"Dare to scold Lao Tzu? Kill you slut, dare to rob Miss Jiang Er's husband in broad daylight, no girl in the building can do such a shameless thing."

Temporary workers still have rights over exiles, but this woman made him lose face, and he was so angry that he lashed out with a whip.

Song Qiannan was almost pissed off by the words of the official, she was about to scold her.

She was greeted by a whip, and she could only cry in pain.

"Uuuu... Zhennan Hou, it hurts me to death! This official is going to beat people to death."

Another whip answered her.

The two middle-aged women from the Song clan hurried up to protect Song Qiannan and let the officer's whip hit them.

They didn't dare to grab the official's whip. The official whipped a few whips and stopped when he felt happy.

An elder of the Song clan pointed at Song Qiannan with a hatred of iron, "Sixth Miss, how can you do this?"

"How am I? I like Zhennan Hou, what's wrong with me marrying him?"

The Song clan was so old that it fell backwards, thinking about giving up this ignorant woman, and focusing on assisting Song Mingjiang in the future!

Song Qiannan still doesn't know that her current behavior has been completely abandoned by the clan.

She was still clamoring: "I must marry Zhennan Hou."

Jin Niang's fighting strength is on the table: "Who are you! Can my son be married if you want? All the noble girls in the capital want to marry my son! Are we married?"

"You! You..." Song Qiannan trembled with anger.

"What's wrong with me? I'll tear you apart if I dare to approach my son again!"

"Uuuu...I'm not alive...uuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Jin Niang was stunned: learn from Mrs. Ben's? Mrs. Ben was a fake, self-destructing image to keep my son from being noticed.

Now that my son is healed, Mrs. Ben is still the old lady with extraordinary bearing!

You little girl, why are you crying like this!

Chu Lixiang watched as his mother was exhausted by the cry of an ugly woman, standing there at a loss.

He stepped forward and scolded: "What is the ugly woman crying? It's disgusting to cry so ugly."

Song Qiannan was pointed and scolded by a child. She couldn't bear it, but she couldn't find the right words for a while.

"Didn't your mother just cry and cry all the way, saying you don't want to live? I'll learn from her."

Jin Niang:  …

Chu Lixiang was so young that he blushed and couldn't say anything to fight back.

After all, "Woooo...I don't want to live anymore..." That's the fucking line.

Jiang Xinyan looked at the mother and son, the society died on the spot, her mother-in-law, she disliked it.

However, if others bully her, how can that be done? She let go of Chu Lixuan and rushed forward with a vigorous step.

"My mother-in-law is beautiful and moving, even during this period of time, when she slept in the open air and was sloppy, she still had a unique style and messy beauty.

You don't even look in the mirror, what the hell are you like? Want to learn from my mother-in-law? East Shi effect frown! do you know? "

Song Qiannan was so angry that she almost died, she stared at Jiang Xinyan resentfully, thinking how to scold her!

"Dong Shi Xiao frowns, I know, I know." An official dispatch team leader said excitedly.

"I also know that the ugly woman imitates the old lady in the waiting mansion, and it's a good way to frown, haha!"

Worry Jie finally found a sense of existence, and the pain of the past few days was suddenly released.

Worthy Jie is a willful person and a conceited person, and there is no absolute concept of right and wrong.

In his heart, everything is wrong with others, as long as it is not his fault, he can step back without hesitation.

No matter whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, he will be fine himself.

Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of -7c and everyone's recommendation ticket; this article, the recommendation position in the next round of PK in the past two days, please support me, the monthly ticket, the recommendation ticket hits me.

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