Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 889 Real intention


"Yes." Feng Yong nodded, "It's diabetes."

Sweetness is not a problem.

Just get enough exercise.

Just like Guan Ji.

If you don't get enough exercise, it's okay to keep your mouth shut.

But in this era, meat and fat are the most delicious things for people.

But as an emperor, he is addicted to sweets and eats meat and fat every day, plus wine and sex, so it is normal for San Gao to come to his door.

The rich people in later generations, especially those nouveau riche, are most likely to suffer from diseases due to eating habits, and the three highs account for a large part.

It just so happened that Feng Cishi had been in the circle of rich people for a while in his previous life, so he naturally knew more about this disease.

Now Feng Yong suspects that Cao Pi actually died prematurely because of the "high blood sugar" in the third high school, which eventually caused complications.

And hyperglycemia and diabetes and their complications are called diabetes in this day and age.

Of course, in addition to the previous prerequisites, the most important thing that can make Feng Yong suspect that Cao Pi has high blood sugar is because of the article written by Cao Pi himself:

"When Zhu Xia is in autumn, there is still lingering summer heat, drunk and hangover, eating under cover, sweet but not sweet, crisp but not sour, cold but not cold, long flavor and juicy, quenching boredom and quenching thirst."

"Zhending Yuli, as big as a fist, as sweet as honey, as crisp as a water chestnut, can relieve troubles and thirst."

Whether it is rose apples or Zhending Yuli, Cao Pi took the trouble to say that they "relieve troubles and quench thirst" and "relieve troubles and thirst".

Diabetes has an obvious symptom, that is, polydipsia, fondness for drinking, and dry mouth.

In fact, from Cao Pi's own experience, there is no reason for his body to be too weak.

Because he learned how to ride a horse since he was a child, and began to fight with Cao's wife when he was ten years old.

After becoming the emperor, he often led the army to march around.

The results obtained will not be mentioned for the time being, but after long-term training, Cao Pi's body must have a solid foundation.

Moreover, because of his delay in making the crown prince, Cao Rui was hastily appointed as the crown prince until he was dying.

It can also reflect his confidence in his body from the side.

So lust alone is not enough to explain Cao Pi's early death.

Of course, lust is also one of the important reasons.

The dead Cao Pi is not important to the current big man.

Most importantly, high blood sugar is hereditary.

High blood sugar is often accompanied by diabetes.

Diabetes can affect the quality of tadpoles…

So Cao Rui's three sons and one daughter died early, maybe it was really related to this disease.

One pass and all pass.

Feng Yong only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up.

Intelligence is not just to inquire about news, but also needs to screen a large amount of information in the later stage.

At the same time, it also requires extremely high sensitivity to piece together seemingly irrelevant information into intelligence enough to spy on the opponent's intentions.

This is what the strategists of this era, or people with high IQs, do most of the time.

It depends on talent.

Governor Feng is not so talented, but he has knowledge that is not available in this era.

knowledge is power!

With Feng Yong's reminder, Zhang Xingyi also remembered.

"It is true that Cao Rui's health has not been very good. During the Battle of Longyou, there were rumors in Luoyang that Cao Rui died of illness in Chang'an."

"For this reason, the Cao Bian family also wanted to make Cao Zhi a false emperor. This story has spread throughout Luoyang."

The big man actually didn't know this news until more than a year later.

Because at that time, the infiltration of the big Han into the Wei State was limited to Chang'an at most.

Unlike now, the secret work can already pass the news of Luoyang back to the big man.

Over the years, a lot of money and food have been thrown out, and Governor Feng has deliberately turned Nanxiang into a holy place for rangers, and rangers have become a spy force that can be used.

"How do you say this?"

Feng Yong didn't understand for a while.

"Ah Lang, think about it, Cao Rui was only twenty-three or fourteen at the time, and he was young and strong. If he wasn't in poor health, how could the Cao Bian family easily believe that Cao Rui died of illness?"

Feng Yong shook his head when he heard the words:

"This can only be regarded as conjecture. The important thing is how to confirm whether Cao Rui's body is really as expected."

