Chu Lixuan shouted and opened the sickle to harvest. For a while, all the men, women and children in the castle went into battle, fighting with all their strength.

This tense and warm atmosphere is full of joy of harvest, making this hot summer even hotter.

The scorching heat is undoubtedly a severe test of everyone's physical strength and endurance.

At this time, the leech is the most active thing, being bitten by this vampire-like mollusk.

Coupled with long-term paddy field operations, many people's hands and feet are festered, but they are still gritting their teeth.

But the people in Xuanyan Castle will not have festering hands and feet, because they have the best medicine from the best genius doctor.

The harvested rice fields have to be rolled, plowed, and leveled before transplanting.

Everyone is methodical, doing their own skilled things, and thousands of cattle go into battle together.

Transplanting rice seedlings is also a technical activity, which pays attention to moderate density, horizontal and vertical alignment, uniform seedling separation, and proper depth.

People who don't understand these can only pick seedlings, deliver water to do chores, and then practice slowly, waiting to show their talents in the coming year.

When planting rice seedlings, each paddy field must be led by a master transplanter, and the others will keep up. Immediately, you will catch up with each other, just like a competition.

Because no one wants to lag behind, once they are outflanked, it will form an embarrassing situation of "closed chicken".

Those who are locked inside will be flustered amidst a burst of laughter, and can only break out as soon as possible.

The so-called rice planting experts are forced to practice in this way.

When Chu Lixuan was double-robbing this year, all his attention was on Jiang Xinyan's stomach.

The couple walked on the ridge of the field and looked at the busy people. These people were taught by them themselves.

So they are also very excited, and when they see everyone, they will shout and cheer.

However, whether it is stepping on a threshing machine, or plowing the field, cutting seedlings, pulling rice seedlings, or planting seedlings, they will all speed up like chicken blood.

At this time, there were two more familiar strangers in the grain drying field, that is King Zhenbei and the old grain owner.

In previous years' double competition, they haven't come yet, even Master Wuchen participated in last year's double competition.

Ever since Master Wuchen met Jiang Xinyan and his wife, he never traveled around the world again.

There is food and drink here, and the scenery in the world is not as good as the scenery in Xuanyan Castle, so what's the point of wandering around?

He was holding a rake to dry the millet with great momentum, "Xuanyuandong, you shouldn't be here with us old bones to dry the millet."

"Master, what should I do then? I don't know how to cut seedlings, but handing seedlings can't run as fast as Brother Xiang's children, hey."

Several other grandfathers: ...

You can't run but still have face! He said it so bluntly.

The old rice owners and the others in Penglai Island have a lot of land, and they only grow rice for one season, so they don't understand what double grabbing is.

He didn't understand it for several days, and he was embarrassed to ask before, but he was very embarrassed to ask after hearing Zhenbei Wang's shameless remarks.

"The so-called double robbing refers to the continuous struggle after harvesting the early rice and then rushing to plant the late rice, hence the name "double robbing."

"From the beginning of the fall to the beginning of autumn, for more than 20 days, I have been suppressed by the atmosphere of double grabbing. Once the season is missed, after the beginning of autumn, the late rice planted will not grow well enough, which will affect the harvest."

"Cutting crops is the opening battle of the double-grab battle. First of all, everyone must concentrate on harvesting part of the rice."

"So, at dawn, I got up to cut the seedlings to make room for subsequent links such as threshing, plowing, harrowing, and transplanting."

"Cutting crops is relatively easy work, usually undertaken by children and women."

"The young and middle-aged labor force is assigned to threshing, picking, plowing, harrowing and other heavy physical and technical work."

"Actually, harvesting crops is not easy. It is not considered simple labor. The kind of "easy work" that can only be done by bending over is actually a hard work."

Several grandfathers said enthusiastically that they didn't want to admit defeat before, and they went down to the fields to cut the seedlings.

Either cut their fingers, or cut them unevenly. The teenagers who were trampled on the threshing machine yelled that it was not easy to thresh.

That's why they quietly dried the millet, and they didn't have the nerve to talk about those experiences.

To harvest rice, it is necessary to cut quickly and well.

The key lies in the process of cutting, while grasping the felled rice, while quickly binding the rice in the hand like a magic trick.

If the movement is too slow, the rice will be scattered, causing waste and making the children who are picking up the ears behind shout loudly.

They couldn't afford to lose that old face, but the old grain owner didn't know, he went to cut the seedlings with pride.

The result was the same as that of other grandfathers. In the end, he was convinced to sun millet.

No wonder his cousin, who was making herbal tea and drying herbs, didn't come out to do double grabs.

On the contrary, those apprentices were all active in the fields, but they worked quickly and were extremely handy.

The reason why King Zhenbei didn't go was because his daughter told him many jokes made by the grandfathers when he was robbed.

It's not that he can't learn, but he is unwilling to take the first step. He doesn't want to lose face.

Jin Niang and Second Aunt Chu led a group of women, and they also shuttled through the crowd, distributing iced watermelon and iced mung bean paste.

The children were picking ears of grain, and even little Sisi and little Nana were picking ears of grain in the field with their elder brother.

Dai Xiaoli went back to complain through her elder brother, and her grandmother punished her for copying Buddhist scriptures for a whole month.

Now she also takes the little maid out to pick up the ears of grain, and she will still be sarcastic when she sees Wang Sheng.

But he will never quarrel again. Dai Weiming, who is twelve years old, is learning to cut seedlings. He also wants to learn to step on a threshing machine to thresh grain.

Because Chu Lizheng, who was the same age as him, was already threshing grain, and Jiang Zihao was said to have beaten his fingers once, so he never dared to go threshing grain again.

The grandfathers turned over the rice in the drying field. Although the drying of the rice is simple, it should not be underestimated.

Every double grab in the castle, those hardships, that kind of perseverance, that feeling, many years later, many people in high positions will never forget it.

When the double grab came to an end, looking at the high grain piles, everyone was smiling.

People in the castle, when the double fight is over, life will be relaxed and leisurely, happy and sweet again.

But the emperor who was far away in the capital was running around in a hurry like ants on a hot pot.

"What's going on here?" He looked at the letter that had just been delivered to the imperial study in his hand, and asked anxiously.

"The servant doesn't know either." The eunuch kneeling in front of him replied tremblingly, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"I asked you to send a message to Wang Zhen, but he didn't say anything?"

He received countless messages from last night to this morning, but none of them made him happy.

The emperor is nearly sixty years old, but he is well maintained.

If you don't know, you can't imagine that this still handsome emperor has been emperor for thirty years.

At this moment, the emperor was sitting on the dragon chair, looking gloomy at the eunuch kneeling on the ground: "Wang Zhen's hands haven't touched Xuanyan Castle yet?"

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