Beiyue people generally have square or long faces, and the facial lines are rigid and straight, so they are much rougher than Dongchen people.

Most of them are almond eyes, the pupils are generally gray-green and yellow-red, and they are tall and long-legged, somewhat similar to modern white blood.

They are all dressed in fancy clothes (made of various furs) that are valuable even in modern times, or in casual clothes.

There were hundreds of officials and soldiers who were specially selected for the welcome team, all uniform.

After entering the Imperial City, the team grew even stronger, followed by the people of the Imperial City of Beiyue.

There were young people, old people, women, children, people of all kinds, all gathered and followed.

The new king and the prime minister in front were chatting and laughing with Chu Lixuan and his wife, and the people next to them listened quietly.

Everyone in the back was whispering, mixed with the cry of a baby, and the customs and customs of North Vietnam were at a glance in this scene.

"Is this the royal palace?" Jiang Xinyan was full of shock when she looked at the exquisitely dressed North Vietnamese men and women!

"Yes, Mrs. Chu, this is the royal court of Beiyue. It can also be called the palace. It was built by the most famous craftsmen in the country of Beiyue at that time."

The Prime Minister of North Vietnam replied with a loud voice and a proud face at the same time.

Although their palace is not as good as Lord Chu's Xuanyan Castle, they are proud to be admired by Madam Chu.

"Wow~~" Jiang Xinyan sighed with emotion. No matter how poor North Vietnam is, the imperial city is still super lively.

"It's no wonder that North Vietnamese people are handsome, and they are. You can see that they are all fair-skinned, with high noses and thick lips. They are just like the beauties who came out of a Western painting."

"Hahaha, Madam is really humorous." Everyone was amused by Jiang Xinyan.

How often have the officials and common people of North Vietnam ever seen the people of Dongchen? Not to mention the beautiful and noble ones like Chu Lixuan.

"Look, are they from Dongchen Country? How can there be such a beautiful woman, I have never seen it before."

"I heard that the women of Dongchen Country are gentle and virtuous, and they look like gods, and they are so."

"I heard someone say before that the men in Dongchen country are ugly, and this Dongchen's Lord Chu is simply exiled to the world."

"Yeah, if I can marry such a man, I'm full of water, what else do I need to eat?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, how dare you talk nonsense like this?"


Hearing the discussion, the couple looked at each other and scolded these straightforward and bold North Vietnamese in their hearts.

But the couple still kept smiling on the surface, without any change, and continued to talk.

The new king of North Vietnam and the prime minister's ears were not so sensitive, so they didn't hear it.

Jiang Zihao, Chu Lixiang, and Mo Yao couldn't stand the attention of so many people.

They were reluctant not to watch this lively event, so they put down the carriage curtain and lifted a little bit to look at the crowd on both sides of the street.

Jiang Xinyan is a person who has seen the world, she has seen all kinds of scenes, she talks and laughs with Wuliger and the Prime Minister without showing any timidity.

She and Chu Lixuan drove down the street side by side, accompanied by the new king and the prime minister.

Chu Lixuan was watched by so many people. Although he had brought hundreds of thousands of horses, he still felt uncomfortable.

Especially those men's eyes are glued to his daughter-in-law, those women are staring at themselves madly, and those who are flirtatious.

Making him even more uncomfortable, he said to the prime minister, "Hurry up, my daughter-in-law is tired."

"Okay." The prime minister dared to offend the rich and powerful Lord Chu, so he quickly accelerated.

The group soon arrived at the gate of the palace, and Chu Lixuan and his wife walked in holding hands, which immediately attracted countless astonishing glances around them.

The royal relatives in the palace are all ready to hold the enthronement ceremony when the distinguished guests arrive.

But...their new king and prime minister actually took Baiguan to the gate of the city to pick them up.

The weather was so cold that everyone wore thick clothes and sat in the hall blowing the northwest wind.

"Do you think Your Majesty will forget us?" A young boy broke the silence.

"If he really forgot us, what should we do? Why didn't the distinguished guest come earlier."

"The king and the prime minister are preparing to hold the enthronement ceremony today only after receiving the letter." A person who knew a little inside showed off.

"As you said, the honored guest will not be here today, and the king will not be enthroned yet."

"Who knows?" Another older boy shook his head and sighed.

"It is said that the honored guest that the king personally went to greet was Master Chu who gave us food."

"Seriously, the rice is really fragrant, and the meat stewed with potatoes is really delicious. How can we eat it like we used to."

"Hey, I heard that the locust plague in Dongchen is serious, but they did not starve to death a single citizen in Xuanyan Castle."

Another young master suddenly thought of something: "Your Majesty attaches great importance to them, we will not starve in the future?"

"Probably not?"

When it comes to eating, everyone is no longer cold, and they don't complain about the honored guests, they just look forward to seeing the honored guests.

While everyone was talking about it, they saw a couple embracing between the king and the prime minister.

That man was so handsome, he was slender and tall, and his facial features were unparalleled.

A pair of deep and charming eyes seems to contain the vastness and mystery of the stars and the sea.

Under the high bridge of the nose are the thin lips that are slightly pursed, and the natural extravagance is compelling, making people unable to move their eyes.

And the woman he was holding was more beautiful and enchanting, with skin as white as snow and delicate eyebrows.

She has a soft and slender figure, and when she smiles, she shows two rows of white and neat teeth.

As if an angel descended into the world, it makes people feel warm and cordial.

"These two are..."

"This is Master Chu and Madam Chu." After the introduction of the King of Beiyue, there was an uproar in the audience.

"So this is Master Chu? He's so handsome." The lady and the young ladies looked at Chu Lixuan madly.

"So she's Madam Chu? She's a beautiful and charming fairy." The young masters looked at them with emotion.

Now that the distinguished guests have arrived, let's hold the enthronement ceremony!

"The auspicious time has come, please come out of the palace..." The minister's voice sounded.

The young emperor in a bright yellow dragon robe walked slowly from the splendid nine-layered palace to the center of the vast and boundless hall.

Accepting the worship of hundreds of officials and the people is a very simple process, and there are no long and complicated ceremonies.

There is no gorgeous and solemn sacrificial platform, and there are no dazzling decorations.

Just put on the dragon robe, stand at a high place, and accept the grand ceremony of everyone kneeling and kowtow.

There is no need for a grand ceremony or complicated speech.

The young emperor only said one sentence in the calmest voice: "I am Wuliger of North Vietnam, and I am the new emperor today. I will lead the people of North Vietnam to create a prosperous world and peace."

As soon as these words fell, the whole place was silent.

For a long time, all the officials shouted long live.

In the sound of congratulations, the woman in red walked slowly towards the young emperor, looking at the handsome and cold face with hot eyes.

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