyteller poked his head out from under the table to confirm that he was safe, then stood up again, and then wiped his cold sweat.

This is not the first time he has encountered such a situation.

The steward signaled the storyteller to continue.

Then, after sitting down again, he muttered a curse:

"Why is it that Guo Jing can marry someone who is like Huang Rong, but when he comes to Yang Guo, it is full of hardships..."

Another steward interjected: "That's right, that Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is not a son of man! If he stands in front of me now, I must slap him a few times!"

"That's right, not only do you have to smoke, but you also have to make him correct it. If the reform is not satisfactory, then continue to smoke! Smoke until he is satisfied!"

A few bosses in charge were slapping someone's big mouth lustfully, while discussing how to modify it to be satisfied.

It wasn't until the sun turned slightly outside and it became cooler that he got up and greeted:

"It's time, pack up and get ready to work."

Everyone sighed in unison, but got up reluctantly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, finish the work, and the Xian'er club will come over for dinner!"

Then there was an uproar.

Everyone's reaction was even more exciting than Xiaolongnv being defiled by the prostitution sacrifice.


"Do you really want to come over?"

"What's the use of lying to you? They were at the construction site in the north a few days ago, and now it's our turn."

"Very good!"

"You know it's good, why don't you hurry up? The construction site in the north is doing well, and the Xian'er Club has sung for five nights. If we don't do well here, we might as well leave tonight."

"do not!"

"Work and work!"

Probably due to the influence of the Xinghan Association, the big man has quietly raised a trend of starting an association.

Especially in Nanxiang, due to the increasing number of coolies on foot, the clique with the Zhongyi Temple as the center of activity also naturally emerged.

Although the name of this Fairy Society is good, it is actually a rap group composed of several actors.

There are many rap groups in various infrastructure construction sites in Liangzhou, performing folk art for folk husbands, and Xianer Society is one of them.

There are two girls in this club. I heard that they are from the Western Regions. They are really good looking. Most importantly, they are good at belly dancing.

That small waist, tsk tsk!

Anyway, in the eyes of the peasants, he looks like a fairy.

There must be some heels, otherwise this kind of graceful and talented woman would have been hidden in the backyard by someone.

Legend, just a legend, someone specially transported a group of girls who are good at dancing from the Western Regions, and originally wanted to give them to Governor Feng.

Unexpectedly, Feng Cishi is an upright person and doesn't like women, so he sent them to Nanxiang to learn singing and become actors.

This fairy society is said to be related to those women.

I don't know if it's true or not, but it's true that the folks are so excited to see it.

After all, I used to face the loess and back to the sky, and I went home at night to see the yellow face.

How can there be such entertainment activities?

Therefore, the storytellers and rappers really encouraged the folk husbands not so high, which greatly reduced the burden on the grassroots management personnel on the construction site.

Because both the Han Dynasty retaliated against obscenity and obscenity.

Therefore, such actions can also make the general public realize the dangers of the obscene sacrifices.

For example, Cao, who defiled Xiaolongnv, has been hated by the common people all year round.

The first half of Lite's ten years was probably one of the few peaceful days in these years.

Last year, Ji Han and Cao Wei fought a big battle, and they both needed to take a good breath for two or three years before they could recover.

And there are many things going on within the two countries.

For example, Ji Han needs to digest Liangzhou well, and at the same time mobilize a large amount of grain to be transported to Liangzhou.

As for Cao Wei, the most important thing now is to strengthen the defense of Guanzhong.

Probably because Cao Rui has been really unlucky these years.

Compared with A Dou who was happy with the prince in Hanzhong, Cao Rui's newly born daughter Cao Shu died in February.

Cao Rui didn't have many children, two of his sons died young, and now there are only two daughters and one son left.

Now that another daughter has passed away, Cao Rui couldn't help feeling extremely sad, so he issued an order to establish a temple in Luoyang and buried it in Nanling.

He not only stopped the court to personally attend the funeral, but also asked the ministers of the court to cry for the funeral.

This made many courtiers very dissatisfied.

Because Cao Shu was still an infant, it would have been more customary to establish a temple in Luoyang and be buried in Nanling.

But this is a royal matter, so it's hard to talk about it.

But it would be too deceiving to hold up plain clothes and cry day and night.

Chen Qun, the only auxiliary minister staying in Luoyang, couldn't help admonishing him:

"When I died at the age of eight, I was not prepared for the etiquette. What's more, it's not a month? I gave it as an adult gift and added it as a uniform, but I went to see the mausoleum and visited the ancestors in person. Since ancient times, there has been no such comparison."

The Shaofu Yang Fu also advised: "Emperor Wen and Empress Wuxuan collapsed, and your Majesty will not be buried, so we should pay attention to the country and prepare for it; why do we have to bury a child in the arms of a child!"

Remind Cao Rui, you didn't even go to the funeral for your own adult and grandmother. Now that you are just a baby, you have to lead the court to the funeral. Have you thought about the consequences?

It's a pity that Cao Rui couldn't stand it.

Not only could he not listen to it anymore, but he also felt that something was wrong with the Luoyang Palace, and Xu Chang was lucky.

After finishing Cao Shu's funeral, in April, Cao Rui led the Second Palace to visit Xuchang mightily.

Unexpectedly, in May, the prince Cao Yin died again.

Cao Rui had three sons, Cao Jiong, Cao Mu and Cao Yin.

Cao Jiong died in the fourth year of Jianxing, that is, the year Cao Rui just ascended the throne.

Cao Mu died in the seventh year of Jianxing, that is, the year when Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, and the alliance of Shu and Wu announced to the world.

In the tenth year of Jianxing, the last prince, Cao Yin, failed to save his life in the end.

So far, Cao Rui no longer has his own prince in the harem.

It stands to reason that in this era, premature death is actually a very normal thing.

Moreover, Cao Rui has not yet reached his thirties, when he is young and strong, it is very easy to regenerate a prince.

After all, when Uncle Liu Huang was forty-six years old, he could still give birth to a Dou!

But the strange thing is that there is indeed an extra prince soon in the palace, but it is not Cao Rui's biological son, but an adopted son.

In other words, Cao Rui seems to be pessimistic about whether he will be able to give birth to a son in the future.

Throughout the first half of the tenth year of Jianxing, Cao Wei's palace was shrouded in sadness.

It's just that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked.

While Cao Rui was grieving, Governor Feng, who was far away in Liangzhou, was in a state of tension and joy.

In July, the mistress of the Feng family was about to give birth again.

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