The official leader was dumbfounded! They are always so intimidating!

Hundreds of trials and hundred spirits, every time the people are scared away!

Many times, even the playboys who were fighting in the capital would be frightened and scattered.

Why are these refugees who fled the famine flocking to him.

After the officer leader was surprised, he became angry! Aggressively threw the whip.

"Come here if you're not afraid of death." He was also very angry recently.

The whip made a clattering sound, and with one blow, the villagers' hoes were taken off.

This whip really shocked the refugees who wanted to rush forward.

Li Qingqing stepped forward and said tenderly: "Master, we really have no other intentions, we are just too hungry and want to go with you."

Song Mingjiang, Chu Lixiang and Chu Lizheng looked at each other and shook their heads.

They weren't ready to speak, and they just watched how the officials led the way to deal with the shameless woman.

The official leader was so angry that he followed them?

Now, they are all supported by Miss Jiang Er of the Prime Minister's Mansion!

"It's impossible for so many of you to be with us, we'll just have a cart of food."

Li Qingqing smiled and said, "Then I can follow you all alone!"

The official officer took the lead to look at the woman who was clean and beautiful, and he was a little moved.

However, he has no food! Hesitating.

Zhao Yu practiced the kung fu for a few days, and thoroughly grasped the main points of the secret, and his kung fu improved a lot.

He washed himself with the spring water in the forest and flew to catch up with the team.

Zhao Yu heard loud noises from far away. He walked over to his hands and asked, "What's going on? Where are the lord and madam?"

"Master and Madam said they were going to look for you, worried that you would go into a devil's way with your practice!"

Zhao Yu was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and used his eyes to signal to them that they were serious.

"It was the daughter of the former village chief Li who moved 2,000 refugees to loot."

Zhao Yuxian laughed, his eyes darkened, "Robbery? Just rely on them?"

"Hey, they didn't want to rob, didn't that woman want to follow the master? It must have inspired the refugees to follow us."

"You told them in the past that it would be fine if you leave immediately, otherwise they will all be killed. If she can incite the refugees once, there will be another time."

"My subordinate understands."

Zhao Yu's dark eyes were full of killing intent, if Xiao misses their master, then go die!

That person who is like a fairy in the sky should live freely and happily.

The man who dares to think of her is just to block her, so stupid people can't live.

Zhao Yu used to think that Village Chief Li was a good person, but now it seems that he has misunderstood.

How can someone who can't even manage his own daughter!

Thanks to that kind angel, he gave them so much food and seeds.

It's like feeding the dog, this Li Qingqing, who is dying, must not let her live!

After Jin Yiwei shouted again, the refugees had no intention of retreating at all.

Li Qingqing said with a smile on his face: "We will help you work, we won't eat free food..."

Zhao Yu took out his saber and flew towards the bandits, only to see a sword flashing with cold light, which came out of Zhao Yu's hand and turned into a sword light.

Before a dozen bandits could react, all their heads and necks were separated.

The eyes are so big and big, really, I can't rest my eyes!

The refugees were so frightened that they fled, and Zhao Yu didn't chase after him. He stared at Li Qingqing's position.

Another flying, cut off the heads of her and the hundreds of people around her.

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