Zhang Xingyi also frowned:

"Cao Rui is the leader of Wei's thieves. How about his physical condition must be a top secret. Let alone Wei Chen, it is difficult to inquire about it."

Feng Yong naturally knew that this matter was not easy.

I saw him pondering for a while, and then said slowly:

"It's certainly difficult to inquire about Cao Rui's physical condition, but what about the Cao family's family members? It must be easier, right?"

If Cao Pi really has diabetes, then the Cao family's clan members must have a certain probability of suffering from this disease.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong continued, "We can expand the scope a bit, and we can inquire about Cao's mother clan."

"The point is that Cao Pi's mother's family, the Bian family, if someone in the Bian family has diabetes, then Cao Pi has at least seven levels of possibility of suffering from this disease."

"If someone in the Cao family also suffers from this disease, then Cao Pi must have suffered from diabetes."

Zhang Xiaosi, who had never studied biology, was a little confused.

Governor Feng had no choice but to tell her in detail:

"Milk thirst can be passed from parents to children, that is to say, it is a family disease."

"If Cao Pi really suffered from diabetes, then it may have been passed on to him by Cao Cao or the Bian family."

"So I asked someone to inquire about Cao's clan and the Bian family. As long as these two families have this disease, then Cao Pi must have suffered from diabetes."

There is this kind of disease in the family, and you say all day long to "eliminate boredom and quench your thirst", what else can it be except diabetes?

"Of course, it is also possible that the disease was contracted from Cao Pi's generation. If this is the case, we can only inquire about the news from Cao Pi's descendants."

"We are going from easy to difficult now. After all, it is much easier to inquire about the situation of the Cao family and the Bian family than to only inquire about the physical condition of Cao Pi's descendants."

However, Feng Yong is skeptical that Mrs. Cao and Mrs. Bian have diabetes.

After all, Cao Cao seemed to live to be in his sixties, while the Bian family lived longer, dying only two years ago.

Only then did Zhang Xingyi understand.

But she suddenly laughed again:

"If you really want to inquire about the physical conditions of the Cao family's clan members, Alang is much easier than the spies."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Feng Yong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood, "Cao Zijian?!"

Zhang Xingyi joined hands together:

"Exactly! Didn't Cao San say that Cao Zijian was in poor health at the beginning of spring this year? Why don't Alang write a letter, in the name of asking about his health, and ask how he is?"

"Wonderful!" Feng Yong laughed, "God helped me!"

Historically, the old thief Sima found out the physical condition of the old demon Zhuge through insinuating.

Now there is my Ghost King Feng openly asking about the physical condition of the Cao family, well, I am at least one level higher than the old thief Sima.

"Si Niang, quickly help me draft a letter and see how to ask."

Governor Feng said impatiently.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaosi gave him a blank look:

"Two months ago, you asked your elder sister to write for you, and now you ask me to write it for you. If this letter really gets into Cao Zhi's hands, what do you think he will think?"

Uh, I was happy for a while, but I forgot about this.

Xijun's handwriting is iron painted with silver hooks, combining hardness and softness.

But Xiao Si's handwriting is soft and romantic, subtle and subtle.

"Then let someone inquire first, and write this letter in a few days."

Xijun's body hasn't fully recovered yet, let's talk about it after confinement.

Anyway, there is no rush for this kind of thing.

Feng Yong was not in a hurry, but Cao San was very anxious.

"His Royal Highness, how are you doing?"

He came back from Shu happily, but got the news that King Chen was seriously ill, causing Cao Sanru to be bitten by lightning.

"I can't die yet."

Cao Zhi, who was half lying on the couch in a robe, had a sallow complexion and a little red blood in his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Cao San, mocking himself:

"It's a little hard for my eyes to see things recently, so come closer."

Cao San hurriedly moved to the bed.

"What's going on in Liangzhou?"

"Feng Langjun..."

"I'm talking about Liangzhou."


Cao San didn't expect Cao Zhi's first question to be this. He didn't have any preparations at the moment, so he murmured, and then said:

"Liangzhou...Liangzhou, still, okay."

