Just as everyone was running towards the outside of the square, a group of navies suddenly rushed out and surrounded them. Haichao shouted: “You guys go quickly, these navies are handed over to me!” Then a dozen small air cannons suddenly appeared all over his body. He now has quite a strong control over walls, so he can make walls bigger and craft more air cannons.

The air cannon instantly aimed at the navy blocking their way, and then fired sharply. Bang bang bang, a series of muffled sounds, all the navies that stood in the way were blasted out. Then everyone didn’t stop at all, and ran directly to the beach.

“Where is the sea?” At this time, Solon suddenly shouted loudly.

“The rain is too much, I can’t tell the difference!” Luffy also said.

Haichao took the opportunity to complain: “You two guys, even on a sunny day, you can’t tell the direction at all.” ”

“Bastard Haishio, do you want me to hack you to death!? I’m going to knock you off! Solon and Luffy roared at the tide.

“Okay, there’s no time, don’t make trouble!” It was Yamaji who stopped them from messing around and told everyone to hurry to the ship to join Nami and Usopp. The two of them have the weakest combat effectiveness, and if the navy is guarding there, I am afraid that the two of them are the most dangerous.

“Don’t think about it, the Navy will definitely stop us.” As far as I know, from the moment we landed on the island, the Navy should have already set its sights on us! Hai Chao affirmed. He had heard it from Smogg’s conversation with him, and Smog had said that he would not let go of either him or Luffy, so he must have known that both of them were on the island.

“Okay, then speed up and go straight to the Great Route from here!” Luffy yelled and pointed ahead.

And at this time, a large number of navies behind him have already caught up. Kaishio wanted to stop and stop them, but Sanji said, “There is not so much time to waste, let’s just speed up and just throw them off!” Haichao nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, Yamaji suddenly showed a foolish expression: “Ah, who is that beautiful lady in front!” ”

Haichao looked up, and sure enough, there was a woman with short hair standing in front of them, and the woman lowered her head and said: “I didn’t expect you to be Nonoroya Solon, or a pirate.” You… You deceived me! ”

“What? What the hell did you do to her?! Solon had not yet spoken, and Yamaji next to him took the lead in stopping it, his chivalric spirit did not allow bullying women. And seeing other people bullying women, he will not be able to stand it.

“It’s just that you didn’t ask my name, so I didn’t lie to you.” Solon stepped forward and said. It turned out that when they had dispersed to shop before, Solon this guy saw the woman in front of him, oh, maybe he should call it Navy Sergeant Dusty. Because the woman looked too much like Solon’s best friend as a child, Solon accidentally broke someone’s glasses in shock.

This female navy has an excess of justice and takes Solon to the naval headquarters to do miscellaneous work, which is regarded as compensation for glasses. And Solon was accidentally recognized by the navy, and there was no way he could only stun the navy.

After Solon left, he went to the knife shop to buy two knives, but once again ran into Dusty. At that time, Solon told the boss that he would buy two knives for 100,000 Baileys, and the boss knew that Solon was a poor ghost. And at this time, the boss suddenly saw the knife in Solon’s hand and wanted to buy it for 200,000 Bailey.

But this knife was left by Guina, how could he sell it? And the boss saw that he was unwilling to sell, and raised the price vigorously, from the first 200,000 Baileys to 650,000 Baileys. And at this time, Dusty walked in.

Already equipped with glasses, she saw the knife in the boss’s hand at a glance, and then opened a small book and began to check, and after checking it, she was shocked, it turned out that Solon’s knife was named Hedao Yiwen, and it was one of the twenty-one jobs of the big fast knife! It can be said that it is priceless.

The boss’s face turned red, originally he thought that Solon was a fool, and after being deceived by him, he could buy this famous knife at a low price, but it was destroyed by Dusty. I saw him take out a knife and put it heavily in Dusty’s hand: “Here you go, this Shi Yu has been sharpened.” The boss said angrily, and then pointed to a basket in the store and said, “The knives in there are all fifty thousand Baileys, you can pick two at random.” Then he ignored the two people.

Solon walked over to the basket and pulled out a knife casually. But it was this knife that made Dusty next to him shout again. Then he immediately took out the small book he was carrying with him again. After rummaging on it, I finally found the name of the knife. Three generations of Onitori, one of the fifty quick knives! Then Dusty asked the boss in amazement, is this knife really only sold for fifty thousand Baileys? You know, this is a famous knife, and then suggested that Solon buy it.

