Wei Dabin and Zhao Yu were sitting on the grass, happily eating pork jerky, French fries, and steamed buns. This was something they had never received before when they marched to fight.

"Zhao Yu, why do you think she is so good at cooking delicious food? This pork jerky tastes good and is easy to carry."

"Eat more if it's delicious. Food can't stop your mouth. There are so many words." Zhao Yu didn't want to talk about her behind his back.

The more he talked, the more he wanted to go home. Since Zhao Yu left the Shilang's Mansion when he was a teenager, he never thought about home. Now, he also has a home.

Living with them is their home, whether it is a wooden house or a mansion built soon.

In the castle, similar to the top of Suzaku Street, there is a luxurious mansion in the third row, Zhao Mansion. After it is completed, he wants to take his men to live in it.

Compared with the Wei and Nie houses, the Zhao mansion is already half the size, but at least a thousand people can live there.

Zhao Yu was reluctant to want such a big mansion at that time, she said, "Zhao Yu, you will marry in the future, have a son, and the son will have a grandson. You will live in this yard for generations."

Zhao Yu thought about it, and it made sense. That way, he could look at the special palace in Chu Mansion and be a neighbor for generations.

Wei Dabin didn't think about his Wei Mansion at this time. Not to mention that his clan only came to more than 2,000 people, even 5,000 people could live there!

"Master Zhao, we just found out, and in a day's time the imperial court's Jinyiwei will pass by." Wang Ergou reported excitedly.

He deliberately emphasized the word "court" because they were also named Jinyiwei, although they were only a few hundred people now.

"Go and find out how they eat and rest along the way." Zhao Yu ordered.

"Boss, I've already checked it out. They just go to the palace to rest along the way. They usually take a small path. They usually hunt to satisfy their hunger and set up camp at the foot of the mountain."

"Oh! This is convenient for hunting in the mountains. At this time, everything is recovering. The mountains here are full of wild vegetables, but they can't starve to death."

Wei Dabin was a little unhappy and said that in a densely populated place, the villagers would dig up and eat the wild vegetables when they grow up, and see if they still have their share.

"General Wei, the Snow Wolf Team will be handed over to you. I'll take this bunch of bastards to lead people up the mountain." Zhao Yu thought for a while and said.

Since they will camp at the foot of the mountain, they will lead them up the mountain to compete. Zhao Yu wants to fight so that they don't have the energy to go to Sludge Town.

Madam said that if the commander went to Sludge Town and saw their gorgeous palace, he would definitely be jealous.

"I don't think it is necessary to lead them. The commander is a very scheming person. If he does it deliberately, he will suspect the Lord."

Wei Dabin said: "If they are at the foot of this mountain, what is the difference between the mountain and the mountain!

Anyway, there are no people. Affected by the locust plague, there are many mountain villages in the north that are empty. "

Wei Dabin's words made Zhao Yu also think of it. In recent years, there have been wars and chaos, and after this locust plague, many people in the counties close to the capital starved to death, and the population was scarce.

Who would come to this barren land to settle down and start a business! The fertile land in the Jiangnan water town was plagued by locusts, and the villagers there moved closer to the capital.

And the people from the north went to Jiangnan to settle down, and they just wanted to get closer to the capital anyway.

Wei Dabin and the others passed through the city of Youzhou, and they walked all day until here, but they didn't meet a single person, and the village was completely empty.

The people of Youzhou Fucheng, instead, went to the border town to join the King of Zhenbei. Now there are less than 200,000 people in Youzhou Fucheng.

The whole Dongchen Kingdom is divided into dozens of state capitals, and under the jurisdiction of each state capital, there are more than a dozen counties, which is equivalent to the relationship between a modern province and a city.

Because the population of Dongchen Kingdom was not very large, generally speaking, the population of more than 100,000 belonged to large counties.

It is also in Shangni County and Xiani County near the capital. The two large counties are equivalent to the state capitals on the border. One county has nearly one million people.

The population of Dongchen Country was originally less than 300 million, but when it encountered a plague of locusts, tens of millions of people starved to death during the famine.

Then the population of the counties across the country has also decreased, and the population of the prefectures such as Luoyuan Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture, and Jialing is slightly larger.

With a population of several million, the counties under the jurisdiction of these prefectures have an average population of several hundred thousand.

For Youzhou, Yazhou and other places in Dongchen Country, the population is relatively sparse, and the population of the county is only tens of thousands.

Of course, there are also counties with very small population. For example, Xihe County, where Lanni Town is located, originally had only more than 10,000 people in the entire county.

In the face of famine, the people fled, and those who died of starvation starved to death, leaving more than 500 people hiding in the cave.

"Hey! The further north Jinyiwei and the others go, there may not be many people in the county town they pass through, and there is no food, so they can only live at the foot of the mountain, hunting wild animals and eating wild vegetables."

Zhao Yu felt that it was unnecessary for Wei Dabin to be angry. He knew too much about the nature of the commander, if it was a place with a large population.

They would go and rob the people of their food. Their Jinyiwei commander stood at the pinnacle of power and would not care about their reputation.

Fame is a thing, if you use it well, the benefits will continue. Bad people do a thousand bad things, and if they do one good thing, people feel that they have changed. People are the root of such inferiority.

They are always domineering in the capital, and occasionally they do an errand for the people, and the people will be grateful.

"It has been frozen here for several months, and the beasts will not have any good tender meat beasts." Wang Ergou said.

Because, he has been here for thirteen years, and he is very clear about the environment and beasts here.

"That's the best thing. If they rely on hunting wolves and tigers, then they are a bit pitiful."

"Yeah! Tiger hunting and wolf hunting require a lot of energy, and the meat is not tasty."

"It would be different if Madam encountered this situation. She is very good at cooking. No matter how much chai meat passes through her hands, it will be fragrant."

Yang Yulong bit the meat, recalling their tragic twelve years and a few years of savage life.

The Jin Yiwei leader, who was discussed by Wei Dabin and Zhao Yu, and his more than a thousand men, hurried on the road every day.

At this time, at the foot of a mountain more than two hundred miles away from Zhao Yu and the others, everyone was roasting wolf meat.

"Sir, the farther north there is, the less people there are. There are a lot of wild vegetables here, but it's a pity! I can't hunt wild boars." The governor said while roasting wolf meat.

"It's too cold in the north, and some wild boars are frozen to death by the snow. This wolf meat can only be roasted and eaten. Cooking wild vegetables is too fishy and hard to swallow."

"Yeah! We passed by a village before, where there were refugees who were fleeing from the famine. It is said that the exiled team left them with potatoes.

The potato stewed with wild boar tastes really good. If I knew it earlier, I would have dug up some more and brought it to us to eat on the road. It has been three days, and we have eaten such chai wolf meat! "

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