The remnants of the Chu family originally had no women, but they rescued a lot of refugees on the way, including the parents of some teenagers, and their sisters and sisters were worried about them.

There are also some teenagers who are worried about their sisters and sisters, so they insist on coming to Youzhou with them.

Or their wife had foresight and said that she could take in more girls and be their daughter-in-law at that time.

Now, there are at least hundreds of young couples willing to get married in the cave, and thousands of people are watching.

When the group walked outside the house, they saw Wei Dabin with four little generals, and Zhao Yu with a few of his subordinates, who had packed food and quilts with rakes and plows.

There was also an empty rake and plow for the three of them to sit on. Cheng Xianhou and Song Daida both had martial arts skills, so naturally they should not sit on the rake and plow.

"Elder Cheng, Mrs. Song, Mr. Yang, please come up with a rake and plow." Wei Dabin politely invited.

"Thank you, Young Master Wei." Mrs. Cheng was really dizzy this day.

No wonder Chu Lixuan was exiled, and he had to have a good life and support a large number of people.

No one in this entire Youzhou can compete with their financial resources, strength, and ability.

In another two years, no one in the entire Dongchen would dare to contend against it!

It is also his fault that his life is good. It will take at least two years for the entire Dongchen to return to normal after this locust plague.

Then two years later, who is asking who is not sure! Ha ha! He just wants to live.

Mrs. Cheng excitedly sat on the harrow and plow. It was really comfortable. The seat cushion was also cushioned with cotton, which was warm and soft.

"Sit down?" Wei Dabin was going to personally pull the three bosses.

General Song has outstanding abilities in military operations and training. If he can get his guidance...

"Master Wei, who invented this harrow?" General Song was very interested.

"It's our grandfather." Wei Dabin is not like Nie Cimeng, everything is invented by his wife.

In his heart, he didn't want others to know that it was her, so he paid attention to her and troubled her.

She just wants to be happy and live every day happily, and other mundane things should be done by the Lord and the men.

"Master Chu is amazing. He achieved brilliant achievements on the battlefield at a young age."

"Yes, our grandfather has been on the battlefield since he was twelve years old. He is a military genius, and Song Lao is also very powerful!"

Although not as powerful as their grandfather, there is still a lot to learn.

They chatted happily all the way, and Mrs. Cheng also gave him some pointers. Wei Dabin was originally a martial artist, and he really benefited a lot.

"There are still a few days until the Chinese New Year. Our grandfather is planning the New Year's program, and we will invite everyone to participate."

Wei Dabin wouldn't tell them that it was their wife's plan, and just as their father's temperament, the New Year was no different from the usual one.

"Okay! Seriously, we like your atmosphere very much." It's not like they quarrel every day in the cave.

It's not that the family is quarreling, or that the Yang family is quarreling with the daughters-in-law of the Wang family.

They have him in the Song family, and if there are internal conflicts, they will quarrel when he is away, and they dare not quarrel like a shrew scolding the streets.

There are friends in the Cheng family who are shocked, and Cheng Xianhou is also a man with means, and his management is obedient.

The Yang family is very filial from top to bottom. Yang Wanlin pays the most attention to etiquette, and his children and grandchildren are still very harmonious.

Only Wang Zhongqi, because his Yue family was powerful, his wife, he and his son-in-law did not follow him into exile.

The concubine gave birth to many children, and there were many internal conflicts. Before going to the snowy mountains, a lot of people were forced to death by the yamen.

The prostitutes of the Wang family have a strategy, either marrying the county master as a concubine or marrying a local rich man.

They will only be good to their mother and brothers, and to other brothers and sisters, not as good as others.

The Wang family themselves acted as demons, killing countless half-brothers and sisters of their own.

Wang Zhongqi is so angry that his health is not good, and the dragons are headless. The Wang family makes a small quarrel every three days, and a big quarrel every five days!

Fortunately, there are not many Wang family members in the cave, just Wang Zhongqi and his two sons and more than a dozen grandchildren.

Both of his sons hid with them in the snow three years ago when they were cornered by their own brothers.

His grandchildren are all seventeen or eighteen years old, and the other three families are intermarried, and no one wants to marry their royal family.

They are really the two vixens of the Wang family, they are so powerful that no one dares to provoke them!

"Hey! It's coming so soon!" Old man, I really don't want to go back to the cave!

"Here, Mr. Cheng, Mr. Song, Mr. Yang, take care." Wei Dabin walked slowly because he was pulling the two old men.

When they arrived, Zhao Yu had already unloaded the food and left.

Wei Dabin and the other three got off the plough and were about to go back when they heard yelling from the cave.

"Damn it! How many of you bully our Wang family! Just share a little rice..."

Mrs. Cheng's already dark face turned even darker. Isn't this divided by head?

They have less royal family, so naturally they have less share! And face scolding!

"Master Wei, I told Young Master Nie before that my junior brother and I are going down the mountain now, can you pull us down?" Yang Wanlin said embarrassedly.

Back then, he was the one who led his junior and junior brothers to help their master secretly, but was reported by his colleagues and finally exiled.

"Then, do you want me to go in and carry Mr. Wang out." You hunched over your back, you shouldn't be able to carry it!

When Wei Dabin left, Nie Cimeng did tell him that he wanted him to take Wang Zhongqi down the snowy mountain directly.

"No, Young Master Wei is waiting for me outside." Did you see those two shrews running wild?

It's really embarrassing, why is Yang Wanlin's body not as good as Cheng's body!

It was that year when the sons of the Wang family fought, and his junior brother went to pull the fight and was "accidentally" knocked to the ground by the sons.

Yang Wanlin went to pull it, and was beaten by the Wang family's daughter-in-law with a stick.

That is his junior brother, who should pay for it! Just like that, Wang Zhongqi's body is not as good as the day.

Yang Wanlin was under the careful care of his sons, but his back was a little hunched, but the rest was fine.

"Wang family, why are you crazy? If you don't want to stay here, just roll down the mountain." Song Junkang scolded angrily.

Here only Song Junkang can scold the vixen of the Wang family, and Mrs. Cheng and Yang Wanlin speak.

The shrew of the Wang family scolded Huai with a ghost and wolf howl, saying that she was implicated by them to fall here...

"Old man Song, do you want to force our Wang family to death? Why do you share so much? We just do it a little bit."

"Master Chu said that it is divided according to the head. If you have an opinion, you don't need to take it." Cheng Xianhou said through gritted teeth.

"Okay! Good you, Cheng's family. He was a drag on our father-in-law back then. Now crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, you dislike us. Your son will have food for a few days after he was born."

Every time Cheng Xianhou heard the shrew of the Wang family say this, he didn't know how to answer the question. After all, it was their Cheng family who implicated the Wang family.

The long-awaited son of the two of them, who was just born, would naturally be reported to the population. Cheng Xianhou did not expect that Master Chu would be so generous, and the old man had all of them.

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