Other refugees also knelt in front of Xuan Louze, "Master!"

Xuan Louze looked at the refugees in front of him and felt a headache. It was really troublesome, "I haven't received a reply in the city for a while, and I must send troops out again. You should leave quickly."

The young man raised his head, his eyes were decisive, "We are in the woods south of the city, if you change your mind, you can come to us."

"Okay, okay." Xuan Louze quickly agreed, and then sent him away.

When a group of refugees walked away, Xuan Louze sent a voice, "I will not look for you, you leave quickly, the soldiers in the city will definitely go to encircle you next time, see you later."

The young man and a group of refugees turned their heads and looked at the young man in white at the gate of the city, as if looking at a ray of light.

After watching for a while, they quickly got into the woods.

Sure enough, soldiers came out soon, some cleaned up the mess at the gate of the city, and some went after the refugees.

After restoring order, Xuan Louze and Zeng entered the city.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw people from the Xuan family looking for something on the street. The people from the Xuan family were wearing black brocade robes with gold thread trimmings. The clothes were elegant and elegant, giving off a sense of luxury.

Zeng or looked around, "What are they looking for?"

"I don't know, follow up and have a look." Xuan Louze followed with Zeng or, and the two were leading the horse, which was very conspicuous on the street.

While the two were following, a group of guards from the Xuan family came over, "Fifth Young Master, we are here to welcome you home under the order of Fifth Master."

Xuan Louze frowned, Xuan Wuye hated Xuan Louze very much, how could he send someone to pick him up? There must be something tricky in this, "Be clear, is Xuan Wuye asking you to pick me up?"

The leader said, "Yes."

This is strange, Xuan Louze secretly said, this is unbelievable, "Let's go." He wants to see what medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

A group of people went to Xuanfu.

On the way, Xuan Louze asked, "What were they looking for just now?"

The guard said, "They are looking for the second miss of the big room, and the second miss suddenly disappeared."

The second lady of the big house, Xuan Donger, Xuan Louze asked tentatively, "Did you disappear by yourself? Or was it kidnapped?"

"I should have left by myself." The guard said, "The eldest prince of Xia Sangguo sent someone to marry the second lady, but the second lady refused and ran away."

Xuan Louze secretly said, the Xuan family is a well-known shadow family, with them around, they can dodge all the open and dark arrows, and they are definitely a strong armor for dangerous activities.

Good chess is good chess, but the girl who can't stand it disagrees.

Led by the guards, a group of people came to the back door, ready to enter the Xuanfu.

Xuan Louze stopped at the door, puzzled, "Why don't you enter through the door?"

The guard still had that business-like expression, "It's the fifth master's request, fifth young master, let's go, it will be late, and the fifth master will be angry."

This is deliberate abuse of people! He has never been wronged like this before, "Come on, let's enter through the gate."

Zeng or obeyed, and hurriedly followed Xuan Louze away.

The guard ran over and stopped Xuan Louze, "Fifth Young Master, don't be self-willed, or you might be kicked out of the house."

Xuan Louze glanced at the guard, and staggered away from him.

The guard stood where he was, and after a while, he followed up. It will not be him who will be punished, so let him go.

When he came to the gate, Xuan Louze looked up, Xuanfu, with big gilt characters, black background and black border, really magnificent, looked away, and walked in.

As soon as he entered, a whip was thrown over. Xuan Louze reached out to grab it, and with a slight movement, the whip exploded instantly. The person holding the whip was thrown out unexpectedly and was seriously injured.

This scene shocked everyone around, and it took a while for someone to react.

"Miss San..." The servant girl rushed up and helped Xuan Dongsha up, and when they moved Xuan Dongsha, Xuan Dongsha spat out a mouthful of blood again.

Xuan Dongsha wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and glared, "Xuan Louze, you ominous person who killed your mother, who allowed you to go through the door?"

"I did it myself, does it have anything to do with you?" Xuan Louze asked lightly.

"You, get out!" Xuan Dongsha was furious.

"Are you the head of the family?" Xuan Louze asked again, "If you're not the head of the family, get out of here quickly and don't get in my way. You're still a girl from a big family with no education at all. You're not as good as a child like me who has no father or mother."

Zeng or especially wanted to laugh, endured very hard.

The guards quickly lowered their heads, they didn't know anything, but these five young masters have changed a lot, they used to be submissive, afraid of offending the people in the house, but now they are not afraid at all, and the fifth young master's martial arts are so good!

Xuan Dongsha's face turned red with anger, "Come here, catch Xuan Louze for me, I will teach him to be a good man today!"

The maids and servants immediately swarmed in towards Xuan Louze.

Xuan Louze suddenly said, "I have smallpox!"

The voice was not loud, but everyone was like a cat seeing a mouse, their faces turned pale with fright, and they fled in all directions in an instant.

Xuan Dongsha looked at Xuan Louze, her face turned pale, "You have smallpox, and you dare to come back!"

"Why don't you come back?" Xuan Louze walked towards Xuan Dongsha, reached out and touched the face of Xuan Dongsha who wanted to escape but couldn't escape, Xuan Dongsha felt the hand on her face, screamed and passed out.

Someone had already reported the scene at the door to each room, and found that Uncle Xuan and Mrs. Xuan who rushed over first saw Xuan Dongsha covered in blood, and their eyes wanted to kill someone immediately.

Uncle Xuan snorted, "Xuan Louze, what have you done?"

"Nothing." Xuan Louze looked innocent, "I just played around with the third sister, but the third sister is too weak, so I can't help playing."

Mrs. Xuan was furious, "How did you hit Xuan Sha?"

"No, I didn't hit her, she fell by herself." Xuan Louze pretended not to know anything, just like he didn't know anything.

Uncle Xuan let out a low voice, "Come here, catch him!"

"What? Is the person in the first room bullying the people in the fifth room? I just entered the house, and everyone wants to beat me and kill me. What am I doing?" Xuan Louze said mockingly.

Mrs. Xuan will not let Xuan Louze go, "You just caused such a big disaster when you came home, and you said you didn't do anything!"

"I didn't do anything, Madam, don't wrong me!" Xuan Louze looked at Madam Xuan very puzzled.

Mrs. Xuan yelled, "Who wronged you? You knocked me out, Xuan Sha, as soon as you came back. Everyone will watch."

Xuan Louze asked, "Who watched?"

Mrs. Xuan asked, "Did Xuan Louze beat Miss San like this?"

Xuan Louze looked at each of them, his eyes were neither serious nor serious, "If anyone of you talks nonsense, I will go to talk to him one by one, and no one will be left behind."

Smallpox is like a taboo in Chen'an country, and it is not allowed to even say it.

The maids and servants were threatened and knelt down on the ground one by one, not daring to speak. If they got smallpox, they would surely die. If they don't speak now, they will be punished for a while. What is more serious is the most clear in the minds of these little people.

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