August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The bright light comes in from the window, even the air is filled with the smell of sunshine, the birds outside the window are chirping non-stop, and the wild chrysanthemums are competing to open, revealing the unique ripeness of autumn.

Chu Qingzhi opened her eyes, and heard Tang Jinghong's voice of blessing, "Qingzhi, Mid-Autumn Festival."

With a low voice mixed with a little hoarseness, it was sexy, and after Chu Qingzhi listened to it, half of her body softened.

Chu Qingzhi exposed her arm, and there was also a lifelike golden-feathered phoenix on her arm, so that she and Tang Jinghong could receive each other's messages in time, and as long as the golden-feathered phoenix had a fever, it meant that there was a message from the other party.

Chu Qingzhi touched the golden-feathered phoenix on her arm, and said in a sweet voice, "Jing Hong, enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Tang Jinghong's smile slowly gathered on his face, and his voice was gentle, "Qing Zhi, I brought you a gift, which will arrive around noon. Today is the holiday, so please be happy."

Did you bring her a present? It feels really good that someone specially prepares gifts for herself during the festival, Chu Qingzhi is very happy, "Jing Hong, thank you."

Tang Jinghong smiled and said, "You're welcome."

The two chatted stickily for a while, and Chu Qingzhi got up.

She got up late today, and when she got up, every household in the village was already slaughtering chickens and ducks to prepare a big meal at noon.

But their family is not in such a hurry. There are many people in the family, and everyone will share a little, and it will be done in a while.

Chu Qingzhi walked to the gate and stretched comfortably.

Chu Qingyue was feeding the chickens at the chicken pen, "Cuckoo, Cuckoo..."

For a large-scale festival like this, unless necessary, everyone has to take a rest, and the workshop at home is also on holiday, so Chu Qingyue is naturally at home.

Chu Qingzhi looked at Chu Qingyue, the second sister was really hard-working, and whenever she was free, she would turn around the house like a spinning top.

She walks into the yard...

Seeing her, the three little wolf cubs ran towards her, screaming, "Aww..."

When they were brought back, they were thin and small, and they were not very energetic. Now, after Xu Songnian took good care of them, the three little guys looked smooth and full of energy. If there was not a large area in the village for them to develop their strength , Chu Qingzhi has no doubt that they will tear down the house.

Chu Qingzhi knelt down and touched the three little wolf cubs, and tapped their foreheads, giving them some spiritual energy.

"Aww..." The three little wolf cubs sat in a row in front of Chu Qingzhi, and raised their heads to look at her, as if looking at their own mother.

Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Hey, let's go play, the milk will be delivered later, and I'll drink it for you."

Since the family ordered milk, the three little wolf cubs have been drinking milk.

"Aww..." The three little wolf cubs ran away happily.

Chu Qingzhi looked at them all the way, and suddenly laughed, "You are also cute!"

Wu Yaqing heard Chu Qingzhi's laughter and came from the room, "Qingzhi, what are you laughing at?"

Chu Qingzhi pointed to the direction of the swing, "Look..."

Wu Yaqing couldn't help laughing when she saw it. The three little wolf cubs sat in a row on the swing and were swinging there. They looked so cute and cute.

Hearing their laughter, the whole family came to see...

"Third Sister, Third Sister..." Li Qingyin walked over carrying a basket. The basket was a bit heavy, and it was a bit difficult for her to carry it.

Li Qingyu hastily stepped forward to take the basket, the basket was covered with a layer of cloth, and the contents inside could not be seen, "Qingyin, what did you bring?"

Li Qingyin's face was full of smiles, "Third Sister, just look at it and you'll know."

Li Qingyu carried the basket into the main room, lifted the cloth, and saw a basket of duck eggs, "Are these fresh duck eggs? Or salted duck eggs?"

"Salted duck eggs." Li Qingyin said happily, "Third Sister, the yolk of this salted duck egg is fragrant and delicate, and it's still oily. It's delicious."

"You have helped me so much. I specially brought this salted duck egg to you as a gift from me. I won't give you mooncakes. You make them yourself, and the ones bought outside are not as good as yours. eat."

Li Qingyu smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite."

Gifts are all intentions, and there is no mention of returning it. If it is returned, it will make the gift giver very embarrassing.

Li Qingyin said, "Third Sister, I'm going back first, and today I also plan to make something delicious for the children."

Li Qingyu held back Li Qingyin, "Bring some mooncakes for the children to eat. I originally planned to bring them to you. Now that you bring them back, I don't have to make another trip."

Giving gifts to each other is a custom, Li Qingyin said happily, "The third sister is very grateful."

Li Qingyu made 30 moon cakes for her sister.

Li Qingyin smiled and thanked, "Third sister, thank you very much."

Li Qingyu said, "You don't have to be so polite with my sister."

After Li Qingyin left, Li Qingyu called everyone to have dinner quickly, and their family would also be going to give gifts to relatives and friends in a while, and there were many things to do.

Not long after the meal, people from the village came to give gifts one after another. They all came to thank the Chu family for helping them get rich, and gave some gifts to express their gratitude.

Li Qingyu put them all away, and went to return the gifts one by one when he was free.

After tidying up, Li Qingyu and Chu Rong first took Chu Qingyue and Chu Qingyan to give gifts to their master. This is absolutely not to be neglected, and the gifts are also very well prepared.

For the other relatives, Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu distributed them one by one, and each person gave one or two, and all of them could be settled in one trip. Even Chu Qingzhi was assigned the task of giving gifts.

It was very fresh, she almost never gave gifts to anyone, it was others who gave her presents.

In addition to these, some business partners also sent people to give gifts to Chu Qingzhi's family, and of course they had to return the gifts. The day just started, and it felt like the whole world was busy, and the festive atmosphere was very strong.

Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu stayed at home to watch the house.

Jiang Zhaoyong went to the county seat to buy rich gifts and came to Chu's house, "Grandpa, grandma."

Grandma Chu liked Jiang Zhaoyong very much, "Come here as soon as you come, what else do you want? From now on, just come directly, don't be so polite."

"It's the holidays, you can't come empty-handed." Jiang Zhaoyong has no relatives here, everyone in the academy has gone home for the holidays, it's empty, no one is there, and he likes to be lively, so he just wants to come here to gain popularity, and then by the way Cengfan, and please the elders by the way, to lay a solid foundation for marrying Chu Qingning in the future, he thought so.

Soon everyone came back with boxing gifts, the elders went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, and the younger generation came to the yard to make lamps.

In this era, there is a custom of "lighting lamps" to help the moonlight.

On this day, under the leadership of the elders, the younger generations of the family used bamboo sticks to tie lanterns together, made fruits, birds and beasts, and the words "Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival", pasted them with paper, and painted them in various colors. The height of the house is commonly known as "Tree Mid-Autumn Festival".

The material Chu Rong had already prepared, and immediately began to tie the lanterns.

Chu Qingzhi learned how to do it after watching Chu Rong tie it once, and then tied a lovely red apple.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is over, what will everyone do during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

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