Only a bang was heard, and the man and woman had already fired the cannon they were carrying on their shoulders, and two shells were aimed at the whale’s stomach and bombarded it. But at this time, something suddenly appeared that everyone could not expect! I only saw that strange old man actually jumped up directly, and then blocked the two shells with his own body! And he himself fell weakly into the gastric juice of the whale.

“That old man actually used his body to block the shells!” Usopp shouted, the surprise in his heart incomparable.

“Could it be… He protected this whale?! Sanji also said incredulously.

“Ahaha.” At this time, the woman laughed loudly, “Don’t do senseless resistance!” ”

“If you want to protect him so much, try to protect him.” The man followed, “This whale is destined to be the food of our town!” Ahahahaha. Saying that, he also screamed and laughed.

And at this moment, Luffy suddenly jumped out and directly pulled the heads of the two people, knocking the two of them together. This blow directly knocked those two people unconscious. Luffy, on the other hand, looked at everyone, his face was not very good, and said: “Teach them a lesson first!” ”

On the boat of the strange old man Lux, Lux looked at Luffy a little strangely and asked, “Thank you, but why are you helping me?” ”

“I’m not helping you, I’m just seeing that the two of them are not pleasing to the eye!” Luffy replied.

“Who are they?” Nami asked Lux curiously, “What are you doing inside the whale’s body again?” The man and woman were sitting on the boat tied by ropes.

“They are scoundrels in nearby towns, and the target is the meat of this whale.” “That’s because if they catch Rab, they have food for two or three years.” ”

“Rab?” Nami said suspiciously.

“The name of this whale.” This was not unexpected, Lux continued, “He is an island whale that lives in the West Sea and is the largest whale in the world. I won’t let him turn into food or something, and there’s a reason why he hit the Red Earth Continent with his head and keeps yelling at Upside Down Mountain. ”

As soon as they heard that there was a reason, everyone knew that it should be a story, so they all focused their attention.

“He… It’s a whale with human emotions! Lux sighed and said, “He has been waiting for a group of pirates, waiting for a whole fifty years… Next, listen to Raab’s story! Hearing this, everyone looked at him.

Next, Lux began to reminisce: “One day, when I was the usual Caretaker Lighthouse, a group of cool pirates came down from Upside Down Mountain and came to the Great Passage. There was also a small whale closely behind their boat, and that was Raab. ”

“Island whales inhabit the West Sea and are the largest whales in the world. The pirates had been traveling with Raab, but because the Great Voyage was too dangerous, they had originally let Rab stay in the West Sea, but Rab still followed. Island whales are whales that live together in groups, and I think for Raab, those pirates are his companions. ”

“They stayed at Cape Twin for a while because the boat broke down and became good friends with me, so on the day of departure, they asked me to take care of Rab for two or three years. At that time, they said that when they traveled around the world, they would come back here and let Raab wait for them, and Raab has been waiting here. That was fifty years ago. ”

“Fifty, fifty years?” Usopp exclaimed incredulously, “So Rab waited for those pirates for fifty years? ”

“That’s why he keeps yelling!” Nami suddenly realized, “I also hit the rock wall with my body.” ”

After listening to Rab’s story, of course, they can’t stay in the whale’s stomach, otherwise the Merry will really melt away, so they leave with Lux. And the way out is the passage behind the door that Hai Chao and Luffy hit before.

At this time, a part of the water has been filled into the channel, and the boat can sail in it. While driving, Solon also sighed: “What an incredible channel.” It’s a shame that he has so many holes in his stomach and hasn’t died yet. ”

“Is this your playground too?” Sanji said to Lux. Lux had said that Rab’s belly was his private resort, so Sanji would make a joke.

“This is the doctor’s playground.” Lux said absentmindedly while flipping through the newspaper.

“Doctor?” Usopp screamed in disbelief.

“Don’t look at me like this, I’m a doctor.” I used to open a clinic in Cape Gemini and also have many years of experience as a ship doctor. Lux said proudly to everyone.

