If Chu Lixuan and Jiang Xinyan knew, the eldest prince and Chu Lijie were discussing how to lie to the emperor.

They will be happier, unfortunately! They don't know!

At this time, the couple were busy farming, "Husband, do you want to take a break?"

"Well~" I have planted more than 1,000 acres tonight, so I should be able to wash and sleep.

"Then let's go to the hot spring for a while and then go to sleep!"

"Well~" Chu Lixuan used his mind to control farming, which would consume a lot of mental energy.

He was very tired, but he didn't show it on the surface, so he held on so that his little wife would not laugh at him.

When Jiang Xinyan heard the man's weak voice, she felt distressed.

He hurried to the hot spring pool and stopped talking, lest his man consume his energy.

After soaking in the hot spring, Chu Lixuan felt extremely comfortable, and he closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Jiang Xinyan approached him and massaged his temples and entire head.

Lingquan water was originally a panacea, and Jiang Xinyan's massage was so comfortable.

Chu Lixuan once again fell asleep in the Lingquan Pool.

Jiang Xinyan felt that the soaking time was enough, so she picked up the man and went back to the wooden house bed.

She now has more than enough strength to hold a Chu Lixuan, and gently put him on the bed.

Jiang Xinyan used her internal strength to dry his long hair, and then carefully dried the water droplets on his body.

Pushing him into the bed, Jiang Xinyan took out the wet quilt and put it aside for the man to disassemble and wash tomorrow.

Jiang Xinyan was accustomed to using quilt covers in her previous life, just pull the zipper. She would not remove this quilt cover, which was closed with the quilt inside and the quilt cover.

Fortunately, the man can not only disassemble but also sew. He said that he disassembles and washes it himself in the military camp.

Jiang Xinyan dried her long hair and put on the pullover pajamas she made herself.

Climbing up and lying beside Chu Lixuan, she heard the sound of long breathing coming from her side, she turned to look over.

The man's broad chest rises and falls regularly, his long hair like ink flows quietly on the side of the shoulders and the pillow, and there is a dazzling scar on his handsome face that looks like a perfect knife.

Jiang Xinyan usually slept in the bed, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the man's flawless right face.

At this time, seeing his sword brows slightly frowned, his deep eyes were tightly closed at this time, his eyelashes were thick and long, and he could not see his usual calm and ruthless determination.

Maybe it was a very tired relationship. His frowning brows gradually stretched out, and his slightly pouting lips also added a touch of interest to this angular handsome face.

The usual seriousness and coldness seemed to be removed, and a little bit of cuteness appeared.

Jiang Xinyan felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, this imperfect man who loved her very much, was by her side and completely belonged to her.

His gentle and meticulous care and care, his resolute and fearless maintenance, and his boundless pampering and pampering when she calculated others.

Jiang Xinyan has never met a man who treats her so well.

She has no relatives, and she didn't kiss her father in her previous life, so this prime minister's scumbag is not a good bird!

Jiang Xinyan kissed the man's scar, then kissed his eyelashes, lips...

She didn't farm, so she didn't use her physical or mental strength, but it was getting late and she was sleepy.

Before she knew it, she fell asleep, until she was breathing evenly.

The man who was sleeping suddenly opened his clear eyes.

He is very dependent on and trusting her, so when he is tired, he does fall asleep with confidence.

However, he was worried that she was sleeping behind him. Every time she fell asleep first, he dared to fall asleep.

He always tried his best to show his handsome right face in front of her.

He was afraid that when she opened her eyes and saw the ugly scar, it would scare her.

So, even if he is tired to sleep, he will wake up quickly.

When Chu Lixuan woke up, it happened to be when Jiang Xinyan was going to bed.

With his left face facing her, he was still worried that his little wife would see his ugly scars.

Unexpectedly, the little wife said that if she didn't dislike it, she really didn't dislike it, and she kissed him.

He put her in his arms sweetly, letting her sleep on his left side for the first time.

Those people outside were also almost asleep, but some people were so excited that they didn't fall asleep.

Chu Lixiang and Song Mingjiang, Chu Lizheng and Song's ten-year-old child.

Four people use two quilts, one on the ground and one on top.

They all got new clothes, and they were so happy that they couldn't sleep. "Brother Xiang, the clothes your sister-in-law bought are so nice and warm."

"Well! I like it very much. I will wear new clothes tomorrow."

"Yeah! I'm dressed just right, I especially like saffron." Chu Lizheng said.

"Brother Zhao, they will wear them tonight, we must wear them tomorrow."

"Brother Zhao's cloak is also very beautiful. When I grow up, my sister-in-law will definitely buy it for me."

"When I grow up, I will buy it myself, and I will buy whatever I want."

Song Mingjiang has no parents, no siblings! The only cousin killed herself.

No, you can only buy it yourself, kid! That must be a bit more arrogant.

"When I grow up, I can buy the most beautiful clothes when I earn money, and give the most beautiful clothes to my sister-in-law."

Unwilling to be left behind, Chu Lixiang said that his sister-in-law bought the best clothes.

Several children were head-to-head, chattering in a low voice, they were so happy.

I can't wait, it will be dawn immediately, so they can wear new clothes and set off.

Chu Ruo and the others also learned from them, which was really comfortable.

Chu Hua got the fabric, but he didn't want to sleep anymore, he wanted to make clothes overnight.

Because she saw Feng Jianzhi wearing a very majestic cloak, it was really good-looking.

It doesn't take long to make a cape, but it's too dark this night!

Luo Yansong was practicing, he didn't ask for a quilt, he practiced to keep out the cold, and he ate pork liver tonight.

Feeling that his internal strength was slightly improved, Luo Yansong was practicing.

His feeling was right, because mushrooms grew up in Jiang Xinyan's space.

That is much stronger than the green onions and peppers in the pork liver before.

After Luo Yansong used it for a few weeks, he found that his internal strength had improved, and the wounds on his body healed faster.

He became more and more convinced that it was the role of pig liver, and he also fell in love with pig liver.

It was not until many years later that he encountered a bottleneck in his practice and ate a lot of pig liver at one time.

Only then did Luo Yansong understand that pig liver can really only replenish blood, not increase internal strength!

Zhao Yu didn't sleep either, and his internal strength also improved a lot, which he attributed to the secret of martial arts.

The more he practiced, the more energetic he was, especially in the daytime, he couldn't deal with the gang of killers.

Zhao Yu had to practice harder, otherwise what would he do to protect her!

He touched the cloak on his body, and the next time he encounters a killer, he must take off the cloak before going to fight.

Also not sleeping, and Chu Liuer, his younger brothers and sisters have new clothes.

His sister's clothes were already torn out, he didn't see it.

However, this is full of refugees fleeing the famine, and that one is not in rags!

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