“Yes?” Hearing Usopp say that he had eaten two pots of food, Luffy scratched his head and said suspiciously, as if the two pots of things during the day were really not stuffed into his stomach!

At this time, Nami walked up to the little girl and said, “You are scared because we say that we are pirates.” Nami covered her head, and then said a little helplessly, “Alas, it is not surprising to hear that pirates have such a reaction in this era.” ”

“Will you sell me?” The little girl said timidly, looking pitiful.

“Hahaha, don’t look at us as pirates, but we are good people! How could something like that happen! Hai Chao also said on the side. But seeing the tide coming, the little girl actually moved back twice.

“The reason why she is scared is because you are so scary!” Solon laughed at the sea tide on the side.

“You look like this and have the face to talk about others?” Usopp pulled Solon’s face over and said with a smile.

Then, the three of them fought, and you punched me and I kicked it like it. Seeing this scene, Luffy laughed out loud, and the little girl laughed twice, but it seemed very reluctant.

“You guys don’t make trouble!” Nami said loudly to the three people who were still fighting.

Yamaji, on the other hand, walked to the edge of the table and said to the little girl: “This young lady, do you want to come a little more?” ”

Nami also turned around and said, “At least this ship doesn’t look like the pirate ship you think, so don’t be afraid.” ”

When the little girl saw Nami talking so well, she looked at the polite Yamaji and a few people who were messing around, and shouted: “I want another plate!” “She’s already recognized that these people won’t hurt her.

Early the next morning, the tide began to anchor Yang Fan, because a new day had begun, and they were going to continue on the great voyage! And at this time, there was a sudden loud bang, and they obviously felt that the hull of the ship swayed a few times before it stabilized. Then they saw the little girl come out of the cabin. And the door that was open behind her was smoking black smoke inside.

“What are you doing?” Hai Chao stood at the bow of the boat and said strangely.

“I prepared breakfast for everyone!” The little girl said a little excitedly, “Everyone hurry up and eat.” ”

“How can I have a sense of foreboding?” Hai Chao said to Solon.

“What will she prepare for us to eat?” Solon also said to the tide at the same time. The two looked at each other and saw the worry in each other’s hearts.

Sure enough, when they sat at the table, cold sweat instantly came down. Because the plate contained a pitch-black mess of food that could not be seen at all. Haichao is also a little puzzled, even if it is the first time to cook, it is not like this, and the food I made when I was alone is not like this!

At this time, Luffy, the foodie, had already shouted: “I’m moving!” Then he picked up the contents of the plate with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth, and then said, “It tastes good!” The little girl was glad Luffy could praise her like that.

The others saw Luffy saying it was delicious, and also showed a puzzled expression, because the contents of the plate did not look like they could be eaten. At this time, Sanji said, “Well, some things don’t look good. As soon as he said this, everyone decided to give it a try, and each took a small piece and put it in their mouths.

Then everyone’s faces turned red, and then it was time to gulp water.

“Is it that bad?” When the little girl saw everyone’s performance, she looked at Luffy who was gulping and eating, and was a little puzzled.

Then she also picked up a piece of food and put it in her mouth, and then she felt like her mouth was about to burst into flames! Shouted: “It’s so spicy! I misplaced the seasoning! “Then they started gulping water like the tide.

“It’s okay, it’s a common occurrence.” Yamaji comforted the little girl and said, “Oh, you guys must eat everything, I won’t watch you waste food, and it includes…” Saying this, he paused and asked the little girl, “By the way, I don’t know your name yet.” ”

“Apis, my name is Apis.” The little girl said to Yamaji.

Knowing the little girl’s name, Yamaji turned his head again to everyone and said, “This contains Abis’s heart!” Then he immediately ran to Nami’s side and said flatteringly, “I will make Miss Nami’s share alone!” ”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not very good at cooking.” Seeing that everyone needed to eat something so bad, Abbis said a little apologetically, “But I really want to help.” ”

“It’s okay, we’ve already received your wishes.” Nami said.

“I’ll leave the cooking to me, and there’s a lot of other stuff waiting for you to help.” Sanji also said.

“What are you talking about, I think it’s delicious!” Luffy said at this time. Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, it seems that the taste of foodies is indeed different from normal people!