“Really?!” Luffy exclaimed excitedly, “Why don’t you come to our ship as a ship doctor!” Sure enough, everyone knew that this would be the result, Luffy this guy would definitely invite people, and he was basically invited on board like this. Whether it was Solon, Nami, and Yamaji, after he decided, he directly pulled the other party on board regardless of the opinions of others. I don’t know if this time is the same as before.

“No, I don’t have the strength to mess with you anymore.” Lux said to the crowd. Then he climbed a ladder to open a gate for everyone and allow the Melly to leave the whale’s body.

“So you’re a doctor, that’s why you’re in the belly of a whale.” Sanji said with a cigarette roll in his mouth.

“This is what it looks like after treatment.” Nami pointed around, there were metal facilities everywhere, so it should have all been built by Lux alone inside the body of Whale Rab.

“He has grown so big, it is no longer effective to treat him outside.” Saying that, Lux walked to the door and said to everyone, “I’m going to open the door.” Then I saw him start shaking a handle, and then the door opened!

“It’s out! It’s a real sky! Luffy shouted happily. When his companions were swallowed before, he was desperate. Now that he has finally come out with his partners, his excitement can be imagined.

“Fifty years.” Usopp looked at the giant whale Rab and sighed, “That group of pirates really made him wait for a long time.” ”

“Stupid, this is a great route, dead!” Sanji took a puff of his cigarette, then said in a calm tone, then spit out a puff of smoke and continued, “No matter how much you wait, you can’t wait.” ”

“I heard that fifty years ago, this was a more chaotic sea than it is now, and no one dared to set foot on it.” Nami also said. When she said this, she also endorsed Sanji’s statement. Even now, many of the people who entered the Great Voyage would die, as if Governor Klick came in with fifty ships and five thousand men, and only a hundred men left alive.

“Hey, don’t be so realistic! It’s hard to tell, isn’t it? It’s possible to come back! Isn’t it very touching? That’s a whale that I have agreed with my partners to believe in! Right, old man. Usopp, who has always been more emotional, said with tears in his eyes.

“Well, but the reality is harsh.” Lux said, “I have the news that they have run away and fled the Great Route. Lux was not in a good mood either.

“How come? They shouldn’t leave him alone! Usopp said with some surprise.

“You say escape from the Great Voyage? Could it be that they passed through the windless belt alive? Nami was curious about this, after all, they had witnessed the danger of the windless belt.

“Even if they were alive, they wouldn’t come back here.” In this season, the weather, the currents, the direction of the wind are all rotten, and all common sense does not apply to the sea, the great route. “His horror quickly takes over fragile hearts.” ”

“You’re saying that those guys with fragile hearts ran away from here in order to save their lives despite the agreement, right?” Sanji said.

“They abandoned this whale?! He had been waiting for fifty years! It’s just too much! Usopp shouted. Although he is timid at times, he has one of his greatest advantages, that is, he is a man! When the responsibility needs to be borne by him, he will become very strong, even if it costs his own life! It is precisely because of this that Luffy will let him on the ship, otherwise the Straw Hat Pirates will not be taken in by everyone.

“Since you know why don’t you tell him!?” Nami said with some complaint, “He can understand human speech, doesn’t he?” So that he doesn’t have to suffer so much! ”

“I said it, without reservation. But he didn’t want to believe it. “That’s when he started yelling at the Upside Down Mountain and banging his body against the Red Earth Continent, as if he was determined that they would come back from the other end of the rock wall.” ”

“This whale has lost the meaning of waiting.” Haichao said with emotion.

“It’s just that he is afraid of losing the meaning of waiting, which is why he does not want to listen to what I say.” Lux said, “What he fears most is losing the meaning of waiting, because his hometown of Xihai can no longer go back, so the companions who come with him are his hope.” ”

ps: Please collect!! Ask for flowers!! Book friends passing by help support and give two flowers. If there is a book that joins the bookshelf does not take up space, Xiaoyan is here to thank you!

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