Zhao Yu pointed to the wretched third uncle, and said to everyone, "Don't listen to rumors, follow others' opinions, trust your own eyes, see is believing, and hearing is false."

The refugees who fled the famine did not run away, and knelt down on the spot: "Master, please spare your life! It was the woman who said that the Zhennan Hou has a lot of food to eat."

"That woman said it, all of you officials must listen to Zhennan Hou."

"Then did you see that I hit Zhennan just now? Don't you know what's wrong with the government?"

Zhao Yu didn't mind pulling the imperial court's tiger skin, he knew the dead daughter of Village Chief Li.

I will definitely tell these ignorant people that the food is all from Zhennanhou.

If this is spread to the ear of the Holy Spirit, the consequences will be disastrous.

"We are officials who escort the exiles, and the food is distributed by the court according to the head. Do you think there will be excess food?"

"Master, please forgive me, that woman said that there is a lot of food in your team."

"Yeah! We were staying in the county town, and she asked us to come."

The refugees looked angry and wanted to go to Li Qingqing to prove that they were not lying.

When they saw more than 100 people closest to the woman, all had their necks severed.

The refugees were in a trance, opening their mouths but no sound.

Chu Lixiang looked at Zhao Yu with admiration, and slapped him a few more times! He wanted to beat his third uncle three years ago.

Unfortunately, Chu Lixiang was only a five-year-old child at that time, so he only dared to think about it.

Brother Zhao is really powerful, it is best to whip his third uncle a few times and let him frame the Houfu and cause them to be exiled.

Song Mingjiang also understood what Zhao Yu meant. He also admired this official!

Chu Liu'er turned her head and didn't look at his father, thinking that she should have been beaten long ago.

He was always dying all the way, and he couldn't beat him as a son.

He endured his father all the way, and always had to prevent him from stealing food from his younger siblings.

The women in the second room of Chu were even more stunned. Their mighty third uncle was actually beaten.

It is hard for them to think that the third uncle who always cleans up and cleans himself up is the same person as the third uncle who is in ragged clothes and whose face is swollen like a pig's head.

Especially Chu Ruo, Chu Fang, and Chu Hua, if their third uncle betrayed the mansion, they would not have ended up like this.

The refugees were even more stunned! The woman told them that although Hou Zhennan was an exile, the officials respected him very much.

This was beaten like a pig's head, with disheveled hair, ragged clothes and a wooden flail, is it really respect?

The faith of the refugees who fled the famine collapsed, and there were words in their mouths, the official spared my life...

Zhao Yu didn't want to kill more than 2,000 people at a time, but he was afraid that these refugees would be scattered and talk nonsense.

So, he thought of this trick once and for all.

Human wisdom is always endless, it just depends on whether you are willing to think about it or not.

Some of the second-rate sons who followed Li Qingqing had their necks cut off.

In order to show themselves well in front of Li Qingqing, there were more than a dozen holding hatchets.

Standing at the front of the team and witnessing all this with his own eyes, it turns out that Li Qingqing was trying to deceive them here to die?

Although they are idle and don't think about work, they didn't grow up eating rice from the village chief's house!

Could it be Village Chief Li, who got the food from the officials this time, and didn't want to waste food for them to eat and cook, so he instructed his daughter to instigate them to come and die?

The reason why second-rates are second-rates is that their brains think much more than the average person.

Moreover, they all use the most malicious side of human nature to think of others, because they are that kind of people.

Zhao Yu just didn't want to spread the topic that Zhennan Hou had food in his hands.

If the sage finds out, he will definitely send their leaders to chase and kill them.

Rather than killing so many people to silence them, it would be better for them to spread the word that the Marquis of Zhennan was tortured on the road of exile.

Zhao Yu's eyes were deep, and he took a deep breath and said, "You should have been forced to live by the drought and locust plague, or maybe you were deceived. This official thinks that you are the first offender, so I will let you go."

"Thank you, Master Qingtian, we will leave now."

"Thank you, Master Qingtian, Caomin left with his family immediately."

Listening to the grateful voices on the scene, the official leader was in a rage.

Still young master? When did Zhao Yu become the master of Qingtian? Does he not know?

However, the official lead looked at Zhao Yu, who was dressed in black and red, the big cloak that showed the domineering Jin Yiwei.

On second thought, the commander of Jinyiwei was appointed by the emperor himself, and Jinyiwei was managed by the emperor.

Under the emperor's order, they have great power, and even the high-ranking imperial relatives are afraid of Jinyiwei.

Look at the short clothes of their yamen brothers, it's really shabby!

Before Zhao Yu took pictures of Miss Ma Jiang Er, he still wore the same clothes as them.

Since filming Miss Ma Jiang Er, she has put on the coquettish and tall cloak of their Jin Yiwei.

Ge Laozi, isn't he Zhao Yu the Great Master Qingtian!

The official leader was full of anger, deflated and shriveled, and stood silently.

Anyway, the head of their yamen told them to listen to Master Zhao for all the important things along the way.

In fact, it was the official messenger who misunderstood. They set off on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month.

It is now the third day of October, and after a heavy rain, the weather has turned cooler.

Zhao Yu practiced in the mountains for a few days, and it was a little cold before he put on the cape.

It is also possible that he knows how to show his handsome side to someone, after all, people will unconsciously be pleasing themselves.

"Wait, where are you headless flies going?" Zhao Yu asked kindly.

"We're going back to find Village Chief Li, he's so unkind, last time you left a lot of grain and seeds..."

Zhao Yu interrupted the angry second-rater before he could finish speaking, what a wink!

When the drowsiness came, someone sent a pillow, Zhao Yu said in a low voice.

"Well! Who is right? We left a lot of potatoes and rice last time, and a lot of seeds. Since you have nowhere to escape, go find Village Chief Li with them."

Zhao Yu thought darkly, Village Chief Li, Village Chief Li! After giving birth to a daughter without teaching, you will suffer.

The refugees also thanked Dade for kneeling and sincerely thanking Zhao Yu.

"Thank you, Master Qingtian for not killing him, and for showing us a clear path."

The leader of the official messenger didn't dare to look for a sense of existence this time, so he let the fleeing refugees thank Zhao Yu.

Who knows that Zhao Yu will call him at this time, "Bring your brothers to remove the stones on the road together."

That's why he called the officials to take the lead and took someone to remove the stones in the middle of the road. It wasn't because he was kind enough not to move the refugees.

However, those refugees are yellow-faced and thin, and the wind can blow them down, how can they move rocks!

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