Zhou Daniu and Zhu Qinglin: "..." They agreed to catch them alive for a double robbery, so why let them go back so easily!

But the military order was like a mountain, and they immediately let go, stepped aside to stand, and asked if they had anything to do.

King Zhenbei and his lieutenants: "..." You don't want them? So the big battle is to scare them?

"This king is hungry, I want to go to your place to eat and then go back." The king of Zhenbei most wanted to take a look at the Raoshizi Castle.

"Our lord and wife are not at home, so we won't receive guests." Wei Dabin firmly refused.

"Do you have the heart to starve us to death?" Ice Soul also missed the food in the castle, and they ate a little dry food for two days and one night.

"Then wait a moment, this general will send a letter back, and I will send you meals in half an hour." Go back when you are full.

"This king will go to your place and wait for that kid Chu Lixuan to come back." King Zhenbei hadn't seen his royal sister for about half a year.

People are very nostalgic when they are old, and his lovely daughter is also here, and he is reluctant to go back.

"If the lord only brought a few people, we would still believe you, and now you don't even think about entering the city." Nie Cimeng refused without hesitation.

The king of Zhenbei: "..." This king just said a word, and it's crazy, these bastards are so angry with this king.

Because of his anger, the King of Zhenbei felt that it was only for a while, and the 5,000 people who went back used a trolley to pull food again.

Potato vermicelli stewed pork ribs, thinly sliced ​​zucchini and fried lean meat, green pepper fried oil residue, fried eggplant with beans, four dishes, and a large bowl of rice.

This is the dish they usually eat, so there is no need to wait, it just took a little time to serve the meal and toss back and forth.

"You guys are so fast, it's rare to prepare meals for us in advance?" Leng Yue asked in disbelief.

"Dream! Who knew you were coming, this is the lunch we want to eat, let's eat it first, and get out of here." Chu Yi had no friendship with Zhenbei Army.

"You usually eat so well?" A thousand households in the Zhenbei Army exclaimed in surprise, but no one ignored him.

People who are extremely hungry can't be hard-hearted when faced with hot food and hot dishes, and the King of Zhenbei is also welcome. He can only go back after eating.

Damn! It was still so delicious, and the Zhenbei Army devoured it like a storm.

The people in the castle eat like this every day. They ate half a watermelon after winning the battle just now, so they are not greedy for food.

They know that there will be hot meals and dishes waiting for them when they go back, and they are just glad that they are living well when they see the Zhenbei Army who is like a starving ghost reincarnated.

They will train harder in the future, and it is their duty to defend the castle.

Nie Cimeng also arranged for Zhenbei Army to give each person a watermelon. Anyway, they couldn't finish the watermelon, so they quenched their thirst on the way.

In the end, Zhenbei Army reluctantly said goodbye, and went back happily without even seeing the city walls of Xuanyan City.

Zhenbeijun and the others felt that the trip was worthwhile. They ate a delicious meal, half a large watermelon, and another watermelon in their arms.

King Zhenbei has nothing to do with Chu Lixuan now! beat! They couldn't beat others, and they called the emperor to dispatch troops to condemn generals?

Give me a break! The rest of the troops had gone to deal with Nanman, and Xichu was about to move, but their northern border was safe.

That kid Chu Lixuan actually sent food to the Western Chu Army, he still has a little conscience, and he doesn't care about his past suspicions.

King Zhenbei couldn't help complaining about his emperor brother, if he didn't exile that kid, would Nanman dare to act rashly?

But King Zhenbei didn't dare to scold the emperor blatantly, he could only secretly scold him for being confused.

The confused emperor Xuanyuan Qi was really in a daze at this time, and the news of the southern barbarian invasion floated to him like snowflakes every day.

In May in the capital, when the spring flowers were blooming, the emperor and ministers were shivering with cold every day, to be exact, they were shaking with anger.

Two cities and twenty-five counties have been lost to the south. To the despair of the emperor and ministers, Western Chu also sent 500,000 troops to suppress the border.

All of them have not been paid for half a year. If there is food, the Zhenxi Army can still hope to win.

Xuanyuan Qi was furious in the Golden Palace: "That's how you paid me back? Is there no food in my Dongchen Kingdom?"

The ministers lowered their heads and dared not let the air out. They have already donated food and grass, so don't they want to eat the rest?

Even a somewhat upright official complained in his heart that the Holy Master should not have exiled Zhennan Hou, or God would not have sent Master Locust down to eat food.

"Speak! You are all dead! What's the use of asking you?" Xuanyuan Qi's eyes glowed with anger.

"Father, let go of your anger, my son thinks that he will send someone to Youzhou to get food and grass." The third prince knelt down and said.

"The third prince is right. King Zhenbei has food and grass in his hands, so he should donate it to the court first to get through this crisis."

"My minister agrees."

"I agree with this minister." There were no nutritious words on the Golden Throne Hall.

The emperor was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, and the commander of Jin Yiwei said in a secret letter that North Vietnam also had 300,000 flying cavalry over the border.

The only reason why the emperor did not announce it was because he was afraid that the ministers would be panicked, and another was that Zhezi, who did not ask for help from the King of Zhenbei, entered the capital.

There are two possibilities for such a result, either the 300,000 flying knights of North Vietnam have been repelled, or they are still resisting to the death.

The emperor is waiting for the speed of King Zhenbei, but these ignorant ministers only know how to ask for it blindly.

"Then in the meaning of the third prince, who should I send?" the emperor asked while suppressing his anger.

Third Prince: "..." How do I know who to send?

At this time, because of the war in the south, there are refugees everywhere, and there is no oil or water to go out, and no one wants to go out.

Only staying in the capital is the safest. The ministers are all human beings, and anyone can think of this problem.

The eldest prince felt that this was an opportunity to suppress the third prince: "Reporting to the father and emperor, Yi Erchen only saw it, and it was just right to send the third prince's younger brother."

"I don't think it's appropriate. It's a long way to go to Youzhou. There are many people on the road. It's not suitable for the third prince to go. I think it's better to send military generals."

Prime Minister Jiang risked his death to say that his eldest daughter Jiang Bilian was the concubine of the third prince, and the third prince could not be allowed to die young, and his second daughter was unknown.

The only son is at home every day to be angry with his wife. If the three princes have three strengths and two weaknesses, what should be done!

"The minister believes that the first prince's words are reasonable, and the third prince is resourceful and has more than enough responsibility for this task." The Minister of War is the first prince's father-in-law.

"The minister also thinks that the first prince's words are reasonable, and the third prince can take on this important task." The newly appointed Minister of the Household.

"This minister agrees." Anyway, as long as they don't go, anyone can go.

The party of the three princes headed by the prime minister was naturally opposed, and there was a commotion on the Golden Palace like the vegetable market.

The emperor had a headache, and he was unwilling to let his son go to a distant bitter cold place. These ministers did it on purpose.

Being an emperor also has difficulties. To balance the power of the court, in the end, the minority obeys the majority and sends the third prince to Youzhou.

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