Jiang Xinyan felt embarrassed when she saw Chu Lixiang, "You have to buy it. Brother Xiang buys everything he likes. Sister-in-law has money."

"Really, where did the eldest sister-in-law get the money?" Chu Lixiang suddenly forgot his embarrassment.

"We sell grain, pork, chicken and eggs every day in our castle. Why don't we have any money? Buy it with confidence."

"Oh yeah! I like this and this...haha...this is for my little niece...haha."

Chu Lixiang no longer has the burden of spending a lot of money, and it doesn't cost a few dollars to buy small things.

Jiang Zihao also bought some things that the girl liked and planned to go back and give them to Xuanyuan Shuang.

He also wisely bought some children's toys to give to his unborn nephew or niece.

But he didn't say who to give it to, after all, he wouldn't say it without any scruples like Chu Lixiang.

Jiang Xinyan didn't ask any questions, she just paid the money.

Penglai Island is worthy of the descendants of the ancestors who have passed through. There are many modern and popular toys and food here.

The construction of the houses is similar to the modern new countryside, similar to the streets of their Xuanyan Castle.

It's just that Xuanyan Castle is just being built, everyone is still eating a big pot of rice, and the trading market has not yet formed.

After more than two hundred years of inheritance here, everything has taken shape, giving Jiang Xinyan a feeling of returning to the modern age.

They had lunch in a restaurant. Jiang Zihao and Chu Lixiang were the first time they had seen such a small restaurant.

And it's not called a restaurant, it's called a restaurant. There are pictures of various dishes in it, and I drool when I look at it.

"Sister-in-law, what is this white cut chicken? It looks delicious."

"Then Brother Xiang, just order one, you can order whatever you want, and you can pack it back to eat if you can't finish it."

Hao Shengkun, as the host, warmly introduced that there is no restaurant in Xuanyan Castle, but they do in Penglai Island.

This is where he grew up, can he be unhappy.

"Brother Kun, are you inviting us to dinner?" Chu Lixiang felt that even if he could pack it, it would still be his eldest sister-in-law's money.

"Well, Brother Kun treats you to whatever you want." Hao Shengkun waved his big hand proudly.

"Haha, what else do you order? Xiaoer brings all the dishes in this recipe."

With a wave of Chu Lixiang's small hand, Hao Shengkun's eyes almost fell from his arrogance.

"Brother Xiang, you order so much, the table can't be set." Hao Shengkun became restless.

"You can pack it, isn't uncle and grandpa not here? Let's pack it for him to eat."

Chu Lixiang just wanted to see the dishes in the recipe and whether the dishes he made were the same as the pictures.

Of course he knew that they couldn't finish eating so many dishes, so he didn't want his sister-in-law to pay for it.

This can't be said, otherwise he will be beaten to death by brother Kun. He thought that his thoughts were well hidden.

Even Jiang Xinyan almost laughed: "Come on, I'll teach you how to order food, chicken, order something you haven't seen before, and the same for meat..."

Under the guidance of Jiang Xinyan, the five people finally ordered eight dishes, and it didn't take long for the dishes to arrive.

"It's coming up so soon, sister-in-law, let's eat quickly!" Chu Lixiang said with a smile.

"Well, let's eat one of the last dish, so that the dish won't get cold." Jiang Zihao also agreed.

"Well, I'll try this first..." Jiang Xinyan smiled and took a piece of white-cut chicken to her mouth, and took a light bite: "It tastes great."

Chu Lixuan was relieved when he saw that his daughter-in-law had eaten and there was no uncomfortable expression.

Several people feasting on each other, not to say that the restaurant's food tastes better than Jiang Xinyan's.

But the atmosphere was good and everyone was having a good time eating. Chu Lixiang kept babbling and talking about every dish.

Seeing another dish, his eyes lit up and he quickly asked, "Does my sister-in-law like it? Why do I think it's not as delicious as yours?"

"Really? Are you kidding me?" Jiang Xinyan confirmed again and again.

Everyone likes to listen to good things, and Jiang Xinyan is no exception, not to mention she herself thinks that the dishes she cooks taste good.

"All the dishes here are not as delicious as Xinxin's, and even the rice is not as good as our own."

Chu Lixuan is very fond of his daughter-in-law, but what he said is indeed the truth.

The group happily finished their meal, and went to the beach to play after strolling for a while in the afternoon.

When the group of them went to the beach in the afternoon, they saw that the sea had already ebbed.

It was also the first time for Jiang Xinyan to go to the sea to dig wild oysters. She was inexplicably excited. Her emotions affected Chu Lixuan's mood.

Chu Lixuan saw that she was in high spirits, and now he doesn't think of her as fragile glass and does not limit her freedom.

Although they are prepared to come out to play, they are not as complete as modern equipment.

Sun hats have straw hats, but no sunscreen masks. Long-sleeved shirts were originally worn with them.

There are no labor insurance gloves, and no mesh bags. The nearby villagers will bring poles and baskets.

Jiang Xinyan and the others carried bamboo baskets, drank enough water before going into the water, went to the bathroom, and went to the sea when they were ready.

When going to the sea, you must step on the "waterway". The waterway is about 50 centimeters wide, and only one person is allowed to walk.

It is relatively straight and as strong as an ordinary road. Don't worry about going the wrong way, but be careful.

At this time, I began to clearly feel the sea breeze, blowing the waves on the sea surface layer by layer.

As she walked forward, Jiang Xinyan felt that she was going backwards, her head was a little dizzy, she had to stop after walking a few times before continuing.

Fully feeling the dizzy sea water that the villagers said, Chu Lixiang was also shouting dizzy, and it seemed that it was not the reason for her pregnancy.

They continued to walk for another cup of tea or so, and finally saw the oyster at the foot of Jiang Zihao on the left, looking small and thin.

"Wow, brother Zihao don't move, I saw the oyster, that's what I saw."

Chu Lixiang didn't dislike shouting that the oysters were small and thin at all, he was the first person to dig wild oysters, and he had to tell everyone loudly.

Jiang Xinyan wanted to get out of the waterway and go deeper. Oh my god, she started to get scared before she walked two meters.

The silt sucked her feet and it was difficult to pull them up, but she couldn't stand still.

After walking a few more steps, they gradually realized it, avoiding other people's footprints, taking smaller steps, and pulling the heels first with the toes.

But it became more and more difficult to walk after ten meters, Jiang Zihao and Chu Lixiang wailed.

Chu Lixuan called them back to the waterway, walked several dozen meters along the waterway, and then cut to the left, saying that the mud there would be harder.

Jiang Zihao reluctantly retreated, following his brother-in-law's instructions, and it was within the acceptable range.

Jiang Xinyan also wanted to listen, otherwise, she was afraid that Chu Lixuan would drag her back. Sure enough, there would be a lot more oysters here.

They picked up a basket of oysters that were the same as stones, but these were disliked by the villagers.

The villagers will continue to dig deeper into the sea, picking the best and plump oysters before starting...

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