Another reason why it is called this name is the side effects after a day. Compared to the powerful effect, the side effect is also quite powerful, that is, drunk! What happens to people after they get drunk, this does not need to be said, that is, sleep! And people who eat a day of drunkenness, after a full day of energy, will be drunk for a whole month!

During this month’s time, no matter what happens, it is impossible to wake up, as if you were in a vegetative state. And the most peculiar thing is that people do not have most biological reactions in this month, eating and drinking Lasa is not needed, as if hibernating, which is the meaning of the last drunken word.

After finding out the true utility of this grass, Haichao immediately ran to the deck happily. He saw Solon first, but Solon was exercising, and he looked at it without disturbing him. Then he went to the deck and saw Nami and Vivi there.

Haichao excitedly shouted to the two people: “Hey, Nami, Vivi, I found the role of that plant!” “He was all burned before, and after the defeat of Mr.3, he showed everyone the flower he had picked on the magma of the crater.

And Luffy this guy has to eat it directly, fortunately he didn’t let him eat it, otherwise with his already excited state, I’m afraid that not only him but everyone else will be troubled by him all day.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Nami said, but Kaishio found that her situation did not seem to be very good. He looked sweaty and his face was a little abnormally flushed.

“Hey, Nami, are you okay, why do I think you seem to be sick?” Hai Chao said and stepped forward to touch her forehead.

However, Nami dodged away all of a sudden, and said to him: “Don’t worry, I’m fine, what did you just say?” ”

Seeing Nami say this, Haicho was not good to say more, so he told Nami what he found, but before he could finish, he saw Nami fall down!

“Nami what’s wrong with you?!” Kaishio hurriedly stepped forward and held Nami in his arms, which prevented her from falling on the deck. This time, Hai Shio did not wait for Nami to resist, and directly covered her forehead with his hand, but this touch startled him! Because Nami is having a high fever at this time, and it’s not an ordinary fever!

“You’re sick! How is it so careless, and it is all burned like this, and it is still insisting! Haisho reprimanded Nami, but found that Nami seemed to be a little unconscious at this time, and she couldn’t hear what he was saying at all!

“What happened?” At this time, Luffy pushed open the door and asked. He was accompanied by Usopp, Sanji, and Karu. And he and Usopp, Karu still have food in their mouths, apparently enjoying the big meal Sanji has made.

“Nami is having a high fever, hurry up and open the door, I’ll carry her over!” Hai Chao shouted at several people.

“What?!” Sanji shouted loudly, and then immediately rushed over to fight with Kaishio, “What the hell did you do to Miss Nami?” How could something happen to her?! “No way, at this time Kaishio is holding Nami, so Yamaji misunderstands that the reason why Nami is like this is his reason.

“It’s not like this, Sanji!” Vivi hurried over to explain, “I think Nami should be sick, hurry up and send her to the room, she needs to rest!” Listening to Vivi’s words, Sanji hurried to get out of the way for Kaishio to carry Nami into the cabin.

In Nami’s room, Yamaji, a big man, bit his shirt and said to Vivi with tears in his eyes: “Vivi, will Miss Nami be fine!” She’s not going to die! “It’s really hard for him, although he is stupid, but he also has feelings. It made Vivi a little impressed.

“I think it’s about the climate.” Vivi was applying cold compresses to Nami, “The first problem that the crew who come to the Great Voyage must encounter is the disease caused by the abnormal climate. No matter which sea area the sea thief has been in the world, there are countless examples of sudden death in this situation, even if the symptoms are mild, if you don’t pay attention to it, you may die! ”

After listening to Vivi’s words, Sanji cried even louder, as if Nami had died. And Usopp and Luffy on the side are also very anxious, Nami is their partner, but they can’t help at this time.

“Is there anyone on this ship who is a doctor?” Vivi asked to everyone.

“I’ll do it anyway!” Haichao stepped forward at this time and said, “Although I am not a serious doctor, I am a botanist and understand some medical theories, although it is not as good as some famous doctors, but it is enough to treat most injuries and diseases.” I’ve always been a doctor on this ship. ”

“Okay, then please!” Vivi said to the sea tide.

