Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 933: effort

   Chapter 933

On Friday Lang Yan concisely reduced the forty-six people into four people. Man Bao felt that there was no need to tell Bai Shan and Bai Erlang specifically, so when he went back, he saw that the two of them were immersed in studying and they didn’t say a word. , I decided to talk about this topic again when I was free.

  Anyway, no matter whether the opponent is strong or not, they must go all out before and during the exam.

  Let's talk about this kind of thing after the exam, inquire about it and get along with classmates.

  After all, they were admitted to the Imperial College in the same way.

The four masters and apprentices studied until late at night. Although Mr. Zhuang felt that the time was tight, he felt that the learning efficiency in the evening was not as good as that in the morning. So after checking the time, he said: "Xuzheng is over, go wash and go to sleep, starting tomorrow. Read early."

  Bai Shan and Bai Jiro had read books for a day, but they felt exhausted, and they nodded their heads and got up.

  Man Bao also got up.

  Early the next morning, Man Bao was awakened by the sound of reading outside the window. She got up and leaned to the window to look out, and she saw that it was still gray outside, and Bai Shan was standing under a lantern with her hands and her hands endorsing the book.

  Man Bao turned around and lay down on the bed, wailing with a headache. It was dark, why did he get up?

  It’s like this, it’s impossible to sleep if disturbed like this.

  Man Bao could only get up to wash, and soon sat on the railing, yawning at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan just finished memorizing an article, and invited Man Bao, "Do you want to endorse it together?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "Can't you go to the garden if you endorse your book? Must you recite under my window?"

   "Mr. is up."

  Man Bao quickly said, "Mister, that's older, I feel less."

   "Oh, I'm getting older as a teacher~~~"

  Man Bao immediately changed his words: "Sir, you were bothered by you."

  After speaking, he turned around and realized that the husband hadn't gone out. He was looking at the light with a book in the window. He seemed to notice Man Bao's gaze, and he looked up at her from the book.

  Man Bao immediately turned around and said to Bai Shan: "Well, I will endorse the book with you, Bai Er? Why don't you call him?"

   "I called, I can't wake up."

  Bai Shan is under great pressure now, and subconsciously wants to get up early, so he woke up early in the morning.

  He came out and walked around, and found that the light was on in the husband's room, but the other two friends' rooms were dark, and he knew that they were "sleeping in".

  As their junior and senior, he felt that it was necessary for him to urge them to study, so he endorsed under the two people's window, but this seemed to be only useful for Man Bao.

  There was not even a sound in Bai Erlang's room. I don't know if it was a deep sleep or if it was deliberately pretending.

  Man Bao followed him to a different place, and the two went to the small garden to endorse.

  Daji lighted them a lamp, lit the spice to disperse mosquitoes at their feet, and found a railing to sit down and close their eyes.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao sat opposite each other.

  Man Bao remembered that he had memorized "The Analects", and asked: "Why are you still memorizing this, not "The University" and "The Doctrine of the Mean"?"

   "While reviewing the past and learning the new, I will go through it first. If there is something I can't remember, read it as soon as possible. Don't both you and your husband say that this time the scriptures are mostly from "The Analects"?"

  Man Bao nodded, and followed him down along with the previous one.

  When they finish memorizing the 20 Analects, it will be bright.

When the two returned to the courtyard from the small garden, they happened to see Bai Erlang washing his face and coming out. He said, "I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that someone had been reading "The Analects" in my ear, and finally chased me to the cliff. On the side, I must follow my back. I clearly remembered it, but it seemed that I couldn’t open my mouth. I was so anxious that I was sweating and still couldn’t open my mouth. In the end, I couldn’t help but I was thrown to the bottom of the cliff, which was scary. I'm dead!"

  Bai Shan:...

  Man Bao burst out laughing when he heard the words.

   Bai Erlang looked at her angrily and said: "What are you laughing at? I have nightmares and you are still laughing. I guess you must have forced me to recite "The Analects" yesterday, and I would have such a dream."

  He looked at the two of them, and saw that there seemed to be dew on their trousers, and couldn't help being curious, "Where did you come back this morning?"

  Bai Shan: "Yuanzi."

  "Why did you go to the garden in the morning?"

   "Endorsement," Bai Shandao: "I have been reviewed by The Analects today."

  Bai Erlang wailed when he heard the words, and cried, "You have committed too much evil, it must be how early to get up, Man Bao, you will help me in a while."

Man Bao shook his head, "I have already annotated the remaining few "Analects" for you last night. I have drawn a circle in front of the words and sentences that need special attention. When you look back, you carry it by yourself. This morning, Mr. Affirmed If I want to teach you policy theory and poetry, I will go to the drugstore and sit in the hall, and I will help you when I come back in the afternoon."

  Compared to Mr. Baijilang, he obviously wants Manbao tutoring more. After all, he faces different pressures. So he looked at Man Bao pitifully, hoping that she could temporarily dismiss the job of the drugstore. Anyway, they just came to the capital, and it's okay to see a doctor a few days later, right?

  Man Bao ignored him, turned back to the room, and added, “I have promised the patient that I can’t fail to speak up as a person, let alone a doctor.”

  Man Bao collected his back basket, thought for a while, picked up a copy of "University" and put it in, and decided to help Bai Er think about the Mo Yi and Tie Scriptures that this book might pass.

  Aunt Rong also prepared a morning meal.

  Everyone came out and had a morning meal together, then they spread out, went to copy the booklet, and went to review the homework.

  Friday Lang also went out with nine books, and decided to try the water first.

  Daji still sent Man Bao to the door of Ji Shitang.

  Man Bao stepped on the horse stool to get out of the car, turned around and took the basket from Da Ji, "You go back, and you will pick me up after noon."

  Daji lowered his head to respond, watching Man Bao enter Ji Shitang with a basket on his back before turning the carriage away.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng didn't expect Man Bao to come so early, so he hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Why did Doctor Xiao Zhou come so early? The other doctors haven't come yet."

  Man Bao smiled and said, "I'm here to make some preparations in advance."

  In the future, she will have her own separate consultation room, so naturally she has to make some preparations in advance.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng led Man Bao into the previous doctor's office, and smiled: "The things of the old doctor were moved there yesterday. From now on, this office will belong to Dr. Zhou."

  Behind the thick curtain is a consultation table, in front of the table is a stool, and behind the table is a chair.

  There is a cloth curtain behind the chair. Behind the curtain are two small beds, and there is also a curtain that can be pulled between them.

  Man Bao looked surprised, this configuration is comparable to the medicine store in Yizhou City.

  In Yizhou City, they are sitting outside. The clinic has only two very small rooms with only one bed in it. Only those who need to undress the clothes or the patient cannot sit up and move to the clinic.

  Man Bao asked: "Are all the pharmacies in Beijing like this?"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng has never been to other places. For a while, he can't understand Man Bao's words, so he can only nod in a daze, "Yes."

  He paused, thinking that Man Bao was dissatisfied, so he smiled and said, “Dr. Zhou, if you have any special requirements, you can tell me and I’ll arrange it.”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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