“Abominable boy, dare to attack my warship!” On the other side of the warship, Governor Nelson Roy shouted angrily, and then ordered the naval soldiers, “You idiots, hurry up and fire the super cannon on me!” ”

“Yes!” The navy saluted him, and then immediately ran towards the cabin, presumably preparing to fire the super huge gun. At this time, everyone on the Meili did not realize that the other party had used a secret weapon.

But soon, they saw it. Because that cannon was so big, even if they were very far away from that warship, they could still feel the huge volume of that cannon!

“What is that, if you are hit, it will definitely be shattered!” Nami looked at the cannon blankly and said.

“It’s okay, I’ll bounce back again!” Luffy said with a big grin.

And Haicho also comforted Nami and said: “Don’t worry about Nami, that kind of thing hits such a long distance, I can easily stop it.” Won’t let it hit our ship. ”

“Stop saying those stupid things! I’m going to adjust the direction of the ship, you hurry up and follow me to control it!” Nami glanced at Haichao and hurriedly said. Even if she knew how powerful Hai Chao and Luffy and the others were, she was still unwilling to hand over her fate to them, they said it well, but what if she couldn’t stop it then? So Nami decided that it would be better to control the ship to avoid it, so that the shells could not hit her, so that it would be much safer.

At this time, Usopp also moved out of one of the cannons on the Merly. If it is about strength, whether it is Haishio or Luffy and Sanji, Solon, he can finish Usopp ten rounds. However, Usopp really has the talent of a sniper, and if he shoots cannons, he is also quite level!

Then I saw him pull down his goggles, and then aim at the warship with a huge cannon, and blast out, unexpectedly directly hitting the shell into the barrel of the giant cannon! And this phenomenon, no one except Usopp saw it, so Governor Nelson Roy ordered the cannon to be fired. But at the moment when this order was given, only a loud bang was heard, and the giant cannon exploded by itself!

Governor Nelson Roy, who was blown up black, is still wondering, what is going on? How did his secret weapon suddenly explode? Usopp here began to celebrate, bragging about his ‘once’ glorious deeds. It’s just that now the people on the ship, even Abis have recognized his true face, so no one believes him at all.

“Right now!” Nami saw that the main gun in the place had been blasted off, and there was no need to change course to dodge, so she came out of the cab and said, “Now hurry up and cut the chains and open a way!” Then we will leave this encirclement immediately! ”

“Okay, don’t worry, Miss Nami, I’ll leave everything to me!” Jun Sanji, a flower idiot, did not forget to express his determination at this time.

“Luffy, it’s up to you!” Solon turned to Luffy and said.

“Good!” Luffy yelled, “Rubber, bridge! Then he instantly threw his arm out and directly grabbed the side of a warship on the opposite side, while Haishio, Solon and Sanji ran directly towards the warship through Luffy’s arm.

As soon as the three people got off, Luffy flew with him. He jumped up directly, his arms shortened instantly, and then he quickly approached. And Solon, who was the last to jump off his arm, saved the unlucky and was knocked up by Luffy at once, and the two of them crashed into the mast of the warship. But Luffy didn’t do anything at all, because he had Solon as a cushion underneath.

“I’m sorry, Solon.” Luffy said casually and stood up, not even pulling Solon, obviously without any apologies.

“Damn, I must kill you.” Solon swore again.

Before a few people came to the chain, Hai Chao stepped forward first and said, “I’ll try it.” Can my current lock fruit control these chains? Then he stepped forward and touched the chains. But he frowned, because he couldn’t control it. The lock fruit can lock other things, but it does not have the ability to control the chain, which seems to be different from the wall fruit, Hai Chao thought. But he didn’t delve into this either, because it didn’t make sense.

“No, Solon, leave it to you. Can you cut the chain? The tide came down from the side of the ship and said.

“There is nothing I can’t cut!” Solon said angrily, and then took the place of the tide and walked to the side of the ship.

And at this time, the door of the cabin suddenly opened, and then a pair of navies rushed out. In an instant, hundreds of naval soldiers surrounded Haichao and the others.