“That’s right, Apis.” At this time, Nami suddenly remembered and asked, “Abis, why are you drifting alone in a small boat?” This is very dangerous! If you hadn’t met us, maybe you would have been fine! ”

After thinking for a while, Abbis said, “I escaped from the Navy ship on that rainstormy night three days ago. ”

“You’re sitting in that little boat, in a storm!” Nami said in surprise, in that kind of storm, even their advancing Merlie was in danger of being overturned by the waves, not to mention the kind of boat, “It’s just too messy!” ”

“What the hell did you run into? Since you had to escape from the warship, it means that you are not a guest above, right? At this time, Hai Chao suddenly said.

Solon also got up and glanced at the little girl and said, “Having said that, the navy didn’t pay attention to those little people. ”

“Ah, so you’re the big bad!” At this time, Luffy suddenly shouted loudly.

“How is it possible, how can I do something bad!?” Albis retorted loudly, and then her voice immediately became smaller, “I didn’t do anything bad, but the reason… I can’t say. “By the end it was almost inaudible.

“If you don’t want to say it, you must have a hard time.” At this time, Sanji had already packed up the dishes, turned around and said, “In that case, there is no need for us to ask.” ”

“That means.” “Everyone will have their own little secret, just like I secretly robbed a million Baileys when I was in Rogue Town, and I didn’t tell Nami about it.” ”

“What? You actually went to grab money?!! Nami shouted at the tide, “You still owe me thirty million Baileys, so hurry up and hand over one million Baileys!” ”

“What? When did I owe you thirty million Bailey? Haicho was stunned by Nami’s words, he never remembered that he owed Nami money, was Nami’s money so good? The debt is basically not finished, like Solon only borrowed 100,000 Bailey, but owed 300,000.

“Hmph, at that time, you gave me 30 million Bailey to welcome me back to the Pirate Group, but those 30 million Bailey were left in Coco Yasi Village, so of course this account will be counted on your head!” Nami said with a look of course.

“How can it be counted like this!” Haicho shouted and was just about to refute, but was hit on the head by Nami with a stick, and then all the money on his body was taken away by Nami, leaving him alone to squat in the corner and draw circles. Well, the money that was originally stolen was robbed, and a huge amount of 29 million Bailey was owed.

The farce ended with Nami defeating the tide, and Nami continued to ask Abis: “Abis, can you tell me where you are from?” ”

“I’m from Gunkanjima.” Abis said to Nami.

“Gunkanjima?” Everyone said suspiciously, they really haven’t heard of Gunkanjima.

“Why is it called Gunkanjima?” Luffy asked strangely.

“Because that island looks very much like a warship, it’s called Gunkanjima.” Albis replied.

At this time, Nami took out the map and also found Gunkanjima on the map. It turned out that Gunkanjima was not far from the Great Route, it was a small island, and it was not very far from their current location, but they wanted to go to the Great Route now, but they couldn’t pass by Warship Island.

“What do you want?” Nami turned to Abis and asked, “Want to go back to Gunkanjima?” We are now going to go on the Great Route, and it is not going well. ”

After hearing this, Abbis felt very disappointed and said: “I know that you saved me, and it is very undesirable to cause you more trouble, so you can choose to find a boat to put me down halfway, and I can leave the rest to myself.” ”

“It’s really troublesome, we are a group of pirates, how can we casually contact other ships?” Nami said deliberately, waiting until Abis was disappointed, and then said, “However, the course is not far away, and we are not in a hurry, so we will simply send you back!” Peaks turned around, and Abis looked at Nami in disbelief.

“I’m no longer a problem, Luffy, you’re the captain, what do you think?” Nami turned to Luffy and asked.

“Then go and see, anyway, the great sea route is coming, and the island like a warship seems to be interesting!” Luffy said to Albis with a smile.

Albis kept saying thank you excitedly, and then said: “In order to express gratitude, leave the cooking for everyone to me in the future!” ”

“Forget it!” Everyone hurriedly said in unison.

ps: Today’s first chapter, ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, collections. Everyone is very supportive!

Before you know it, it’s already fifty chapters, it’s not easy to get a little salt, can you support it?!!!!!!!

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