Zhao Yu wouldn't believe that the Prime Minister's wife would send killers from the Killer League to pick her up.

"What if we don't give it? What did the Prime Minister's wife say."

"No...give, why don't you give it? Why don't you give it?" The killer was stunned. He said so much about his feelings in vain?

"Literally, you don't understand? Then what are you doing as a killer? Go home and farm!"

Zhao Yu attacked with poisonous tongue, dared to hunt her down, and killed you first.

Therefore, the villains all died of talking too much, and the killer who talked too much has been listed as the first target by Zhao Yu.

"If you don't hand over Jiang Er fool, all of you will die!" The talkative killer also has a temper.

"Miss Jiang Er is not here," said an official who was afraid of death.

"Not here? Then you have to die even more."

The killer was very angry and waved his hand: "Brothers, go together, the man kills, and the woman warms the bed for you."

When the killers heard the head from the headquarters say this, all of them were more ruthless.

The Luo Yansong brothers and sisters came out from the shadows and stood in front of the team with Zhao Yu.

Now there are three people, two brothers and sisters are blocking one side, Zhao Yu is blocking both sides alone.

Chu Liu'er protected the people in their third room, and his cousin Chu Lixuan also gave him a martial arts secret.

He also personally instructed him that Chu Liuer's martial arts have improved a lot recently.

There were killers who broke through Luo Yuqi's front block, and they were killed by Chu Liu'er when they approached them.

Chu Ruo and Chu Ye, San Yiniang, Wu Yiniang and the other cousins ​​and sisters-in-law of the second room were surrounded by them.

Frightened and trembling, they didn't dare to scream, they held hands with each other, giving each other courage and strength.

Some of Chu Ruo's cousins ​​had just been divorced, and when they were exiled, they really wanted to die.

However, now they are living well and don't want to die!

Guarding in front of them is Luo Yansong. Although Luo Yansong is strong in martial arts, he can't hold back many killers!

From time to time, one or two killers would break through Luo Yansong and approach the women.

Seeing a killer, she was about to come to Chu Hua, so frightened that she closed her eyes and waited to die.

However, there was no pain for a long time, Chu Hua opened his eyes and saw a Jin Yiwei who was protecting them covered in blood.

The Jin Yiwei fended off a killer's sword, and another killer came from behind, and he was stabbed alive on the back.

Chu Hua was shocked, that man actually used his body to block a sword for her?

This moved her deeply. If Chu Hua opened his eyes, he would have seen it.

That Jin Yiwei didn't use his body to block the sword for her, but it was between the lightning and flint.

No one cared about Chu Hua's inner feelings, so this was a beautiful misunderstanding.

So later, Chu Hua took good care of Feng Jianzhi and was very enthusiastic.

Feng Jianzhi didn't know what it was for, this Jin Yiwei named Feng Jianzhi was an orphan.

Luo Yansong saw that killers kept breaking through his defense, and he fought fiercely.

Zhao Yu protected the two sides in front of the eldest princess' grandmother's carriage and the three people in front of Chu Lizheng.

His secret is powerful, resisting the killers of the Killer League, and no one can break through his defenses.

However, Zhao Yu also tried his best to resist the defense, and he had no power to attack at all.

More than 500 killers, everyone is good at martial arts.

Zhao Yu didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, it took him so long to kill dozens of killers.

Seeing that Zhao Yu was so powerful, the killer rushed towards him fiercely, wanting to work together to kill Zhao Yu.

The talkative killer stepped back and shouted, "Brothers, come here with more people, there must be Jiang Er fool in the carriage."

The people of the Killer League also know the goal of this time, and they will grab people first and then talk about other things by the way.

Therefore, more than 100 killers swarmed to attack Zhao Yu, and it didn't take long for Zhao Yu to win the prize.

Song Mingjiang and Chu Lizheng have also been practicing martial arts recently. After all, they are ten-year-old children, and they are still beginners.

Fortunately, the three of them are smart, and they will not rush forward without thinking. No one will know what they are afraid of.

The three of them approached the carriage, which relieved the Jin Yiwei who was protecting them.

Next to their grandmother's and mother's carriage, there was a brocade guard in front of them.

In addition, Zhao Yu is really powerful, and no killer can break through him.

When one of his subordinates saw that Zhao Yu was injured, he raised his sword and tried to rush forward, but was scared away by Zhao Yu's look.

He knew the meaning of the head, so he took good care of the children and the carriage, and was guarded by two golden-clothed guards.

Zhao Yu was relieved to fight, there were too many people surrounding him.

Luo Yuqi was in front of Chu Liu'er. She was powerful in Qinggong, but average in martial arts.

Chu Liu'er's martial arts are also good, the two can resist together, but they can still resist.

Another killer saw that it was a bitch, and he didn't do anything ruthless, so their side was the most relaxed and less intense.

The worst is the women in the second room. There are many of them, and there is only one Feng Jianzhi to protect them.

Luo Yansong, who was blocking them in front of them, was covered in blood and had multiple injuries.

Feng Jianzhi, who was protecting them, was also covered in blood, their little hearts! Trembling with fright.

A killer broke through Luo Yansong and approached Chu Ye again. Chu Ruo went up and hugged her younger sister, wanting to take a sword for her.

Chu Ye was so frightened that she finally cried out, she had endured it to the limit.

Seeing that the eldest sister was about to die in front of her, how could Chu Ye hold back!

Her screams stimulated Luo Yansong. He heard the screams of his wife and daughter half a month ago.

Luo Yansong went over to stand in front of Chu Ruo, poof! The sword pierced into the flesh with a harsh sound.

Chu Ruo was stunned and stunned! She never thought that someone would protect her so desperately.

Luo Yansong was struck by a sword on the shoulder, Luo Yuqi flew over and slashed wildly.

The mad Luo Yuqi's fighting power broke the watch, like a devil, rushing towards the killer.

On their side, they only resisted and never attacked before, which made the killers bewildered.

At this moment, Luo Yuqi really had the upper hand, and Luo Yansong didn't care about the injury on his shoulder and followed the little sister.

The officials and convicts were terrified: "Where is this girl from? She is so powerful."

The killer of the Killer League is also muttering: "Mother, where did the devil head come from?"

"It's more terrifying than the old men! Brothers, let's go together and kill this devil."

Dozens of killers rushed towards Luo Yuqi and surrounded her in the middle.

"The devil, come on? See if you can, I want to capture you alive and make me Mrs. Yazhai."

"Haha, boss, aren't you afraid of being killed by the devil in the middle of the night?"

"Ge Laozi, what are you afraid of? Laozi interrupted her hands and feet to see how she would kill me?"

"Haha! The boss is amazing, capture the devil alive..." The killers shouted.

If the killers directly captured or killed Luo Yuqi, it would be over.

pity! They thought that the winning ticket was in their hands, and they wanted to ridicule Luo Yuqi, perhaps even more prestige.

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