“What stupid thing are you talking about, Nami is my partner, of course I want to save her, but please take care of her, after all, we are all men, isn’t it very convenient!” Haichao waved his hand and said to Vivi.

“Don’t worry, I’ll leave this to me.” Wei Wei did not shirk, and directly took over this task.

Although Haichao knows a little medicine, he can’t see a doctor. He may be able to treat it if he understands the cause, but he doesn’t know what Nami is sick about. If you just get a cold because of the water and soil, it’s very simple, but I’m afraid it’s not like that.

Haisho first went back to his room and fetched a large number of herbs, although they might not all be useful, but he decided to give them a try. These herbs are harmless, and nothing more serious will happen.

Haicho first tested Nami’s temperature and found that Nami had a high fever of 40 degrees! So immediately began to prepare Nami to cool down!

“Vivi, I’ll get her some medicine first, and you will rub wine on her body!” She must cool down now, if she continues to have such a high fever, I am afraid that it will burn her head, and even if she is cured, she will become an idiot! Vivi ordered, and then the tide told everyone else to go out and wait.

Then he began to dispense medicines, basically herbs that reduced fever, and he chose a prescription himself and began to dispense. All of this seems to be in the book, and he is just drawing a scoop according to the gourd, and he is not sure whether it is useful.

Now everyone is very sorry why they did not look for a doctor to come to the great route, and only after coming to the great route can they experience its danger. Whether it is wind and waves, or chaotic magnetic fields, or even simple water and soil disobedience, it may cost a person’s life!

After the sea tide prepared the medicine, he walked over and knocked on the door. After a while, Vivi inside opened the door, thinking that she should be helping Nami get dressed. After Haicho walked in, he directly handed the medicine to Nami, who also cooperated and ate it.

And at this time, everyone waiting outside also walked in to see how Nami was doing now.

“How’s it going, how is it? Is Nami okay now? Luffy was the most anxious, and after coming in, he began to shout loudly, “I also just learned that I need to take medicine when I am sick, isn’t it okay to eat meat?” ”

“I just prepared some food that patients can eat, these can’t cure the disease, if you want to cure Nami, you can only watch the tide!” After Yamaji finished speaking, he looked at Kaishio with a hopeful expression, hoping that he could give Nami an answer that she was already well.

“After all, I am not a professional doctor, so I can only dispense some simple antipyretic drugs according to the prescription given in the book. But I’m not sure it will work. If Nami can’t get the fever down in a short time, I think it’s necessary to take her to the doctor! A real sound! Hai Chao saw that everyone’s eyes were focused on him, and said with a frown. In fact, he really did not have much certainty in his heart.

“How could this happen!” Sanji said dejectedly, “In normal times, I put a hundred times more thought into Nami and Vivi’s diet than you do. Fresh meat and vegetables, perfect nutritional balance, stale meat and vegetables are eaten for you, but how can Nami still get sick?! ”

Seeing Nami’s painful look, Luffy asked with some curiosity, “Is it really painful to be sick?” ”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been sick.” Sanji and Usopp both tilted their heads and said equally strangely.

“How can there be people like you!” Wei Wei shouted loudly, “Of course it is very painful to get sick, a high fever of 40 degrees is not at all tolerable for ordinary people, this is a disease that will die if you don’t do it!” ”

“What? Does Nami die? Luffy shouted in horror, “Hurry up and find a doctor to save Nami!” Not only him, but even Sanji and Usopp shouted just as well, and they were shocked! Although Vivi had said before that there was a big thief who died due to illness, they did not put this on Nami’s body, and now when they heard that Nami really might die, they all couldn’t sit still. And Karoo jumped up and down the same way.

Bang bang, four loud bangs, three people and one duck lay on the ground, each with a large bag on their heads.

Haichao stood beside them and said, “Give me quiet!” Nami needs to rest now, you guys will disturb her!” At this moment, everyone did not dare to continue fooling around.

“Vivi, how long will it take to get to Alabastan?” Hai Chao turned and asked.

“I don’t know, but it’s not going to be a week.” Wei Wei said with some hesitation.

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