Choiba was awakened, he was awakened by the breath of rain! When Qioba saw the scene on the bow of the boat, he was already stunned, a column of water that did not know how high stood on the bow, towering into the clouds, this was no longer a simple rain, but a super storm!

Qioba hurried to find Luffy in fright, but found that everyone was already asleep, and there was no way but to forcibly pull Luffy up: “Luffy hurry up, it’s not good, something big happened!” ”

Luffy was sat up by Jobala, but he was still asleep, and he didn’t even ask clearly, “How many legs does a spider have?” ”

“Eight.” Qioba replied subconsciously. But when he finished answering, he remembered that this was not the time to care about this at all! Hurriedly shouted at Luffy, “Luffy hurry up, it’s raining!” ”

But Luffy lay down again and fell asleep at this time, muttering in his dream, “I also have eight legs.” ”

Qioba was unwilling to go to the others, but after a morning of crazy noise, everyone was tired and slept deeply. In addition, these guys are big hearts to death, they don’t care about other things at all, and they can’t wake up after they want to sleep!

Choiba had no choice, ran to the door of the cabin and called Nami out. He remembered what Nami said at that time, if that cloud changed, he would call her, and at this time, don’t say that the cloud has changed, that is, the whole sky has changed!

But when he raised his hand and wanted to smash the door, he remembered that after Luffy knocked over Nami’s chart before, Nami said to everyone with a gloomy face: “If anyone disturbs me again, they will be fined 100,000 Bailey!” This sentence, as soon as he thought of this sentence, Qioba immediately wilted, and did not dare to call Nami at all, but he didn’t have a penny!

In desperation, Qioba can only continue to shout to everyone who is lying on the deck to sleep, and what is even more helpless is that no one gets up, Qioba is already about to cry!

At this time, Nami was drawing a chart in the cabin, and the last stroke fell, and finally a picture was drawn, which was a chart of the Little Flower * Garden, which drew all the Little Flower * Garden and the surrounding terrain.

“Well, it’s finally done!” Nami shouted excitedly, “Finally finished drawing one, let’s take a break first!” But just as she was hanging the chart to dry, the hull of the ship suddenly shook violently! Nami didn’t stand firmly and almost fell.

“What happened?! Aren’t these guys starting fooling around again! Nami guessed, and then walked out of the cabin.

But the moment she walked out of the cabin, she was directly stunned, she saw a water column at the bow of the ship, hovering high in the sky, like a water dragon, just need to destroy this small boat!

On the other hand, what made her even more frightened was that the small family of Qioba got up, calling everyone on the boat to get up, but no one got up. At this time, Joe noticed that Nami came out, and the angry little daughter-in-law did not dare to look at Nami.

“Why didn’t you call me when something so big happened?!” Nami asked to Chopba.

“You, you said you would be fined 100,000 Bailey!” Choiba finally couldn’t help but cry. This simple little guy just didn’t want to cause her trouble, it seemed that he was really afraid of himself.

Nami pressed it on Choba’s head, what a cute little guy!

“How long are you going to sleep!?” Then Nami came directly to a Hedong lion roar. Immediately after that, everyone who couldn’t wake up by Choiba all climbed up under Nami’s voice, which is basically a conditioned reflex*, if not, maybe you will have to taste the iron fist of Nami’s love.

“What’s wrong?” Haichao and the others, who had just gotten up, were still a little confused and didn’t know what was happening. But just at this time, it began to rain in the sky, and it was a stormy storm, and the raindrops hitting everyone’s faces finally woke them up.

And at this time, Nami also began to order everyone: “Ocean tide, Luffy, put away the sails!” Usopp, Choiba and MiSS Golden Week, go and fix everything on the deck, Yamaji right full rudder! ”

“Yes!” After hearing Nami’s command, everyone subconsciously agreed, and then immediately began to work. Only Robin was still reading as if he was fine! Haichao also noticed that this woman was funny, and even wrapped the book in plastic paper, so that there was no need to fear that the book would be drenched in water.

But isn’t it the time for your sister to show your ingenuity and read at such a time!?

But now is a time of crisis, everyone can do nothing else, and the most important thing is to quickly turn the bow of the ship. Because in front of them is the water column that catches the sky, and that water column is getting bigger and bigger at this time, and a giant cyclone has been formed, and if the bow of the ship touches that tornado, then the whole ship will be swept away!

And if such a small ship as the Merry is caught in the 1ong cyclone, there is only one way to go if the ship is destroyed and killed!

“Let me control the boat, if my important charts are swept away by the big waves, then all of you will lose your lives!” Nami said to everyone with a gloomy face.

“Yes!” Everyone quickly answered, and then began to do their work more seriously, they knew Nami’s horror. Choiba whispered to Usopp and Miss Golden Week next to him: “Nami is really scary!” ”

“Uh-huh.” The other two all nodded in understanding. Even the always peaceful Miss Golden Week said this, and it can be seen that Nami is now in a violent mood.

The boat is like a page floating in the air, the direction is not controlled by everyone at all, can only try to stay away from the tornado, to avoid the whole ship being crushed, as for the rest can only be resigned to fate.

Fortunately, they had Nami, a navigation expert, and after listening to Nami’s words, everyone finally survived this storm and cyclone without risk.

“Phew, fortunately, now the sky is clear, the air pressure is rising, and the situation has been restored.” Nami breathed a sigh of relief after observing the celestial phenomena, and then said to everyone, “Okay, I’m going to continue to work, as for watching the clouds, the matter is still left to you, this time don’t be lazy to sleep!” Nami said sternly. _

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