Jiang Xinyan saw that it was getting late, so she said she was going to make dinner.

Everyone is still unsatisfied, but they also know the importance of eating.

Especially in this time of famine, there is nothing more satisfying than eating.

"Sister-in-law, rest! Let's cook." Chu Ruo said sincerely.

Her eldest brother sticks to her eldest sister-in-law very sticky, it is almost impossible to leave.

It's not good for a big man to always come into the kitchen to help. With so many women, they won't have to cook with my sister-in-law in the future.

"Thank you, then." Jiang Xinyan can cook two meals occasionally, but she really doesn't like it if she is asked to cook every day.

Anyway, the food for these three days is available, so let them do it.

Several people from the second room of the Chu family also went to the kitchen to help, and they were really happy today.

The heavy rain has been incessant, and it does not matter to the former prisoners, their ending may be even more tragic.

But it's different now, they want to reach their destination as soon as possible.

They have to perform well, play their role, and work hard to grow potatoes for Zhennanhou.

I have to say that Jiang Xinyan's brainwashing ability is super powerful.

After dinner, everyone rested quietly.

Chu Lixiang and Chu Lizheng also looked at their elder sister-in-law eagerly.

"You also go to bed. It will rain tomorrow. Your sister-in-law will tell you a story."

"Okay, eldest brother and sister-in-law, good night." Chu Lizheng was so excited that his eldest brother actually spoke to him so gently.

Chu Lixuan took his little wife back to the room and entered the space together.

"Xinxin, we're not farming today, I'll take you back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to see your parents, okay?"

"Take me back to the Prime Minister's Mansion?"


"Does this space still have a teleport function?"

"What is teleportation?"

"It's just an instant move, where you want to go."


Jiang Xinyan's eyes widened in disbelief, she just saw the plot in the novel.

It actually happened to her, isn't it okay to go to the palace if you want?

"Ah~ah~" Jiang Xinyan screamed excitedly.

"Xinxin, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm happy! I'm so happy, so I want to shout a few times to express my happiness."

"Xinxin, aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

Chu Lixuan saw that the little wife was really just happy and didn't mean to be angry.

This little fool! Don't you realize that you lied to her?

Jiang Xinyan really didn't realize in her heart that she always felt that this space belonged to the Chu family and Chu Lixuan.

If she can use it, she feels that she saved the galaxy in her past life and has been rewarded in this life.

Where would she care, whether the man lied to her or not! She hugged Chu Lixuan excitedly.

"Have you been to many places?"

Chu Lixuan told Jiang Xinyan honestly, everything he did.

"Wow! Husband, you are so talented, why are you so powerful?"

Jiang Xinyan really felt that this man was powerful, looking at his heart and heart, he was cold-blooded and ruthless.

Unexpectedly, he would rescue his subordinates immediately without being familiar with space operations.

It's too awesome, and she deserves to be the leader of the battlefield. She is affectionate and righteous, she said.

Will her prime minister father deliver food to her along the way? Does she still need to be exiled?

No wonder her mother-in-law pretended to be crazy along the way. She must have been frightened by her son's divine manipulation!

Chu Lixuan looked at his little wife admiringly, and really didn't mind him deceiving her at all.

It's also thanks to the tangled tangle that I'm worried about.

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