Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3206: Small talk

   Chapter 3206

  "Unfortunately, you are keeping filial piety. I originally thought that I would invite you to visit Qingzhou when I came back from this trip. There is a sea and a wharf there. Goods going from north to south are traded on the wharf, and there are so many good things."

  Changyu also sighed, "Mingda also wrote in the letter to me, and said that you built a courtyard by the sea, and you can watch the sea from the attic. The pearls and some seafood there are very cheap."

   Zhou Man took her hand and said, "Wait for your filial piety, you can go and see."

  Changyu did not speak.

   Zhou Man probed to see her expression, "What's wrong?"

Changyu sighed: "The filial piety is going to be filial. The official position in the court has stopped. He has discussed with me. After the filial piety period, he will seek to release the official position. I will definitely follow, Qingzhou, I am afraid that he will go. Not anymore."

   Zhou Man smiled and said: "What's the matter, can't you just tell us about a two-month vacation to visit us? Do you want to be together all the time, and can't be separated for a moment?"

  Changyu couldn’t help scratching her, “I’m making fun of me. Which one does not go with my wife? Where does the husband go, where does the wife go?”

   Zhou Man secretly said in his heart: She is not.

  She thought for a while and said: "Mingda is not."

  Mingda and Bai Er went to Qingzhou because Mingda wanted to go, so Bai Er was mixed into the Prince's team on a business trip. Later, the Prince left Qingzhou, and Bai Er simply left Qingzhou with the Hanlin Academy.

  Speaking of Bai Er's fake request, it is a bit long. If it weren't for his father-in-law to be the emperor, I'm afraid he would have been laid off long ago.

   Seeing her suddenly start to daze, Changyu pushed her and asked, "What do you think?"

   "I wonder if I can help Bai Er find an official position in Qingzhou."

   "Forget it," Chang Yu said, "I am so mindful, I'm afraid I don't want to stay in Qingzhou. If she still wants to go elsewhere, it will be difficult to leave if she has an official position."

Zhou Man heard it, but when he entered the palace and the emperor left, he couldn’t help but talk about Mingda and Bai Erlang’s great achievements in Qingzhou, "...The medical department, Yushantang, and Guantian Wharf are all equipped with princesses and horsemen. , Your Majesty, have you ever thought of rewarding them for being an official?"

The emperor raised his eyelids to look at her, "I don't mind being a princess and a prince, but I think Guo Cishi minds. Would you like to ask Guo Cishi if he wants a princess and a prince?"

   Zhou Man immediately stopped speaking.

  The emperor waved his hand with a look of disgust: "Okay, I know that you are leaving tomorrow. I won't keep you much today. Let's go to the East Palace to say goodbye."

   Zhou Man didn't want to go to the East Palace, but the emperor mentioned it, so she could only go to the East Palace to say goodbye.

  To pass the Taiji Hospital from the Taiji Hall to the East Palace, she simply turned in and said goodbyes to her colleagues.

  Taiwan Hospital is a bit more lively than before. Zhou Liru and several medical assistants were cutting and sorting medicine in the yard. Seeing Zhou Man, he immediately got up and greeted him, "Sister!"

   Zhou Man nodded to her and asked, "Are Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Liu there?"

   "Yes," Zhou Liru lowered his voice and said, "Lord Luo is also here."

   Zhou Man nodded and said in a low voice: "After you go to the office, you and Liu Huan will go home for dinner. I'm leaving tomorrow. We will have a reunion dinner in the evening."

   Zhou Li is as it should be.

   Zhou Man went to find Xiao Yuanzheng several people to say goodbye.

  Master Luo saw her and quickly got up to salute, "Master Zhou."

   Zhou Man replied with a bow and smiled with a few people: "I will leave Beijing tomorrow, and today I will say goodbye to the adults."

  Master Luo smiled and said, "This time Master Zhou has left with a full load."