"Liangzhou has always been a place of rebellion. Shu people entered Liangzhou and encountered natural disasters. Didn't anyone make rebellion?"

"No, not only not, but in Feng...Feng Langjun..."

"It's Thief Feng."

Next to it, a literary defense assistant sent by the imperial court interjected.

Cao San didn't dare to say any more, and took a look at Cao Zhi.

Cao Zhi nodded:

"Feng Wenhe has repeatedly offended me, Great Wei, and he is an extremely evil person. He is indeed Feng's thief."

"Yes, it is Feng thief. Feng thief is good at winning people's hearts. Liangzhou is willing to listen to his orders regardless of Han or Hu. Therefore, although there is a white disaster, no one makes trouble."

"Impossible!" the literary defense assistant said again, "Liangzhou is a bitterly cold place, and the folk customs are aggressive, especially those barbarians, who usually have nothing to do and make trouble."

"How could there be no movement for such a big event last year?"

Cao San looked at Cao Zhi again.

"Just tell me everything you've seen and heard during this trip."

Cao Zhi said calmly.


Cao San got the order, not only told what he had seen and heard in Liangzhou, but even told what he saw in Hanzhong.

After listening to the literary defense officer, he asked many questions unwillingly.

Cao Zhi was getting impatient:

"Are you asking enough? If not, can you let me finish asking you first?"

The literary defense assistant officer obviously didn't expect Cao Zhi to say that suddenly, he froze for a moment, his face became a little ugly.

Cao Zhi was not afraid at all, and said with a sneer:

"This is Prince Chen's mansion, not the palace, and it's not Tingchongguan (that is, the prison of the Wei State). If you don't accept it, you can go to the secret performance and let your majesty come down and blame me."

Literary defense assistants are personnel sent by the imperial court to monitor the palace. Which clan would dare to disrespect them?

Now that Cao Zhi directly lost face, the other party's face became even uglier.

Immediately snorted, flicked the sleeves of his robe, and left directly.

"King Chen..."

Cao San looked at Cao Zhi worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." Although Cao Zhi's complexion was not good, his tone was relaxed, "When I first became king, there were only a hundred and fifty soldiers, and they were all old and weak."

"After His Majesty ascended the throne, there were only fifty or sixty people left who were about to rot, and now there are only more than 30 people who have children who are seven or eight years old and sixteen years old."

"At the beginning of this year, when I entered court to meet His Majesty, Your Majesty still wanted to recruit from among these people. Now, although I am a prince, I want to be a commoner but I can't get it."

Speaking of this, Cao Zhi smiled miserably, "This is the case in the mansion, why should we be afraid of losing something?"

Cao Zhi would not have dared to say such disrespectful words in Cao Pi's era.

But now I can be regarded as the emperor's uncle of His Majesty, and he is also a pro-imperial uncle.

My emperor's elder brother didn't kill me, so could this nephew, His Majesty, still kill me now?

When Cao San heard the words, he burst into tears:

"Your Highness, the big gifts from Feng Jun, such as brown sugar, woolen materials, honey wine, etc., were all seized by him. How could you say that nothing was lost?"

"Feng Jun's heart, I know it! What's the difference if you don't reach the ceremony?" Cao Zhichang sighed, "I only hope that Feng Jun will not blame me for sending you, but because I have an impure heart. "

Cao San wiped away tears, carefully took out a letter from his bosom, and held it in front of Cao Zhi with both hands:

"Chen Wang, this is a letter written by Feng Jun himself."

"It's a rare thing, but it wasn't detained."

Although Cao Zhi said it mockingly, his eyes were shining with joy, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to take the letter a little hastily.

"It has already been seen..."

"It's okay, it's expected."

Cao Zhi said indifferently.

As he spoke, he opened the letter and read it.

The contents of the letter were just greetings, and at the same time expressed admiration for Cao Zhi's literary talent.

There is not a word that should not be mentioned.

It makes people feel very comfortable, but also makes people feel very sad.