At this time, Solon suddenly spoke: “This is a demon knife!” Solon had a serious expression.

When the boss heard Solon say this, he immediately said: “Why, you also know this knife!?” ”

“No, I don’t know, it’s just that I feel it.” Solon said as he looked at the knife.

The boss said, “No, I can’t sell you this knife.” The three generations of Onitori, one of the fifty quick knives, are indeed a good knife, in fact, the knives in the Oni Toru series are very good, but using the knives of this series seems to be cursed. Many famous swordsmen died tragically after using this knife, without exception! If I sell this knife to you and you die, isn’t that me killing you!” ”

After Dusty heard that there was such a thing, he immediately bowed to Solon and apologized, saying that he did not know about it, and he had previously persuaded Solon to buy the knife, which was very sorry.

However, Solon said at this time: “No, I chose this knife.” Amid the dissuasion of the boss and Dusty, Solon added, “Then let me see who is stronger than my luck and its curse.” ”

Saying that, Solon threw the demon knife here! Brush brush brush, Oni began to spin, and at this moment Solon actually stretched out his arm! The boss was already frightened and shouted, “That knife is quite sharp, and the arm will be cut off!” And Dusty was also frightened and exclaimed.

Solon not only extended his arm to meet the knife, but also closed his eyes. Then I saw that the knife slowly fell from the air, still rotating during the fall, and when it reached Sauron’s arm, the back of the knife was completely down, and it didn’t hurt Solon in the slightest! Then it fell to the ground and plunged deep into the floor.

“I took this knife!” Solon grinned and said with a smile. He knew that he had received a good knife! And Dusty was so frightened that she sat on the ground, her legs were already soft, and she couldn’t stand up at all.

“Help me pick another knife.” Solon said to Dusty. He could see that Dusty’s attainment with knives was quite high.

“Wait!” At this time, the boss suddenly shouted. Then I saw him suddenly run upstairs and took out a knife, “My shop is not a big shop, and there is only such an ancestral famous knife, one of the fifty works of the fast knife Xue Xing.” ”

“I can’t afford it, didn’t I say I don’t have money.” Solon said. Then turn to look at those cheap knives.

“I didn’t charge you money, I gave it to you!” The boss gritted his teeth and said. And at this time, the boss’s wife came out of it and said, “What’s wrong, you miserly guy would give his ancestral treasure to someone else?” ”

“Is there anything wrong with men entrusting their dreams to other men?!” The boss said very toughly, but the next moment he couldn’t be tough, because the boss lady was tougher than him, “Don’t say it’s useless, hurry up and take out the trash for me!” The boss suddenly became a promise.

It was at that time that Dusty spoke out about her dream. That is to take back all the famous knives in the hands of pirates and bounty hunters, she feels that the famous knife falling into the hands of those people is an insult to the knife, the knife is crying, and she wants to stop this, even if it is to fight for her life.

Therefore, when she learned that the possession of the Great Quick Knife Twenty-One Gong and the Daoichi text was Solon, she personally chased after here and wanted to take back the knife! So standing in front of Solon, she said: “I will never allow a villain like you to carry that famous knife, famous knife and Dao Yi word, I will take it back!” ”

“Then you can try it.” Solon grinned, already clenching the knife in his hand.

Dusty directly drew the fast knife Shiyu in his hand, and then slashed at Solon. Solon also drew the Kazudo text and slashed twice with Dusty.

And at this time, Yamaji, the idiot and idiot, stopped doing it, and angrily scolded Solon: “You bastard, you dare to make a move on the lady!” Saying that, it was as if he wanted to intervene in the battle between two people.

And Dusty shouted: “Please don’t meddle, this is a battle between the two of us!” Outsiders, please don’t get involved! ”

“If you hear it, you guys go first, I’ll catch up later.” Solon said without turning his head and turning his back to them.

“Remember to keep walking in our direction and don’t get lost!” Kaishio shouted, then left with Luffy and Sanji.

Yamaji, the idiot man, said to Solon as he left: “If you bastard dares to hurt the lady, I will definitely not spare you.” ”

PS: Come on, come on! Ask for flowers and collection, other small salts feel empty! The most important thing is to collect, and strive to make the collection break through the 200 mark as soon as possible. Xiao Yan calculated, basically before five or six hundred thousand words, it is impossible to put it on the shelf, so everyone’s welfare can still have hundreds of thousands of words. Come on, throw more flowers at Little Salt, and make Little Salt happy too!

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