   Zhou Man complimented: "It is Xiao Yuanzheng and Lord Luo who are generous."

  Xiao Yuan was waving his hand: "Stop flattering, let's go on, I feel distressed, and I won't give you those things."

   Zhou Man shut up immediately.

  Liu Grand Doctor smiled and said, "Master Zhou went to the Pharmacy the day before and yesterday. Do you have any suggestions?"

   "No," Zhou Man shook his head and said, "They did a good job, especially the craftsmanship of penicillin. They are more proficient than me, and they improved the equipment to make the production faster."

  Master Luo suddenly said: "I heard that Tubo has been moving frequently recently and has clashed with Longyou several times."

   Zhou Man raised his eyebrows, "Master Luo is worried about the increase in the medicinal materials consumed in the army, and the need for over-the-counter medicine?"

  Master Luo nodded and said, "Master Zhou, do you think we should let the drugstore increase production?"

   Zhou Man thoughtfully, "I should prepare early."

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "...I went to the Ministry of War to ask, it's just a conflict of conventions before the winter, and there shouldn't be a big battle."

  He said: "I am now in great peace and now the country is peaceful, strong soldiers and strong horses, how can Tubo dare to attack? There is a time limit for medicines. If they are not used for too long, the properties of the medicine will disperse."

   Zhou Man said: "In about three years, and even if it is not used in the military, the local expenses will be a lot, and I am not afraid that it will not be sold."

  "Proprietary medicines are too expensive. Some pills are not as effective as decoctions. Who can sell them if they produce so much?"

"Don't worry," Zhou Man said, "Don't say that this is just a drugstore. If you open two more, the finished medicines can also be sold. I have so many people, including business travelers, and some of them are rich. People prepare medicines, and they can all be used as medicines."

Lord Luo nodded repeatedly, and together with Zhou Man, persuaded Xiao Yuanzheng, "Moreover, since students from the Imperial Medical Office in the army entered, they have consumed more medicinal materials, and the number of patented medicines is also increasing. Even if there is no war, these medicines It can also be consumed."

   Zhou Man: "I am not just a strong soldier this year, and I live and work in peace and contentment. When have we stopped fighting in these years? Don't worry, there is no shortage of people to buy our medicine."

  Xiao Yuanzheng: ...This is as if he is looking forward to fighting and expecting soldiers to be injured.

  Xiao Yuan was finally persuaded by two people that the drugstore wanted to expand production.

  Master Luo exhaled, and it was true that last week was right. For this, he had been in Xiaoyuan for two months, but he was unwilling to expand production.

Xiao Yuan was sending Zhou Man out of the hospital. In fact, he was whispering to her. The two of them walked slowly along the palace road to the east palace. He lowered his voice and said: "This time is really too busy, I have not been able to. I ask you, what do you think of your majesty's pulse?"

   Zhouman looked around.

  Xiao Yuan Zhengdao: "Don't look, this palace road is open, no one can hear us."

   Zhou Man said in a low voice: "Compared to the time I left the capital last time, this is a deficiency of Qi. Perhaps it is because your Majesty fell ill last time and the lesion has not been removed. I am afraid that I will often get sick in the future."

  Xiao Yuan nodded, "I also have this concern, so I plan to persuade your Majesty to go out for the winter."

   Zhou Man was surprised, "Do you plan to use Tangquan to treat the disease?"

"Yes, your majesty has severe phlegm and dampness, but qi deficiency and emptiness. The use of medicine is afraid that it will be deficient and will not make up, but it will cause other diseases," Xiao Yuanzheng said: "So the best way is to go out of the palace to spend the winter. Slowly adjust with acupuncture."

   Zhou Man nodded, "This is indeed a good way."

   "Do you have any suggestions on stitching?"

  "Really," Zhou Man whispered: "If you are free in the afternoon, I will go to you to discuss the acupuncture method after I meet the prince."

    Tonight is too late, there is one more to make up tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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