The comfortable thing is that Feng Jun knows how to measure, but the sad thing is that even the Shu people know their situation.

Carefully and carefully reading the last word, Cao Zhi realized that at some point, Cao San held another scroll with both hands and handed it to him.

Cao Zhi couldn't help being a little surprised: "What is this?"

"Feng Jun learned that the villain was sent by His Highness, and overjoyed, he wrote a poem and dedicated it to His Highness."

"Oh, show me quickly!"

Cao Zhi couldn't wait to unfold the scroll.

"Good word!"

Leaving aside the standpoints of the two sides, just judging people by words, Feng Langjun is worthy of being a figure on the battlefield, and there is a fierce air between the lines.

"Will you be drinking?"

Just seeing the first sentence, Cao Zhi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What a majestic momentum!

But this is indeed exactly in line with Cao Zhi's perception of Feng Yong.

After all, the song "The Road to Shu" is exactly this style.

"Feng Langjun's work is already a style of his own!"

Cao Zhi couldn't help sighing.

When he saw "I am born to be talented", Cao Zhi's complexion began to flush a little, and his breathing became heavy.

Cao Zhi finally burst out laughing when he saw "Zijian used to feast in peace and joy, and fight wine for thousands of people to have fun".

He turned over abruptly and yelled:

"Where is the fine wine that Feng Jun gave me?"

"Your Highness?"

Cao San's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little bad.

Cao Zhi didn't care, took off the long sword on his bed, walked to the door with bare feet, and shouted:

"Where is the literary defense assistant?"

"Your Highness?"

Cao San wanted to pull Cao Zhi back, but Cao Zhi threw off his hand suddenly, and went straight to the place where the literary defense assistant usually was.

If he saw a pile of wine jars and boxes that hadn't been untied from the ropes, it must be a gift from Feng Langjun.

The literary defense assistant officer who was counting the items couldn't help being surprised and angry when he saw Cao Zhi barging in barefoot and disheveled:

"What does Your Highness want?"

Cao Zhi laughed loudly:

"I'm here to take the gift from Feng Jun."

"This is the thief's property. Could it be possible that Your Highness really wants to communicate with the thief?"

"Fuck! Feng Jun and I are friends of gentlemen, you bastards, don't insult others too much!"

Cao Zhi drew his sword out of its sheath with a "clang", pointed at the literary defense assistant, and shouted:

"A guest who lives in someone else's house and insults his master, even the common people know that he is a bad guest. What's more, you are an official? Let alone robbing people, do you want to be a thief?"

The literary defense assistant saw that the tip of the sword had already pointed to his nose, and saw that Cao Zhi's eyes were already red, knowing that he was just getting angry, so he didn't dare to provoke him anymore.

I had to force myself to laugh:

"Your Highness is joking, the villain is just counting things for His Highness."

"Why do I need you to count my things, get out, get out!"

The literary defense assistant officer's face was green and white, but he didn't dare to say any more, so he had to walk out with his head in his arms.

Cao Zhi let out a bad breath, laughed, threw the sword away, then picked up a jar of wine, and slapped Feng Ni.

The rich aroma of wine immediately permeated the room.

"Very fragrant wine!"

That day, the Literary Defense Assistant Officer of Prince Chen's Mansion wrote a memorial to the court overnight:

"Chen Wang got the letter from Feng thief, suddenly went mad, barefooted, and raised his sword to assassinate his ministers. He was extremely disobedient and rude, and he lost the prince's face. After that, he drank all night long, saying that 'only the drinker keeps his name. '..."

The original plan of the literary defense assistant officer was to blackmail the scroll and send it to Luoyang together.

But looking at Cao Zhi's appearance now, if he really dared to mention this matter, he was afraid that Cao Zhi would really stab himself with a sword.

At the moment, he just gave up temporarily, and then sent someone to send out his memorial overnight.

Unexpectedly, in the early morning of the second day, before the literary defense assistant officer woke up, there was a crying cry from Chen Wangfu:

"It's not good! Your Highness vomited blood and fainted!"

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