Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 937: Stealing the teacher and being upright

   Chapter 937

  Man Bao prescribed the prescription, and when he saw the treasurer Zheng was standing by, he handed the prescription to him first, "Let's take a look?"

The treasurer Zheng was a little embarrassed, thinking that Man Bao was upset that he was standing aside and looking at it, but when the prescription was handed to him, he took it and nodded and said, "Yes, yes, if it were me, I would also prescribe such a prescription. , This amount."

  The patient and the family members in the room breathed a sigh of relief. Although the little doctor looked quite skilled, he was really young and she was still a baby girl.

  The treasurer Zheng handed them the prescription, and when they left, he wanted to contact Man Bao for a while, fearing that she would be grudged by what happened just now, and Man Bao was also waiting for them to leave.

As soon as they left, Man Bao opened the case book and handed it to the treasurer Zheng, happily: "You came just right. This is the patient I saw and the prescription I prescribed early in the morning. You can see some improvement. ?"

When the treasurer Zheng Da came to his lips, he took a closer look at Man Bao, and after confirming that she was really happy, he took the case book. "Dr. Zhou Xiao often gave his case book to others when he was in Yizhou City. Doctor look?"

"That's not true," Man Bao said: "Doctor Ji said, the case is the patient's privacy, and it cannot be opened by others. Look at the shopkeeper and let them give me some pointers."

  The treasurer of Zheng:...what is the difference between that and showing it to everyone?

There are only these two doctors in Yizhou City, right?

  Oh, and Dr. Xiao Ji, the son of Lao Ji.

  The treasurer Zheng felt that the child was too simple to worry about. He looked at the three thin pages in the case book, and said together: "I look at it and deal with it very well."

  He paused and said, “It’s better than I thought, and even the first two cases were handled better than me, but you can just show me this case book in the future, don’t show it to others easily.”

  Man Bao responded, "Yes, I would like to ask the treasurer for advice from now on."

  The treasurer Zheng nodded with a chuckle, "Okay."

When the treasurer Zheng went out, he saw that the lobby was full of people. Some were waiting to grab the medicine with the prescription, and some were waiting to see the doctor. There were two other clinics in the same row, and even the other one separated by a large medicine cabinet. There were many patients standing outside the side clinic, only Manbao had a large empty space here, just waiting for a few patients.

  Obviously, it has been spread in Jishitang a long time ago, and the doctor in this clinic is a little girl.

  As soon as the treasurer Zheng came out, the patient opened the curtain and went in.

  The treasurer Zheng glanced at the long line next to him, couldn't help but smiled while touching his beard. These patients all underestimated the little doctor inside.

  In fact, not only them, but he also underestimated it at first.

  Doctor Ji and the treasurer of the old Zheng wrote letters saying that she was extremely talented and had several medical books they had never seen before, all of which could be treasures of the apricot forest. It is said that the difference between Zhou Man and a famous doctor lies in his age and experience.

  That's why he tried to recruit her, but now it seems that she is not bad in age and experience at all, she is just a little bad in age.

  Whether it is dealing with Dou Zhu'er's case or the father and son just now, she has handled it very well. It can be seen that Doctor Ji taught her very well.

  To be a good doctor, you need more than a doctor, especially when you are growing up.

There are few patients in Manbao, and she obviously knows this, so she is very careful to every patient, instructs meticulously, and prescribes meticulous prescriptions, but it is so meticulous, before noon, she still queues up at the door The patients outside have been dealt with.

Man Bao looked out for a while, and simply moved a small stool and sat at the door to look at the patients of the two doctors next door. When he saw the disease she was interested in, as soon as the other party entered the room, Man Bao went back to the house and carried his own. The teapot used to add tea to people, and by the way, I watched the two doctors treat people.

  However, she just came here, she hadn’t been familiar with the place yet, and she didn’t know them well, so she watched it silently for a while without interrupting or asking for advice.

  After seeing it almost, she went out.

  Seeing her stole the teacher so upright, Doctor Tao and Doctor Yu were silent for a while.

Man Bao returned to her clinic, thought for a while, took out a blank paper and wrote two cases and prescriptions. She checked the time and handed the prescriptions to Xiao Zheng's shopkeeper, "I want to go home, so I won’t disturb Tao. Doctor and Doctor Yu are here. These are the two cases and prescriptions in the medical books I have read. Please hand them to the two doctors. If we have time tomorrow, we can dialect the prescription."

  Doctor Zheng looked down and found that one was a symptom of wind-cold disease and the other was a symptom of children’s palpitations, both of which were very common conditions, but the prescriptions were slightly different from what they commonly used.

  He felt a little strange, “Why did Dr. Zhou suddenly want to make a dialectical prescription with Dr. Tao and Dr. Yu? But what’s the problem with the doctor they are seeing today?”

  Man Bao shook his head and smiled: “No, it’s just communication. It’s not that the shopkeeper said that Doctor Yu is good at pediatric diseases and Doctor Tao is good at treating wind and external feelings?”

   Then you didn’t directly take out the case and the improved prescription to make a dialectical argument with others, right?

   Shouldn’t this be well-known, or should it be dialectical only when there is a problem with the treated cases?

  Man Bao has already turned around and went back to pack up his basket and prepare to go home.

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng scratched his head, accepted the prescription, and planned to bring it out for lunch later for discussion.

Man Bao learned medical skills from Doctor Ji and asked him if she had any questions. Mr. Zhuang asked her to copy her medical book to Doctor Ji. Whenever Doctor Ji had any medical problems, she would also use it for advice. Teacher, the two people searched for symptomatic prescriptions and various dialectical articles from the endless books...

  And Doctor Ji is more and more dedicated to her. The two are not only communicating, but they are also mentors and apprentices to each other.

  Since then, Manbao has figured out that knowledge is never free, and she has to pay something to learn; and feelings come out of communication, and no one wants to pay for a single party.

  Since she just stole the teacher from Doctor Ding and Doctor Tao, she naturally wanted to return something back.

  This is called Lishangxianglai. She gave her knowledge. Next time she wants to get into the room to steal from school, she won’t be too embarrassed. If you go back and forth, the friendship will naturally deepen.

  Doctor Tao and Doctor Ding know nothing about this, and they don’t think so much like Man Bao. As adults, they rarely think about this kind of humanity.

  They were simply dissatisfied with Man Bao coming in and stealing lessons, but this dissatisfaction disappeared after receiving the prescription.

The two of them lit the name and dosage of the prescription on the prescription and suddenly realized, "That's it, that's it, Xiao Zheng, the treasurer, Doctor Xiao Zhou said that she saw this from another medical book? I don't know what medical book it is, but there are other prescriptions. ?"

Doctor Gu couldn't help but stepped forward to take a look. The treasurer Zheng smiled and sat down at the table, "Don't rush to discuss this matter. Let's eat first. There are patients waiting outside. We will talk about it when we are done for a while. "

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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