Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3139: Sell ​​salt

  Chapter 3139 Selling salt

  Thursday Lang returned to let people pack up their things, and arrived at the dock at the appointed time the next day, and Coolie came forward to work.

  Thursday Lang chose a few people to help carry things together.

  Because it was the first time to go to sea, although Chu Lang did not bring many things, none of them were left behind. Unlike other caravans, he would leave some guys here and only take a few on board.

  Sanzhu and the others were also very nervous. When they carried everything up, they handed the carriage to Liu Gui to take back, and then they asked in a low voice: "Four... Fourth Uncle, shall we all go?"

  Thursday Lang: "You don't want to go?"

   "No, I think that other caravans bring very few people. We bring so many people. It looks fierce and looks like a fight."

  Looking at him on Thursday, he said: "Isn't this very good? It's not easy to bully when you look at it. It just happens that no one dares to bully us."

When the people on the ship saw that so many of them had brought such a small amount of cargo, they guessed that they were going to sea for the first time. After a closer look, they didn’t understand anything. The head of the ship was looking for the cabin with a brochure, and he tolerated it. Can't help laughing, it's really the first time to go to sea.

   But on Thursday Lang didn’t persuade him. He took the notes of the sea-going ship he had recorded and said, “Let’s find a boatman and ask where our cabin is.”

  Thursday Lang is right. Although they seem to be going to sea for the first time because of their crowds, no one dares to bully them.

  He entered his cabin, poured a cup of tea for Uncle Shi, and said: “We are few people, and people can’t see that we are going to sea for the first time? So there are still too many people.”

  Uncle Shi took a sip, and said: "It's good if you have money and be happy."

On Thursday Lang touched a bag tied to his arm. It was given to him by Zhou Man. It contained gold and some money he brought from the capital. When he arrived in Jiangnan, he could buy more goods if he met good things. Earn it once and again.

  Thinking about this, Chu Lang feels relieved, not so distressed.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Liwei led people back to Dazhongwa and sorted out the remaining salt. Bai Shan gave the way to Nie Canjun, "Leave someone to send it out."

  Nie joined the army to respond and picked fifty soldiers to take the remaining salt and leave by land.

  They want to send salt to the Central Plains. In this way, the land and the sea are separated, and any place that needs to rely on Jiangnan official salt can be supplemented.

  Purchasers from various government offices still stay in Jiangnan, trying hard to buy some salt, but although they are relieved, the price is very high.

  The money is not theirs. The purchasing official hesitated for a while and didn't agree.

  Such an expensive salt, even if it doesn’t make money and is offered to the people at a fair price, the people can’t afford it. Whose responsibility is this in the end?

  So they didn't dare to place an order.

Their letters are sent back from the south of the Yangtze River. Although they are far away, the speed of delivery is faster than that of escorting official salt. When officials everywhere were angrily cursing the family of officials in Jiangnan, someone came to report, "My lord, there is Qingzhou Salt Transport. The people from the Secretary came over and said that the official salt was traded on the order of the court."

  The green-faced governor immediately got up, "Really? Where is the person?"

   "I just entered the city, and I am living in an inn at this time."

   "Let's go, let's go and take a look." The governor felt wrong after taking two steps, and then stopped, "Go and invite people here and take a closer look at how much salt they brought."

  Fifteen cars!

  The governor was very happy to meet people in the hall. After reading the other's guides and official posts, the governor knew their origins.

  Bai Shan, Beihai County, Qingzhou.

  The corners of Cishi’s mouth were slightly raised, and a sneer flashed across his face. No one in the world knew that Bai Shan was the prince’s companion, and like his wife, he was the confidant of the prince.

  Hmph, Jiangnan is stealing chicken but not eating rice, and wants to use them as knives, but I don't know that they are already meat on the chopping board. The prince's knife is already prepared.

  However, how did so much salt and Baishan come from?

  The governor only thought about it and decided to leave it alone, and said to the soldier who escorted the official salt: "How much is this official salt worth?"

  The soldier reported a number. The price was set by Bai Shan and could not be changed.

  The governor shook his head and said: "This is not good, it is too expensive, so it must be cheaper."

  Soldier: "...sir, this is the price set by our adults. If the adults think it is expensive, then we can only leave and go to the next state."

  He said: "Our adults have told me that the price cannot be more or less."

   said again: "Our adults also said that if some adults feel that the price is too high, they can send their own people to Beihai County, Qingzhou in the next quarter to fetch official salt. The price is ten cents cheaper than the current one."

  Chairman: "...Next quarter?"

"Yes," the soldier said honestly: "Our grown-ups have said that what is delivered now is only for this quarter, so a state can only buy three carts of salt at most. In the next quarter, if we are to deliver salt, each bucket will cost you. Five more articles are added than it is now. We adults would not give it to us if it weren't for the life of His Royal Highness. Now we are short of people in Beihai County."

  Before selecting candidates, Bai Shan told Nie to join the army. The leader of the selection must be honest and loyal. It is best to take a stern look, and he will resolutely execute what is ordered from above.

  But Bai Shan didn't expect that he could be so honest, so he directly told them what he had told them in private.

  The governor dragged people for a long time, but in the end he couldn't buy more salt, not to mention the price, but it was really not a lot of money, a lot of money.

  He could only buy three carts of salt, and reluctantly watched him leave.

  Some people were very unconvinced, "My lord, what happened when we buckled the salt cart directly?"

  It's not that they haven't done this kind of thing, the things have been deducted, who can do anything to them? It's not that they didn't pay.

  The governor glanced at the other side and said: "This is not an ordinary official salt. Are you the same as before?"

  "I have tasted it. Although this salt is slightly better than the one given by Jiangnan, it is still salt. What's so special?"

"This salt is poisonous," the provincial governor said: "The poison of the court fighting Jiangnan, at this time, we are not far away. You are still rushing to find trouble. What you are looking for is the trouble of your majesty and the court. Live too long?"

   "Then this salt..."

"Call our people back and don’t spend it in Jiangnan. Since Qingzhou has salt, take it from Qingzhou. It’s closer, and it’s cheaper than Jiangnan’s. Humph, I’ll take a look. We are all gone. , Who would want salt from Jiangnan."

   "However," the governor touched his chin, very puzzled, "Where does Qingzhou come from so much official salt? I remember they only have one salt field there, and most of them are only enough for supply and demand in this state."

   There is a person who said: "My lord, there was a specious news a year ago that a new salt-making method was introduced by the sea, saying that it can be placed in the field and grow salt like crops."

  Chairman: "...Do you believe in such nonsense?"

See you tomorrow good night



  (End of this chapter)

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