Seeing the tide coming in from outside, Colonel Rat immediately took a step back, thinking that he was still a little afraid of the tide. However, he immediately said: “You hateful pirate, I will destroy you today on behalf of the righteous navy!” Come, give me the ultimate weapon! ”

Colonel Rat shouted from one side, and on the other side, a huge cannon was pushed in by a group of naval soldiers, and then immediately set on fire. Colonel Rat screamed, “Hahahaha, you guys aren’t dead this time?!” This cannon is the legendary Milan Golden Cannon, a single cannon can blow up a warship, and it seems to be overkill to deal with you pirates who don’t know whether you are dead or alive! Colonel Rat said, hatred shining in his eyes, and he looked at the sea tide in amazement.

And at this time, the shell slammed and aimed at Luffy and them, this is to solve all of them at once!

“Let me come! Look at my rubber balloons! At this time, Luffy suddenly roared, then took a deep breath, and immediately turned into a huge balloon, wanting to bounce the shell back. But at this time, the wound on Luffy’s body that was stabbed out by Along’s nose suddenly leaked! He suddenly changed from a giant balloon man to what he was!

Seeing that the shell is about to hit him, although it may not kill him, it will definitely hurt him a lot! Hai Chao stomped his foot violently, and the air cannon under his feet was instantly launched, and he was directly bounced in front of Luffy! Then I saw him punch the shell, and the shell was directly shattered by him!

“It seems that you really want to die, and it seems like a wrong decision to keep you alive!” Haichao looked at Colonel Rat coldly, and then said.

“You you you, what kind of monsters are you!? Even the shells of the Milan Golden Cannon can be shattered! Colonel Rat looked at the sea tide as if he had seen a ghost, and then looked at Luffy, who had just changed his body size dramatically, and his voice trembled.

At this time, Nami suddenly rushed to his side and hit him with a stick, directly knocking him to the ground. The soldiers next to him wanted to go up and attack Nami, but they saw Haishio suddenly stretch out his arms flat, and two huge shield walls appeared in his hands. Then it closed sharply, setting off a huge wind pressure, blowing all the naval soldiers in front of him into the sea.

And Nami is still abusing Colonel Rat at this time, this hateful guy not only took away the money she had saved for eight years and took away her hope, but also shot and injured Nokigao, which made Nami even more angry. All she punched and kicked the rat colonel, and finally kicked him into the sea.

Colonel Rat swam overseas desperately, and just as he was about to leave, he turned his head and threatened everyone, saying that he would not let them have a good time. And Hai Chao directly chose the air cannon, and a cannon blasted him into the sky, and this time he finally didn’t have to listen to this guy.

At this time, everyone stood up and cheered, because they not only killed Ah Long, who had been ruling here, but also taught the rat colonel who helped to abuse the problem. The villagers directly threw Luffy and the sea tide into the sky.

And a doctor who stayed on the side also came over at this time and directly helped them treat. Among them, Solon’s injury was of course the most serious, and the wound that Hawkeye Mihawk had inflicted on him before had cracked open again because of the battle. Moreover, he once jumped into the sea, which made his wound inflamed, and at this time he already had symptoms of high fever.

The doctor hurriedly came over to help Solon heal his injuries. And Haichao also walked over, took out a small bottle from his arms and said to him: “Doctor, this bottle contains the sap of a plant called ice clear grass, which has a good fever-reducing effect, try it with this.” ”

The doctor took the bottle and sniffed it, and said: “That’s right, it should be ice clear grass!” I didn’t expect to see this plant, which is said to be a plant that only grows in great voyages! The doctor actually said with a loud laugh.

“A plant only in the Great Voyage? Can’t it grow anywhere else? Haichao asked suspiciously. The icy grass was found in a man’s home in the small village where pirates had been slaughtered and planted in a flower pot. Based on the knowledge in the book, he confirmed that this was ice grass. Later, when I went to sea, I was afraid that I would get sick at that time, so I ground it into juice and set it aside. But I didn’t expect that the origin of this small grass was not simple!

“That’s right! This herb is only available on great voyages. I really didn’t expect that I would see it in the East China Sea! The doctor looked very excited and his hands were shaking a little.

“Doctor, don’t get excited! Take a look for Solon, he’s not doing well. Seeing this, Hai Chao quickly said to the doctor.

“Ah, ah, well, I’ll help him heal his injuries right away.” Only then did the doctor react to his own job and quickly help Solon bandage the wound.

Haichao looked at the juice of the icy grass in a daze, and he now felt more and more suspicious about that small village. He lived there for seven years and read almost all the books on botany. But until now, he has never seen the real thing. Perhaps, he guessed, most of the plants recorded in those books probably existed in the Great Voyage!

