The old valley owner walked to Hao Mansion in a carriage with suspicion, only to realize that what his cousin said was true.

There are really six courtyards in Hao's house, and the cousin and his apprentices live in two courtyards.

There are four other yards that are vacant, and the other one has been cleaned and can be moved in when he arrives.

This yard is even better than the yard where he lived in Tianyi Valley, and there are pavilions and pavilions in it.

All kinds of flowers, plants and trees in the garden are carefully selected, and it looks more like a big mansion.

And the layout of each room is also very reasonable, not random, obviously someone has carefully designed it.

The old valley owner is very satisfied that his granddaughter can have such a thoughtful arrangement.

After all, he is old and his health is not very good. If he can't sleep well, it will inevitably affect his body.

"Master, uncle, please come in." At the entrance of his cousin's courtyard, several apprentices were drying herbs.

Seeing them come in, he immediately put down his work and greeted them respectfully.

Among them was a slender youth in green clothes, who greeted them with a bright smile.

The old valley owner nodded, "You guys keep doing things!"

"Yes, Master."

"Old Valley Master, take a rest first, drink a cup of tea and then take a bath." The youth in green clothes said diligently.

Another apprentice has already brought a pot of hot tea and a set of white jade tea sets.

The young man in green clothes poured him a glass of the fragrant Longjing, and then he went back and continued to work.

"Is the big brother still satisfied with this place?" Hao Baorong asked conspicuously.

"Well." The old valley owner took a sip of tea from the teacup, and then turned his attention to the situation in the yard.

I saw those apprentices packing up all the herbs that had been dried and putting them in bags such as cloth bags.

The apprentices' houses are lined with uniform beds, quilts, tables and chairs, basins and bowls... everything is in good order.

"It's comfortable to look at here, let alone live there. Are you doing the meals yourself?"

"No, there is a unified kitchen, and you can bring the ingredients back and make your own, as long as you're happy."

"Is the food made in the big kitchen edible?" The old valley owner asked with a frown.

"Hey! The chef in the big kitchen is Yan'er's apprentice, and the food he cooks is delicious."

Hao Baorong himself tried to make it once, and it was unpalatable.

The old valley owner drank tea for a while, then went to wash up, and then slept beautifully for a while.

"Master, are we going to have lunch and come back to eat, or shall we go to the dining hall to eat?"

Hao Baorong's apprentice hurriedly went up to ask the old master when he saw that he was up.

"Let's go to the dining hall first. Anyway, we have enough rest today. Let's stop by the dining hall and have a look. Brother hall, do you think it's okay?"

Hao Baorong said and turned to look at his cousin.

Seeing that his cousin and several apprentices were standing there waiting for his decision, the old valley owner nodded in agreement.

"If that's the case, let's go to the dining hall first, and meet Yan'er's grandparents and grandchildren."

Hao Baorong: "...I can't see Yan'er and my cousin when I go to the dining hall. They have a kitchen in their house, so they don't usually go to the dining hall to eat."

"Then let's go to Yan'er's mansion for dinner, will this coax my old man to come here and ignore me?"

"That's not because Yan'er is pregnant. My cousin happily forgot about you." Hao Baorong could only tell the truth.

"Let's go to the dining hall to eat. It will be a long time in Japan. Next time, we will go to their house to eat."

After a few people walked out of the room, they went straight to the outside of the courtyard. The youth in Tsing Yi had already set up the carriage.

"You have to take a carriage to eat?" The old valley owner asked suspiciously, thinking that they were walking there.

Hao Baorong explained with a smile when he heard the old valley owner say this: "Big brother, Yan'er said, we should not do strenuous exercise before meals, take a carriage, and then walk back slowly after eating."

"Oh, so that's the case." The old valley owner suddenly realized and nodded.

He became more and more interested in the castle, so he let everyone into the carriage.

The old valley owner and the brothers Hao Baorong had a lively chat in the car, and the young man driving the carriage was very happy.

Because he could still have a few words with the old valley owner, the carriage traveled very fast, and in the time of a cup of tea, he arrived at the largest dining hall in the castle.

"Doctor Hao, are you here?" The boy guarding the door greeted Hao Baorong quickly and respectfully.

Because he is the genius doctor of Tianyi Valley and the uncle and grandfather of their castle owner, the teenagers have always respected him.

"Well, this is the old valley owner you have always been curious about. You can find him for anything in the future."

Hao Baorong introduced his cousin to the teenagers, not only the teenagers were very enthusiastic about the old valley owner.

Even the grandfathers of the Cheng family, Song family, Wei family, and Nie family who were about the same age as him in the dining hall got up and warmly invited the old valley owner to sit at a table with them.

During a meal, the old valley owner liked to go to Xuanyan Castle, which is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The food is also extraordinarily delicious, even though it is a big pot, the taste is really delicious.

The old valley owner ate half a bowl of rice more than usual, and the grandfathers of several families were full and took a leisurely walk.

Along the way, you can see an endless field, and the crops in the castle are extraordinarily lush, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Old Valley Master, have you seen it? The beans are still some of our seeds." The grandfather of the Song family said proudly.

"Do you want to do farm work too?" the old valley owner asked in surprise.

"When the farming is busy, I will follow everyone to do farm work, but I won't go to the heavy work of ploughing the fields."

"During the slack season, we would drink tea and play chess together. It's late May, and it's not yet the season of double robbing."

"Let's just walk around leisurely and have a look, and wait to play chess in the pavilion."

Several grandfathers introduced their lives sentence by sentence, which made the old valley owner envy and don't want it.

"Let's go play chess now and visit the castle tomorrow morning?" Nie's grandfather suggested.

He is a careful person, and the old valley owner must have worked hard to travel.

So several grandfathers, as well as Master Wuchen, King Zhenbei and the others set up two tables of chess.

These old men like to play chess on weekdays, and even if they go to bed, they are relatively late.

When people get older, they are not as sleepy as young people, so they often get together to drink tea and play chess.

"Oh, brother Cheng, why are you taking such a strange step?"

"Oh, it's nothing..."

"But I think this step is pretty good!"

"Really? That's really sorry, I'm going to take you into the army."

"Hey! I didn't see it clearly just now. I'll take a step back and come back. No matter what, I can't go and give it to your general."

Chu Lixuan came with his daughter-in-law, and saw several people bickering in front of him.

I sighed in my heart, these old men really can't be idle, when is this time, and they can still play so happily.

"Grandpa, I'm still worried that you are not used to the life here?" Jiang Xinyan stood for a while without anyone paying attention to her.

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