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said, “There are a lot of people coming.” ”

“I prefer to be lively.” Luffy said with a big grin.

“Little minions will be handed over to me, and the matter of the chain will be handed over to you, no problem.” Hai Chao concluded at the end.

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t get killed by the little minions, I don’t have any problems here.” Solon said with a stinky fart.

And the navy, with knives in their hands, shouted loudly at Luffy and the others: “In the name of the navy, you will definitely not be allowed to rush over, for justice!” Then hundreds of navies rushed straight over.

Hai Chao and the others glanced at each other, divided into three directions and rushed up to meet those navies. Bang bang, almost one-sided battle, those naval soldiers could not resist the attack of Hai Chao and the other three, and they were knocked down one after another.

Solon, on the other side, held a knife in his hand and closed his eyes without saying a word. Then, he suddenly opened his eyes, unsheathed the knife in his hand, and looked directly at the chain. Then there was a soft bang, and the chain was cut off by him and fell into the sea.

But there was not just a chain between the two ships, but several, and he had to cut them all to make an exit for their ships to leave. This is why they want to escape, otherwise the sea tide can easily make the other party pay a huge price! You know, the chain array can not be used casually, set on fire, then the entire fleet will be finished, and you can’t escape if you want to.

On the Meili, Abis watched the battle of Haichao and the others in a daze, did not expect that these people were really so capable of fighting, so many navies rushed up without leaving them any harm.

Usopp, on the other hand, cheered everyone loudly, shouting as if he had rushed up to fight.

But the tide’s actions made Nelson Roy angry: “Abominable pirates, dare to break my chain chains!” Give it to me, go catch them, don’t let them run! Otherwise, all the soldiers are banished to the island! ”

The navies quickly said yes, and then a pair of navies rushed to the warship where Hai Chao and the others were through the chains.

However, the Navy’s actions did not have any impact on Hai Chao and others. Solon was still cut chain by chain, methodically. And all the soldiers who dared to rush onto the warship were all resisted by Luffy and Haicho and Sanji, and the three of them seemed to have cast a copper wall and iron wall on this ship, and no one was allowed to pass!

“It’s so powerful, it turns out that they are such people!” On the other side, Abis who was accompanying Long Ye was dumbfounded, he never thought that Hai Chao and the others would be so powerful, and those navies that seemed fierce to him were vulnerable!

Soon, Solon had cut most of the chains, leaving only the last one. Upon seeing this, Nami quickly ordered Usopp: “There is only one last chain left, hurry up and sail!” ”

The naval governor was a little anxious, and quickly ordered his navy to stop the other party. He didn’t want to think about it, if he could stop it, he would wait until this kind of time? So this naval governor is just an idiot.

Finally, the last chain was also cut by Solon, and seeing that the Merry was about to escape the encirclement with Longye, Governor Nelson Roy ordered: “Shoot me and sink that ship for me!” Even if I let the thousand-year-old long bones sink into the sea, I can still let people salvage them, and I definitely can’t let them take them away!” ”

In the previous shelling, because the navy was worried that violating the order of Governor Nelson Roy would hurt the millennium long, they actually did not fire at the Melly, so Nami could still hide with a little operation. But now at such a close distance, and the Navy did not have any scruples, the Melly was immediately hit by a shot!

And there was even a shell that blasted towards Long Ye! As soon as Abis saw such a scene, she immediately blocked in front of Long Ye, wanting to use her weak body to help Long Ye block this shell.

But she didn’t expect that Long Ye actually stretched out a wing at this time to block directly in front of Abis, and the shell slammed on Long Ye’s wing.

Abis opened her eyes, wondering why she didn’t feel the pain of the shell hitting her body, but found that it was Longye’s wings in front of her. And Long Ye actually struggled to get up from the scooter and began to flap his wings!

Seeing this scene, Abis immediately excitedly shouted: “Long Ye, you have recovered!” ”

“Does he want to…” said Nami with some surprise.

“That’s it, come on, Master Long!” Luffy shouted.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection. I don’t want to say more about the superfluous.

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