Tucao to Tucao! However, Jiang Xinyan patiently comforted the man.

"Don't worry, husband! It's raining now, and the wild vegetables will grow soon. We will help them for a month, and they will have wild vegetables and weeds to eat after that."

Chu Lixuan asked strangely, "Xinxin, why do people eat weeds? Can't they grow cabbage and radishes like us?"

Jiang Xinyan was lamenting in her heart that the man's IQ had become lower, and he was slapped in the face.

"Yes! I forgot, but your husband is still amazing."

Jiang Xinyan has never lived in the countryside, nor has she ever farmed in a serious way.

She really forgot what to plant in the four seasons. Fortunately, her husband has a good memory.

When Jiang Xinyan started farming in the space, she followed Chu Lixuan to popularize crops throughout the year.

The man remembered very clearly that cabbage and radishes could be grown in late autumn and early winter.

Since Chu Lixuan regained his self-confidence, he has been digging fields to grow crops whenever he has time.

For their family members, and their subordinates, perhaps they also care about the world in their hearts!

Therefore, he heard the little wife say that the field can grow wild vegetables and weeds for the people to eat.

He was wondering why the people waited for the wild vegetables to grow and didn't grow their own cabbage and radishes to eat.

Seeing her now, looking annoyed, she is very cute.

It is estimated that he forgot, the smart little wife also has moments of confusion.

Chu Lixuan was in a particularly good mood again, she always had the ability to make him feel good.

Since the people will not starve to death, what else does he have to worry about! Holding my little wife and kissing it is enough...

The rain fell to the ground for ten consecutive days, and the exile team was in this village, resting for ten days.

They still manage to eat two meals a day, and the only person who is not full is the wretched third uncle.

Chu Liu'er is also a ruthless character who treats his father obediently.

Ten days just didn't let him be a monster, and the officials who survived were also fully managed.

Those officials who beat Chu Lixuan and Jiang Xinyan's boards before were starved to death a long time ago.

Some people who escaped from the famine also stayed in this village, and Zhao Yu brought a few of his subordinates to deliver food to the people who escaped from the famine.

Because of the rain, not many people escaped to this village.

The cellar in the yard where Chu Lixuan lived was always full of food.

Zhao Yu hadn't slept for three days and three nights, so he wanted to meet Chu Yi who delivered the food, but he never saw him.

Zhao Yu practiced more and more and felt that his martial arts were inferior to those of Chu Yi and the others.

Chu Lixuan and Jiang Xinyan laughed secretly, and picked out a martial arts secret book from the space for him to practice.

Jiang Xinyan told everyone stories during the day, Journey to the West, and Liaozhai Zhiyi were all told by her.

After subduing a group of small followers, Chu Liuer remembered his younger brothers and sisters, as well as Song Mingjiang and his clansmen.

Chu Lizheng and Chu Lixiang are even more attached to their elder sister-in-law.

Since Chu Ye had been starving for three days again, Jin Niang's ear-to-face life was brought back to her, and she completely changed the trace of coquettishness.

She has become well-behaved and sensible, and is at peace with her sisters and brothers.

Chu Jiao was also much more courageous, no longer flinched, and she was so cute and daring to surround Jiang Xinyan.

Although Chu Lixuan still had a cold face, his younger siblings were not as afraid of him as before.

Chu Ruo, Chu Fang, and Chu Hua also came out of the sadness of being abandoned.

Every day, there are people rushing to cook and wash dishes. Everyone is happy to work and eat happily.

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