Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 898 Don't play with fools

"Then can I write with charcoal?"

Governor Feng tried to die.

"Of course not!"

Young Master Hua stared at him vigilantly, with suspicion in his eyes:

"Don't think I don't know. Things written in charcoal will become blurred or even disappear after a long time."

She stared fixedly at Governor Feng, jumped up suddenly, and pressed the box tightly, "Could it be that you intend to lie to me?"

Inspector Feng felt the great insult, and veins stood out on his forehead:

"I lied to you? Do I need to lie to you? Do you know that there are many rich people in Jincheng who want to buy textbooks from Nanxiang but have no way?"

"You stinky sister! You still doubt me when I deliver it to you, I'm so mad!"

Although Young Master Hua couldn't understand certain words in Feng Shishi's words, she understood the gist of Feng Shishi's words.

It's just that Feng Guiwang's notoriety in Nanzhong is too deep in the hearts of the people.

How could Young Master Hua dare to be careless about such an important matter?

I saw her stubbornly holding her head up, insisting on the bottom line unwaveringly:

"Then write me a contract, and I will trust you!"

Governor Feng looked at her bitterly, gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, I'll write it for you!"

Spread the paper, grind the ink, write the pen, and the pen goes like a snake, all in one go.

After Feng Inspector finished writing, he asked Amei to bring her Jiequanting Hou's seal, rubbed it hard, and then handed it to the flower garland:

"Here, take it!"

Young Master Hua took it half-believingly, looked at the writing on it, and then at Governor Feng, hesitant to speak.

Although forced by the deterrent power of the emperor's seal above, Young Master Hua hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking cautiously:

"This word... why is it so incomprehensible?"

"Uneducated! This is called cursive script, understand?

Inspector Feng flicked his sleeves pretending to be disdainful, turned around and left the living room.

Young Master Hua has also studied Chinese culture for many years, so he naturally knows that there are many ways to write Chinese characters.

It's just this cursive script, she really can't appreciate it - except for the two characters "Feng Yong" at the bottom, which is pretty good.

Taking another look at the great seal of the ruler and marquis on the top, Young Master Hua hesitated for a moment with awe of the unknown culture, but finally dried the ink carefully and put it in her arms.

Guan Ji helped her forehead, and sighed inaudibly.

Amei pursed her lips and smiled quietly.

Li Mu had a strange expression on his face.

Several people were very tacit and silent.

It was not until she was sleeping at night that Guan Ji persuaded her:

"Ah Lang, you should also practice your handwriting well. That is, if you met Hua Niangzi today, if it were someone else, I'm afraid there would be a joke."

"What's the joke? I only practiced charcoal pencils in the teacher's school. If he has the ability, he can compare this with me?"

Feng Inspector stiffened his mouth, "Isn't this the teacher's school has never taught? What can I do? If he has the ability, he will laugh at my teacher's school!"

Feng Cishi's sect is so mysterious that he can't explain it.

General Guan didn't dare to make random comments on the sacred place of learning in his heart, so he had to change the subject:

"Is today's practice too much? A large box of water jade has only sold 300 sets of textbooks."

"If someone else finds out about it, they might say that Alang bullies weak girls..."

Since Cao Zijian sent envoys to communicate, Feng Cishi's talent and reputation have been recognized by the world.

I dare not be like Nanzhong again...

The reputation that is hard to come by must be cherished.

"Three hundred sets of textbooks are just a bonus."

Inspector Feng saw Guan Ji's slightly worried expression, knowing that she was concerned, he was confused, and he didn't figure out the joint for a while.

Immediately, he patiently explained: "Actually, this box of water jade is bought for the qualification to run a school."

In Nanxiang, how many people can't find the temple gate with their pig's head meat!

As long as the selection of courses in Liangzhou really becomes a reality, Feng Yong will double the price at that time, and the aristocratic families in Shu County will agree to it gritted their teeth.

The reason for delaying in agreeing to Jincheng's request to open a school is to harvest leeks better in the future.

Although Young Master Hua is a woman, in the past few years since the prime minister's southern expedition, she has been able to take the sensitive identity of Meng Huo's daughter and lead the two tribes to regain a foothold in Nanzhong.

How can knowledge be lacking?

How can it be impossible to see what the future trend of Nanzhong is?

In the economic circle dominated by the Han, if you don't try to integrate into the Han culture, you want to keep your own so-called characteristics, and you can only be eliminated by the historical trend in the end.

