When Tian Pengzu heard what his lord said, he asked in surprise and joy:

"It turns out that your lord wants to ambush Wu Lu here?"

Then he immediately wondered again:

"It's just how does your lord know that Wu Lu will definitely pass by here?"

"I'm not an immortal, so how dare I say that Wu people will definitely pass by here?"

Tian Yu shook his head and smiled, "There is a saying in the art of war: Invincibility lies with oneself, victory lies with the enemy."

"Chengshan was called the end of the sky by the first emperor, and it is the closest to Liaodong. If the Wu people returned from Liaodong, if they wanted to avoid the storm as soon as possible, the nearest place is here."

"So based on common sense, the place they are most likely to choose is Chengshan."

"All I have to do is to prepare well here in Chengshan, so as not to miss the enemy by mistake. This can be said to be invincible."

"As for the victory lies in the enemy, now it depends on whether the Wu people will really come over and give us this chance."

After hearing this, Tian Pengzu was completely convinced.

Tian Yu observed for a long time on the tower view of Chengshan, until he remembered the topography around Chengshan in his mind, then turned and went down the mountain.

Unexpectedly, the father and son came down from the mountain, and they saw Cheng Xi, the governor of Qingzhou, waiting at the foot of the mountain with all the generals in the army.

"Prefect Tian, ​​Your Majesty's order to stop the conquest of Liao Dynasty has come down, why do you still let the army station here? Don't you know that this is a waste of money and food?"

At first glance, Cheng Xi looks gentle and elegant, which fits the image of a scholar-bureaucrat in this era.

The only thing that makes people feel a little uncomfortable are those eyes.

To be exact, there is a little gloom in his eye sockets, which makes people not very likable.

But when he finished speaking and turned his head to look at the generals around him and behind him, his eyes softened again.

When all the generals in the Qingzhou Army heard Cheng Xi's words, they all echoed:

"Yes, General Tian, ​​since the conquest of Liao Dynasty is suspended, what do you mean by telling us to wait here?"

"The seaside wind is strong, and the soldiers are not feeling well!"


In fact, not only Cheng Xi, the governor of Qingzhou, but also many people in the army had a much higher status than Tian Yu.

More importantly, the old man in front of him was still an outsider.

But now, everyone has to obey his instructions, so most people feel unhappy in their hearts.

Faced with Cheng Xi's provocation and the generals' questioning, Tian Pengzu was furious. He took a step forward, holding the scabbard at his waist with his left hand, and was about to draw out the knife with his right hand.

On the contrary, Tian Yu was much calmer.

He stopped his son, but looked at Cheng Xi, and said calmly:

"Cheng Shijun, His Majesty just ordered to stop the conquest of Liao, but he didn't say to withdraw the troops immediately, let alone take back the talisman, so now I still have the right to supervise the Qingzhou army."

"So," there was mockery in his indifferent eyes, "Is Cheng Shijun planning not to obey Tian's order now?"

Tian Yu stretched out his hand while talking.

Tian Pengzu understood, took the talisman from the personal guard, and handed it to Tian Yu.

One force will drop ten meetings.

Cheng Xi's expression changed when Tian Yu took the talisman in his hand.

Seeing Tian Yu's mocking eyes, Cheng Xi was even more annoyed and secretly hated.

But in front of His Majesty's talisman, he could only forcefully laugh and say:

"Why? I just think that now that foreign enemies are spying on the country, the country is in trouble, and it is better to save money and food..."

Great Wei seems to occupy eight points of the world and is in the middle.

But in fact, there are Hu people in the north, who have invaded the border year after year.

There are Shu bandits in the west, and they have repeatedly invaded the border.

There are Wu captives in the south, who commit crimes in the north every year.

Not to mention that over the years, Great Wei lost Longyou first, and then Liangzhou.

Now the Shu people are becoming more and more rampant, threatening Guanzhong. Most of the elite soldiers of the Great Wei are deployed in Guanzhong, just in case.

Therefore, now the Great Wei is truly stable and free from foreign invasion, including Jizhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Sizhou, Yuzhou and other places.

It seems that there are many more than Shu and Wu, but in fact it is not.

Probably because it was in conflict with the fate of Wei Guo, Jizhou has suffered from severe drought or locust plagues in recent years.

The only few years of stable life, the years of the late Emperor and His Majesty's reign, are also not peaceful.

