Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 950: Too proud (a reward for the book nerd

  Chapter 950 Too proud

  This pen is more expensive than a good book. Bai Shan's is the most expensive. Among the three pens he picked, the most expensive one cost eight taels of silver. He paid the money without blinking.

The shopkeeper took the box, carefully installed the pens they selected, the ink sticks were also installed, and then smiled and took a box from the man’s hand, opened it, and asked with a smile: "Miss ladies, do you want to read it?" Look at the inkstone? This is the best inkstone in our store, but it is made by a famous artist."

  The three of them glanced at them and shook their heads together. This inkstone is very expensive at first glance, and they are still three years old, and they still don't understand why adults like to collect inkstones.

  The shopkeeper saw them so simply, slightly disappointed, but still sent them out with a smile.

  I spent a lot of money in the bookstore, and when everyone looked at the various exquisite or beautiful or ingenious things on the street, they felt that it was very cheap.

The three of them couldn’t hold back the raging desire to shop in their chests. They were about to lift their feet and walk down. Da Ji put the box back and said, "Master, Master Tang, Miss Man, we should go home now, it’s almost time for dinner. It's time."

  The three people put their feet together, and after climbing into the carriage, they reluctantly lay down at the window and looked at the stalls on both sides of the street.

  Man Bao touched his little heart and said, "I can't bear it."

  Bai Shan is also reluctant, but at this moment he has already returned to the basket rationally, “We will not need so many things after we buy them back, so let’s wait until we buy our own house for fun.”

  Shirajiro was fascinated, "Can I buy a house in the capital, too?"

Man Bao calculated his money and said, "The big house cannot be bought, the smaller one can still be bought, but we are still not sure whether we will live in the capital for a long time, so there is no need to spend money to buy it at this time. ."

   "That is, if the king of Yizhou enters Beijing to destroy us, we must run for our lives," Bai Shan said: "We can still take the money and run, but we can't take the house."

Sitting in the carriage at this moment, we are all people who know each other, and the driving outside is lucky, Bai Erlang no longer hides it, obviously expressing his worries, "The King of Yizhou really doesn't know. Us?"

   "I don't know," Bai Shan said, "Do you think we are going to enter the Imperial College without a smooth exam? If he might know, Master Tang would not write to us and tell us."

   Shirajiro lowered his voice and asked, "Then you guys are going to play the Dengwen drum in the future?"

   Shirajiro looked at the small bodies of the two of them and said, "Can you stand that big stick?"

  Man Baodao: "We are not stupid, so we won't beat the Dengwen Drum."

  Even if you want to avenge your parents, you can’t use your own life to fight, it’s not worth it.

  Bai Shan also nodded, “There are many ways to file a complaint. This is the worst strategy. Unless someone promises me that I won’t have to be tortured with a stick, otherwise I shouldn’t beat the drum.”

   Shiro Jiro breathed a sigh of relief, "I still think that if you go to beat the Dengwen Drum, then I can only find a doctor for you and wait next to him."

   "Thank you, I am a doctor myself." Man Bao said.

  Bai Shan is concerned about another matter, "I don’t know when the King of Yizhou will enter Beijing."

  This matter, other ministers of the imperial court are also concerned, because in less than a month, the emperor has mentioned twice to let the king of Yizhou enter the capital, and every time the courtiers expressed their opposition.

   has been pushed from June to July, and July is the month of ghosts. The Queen Mother thinks it is unlucky to go out this month, so she was very angry. For two days, she announced that several ministers’ family members would enter the palace and let them sit on the bench.

  The ministers were the ones who most opposed King Yizhou’s entry into Beijing in advance.

I thought they would take a step back. Who knew that the ministers were aroused to rebel, but they opposed it even harder. These days the emperor didn’t even mention it, because every time he started talking, he was The ministers slobbered.

  But strangely, Master Wei Zhi was not among them this time.

  Although he also expressed his position at the court meeting that he did not agree with the King of Yizhou’s entry into Beijing, it was not the fiercest objection. Therefore, his wife escaped and was not declared into the palace, and was not remembered by the Queen Mother for the time being.

  Guozijian only released the rankings the next morning, but in fact the results came out early.

  After all, there are only forty-eight students in this test. Each test takes half a day, and there is half a day left. The examiners pass the test papers and the results come out.

  That’s why it was only two hours after the test of poetry and Fu was finished yesterday afternoon, and all the results came out.

  Today is mainly ranked.

  Guozijian first arranged the quotas internally, and then presented the top ten papers they thought were the best to the emperor, and asked him to choose the three best.

  After all, the top three are to enter Guozixue.

  Of course, this matter is not entirely up to the emperor. The opinions of Guozijian Jijiu are also very important, and Guozijian Jijiu represents all officials of the Guozijian government.

  The emperor read all ten people's policy theories and poems. The two papers were controversial. Tiejing and Moyi were almost fixed answers, and there was nothing to dispute.

  The three papers placed on the top are the three selected by the Imperial College and considered the best.

  The emperor opened the word, picked up the paper in the middle, and saw that it was Bai Shan’s paper.

Kong Jijiu saw, and said: "Bai Shan, fourteen, although he is young, his article is full of aura. The most commendable thing is that it has a profound understanding of the present and has something to say. Obviously, he has not only read a lot of books, but also experienced it abroad. ."

  The emperor smiled and asked, “Why does Kong Qing only rank him second? I think his policy is better than Peng Zhiru’s.”

   Kong Jijiu said: "But this man is too arrogant, and the minister thinks that Zhang Yang is too mellow, so he has to polish it."

   "Oh?" The emperor closed their papers, and said in confusion: "But why haven't I heard his name? Peng Zhiru's name is often heard, obviously he is very low-key."

Kong Jijiu shook his head, "Your Majesty, you can know people by reading words, and you can also know people by reading text. There is a sense of arrogance between the lines in his words, and it is precisely because the ministers and others have not heard of him that he is more arrogant. "

"Who does not submit an essay before entering the Beijing exam? It means not to submit an essay, and will think of other ways to make a name for himself, so that others can know that he is a handsome talent." Kong Jijiu said: "Peng Zhiru is only better than He entered Beijing two days earlier. After he entered Beijing, he became famous in the Zhuangyuan Building. He also pitched poems to me, but he was silent, and just bored his head for the exam. Obviously he was too confident in himself and felt that he would be admitted to the country. Zixue doesn't bother to be famous."


   Kong Jijiu touched his beard and shook his head: "He is only fourteen years old. To be precise, he is not yet fourteen years old. He is so arrogant. I am afraid that he will be proud of things in the future. It is undesirable and undesirable."

  (End of this chapter)

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