Whether it is the barbarians from Nanzhong or the barbarians from Liangzhou, they may not be able to extract such a truth.

But the instinctive subconscious will also let their bodies learn the culture of the big man honestly, and try to integrate into this circle.

This is the natural attribute of a powerful dynasty.

Because it is the rule maker.

"Even the barbarians who planted land in the Nanzhong plantation know that the treatment is different for those who can speak Chinese and those who don't."

Feng Yong rolled into the bed, and said leisurely, "How can it be possible that Hualan doesn't even understand this truth?"

After listening to Feng Inspector's explanation, Guan Ji came to her senses, lay down and poked Feng Inspector:

"Just you officials with black hearts!"

Governor Feng was not happy when he heard this:

"What do you mean? General Guan, don't forget that you are also a meat eater now, and you even scold yourself if you become so cruel?"

"My concubine doesn't know those oblique ways..."

"You don't know those twists and turns? Do you like to go straight? I have this too!" Feng Cishi lifted the quilt, "If you don't believe me, look, is it straight?"

"Speech! Disciple!"

What apprentice?

Don't you know that the kang is easy to get angry?

Not to mention that in Liangzhou, mutton is often eaten as a warming and nourishing food.

I can't control how much I remember!


In Liangzhou, which has been built for ten years, the first snow came later than last year.

It wasn't until November that there was a light snowfall, covering the ground with a thin layer of white.

Governor Feng stood in the courtyard and said with some worry:

"The weather is too abnormal, hot and cold, and if there is not enough snow, there may be a drought next year."

Although compared with later generations, the vegetation in Liangzhou is much more lush now, and there will be some rain occasionally.

However, most of the main rivers in Liangzhou are supplied by the snow and glaciers on the Qilian Mountains.

If there is too much snow, there will be floods the next year.

For example, there was a white disaster last year, and at the beginning of spring this year, because of weak water and soaring, there was a flood in Juyanze.

This year, the snow came a little late. If there is less snow in winter, then next year the river will not have enough water, and there may be drought.

Thinking of all kinds of water conservancy projects in later generations, Governor Feng couldn't help muttering: "Depending on the sky for food, what a shame!"

The little Yi girl, Young Master Hua, who came from Nanzhong, was happily reaching out her hand, trying to catch the seemingly invisible snow particles.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, he couldn't help asking curiously:

"Isn't it a good thing that there is less snowfall? I heard that Liangzhou almost got into trouble because of too much snowfall last year."

Governor Feng squinted at Young Master Hua:

"Have you never heard of Ruixue Zhaofeng?"

"Nonsense, I've never seen snow!"

Huahuan said confidently.

She has seen Xue before. After all, she is the daughter of the Meng family in Nanzhong, so she must have experience.

But the snow on the Nanzhong side is on a dangerous mountain that cannot be climbed, and at most it can only be seen from a distance.

This is the first time I have seen snow with my own eyes.

"Snow does not cool the snow. When the snow melts in spring, the snow seeps into the ground and freezes the bugs hidden in the ground to death. The food for the coming year can reduce pest damage."

"And snow water is actually a kind of fertilizer for food, which can make crops grow better."

Governor Feng casually explained a few sentences, which made Young Master Hua feel that she had learned a lot. She asked curiously:

"Is there another saying? I also said that when it snows, it is very cold, and when the snow melts, it will be warm. And how does snow water become fertilizer for food?"

Governor Feng waved his hand:

"This involves relatively deep learning. With your current level, you won't understand it even if you say it."

"If you don't want to say it, just say it, what advanced knowledge is there!"

Young Master Hua snorted.

Feng Cishi didn't bother to argue with her, so he sneered, "Which one is heavier, a catty of stone or a catty of snowflakes?"

"Of course the stone is heavy!" Young Master Hua bent down and carefully picked up a layer of snow, "This snowflake is as light as a goose feather."

Governor Feng gave Young Master Hua a thumbs up, and then shouted at Shuangshuang and Ah Chong who were having fun in the courtyard:

"It's time to practice calligraphy, go back quickly, or your grandma will be angry again!"

General Guan was very majestic, and a couple of sons and daughters hurried back obediently.

Inspector Feng held one in each hand, and whispered to them:

"Don't play with fools in the future!"

Shuangshuang raised her head and asked in a childish voice:

"My lord, what is a fool?"

Governor Feng slipped one in one hand, and walked quickly: "I'll tell you when I get back."

Ah Chong hugged his lord's arm, turned his head, and stared at the garland behind him with his black eyes...

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