The children sat down at the table, but Lin Xiaoye had no intention of looking at the food on the table, nor did he look at Jiang Lin.

At this time, Sister Hu saw the dishes on the table and immediately exclaimed: "Little girl, you made all this?"

Saying that, Sister-in-law Hu began to eat rudely, and then nodded again and again: "Not bad, although your sister's craftsmanship is still far behind, but it is already very good. If you are in the village, your craftsmanship is better than those of those ages. The older sisters are all fine."

When she got the compliment, Xiaoya was also happy: "Of course, I don't care who I am."

☆、Chapter 428 Too salty

428 Too Salty

After finishing speaking, Xiaoya glanced at Chen Jinyan again, and then said, "I didn't make all of them, and Sister Jinyan also made a few dishes."

Hearing this, not only Sister Hu, but also Lin Xiaoye was surprised and looked up at Chen Jinyan.

Sister-in-law Hu said in surprise: "Jinyan? You can still cook? Ouch, this is incredible. I used to think that Jinyan sister is a stubborn girl."

When Sister Hu said this, Chen Jinyan blushed and became shy.

"I really didn't know it before, but it's not what it used to be. I can't rely on you everywhere. I should learn to cook some dishes. This is what Xiaoya taught me. The first time I made it, it definitely didn't taste good. ."

As she said that, a trace of worry appeared on Chen Jinyan's face. She was really worried that what she was doing was too unpalatable. After all, Lin Xiaoye and the others went out to work all morning. It's better to make it unpalatable.

Lin Xiaoye said at this time: "Which one did you make, I'll try it."

Hearing the sound, Chen Jinyan's face filled with hope, and then he raised his finger and pointed to the dish in the middle: "This, and the one next to it, and this."

Lin Xiaoye saw that they were scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded green peppers, and a green vegetable.

These are indeed simple dishes that are easy to learn and easy to make. This is what Xiaoya told her when she wanted to learn how to cook. She just started learning how to cook, but started with these simple dishes.

"As expected of the words, the dishes made by the beauty of the people are also beautiful."

As soon as he heard Lin Xiaoye's words, Chen Jinyan's ears blushed.

Immediately, Lin Xiaoye took a chopstick of green pepper and chewed it in his mouth, feeling that his taste buds were hurt ten thousand points.

This... is too salty!

Seeing that Lin Xiaoye didn't speak for a long time, Chen Jinyan's heart tightened, and he asked cautiously, "Is it bad?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiaoye glanced at Chen Jinyan.

This is Chen Jinyan's first time to cook, so she must be full of enthusiasm, and she must hope that everyone will like it. If she told the truth, wouldn't it have really hit her enthusiasm? Can that fragile little mind bear it?

Thinking, Lin Xiaoye immediately grinned, and then said with surprise: "Wow, delicious, I didn't expect your first time to cook so delicious, it's surprising!"

As she said that, Lin Xiaoye was worried that Chen Jinyan would not believe it, so she quickly put a little more in her mouth, but her taste buds were hurt again, but she said her words, and she had to eat it with tears in her eyes. Isn't this a test? When it comes to acting?

Seeing this, Chen Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lin Xiaoye expectantly: "Really? Is it really delicious? I'm also worried that it will be too salty, because I feel like I put too much salt, Is it really delicious? Xiaoye, please don't lie to me."

Lin Xiaoye smiled.

My dear, it turns out that she realized that she put too much salt in it.

Thinking about it, Lin Xiaoye said, "It's a bit too much, but it doesn't affect eating. The rest are fine. You can just put a little less salt next time. It's good to be able to do this for the first time."

Although he was a little regretful, when he heard Lin Xiaoye say this, Chen Jinyan was still very happy, and in a blink of an eye he looked at Zhang Yusheng next to him.

Zhang Yusheng also hurriedly picked up his chopsticks before putting them in his mouth. He immediately raised his brows, and really felt that his taste buds were being bombarded.

At this time, Lin Xiaoye hurriedly gave Zhang Yusheng a look, and Zhang Yusheng would naturally understand.

"Well, it's delicious, what Jinyan makes is delicious, and I like what Jinyan makes the most."

Hearing the sound, Chen Jinyan felt excited, and immediately said, "Really? I really didn't expect that I could cook like this for the first time."

As he spoke, Chen Jinyan covered his chest excitedly, indescribably happy, he immediately picked up his chopsticks and started to serve Zhang Yusheng hard.

"Then you eat more. You have worked hard for you a while ago. You have lost weight. I will do better in the future. You have to eat more."

While talking, Chen Jinyan did not hesitate to serve Zhang Yusheng dishes, and the most important thing was that all the dishes she cooked.

Lin Xiaoye was almost burst into laughter, and tried to hold back her laughter, looking at Zhang Yusheng's unlovable appearance, but it really made her suffocate, and she could only silently mourn for Zhang Yusheng for three minutes in her heart.

As for the others, seeing Lin Xiaoye's appearance, Zhang Yusheng's unrequited love, and the appearance of forcibly stuffing those dishes into their mouths, they can know how the dishes taste without eating them. Naturally will not eat.

Sure enough, after eating this meal, Zhang Yusheng drank four large pots of water before he recovered.

But in this way, Lin Xiaoye also found out that Zhang Yusheng really likes Chen Jinyan and is really good to her.

Prince Rui's Mansion

Inside, Prince Rui was sitting in the main hall drinking tea, holding a fan in his hand and shaking his face comfortably, and in front of him stood the steward of the mansion.

"How's it going?"

The housekeeper obeyed slightly: "It's sold out at noon, and it's still very popular."

Prince Rui smiled and said, "That girl, she really had two strokes. Even this prince, who ate so many delicacies from the mountains and seas, was so greedy for her shrimps and crabs yesterday."

Speaking, Prince Rui couldn't help but swallowed, as if he was still thinking about the things he ate last night.

The housekeeper said, "My lord, do you want to go and get some for you?"

This housekeeper has been helping Prince Rui with all matters in the house. He is responsible for everything, and is considered Prince Rui's confidant. Naturally, Prince Rui is also the closest to him.

Prince Rui waved his hand: "No, I will visit later in person."

The housekeeper didn't understand, and looked puzzled: "Why does the lord always like to run to that girl these days? The lord didn't go out very often before, if you want to eat those shrimps and crabs, you can just send someone to fetch them, why bother your lord? Go for a trip yourself?"

Prince Rui gave him a look, and put away the fan in his hand: "You don't understand, that girl is different from other girls, I always feel that she seems to see something, and she looks very simple, I have to go meet her and see how much good stuff this girl has in her belly."

After finishing speaking, Prince Rui said again: "By the way, remember to deliver the shrimp and crabs on time every day in the future. Today, their business is good, so they will deliver more in the future, and they will buy all of them and send them over there."

The housekeeper nodded and asked again: "My lord, these shrimps and crabs are not cheap. The lord can tell them the place directly. Why does he have to pay for it himself every time? loss?"

Prince Rui smiled: "You old guy, are you still making plans for this prince?"

The housekeeper smiled: "Xiao has been following the prince, and he has plans for the prince."

☆、Chapter 429 Jiang Lin's confession

Chapter 429 Jiang Lin's Confession

Prince Rui nodded gratified: "Those things are not expensive, this prince can still afford it, the reason why this prince will help them is just because

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