Seeing that Mao Yu and the soldiers had already tied Cui'er, and there was a lot of wood tied beside him, General Mao Yu was still holding a torch, and he really planned to burn Cui'er to death.

Seeing this, Huo Li scolded: "Stop!"

Mao Yu turned to look over: "General, you are back, the soldiers are waiting for the general to come back and give orders to burn this demon girl."

Originally, they didn't believe that Cui'er was a demon girl, but when they saw Huo Li jumping up in such a hurry, they pushed Cui'er away, turned around and walked away, thinking that Cui'er almost confused Huo Li.

Before the demon girl could succeed, they tied up Cui'er and prepared to burn her to death.

Just as he was talking, he saw Huo Li walking directly in front of Cui'er and untied the rope on Cui'er's body.

Cui'er cried with a face, and immediately threw herself on Huo Li: "Big Brother Huo, Cui'er thought that he would never see Big Brother Huo again in this life."

"Brother Huo?" Mao Yu was stunned, and all the soldiers were even more puzzled.

Huo Li pushed Cui'er away, glanced at her, and said in a blink of an eye, "She's not a witch."

After speaking, Huo Li turned to look at Cui'er, and said coldly, "Come with me."

Although Cui'er still feels aggrieved in her heart, she is also a person who knows what to do. At this time, Huo Li can save her. It is already very good. There are so many people in front of her who want her life. She has to follow Huo quickly. Just leave.

Huo Li took her to the tent, Cui'er stood in front, Huo Li sat on the seat, poured a glass of wine and drank it.

Seeing Huo Li's wet appearance, Cui'er couldn't help but said, "Brother Huo, your clothes are soaked through, do you want to..."

"What are you doing here?" Huo Li asked in a cold voice before Cui'er finished speaking.

Cui Er was stunned, and immediately said: "Yes, the village and the town were attacked, everyone fled, I am a girl, the owner will naturally not take me away, when I go back, my parents have already I'm gone, I can't do anything, I'm helpless, and I don't know where to go..."

"Key points." Huo Li interrupted in a cold voice.

Cui'er clenched her palms tightly, her face aggrieved, but she still said, "I heard from the refugees on the way that Brother Huo was here, so I came here."

After finishing speaking, Cui'er was worried that Huo Li would ignore her, and immediately said: "Big Brother Huo, Cui'er is really worried about Big Brother Huo's safety, I can't bear to see you alone on the battlefield, Big Brother Huo please don't. Drive me away, I'm alone now, if even Big Brother Huo doesn't want me, I really, really don't know how to live anymore..."

Cui Er burst into tears with aggrieved expression on her face.

Huo Li suddenly felt five hearts irritated. As soon as his palms tightened, he raised his fist and slammed a hammer on the table. Suddenly, Cui Er trembled with fright, and quickly stopped crying and looked at Huo Li cautiously.

Only then did Huo Li realize that he had lost his temper just now, and in a blink of an eye he shouted, "Come on!"

A soldier outside the camp immediately walked in: "General."

"Take her down and find a place to settle down."

"Big Brother Huo..." Cui'er panicked, is Huo Li planning to really ignore herself?

But before she could finish speaking, Huo Li said, "It's a war now, don't leave the camp if you have nothing to do. Tell the people who are serving you what you need."

After speaking, Huo Li poured another glass of wine, and the soldier next to him also understood what Huo Li meant, and turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Cui Er.

Cui'er also understood what Huo Li meant. As long as Huo Li didn't drive her away, as long as she could stay by Huo Li's side and look at him, she would be satisfied.

Before leaving, she glanced at Huo Li again, and Cui Er left with the soldier.

As for Huo Li, he didn't sleep all night. He hoped that the person who came today was Lin Xiaoye, but he felt that he was very selfish. Xiaoye is now pregnant with a child, it must be very hard, and the village and town have been attacked. I don't know how they are now.

The next morning, Cui Er got up early and walked out of the camp, only to find that the soldiers did not know when they had started training.

After looking around, I quickly found a place where I could cook, cooked some porridge for Huo Li, and when Huo Li returned from the morning training, when he entered the camp, he saw that Cui'er was already here.

Huo Li frowned and shouted angrily, "Someone!"

Hearing the sound, Cui'er was startled and stood up immediately, looking at Huo Li in confusion and fear.

Although before in the village, Huo Li always had a cold face and couldn't be enthusiastic about anyone, but he had a good temper at that time and never yelled like this. Why did he always get angry when he arrived at the military camp ?

☆、Chapter 423 Who let her in?

Chapter 423 Who let her in?

However, in Cui'er's eyes, such Huo Li has a more masculine flavor, which will only make her love Huo Li even more.

At this time, a soldier quickly ran to Huo Li: "General."

Huo Li glanced at him: "Who let her in?"

The soldier glanced at Cui'er, and his heart tightened: "General, yes, Miss Cui'er said she made porridge for the general, so she let Cui'er in when she was young."

The words just fell, Huo Li raised his hand and slammed his fist on the soldier's head, directly knocking the soldier flying, the soldier did not hesitate, and immediately knelt in front of Huo Li.

Seeing this, Cui'er was also frightened, her whole body began to tremble, and she quickly said, "Huo, Brother Huo, it's me, I came in by myself, it's none of their business."

Huo Li's pair of cold eyes suddenly

She stabbed in the past, causing Tui Er to tremble with fright, and subconsciously took two steps back.

I just heard Huo Li say, "Can this general say that outsiders are not allowed in this camp?"

The soldier hurriedly said, "General, I know that I was wrong, and I ask the general to punish him."

Cui Er was so frightened that she lost her courage, how could she dare to say anything else? In her heart, she only felt that without Huo Li's permission in the future, she would never dare to come in easily.

Only then did Huo Li speak: "Go out!"

The soldier then quickly got up and left the camp. Now there are only two people left, Cui'er and Huo Li, and Cui'er is even more nervous.

Huo Li said directly, "What are you doing here?"

Cui'er glanced at Huo Li, her body still trembling.

"I, I made porridge for Brother Huo."

Saying that, Tweety glanced at the table.

"Go out." Huo Li said coldly without even looking at it.

Cui'er was startled and stared at the porridge on the table. It was the porridge that she had boiled for two full hours. Couldn't Brother Huo take a sip?

Thinking about it, Cui'er still said, "Brother Huo, that porridge..."

"go out!"

Before Cui Er could finish speaking, Huo Li let out a low growl.

Cui'er was startled, she quickly turned around and was about to go out, but without thinking, Huo Li suddenly stopped her again.

"and many more."

Cui Er was pleasantly surprised and turned around immediately: "Brother Huo, is there anything else?"

Could it be that he felt bad about it, he was just angry just now, but now he is relieved and wants to drink the porridge he made?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Huo Li turned around, looked at Cui'er with cold eyes, and then opened his mouth: "Take this out."

Cui'er's heart suddenly fell from the sky. Did not expect Huo Li to be so cold-blooded towards her? He ran over mountains and rivers to find him. For his safety, how much grievances and hardships he suffered on the road, why did he not even ask a question, so he didn't like seeing him?

If it was Lin Xiaoye who came here this time, would he still be so cold-blooded?

Thinking about it, Cui Er only felt that her heart was tight, her lips trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, she gritted her teeth, and quickly went out with the bowl of porridge.

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