Moreover, contacting the devil fruit he found again, how to think about the origin is not simple. You know, as the weakest existence in the four seas, the East China Sea has very few Devil Fruits! At least what Hai Chao knows now, besides him and Luffy, there is only one clown Bucky. Moreover, Luffy and Bucky’s Devil Fruit were not found in the East China Sea, and the fruits of both of them came from the Great Voyage!

This is not to say that there are no demon fruits in the East China Sea, but it is certainly pitiful. Combined with those rich botanical books, and this icy grass that only grows in the Great Voyage, so many coincidences are linked, I’m afraid it can’t be described as a coincidence! It can only mean that this devil fruit he ate is likely to come from the Great Voyage!

Moreover, the real reason for the destruction of this small village is also debatable. Before, Haichao just thought that this village would be destroyed because it was targeted by pirates. After that, he thought that it might be because of the Devil Fruit. But now he no longer thinks like this, although the Devil Fruit may be part of the reason, but it is more likely that the people in this village came from the Great Voyage, and they should have offended someone, so they fled to the East China Sea, but here they suffered a devastating blow!

Hai Chao didn’t know exactly what happened, but he felt the extraordinary nature of this devil fruit. Then contact the secret that Hawkeye Mihawk told him before, if it is true, then he will be in trouble!

But it can’t be considered a trouble, it can also be said to be an opportunity! If it is true, then although you will be entangled, you can also get greater benefits! Thinking of this, Hai Chao was excited, if he can get this benefit, then the power will be greatly enhanced, and when the time comes, his lack of offensive ability can also make up for it.

By this time, the doctor had basically stabilized Solon’s injury. Several other people also came to treat their injuries. Their injuries were much better, that is, they had broken a few bones, and the injuries like the sea tide became the most troublesome, because Along’s teeth were still on his shoulder and had to be pulled out first.

After treating their injuries, everyone began to party with the villagers. Luffy gulped the meat, while Solon drank on the side. Usopp himself built a high platform and stood on it bragging and singing. And Yamaji also wandered around the village, looking for food.

At this time, Luffy suddenly walked over, holding two large pieces of meat in his hands and one in his mouth. Sanji said, “Of course, the ham should be served with cantaloupe, and I have eaten honeydew melon ham in the village before, which is delicious.” ”

As soon as Luffy, a foodie, heard that there was something delicious, he immediately said where he found it, and Sanji said that the whole village was holding a buffet meeting, and he didn’t know where he ate it. And Luffy this guy immediately rushed out to look for it.

And this road idiot, who did not have a sense of direction, came to the back mountain in the process of searching. I saw Mr. Ah Jian standing in front of a tombstone. That tombstone is Nokiko and Nami’s adoptive mother, Bermel.

Luffy knew that he was looking in the wrong place and was about to leave, but was stopped by Mr. Ah Jian. He warned Luffy that after Nami and them went to sea, he must treat her well, and he must not let her suffer grievances, otherwise he would definitely not let them go! Luffy also solemnly promised that Nami was their important partner and would not let Nami be wronged!

At this time, the tide was sitting alone on the beach. He didn’t know where he was going. He felt that he shouldn’t be here now, maybe it would be a better choice to help Luffy when he was stronger.

At this time, Nami suddenly appeared behind him: “Hey, Haishio.” Why didn’t you go to the revelry! Is the food not delicious? Nami came to Kaishio and sat down next to Haishio and asked Haishio.

“No, the food was good. How can the food that even a professional chef like Yamaji praise not be delicious? Hai Chao replied softly.

“Then why are you sitting here alone, do you have something on your mind?” Nami picked up a stone and threw it into the sea.

“I’m hesitating to continue my adventure with Luffy and them.” Hai Chao calmly said the matter, and he did not intend to hide this matter.

“What?” Nami was stunned, and then said in surprise, “What’s going on?” How to suddenly say such a thing! ”

ps: It seems that none of you guys saw the ps, which was posted yesterday, because I deleted it. The previous chapter was delayed in being released and has been in a pending state, which is why such a problem arises. Let’s talk about it again today.

!!!!!!! Note that the little salt has to say plus more requirements. A normal day of six thousand is not less, and today there will be another chapter. Then, the V harvest is now 118, and if it reaches 200, the small salt is added. Plus more conditions, a week’s time. If it’s done a day earlier, add one more chapter. Tomorrow there will be 200v immediately, then directly add six more chapters, today to 200v to receive, then directly add more seven chapters!

Of course, Xiao Yan does not have so many deposits, and the two days of driving license saving manuscripts are almost the same, but the number of chapters will not change, as long as the requirements of Xiao Yan are met, it is to add more. Add one or two chapters a day.

Look at how real the little salt is, give some flowers or something to encourage! Then don’t forget to collect, it’s best to recommend it for Xiaoyan.

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