Although Jiang Xinyan felt that it was not easy for the Queen Mother of Beiyue to collude with Emperor Dongchen.

But it is the best thing to destroy the collusion between them in advance, how could they blame the Prime Minister and them.

"Prime Minister, I think this hill is very suitable for growing potatoes. Our Xuanyan Castle got rich by growing potatoes."

Standing on a small hill on the edge of the grassland, Jiang Xinyan said excitedly.

The Prime Minister followed behind them, and he couldn't wait to see the potatoes they planted in North Vietnam being praised.

They stood on the hill overlooking the whole grassland, which was far from the imperial city of North Vietnam.

And there are no villages or small towns around, this grassland used to belong to a small tribe.

"Everything is under Madam Chu's command. We will do what you say." The Prime Minister said sincerely.

"Zhao Yu, take out the hoe and teach them to turn the ground." Chu Lixuan ordered.

"Big brother, I can also hoe the ground. Do you want me to teach them to dig the ground?" Chu Lixiang has been digging wildly since he came to the grassland.

"Let's go, Brother Xiang, it's best to learn to ride on the grass, it doesn't hurt to fall on the grass." Jiang Xinyan teased him.

"Hey, it's no wonder that it doesn't hurt. The beauty just fell and vomited blood."

Chu Lixiang and Xu Feng were sitting on the horse and could see clearly, he admired his elder sister-in-law very much, and kicked people into the sky with one kick.

"Then you don't want to learn to ride a horse?" Jiang Xinyan asked while rubbing her nose.

"Learn, go to school now, will my eldest sister-in-law teach me?" Chu Lixiang only wanted to be with his eldest sister-in-law.

That's why he wanted to turn over the ground. It's natural to learn to ride a horse, and he can show off with Song Mingjiang when he goes back.

"Your sister-in-law is not free. She wants to teach the Prime Minister to grow potatoes. Hao Shengkun and Zihao will take you on a horseback ride."

"Okay." Chu Lixiang pouted and walked away.

There are so many people and great strength, and it took half a day to unearth a large piece of wasteland. Zhao Yu led the teenagers to teach them how to do it.

Jiang Xinyan explained to the Prime Minister that potatoes have a strong ability to grow and adapt, and the soil is generally suitable for planting.

But if conditions permit, it is better to choose soft sandy soil for planting.

Potatoes are suitable for growing in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter.

Best grown in sandy soils, where potato yields will be much higher.

Jiang Xinyan told the Prime Minister that the potatoes they sent were disease-resistant varieties.

The wasteland that has been turned over this year can be rotated for more than a few years if there are no accidents, which can also increase the yield.

This is the best thing for the prime minister. It can be planted in turn, so that they will not open up wasteland everywhere.

They will not pick the ground, what is deep sandy loam, and what is sandy loam rich in organic matter.

He still doesn't understand these, "Mrs. Chu, when I was in your castle last time, I heard them say that watermelons need to be planted every year in wasteland."

"Yes, watermelons cannot be planted in the previous year's land. Unless the soil is very different, the watermelon seedlings will suffer from disasters."

"Why can potatoes?" The Prime Minister used his inquisitive instinct.

"Potatoes, corn, sorghum, wheat can all be grown in rotation for several years."

Watermelons can be planted on this hill. Tomorrow we will go to pick and plant watermelons. After all, watermelons are complex and require high-ridge cultivation and mulching.

No matter what crops are planted, it must be drained in time after rain, and flood irrigation is strictly prohibited.

For root rot caused by Phytophthora phytophthora, the diseased plants should be dug up in time.

The Prime Minister took a large notebook and carefully recorded every word Jiang Xinyan said.

Although they can communicate, they still teach the truth in person, one is serious in teaching, and the other is more serious in learning.

Jiang Xinyan is used to walking with rations, so she doesn't have to run back and forth to eat. Cooking rice on the spot is what the youths of Xuanyan Castle are good at.

The soldiers of North Vietnam looked envious. The most important thing was that the teenagers in Xuanyan Castle had food.

Any of them can have access to food, unlike their North Vietnamese, food is extremely precious, and most people cannot access food.

The teenagers set up pots, and those who washed rice, picked vegetables, washed vegetables, and chopped vegetables were all quick and easy, and they were all done in one go.

The smell of the food soon came out from the hills, and everyone had juice to drink after the meal.

Then continue to work, and the soldiers behind the Prime Minister are full of energy.

Because Mrs. Chu said that they, the North Vietnamese, will not go hungry again next year, and they have also learned many ways to make potatoes.

It's really delicious, and the beef jerky they roasted yesterday can actually be eaten as a snack.

Occasionally don't have time to cook, it's filling and it tastes great.

They feel that they have all lived in vain before, cattle, they have gone more north.

But if you don't do this, you just waste the delicious beef offal and delicious beef jerky.

No wonder the Prime Minister was very respectful to Master Chu and his wife, so the soldiers of North Vietnam showed great enthusiasm towards Jiang Zihao and Chu Lixiang.

Chu Lixiang's small mouth is especially good at saying, "I told you Chu Lixuan, as for rice, you can't grow it in North Vietnam, so just come to our Xuanyan Castle to change it."

"Mmmm, Brother Xiang, all the potatoes you make are delicious. We have no regrets if we can eat enough every day."

"Actually, the potato vermicelli is also delicious. It's not bad if we can eat it every day."

"What is this? Can't you grow corn and sorghum here?"

"I heard from your sister-in-law that it can be grown," said a young North Vietnamese soldier.

"Then the corn can be ground into flour to make steamed buns, steamed buns, and noodles. Have you ever eaten them?"

"Hey, I've eaten it once or twice, it tastes great, if I can eat it every day..."

"What's so difficult about this, we Xuanyan Castle didn't have anything at the beginning, it's only been a year, why don't we have nothing?"

"Eat one for breakfast and one for lunch every day. Isn't that delicious?"


Chu Lixiang's arrogant appearance made the North Vietnamese soldiers laugh, and at the same time imagined that a year later, they would have three meals without worries.

Chu Lixuan and his party stayed in Beiyue for more than ten days, and the Beiyue people reluctantly sent them off.

Chu Lixiang not only learned how to ride a horse, but also met a few children, who often wrote letters when they met.

After all, it was a child, with tears in his eyes when he parted, but Jiang Zihao wanted to make fun of him.

But he also met new friends himself, and he was reluctant to part. When Jiang Zihao was in Xuanyan Castle, he began to cringe a little.

When everyone treats him well, he thinks it is the relationship between his brother-in-law and sister that everyone treats him well.

When he came to North Vietnam this time, those unfamiliar North Vietnamese soldiers and herdsmen did not know his identity.

People are convinced by his talent, they just worship him, Jiang Zihao, and they recognize him.

"Don't be sad, we'll come back when you want to come." Jiang Xinyan said in a big voice.

"Welcome...welcome...Next time we'll give you a warm welcome."

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