Luo Yuqi carried her brother on his back and came quietly, wanting to buy a bowl of fragrant meat to make up for her brother.

She also knew that now there is a famine everywhere and there is no money to buy food.

She was originally the eldest lady of a small gang, and her parents and brothers occupied a territory.

Named the Luomen School, and led hundreds of people to live a life of self-cultivation and self-weaving, and a happy life.

Who knows, a locust plague has eaten up all the food in their cottage, which is not a problem.

There is food in their cottage, and if they don't produce food for a year or two, they won't starve to death.

To say that the Dongchen Kingdom, a family of officials and wealthy merchants did not have surplus grain for two or three years.

Furthermore, the major sects and small gangs in the rivers and lakes all have food for one or two years.

Only the common people, not to mention surplus grain! They are the masters who have eaten the last meal but not the next.

When encountering a disaster year, they would run away from the famine and beg.

This year, the affected area is large, so all the prefectures and counties have closed their gates.

The Luomen faction of Luo Yuqi's family also closed the cottage door, trying to escape the sequelae of this locust plague.

Unexpectedly, they were occupied by the most famous Manjianghong Killer League in Jianghu.

The Manjianghong Killer League, as the name suggests, specializes in killing people and stealing goods, and does not farm their own land.

That must not be a lot of food, and the Manjiang Red Killer League must have no shortage of money.

However, it is useless to have money in this world today, and you cannot buy food.

There is food in the city, and they can't get in. No matter how big the sect is, they dare not fight against the court.

The leader of this Killer League is very ambitious, so he named it Man Jianghong, probably because he wants to become popular all over the world!

Man Jianghong's killers are all over the Dongchen country, and there are also some in the capital, and there are strongholds all over the rivers and lakes.

After the locust plague, a killer stronghold in Manjianghong was very close to the cottage of their Luomen faction.

In order to snatch the food from their cottage, they summoned killers from several strongholds to besiege the Luomen faction's cottage.

Wouldn't it be easy to destroy the Luomen faction, Luo Yuqi escaped from the siege with the seriously injured eldest brother.

Her parents, her second brother, third brother, and several sister-in-law and nephews were all killed by Man Jianghong's killer anyway.

She and her eldest brother were the only two in the entire Luo family, and her eldest brother was seriously injured.

The brothers and sisters could not go to Fucheng to see the doctor, so they could only hide in the village to recover from their injuries.

Luo Yuqi was very light, but when she was fleeing, she dragged a bag of food.

They had been raised in this village for ten days and they were injured. Not to mention herbs on the nearby mountains, not even tree bark.

Fortunately, after the rain, she had water, and she cooked porridge for her and her eldest brother to drink every day.

She originally wanted to wait for her eldest brother to recover from his injuries before making plans, but a team suddenly came.

Luo Yuqi and her eldest brother both held their breaths and lowered their sense of existence.

Unexpectedly, these people actually cook delicious meat to eat, Luo Yuqi has lived a prosperous life since childhood.

In the past two weeks, there has been no meat smell, and she has money on her body.

So she thought, to buy a bowl of meat to make up for her eldest brother, this is Luo Yuqi's first time begging for help.

She is a bold Jianghu child, standing awkwardly at the gate of the yard at this time.

Hearing the footsteps, Luo Yuqi looked up and saw a man in a large cape.

Wheat-colored skin, deep and energetic eyes, high nose bridge, and sexy lips, especially when paired together, they are even more beautiful.

Luo Yuqi widened her eyes and forgot to buy meat for her eldest brother to eat.

The children of Jianghu are not as reserved as the lady of the official family, and their love and hate are clear.

Luo Yuqi fell in love with this good man at a glance, but the girl's shyness was still there.

Therefore, she could only blushed, lowered her head and dared not speak, and was embarrassed to say that she wanted to buy meat!

Zhao Yu felt that this woman was not weak in martial arts, so she stood at the gate of the yard in a regular manner, and did not go in to snatch food.

He asked coldly, "The girl wants to buy meat?"

"I... I want to... buy meat for my eldest brother to eat." Luo Yuqi stuttered nervously.

"Where is your eldest brother?" Zhao Yu was depressed, there were still people!

He has improved a lot in martial arts recently, but he didn't feel that there were two people hiding in this village before.

Only then did he realize that there was another person in a house in the west of the village.

It can be seen that these two people have good martial arts, and I don't know if the father and the wife have noticed these two people.

When Zhao Yu was thinking about how to get rid of this girl, he heard Chu Lixiang's voice.

"Brother Zhao, my sister-in-law said that this bowl of braised pork and pork liver will be given to this girl."

Chu Lizheng held a bowl of braised pork, Chu Lixiang held a small bowl of pork liver, handed it to Luo Yuqi, and said proudly

"My eldest sister-in-law said that your eldest brother lost too much blood, and pig liver is for blood."

Luo Yuqi was stunned! They actually knew that her eldest brother had lost too much blood?

When their siblings saw someone coming into the village, they held their breath!

"I'll go on here, hurry up, don't come again." Zhao Yu said coldly and impatiently.

Luo Yuqi stretched out his hand and took a bowl of meat in one hand and pork liver in the other.

Looking at Zhao Yu tenderly, "Thank you hero, may I ask your surname?"

"So much nonsense? Don't want meat?"

Luo Yuqi turned around and left quickly, no matter how good-looking a man is, his eldest brother's life is not as important.

Zhao Yu didn't even look at Luo Yuqi, and gently led Chu Lixiang into the yard.

Chu Lixiang's hand was held by her! "How does your sister-in-law know that there are still people?"

"Brother Zhao, we don't know either! The sister-in-law just said that she wanted us to give the braised pork and pork liver to that girl, so she called you in for dinner."

"Which table is this braised pork from, do you know?"

"Brother Zhao, this was left on the stove before. I wonder why the elder sister-in-law kept it!"

Zhao Yu heard Chu Lixiang's words and confirmed his thoughts. The couple had long known that there was someone else.

"We go in to eat, it won't be delicious when it gets cold."

"Yeah! That's what my elder sister-in-law said, especially the pork liver should be eaten while it's hot."

Chu Lixiang said happily, because he completed the mission of the elder sister-in-law.

Zhao Yu was overjoyed, she was caring about herself!

Zhao Yu was sitting at a table with three of his subordinates, Song Mingjiang, and brothers Chu Lixiang and Chu Lizheng.

Those few people were eagerly waiting for them to go back before eating, watching the braised pork and drooling.

The corners of Zhao Yu's mouth twitched involuntarily, "You can eat first, you don't have to wait for me."

"Head, we don't dare to eat first!" One of the men clapped the horse.

Song Mingjiang also said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, you can eat it, and I will serve you the pork ribs soup."

"Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Everyone continued to wave their arms to eat with vegetables, and they also had a portion of stir-fried pork liver, which was really delicious.

This was fried by herself, and Zhao Yu thought it was extraordinarily delicious.

Others prefer to eat braised pork and pork ribs and potato soup, so almost all of the pork liver is eaten by Zhao Yu alone.

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