In order to move the political center of the Wei state to Luoyang, the first emperor moved 100,000 households to Jizhou to enrich Henan in the first year of his reign.

Then in the fourth year of Huangchu, Jizhou was plagued by locusts, and starvation was everywhere.

But in the second year of Taihe, which was the year of the Battle of Longyou, from Guanzhong to Guandong, the territory of the Great Wei was full of severe drought.

First it was a big defeat, and then it was a severe drought. If it weren't for the solid foundation of the Wei Dynasty, I am afraid that if it is not broken by foreign enemies, it will be in chaos first.

At that time, everyone in Dawei felt that they were not blessed by God at that time, but who knew that this was just the beginning...

Because Shiting was defeated again, and Xiaoguan was defeated again, and now Liangzhou has finally fallen into the hands of the Shu people...

The foundation accumulated by the two generations of Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen has finally been completely defeated over the years.

The officials of the Kanto states sent money, food and soldiers to the surrounding borders.

Inside, he had to endure the plundering and plundering of the Kanto aristocratic family. Most of the farmland opened during Emperor Wu's time had already been divided up by the aristocratic family.

Runan is now the largest surviving farmland in several states in the Kanto region. As the prefect, Tian Yu naturally knows about these situations.

So what Cheng Xi said, even though he knew it was the other party's excuse, was also the truth.

Tian Yu had to explain:

"In recent years, the Jianghuai area has often been frozen in winter and the weather has been extremely cold. However, the fleet sent by Wu Lu to Liaodong will only leave after the beginning of spring this year. At that time, he will not bring winter clothes with him."

"So they must be rushing back to Wu before winter, otherwise it will be difficult to sail, and even the people on board may not be able to withstand the winter cold."

"It's only one month away from winter now. In my opinion, the Wulu fleet can be as fast as a few days, or as slow as ten days, and it will definitely return."

"If they don't pass through Chengshan, that's fine. If they pass through Chengshan, I'll wait a little longer and set up an ambush here in advance. Wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

Cheng Xi wanted to ridicule Tian Yu's whimsy, but he is the governor of Qingzhou after all, so he still has some brains.

If after Tian Yu led the army to leave, the Wu people's fleet really came, wouldn't he let the enemy leave without any preparation?

When His Majesty learns about this, he will definitely punish himself.

And if Tian Yu was allowed to stay longer, even if the Wu people really came, he could just get some credit.

If the Wu people don't come, then I can also sue Tian Yu, saying that he was wasting money and food.

Having figured this out, Cheng Xi pretended to be disdainful, and snorted:

"General Tian, ​​how can you be sure when the Wu people will return? Even if they return, it is unknown whether they have passed through Chengshan."

"If the Wu people don't come all the time, wouldn't the soldiers have to wait here all the time? At least you have to tell me when?"

Tian Yu nodded:

"What Cheng Shijun said is very true, then I will wait for half a month. If the Wu people don't come by then, I don't need Cheng Shijun to play, and I will also apologize to Your Majesty."

"So the best!"

Cheng Xi was overjoyed, secretly thought that you said it yourself, if the people of Wu really don't come, let's see how I report to His Majesty.

Tian Yu and Cheng Xi finished the agreement, and centered on Chengshan, he personally went to the dangerous places of each mountain island to observe and arrange the ambush army.

At this time, the wind was raging and the waves were high, but the generals in Qingzhou wanted to deploy defenses by the sea, and they all complained.

However, Cheng Xi held back his bad intentions and wanted to sue after the incident, but he did not make any secret moves anymore.

In addition, Tian Yu held the talisman, so the arrangement of the ambush went smoothly.

It's just that after waiting for nearly ten days, they still didn't see the Wu fleet. The generals in Qingzhou complained, but they couldn't help laughing at Tian Yu, saying that he was waiting for the enemy in the open space, and he was just raising a basket to catch the rain.

This time, even Tian Pengzu was a little impatient:

"My lord, if the Wu people really don't come, I'm afraid that Cheng Xi won't give up easily. Your lord should make preparations as early as possible."

Tian Yu reprimanded:

"The time limit has not yet come, why are you panicking? Besides, I am loyal to the country, and I have no selfish intentions this time. Your Majesty is a wise king, so I have nothing to fear?"

Tian Pengzu sighed and dared not speak again.

