Jiang Xinyan calmed down and looked at Chu Shisan and asked, "What's going on?"

Through the speeches of the thirteen people in Chu, the general situation is.

When Chu Lixuan rescued them, he arranged for four people to come near their Chu family's military camp.

Wanting to find out some news, Chu Shisan and the others encountered 30,000 remnants of soldiers who had been driven out before they reached the barracks.

Chu Lixuan's personal guards had very little left after the battle, and all the important generals were seriously injured and suffered from nutritional injuries in the army.

Chu Lixuan himself was also lame, and all his secret guards of the Chu character were sent to prison.

There were no healthy cronies of Chu Lixuan in the Chu family's army, and his cronies were either wounded or killed.

Lu Chengdi was the general who betrayed Chu Lixuan, and he was also a capable general before the Marquis of Zhennan.

It should be the first person who was installed by the emperor, who worked hard to be appreciated by Chu Lixuan and had a high prestige in the camp.

What's more, the generals of the Chu family's army rely on the tiger talisman to make orders, no matter who is the boss and has the soldier talisman.

Therefore, almost all the brothers in the camp obeyed General Lu Chengdi's orders.

Those who didn't obey orders were served with military sticks, and those people were Lu Chengdi's nemesis at first.

Then there is nothing to be left behind, and they are all beaten to death.

Those soldiers were injured on the battlefield with the Zhennan Hou, and they have not received good treatment.

This wounded person was ruthlessly driven out of the barracks by Lu Chengdi. The Chu family's army was hundreds of thousands, and the mere 30,000 remaining soldiers were defeated.

It did not have any influence on the Chu family army. In Lu Chengdi's words, they returned food to the Chu family army.

Lu Chengdi was shameless and changed the name of Chu Jiajun to Lu Jiajun.

Among the 30,000 people, there are counsellors, military doctors, and fireheads who cook.

When everyone left the barracks, they wanted to part ways and go back to their families to find their parents.

When they were saying goodbye, they met a few people from Chu Shisan and learned that Lord Hou was already on the way to Youzhou, and asked them if they wanted to go.

They are also the Chu family army who are young people with strong blood and vitality. After a few years, although they are young adults now.

However, they all wanted to follow Hou Ye, and no one wanted to go home.

They are all injured, and going home is also a drag on their families. Lord Hou does not despise them, so let's go together.

They didn't even know that there was a locust plague after the drought outside the military camp.

Chu Shisan and the others carried a lot of banknotes, but they still couldn't buy food along the way.

When the hungry people who brought their families and their families along the road could not bear the hunger, they had to exchange their children for food.

On the way to escape from the famine, their own flesh and blood can only be used as food to satisfy their hunger in exchange for children.

There are also many diseases caused by famine, starving to death, poisoning by poisonous weeds, and death by eating bark.

There are thousands of different ways of dying, and there are countless ways to die.

These remnants of the Chu family's army and defeated generals were all taught by Chu Lixuan, although they were just as ruthless as Chu Lixuan.

However, they are all people with a sense of justice and principles.

The angry remnants strongly demanded that Chu Shisan lead them to break through the city.

Chu Shisan and several others drank the spiritual spring water, and their martial arts had recovered to their peak.

As soon as the city gate was broken, refugees from all directions flocked.

It is a pity that Fucheng is also very poor, and there is not much food in storage. Those with a little money have long since gone to the rich Fucheng with their family property.

Fucheng suddenly rushed in more than 100,000 refugees, what to eat!

It seems that all the refugees were rushed to death, and the desperate refugees completely lost their spirits.

It became the Shura Field that Jiang Xinyan and the others saw.

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