But in my heart I secretly said:

Your Excellency was already the prefect of Yiyang when he was Emperor Wu, and was later promoted to be the prefect of Nanyang.

During the reign of Emperor Wen, Chijie served as the captain of Hu Karasuma, and guarded the border for the Great Wei.

In the past ten years, how much credit has been made?

Who would have thought that His Majesty transferred His Majesty from Youzhou to Runan, but still let His Majesty be the prefect...

Now it is said that the Lord is to supervise the army of Qingzhou as the prefect, but in fact, most of them don't trust the Lord, so let Cheng Xi be on the side to restrain them.

To put it bluntly, it means knowing the talents of adults and using the abilities of adults, but not willing to reward adults for their merits and conferring high positions on adults.

Thinking of this, Tian Pengzu felt a little resentful:

To put it bluntly, this is simply treating your own adult as a foot wipe, taking it out and wiping it when you need it, and throwing it aside when you are done!

My lord has served the Great Wei for more than ten years. He has gone through three dynasties, and he has made many contributions. Now his hair and beard are all white, and he has reached the age of obedience, but he is still no more than one eunuch...

What kind of gentleman is this?

It's just that he is dissatisfied in his heart, but Tian Pengzu knows that his own adult's early experience is also an important reason for his difficulty in promotion.

Because the adult first took care of Liu Bei, but later because of his grandmother's old age, he had to leave Liu Bei and return to his hometown.

After Emperor Wu pacified Hebei, my lord was under the command of Ren Chengwang (that is, Cao Zhang) all year round.

Compared with Wang Xiong, Cheng Xi and others, my lord has no family background, nor is he a confidant of His Majesty, so it is difficult to want a high position...

Just when Tian Pengzu was sighing, a spy came to report:

"General, there is a military situation ahead!"

"Quick talk!"

Tian Yu, who had always been calm, suddenly stood up.

"There is a fleet of ships appearing ahead, but they are still far away, and it is not clear whether they are from Wu..."

"Let's go to Chengshan Tower View!"

The Lou Guan was built on Chengshan Mountain. The sea wind is too strong these days, and the Lou Guan cannot stay for a long time, so Tian Yu has been staying in the army to wait for news from the front.

Hearing the spy's report at this time, how could he hold back?

But I saw him walking like flying, climbing up the building to watch, looking far away.

It seems that the sky is also beautiful, unlike the previous days, it has been raining.

The sun hung high in the sky, sweeping away the coldness of these days.

The strong wind blows away the fog on the sea, and people can clearly see that at the end of the sea, there is a huge fleet that is heading towards Chengshan.

As the fleet continued to approach the coast, Tian Yu could finally see the tall mast and the hull like a tall building on the sea.

"This is undoubtedly the fleet of Wu Kingdom! There is no other fleet in the world than the Wulu Navy!"

A relieved smile appeared on Tian Yu's face, "God helped me too!"

Unaware that the Wu fleet, which had been targeted, had already lowered their ships and started preparing to dock.

Zhou He, the commander of the fleet, was standing at the bow of the ship in high spirits. Behind him was the majestic hull of the ship.

This ship is extremely tall, it can accommodate two thousand soldiers, and horses can be raced on board.

A boat that can run horses will naturally have horses.

Zhou He was even more happy when he heard the neighing sound of the horse coming from the cabin at the back, and he ordered loudly:

"When you disembark later, pay attention to settling the war horse first, and don't make any mistakes!"


This trip was sent by the king of Wu to Liaodong, not only got Gongsun Yuan's promise, but also got 300 high-quality war horses, it really came back with a full reward.

Thinking of the reward from King Wu after returning home, Zhou He couldn't help but feel satisfied.

On the other hand, Deputy Envoy Pei Qian looked at Cheng Shan who was lying on the shore like a monster in front of him, and asked a little worriedly:

"General, this is the land of Wei thieves, do we really want to rest here?"

Zhou He nodded:

"The wind is fierce at the end of the year. The soldiers have been exhausted these days and need to rest before moving forward."

Pei Qian naturally knew that the soldiers needed to rest, but he still reminded:

"Even so, why not let people go ashore for reconnaissance first?"

Zhou He laughed and said:

"In terms of boats and boats, my great Wu wants to be the second, who dares to be the first? Not to mention that Wei's bandits have been defeated in succession over the years, and it is not easy to protect themselves. How can there be extra troops?"

"This is the hinterland of Wei thieves. If you think about it, your troops will be empty. Why do you have to be afraid? If you let someone investigate first, you will have to delay for another day. The soldiers may not be able to wait."

"It's not beautiful to let the thief Wei react at that time. Besides, the thief Wei is not a god. An Neng knew in advance that I would go ashore here at this time?"

When Pei Qian heard it, he felt reasonable: "What the general said is true."

While the two were talking, the boat was ready to dock.

After Zhou He gave the order, Wu soldiers set up planks one after another and disembarked with cheers.

In the past few days, the sea has been rough and the waves are high, which makes people exhausted. It is really gratifying to be able to go ashore to take shelter from the wind and recuperate.

Even the coach Zhou He couldn't wait to go ashore.

On the other hand, the deputy envoy, Pei Qian, still needed to arrange matters for the soldiers after they got off the ship, so he didn't come down with him.

When Zhou He stepped on the ground, he felt that his whole body was a little wobbly, and he couldn't get used to it for a while.

"Come on, follow me to the mountain in front of me. Also, send people to look around."

As the coach, he naturally had to observe the terrain in order to arrange camping.

He led the people away from the shore, and was about to walk up the mountain along the foot of the mountain, but suddenly there was the sound of war drums on the mountain, and countless Wei troops appeared in the forest.

"Kill Wu Dog!"


Arrow feathers rained down suddenly, and at the same time, there were rolling stones rumbling down.

Changing his elbow and armpit, Zhou He was stunned immediately!

On the contrary, his personal guards stood in front of Zhou He very quickly to prevent him from being shot into a hedgehog in the first wave of arrow feathers.

"General, hurry back to the ship!"

Zhou He was pushed by the guards, and quickly realized that he turned around and ran towards the beach.

It's just that his boat was the biggest and most conspicuous, and he was escorted off the boat, so he was dressed in the most distinctive clothes.

Tian Yu had already kept a close eye on him.

I only heard a shout from the side: "Where is the thief going?"

But I saw a general of the Wei army leading a Wei soldier, obliquely blocking the way.

Zhou He secretly cried out bitterly!

This trip to Liaodong was not to fight a war, so he was naturally dressed in Chinese clothes.

After landing, I didn't know there was an ambush, so naturally I didn't wear armor, and I just wore a sword on my body.

"Guard the general and go!"

The head of the personal guard yelled and led the people to rush up.

"Don't even try to run away!"

Tian Pengzu was also a person who followed Cao Zhang to guard the northern border. How could he easily let this thief, who was obviously a big shot, run away?

Immediately led the soldiers to rush forward.

Zhou He drew his sword in his hand, and was about to find his way to the sea, when he heard another shout of killing behind him, so startled that he turned his head and saw that the Wei army ambushing on the mountain had arrived!

Zhou He raised his sword and wanted to charge, but the opponent didn't say much, and most of them were long weapons, how could he charge out?

After a while, Zhou He, who had no armor, was stabbed to death by random guns.

The coach here is in a dead end, and Wu Bing on the shore at the foot of the mountain is not much better.

They had just landed and were defenseless, and the whole army was in chaos.

Wei Jun rushed over suddenly, Wu Bing cried and shouted, and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Those who reacted quickly rushed to the boat, and those who responded slowly could only become the military exploits of the Wei army.

Pei Qian on the boat had seen the situation on the shore a long time ago, and his first reaction was to exclaim:

"Is there really a god among the Wei thieves? Why did they set up an ambush here in advance?"

Then he remembered that the commander-in-chief of the army was still on the shore, so he quickly organized his men and sent people off the boat, trying to rescue Zhou He.

It's just that the shore is extremely chaotic, and Wei Bing wants to take advantage of the defeat of Wu Bing on the shore, and follow the rout soldiers to rush aboard.

Looking at Zhou He who was originally at the foot of the mountain, he had long been submerged in the Wei army and disappeared.

Pei Qian gritted his teeth, raised his sword and chopped off a broken soldier who was still crying after climbing onto the boat, and said sharply:

"Take off the plank and return to the sea!"

Wu Bing around thought he had misheard the military order, but hesitantly.

Pei Qian was furious, and once again stabbed Wu Bing to death who refused to obey orders:

"What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up!"

Only then did Wu Bing on the boat come to his senses, and began to scramble to remove the planks of the boat, abandoning those comrades who were still on the shore without hesitation.

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