"Wan'er, King Zhenbei really dotes on you, they are so kind." Jinniang admired sincerely in her heart.

There was a smile on Jinniang's face, she was going to help Wanniang prepare her wedding dress.

The large-scale marriage event in the castle is just a few days away. This time, Luo Yuqi chased Zhao Yu hard for more than three years, and finally achieved a real result.

There is also the pair of bitter mandarin ducks, King Zhenbei and Wanniang, who have been missing for more than 20 years and are finally together.

Xuanyuan Junkai and Xuanyuan Chen, a pair of cousins, have no objection to their father and mother getting married.

They also worked hard to make the wedding hall extraordinarily gorgeous.

Even Jiang Xinyan was enthusiastic and worked hard all day rehearsing the program, just wanting to help everyone make an unforgettable wedding.

"Xinxin, let them do it, you have worked hard enough for the baby all day long."

"Aren't you busy with the children's affairs, I don't do anything at all."

"I haven't done anything. You squeeze the juice every day. You see, you've lost weight recently."

"How could it be as exaggerated as you said?"

"Don't believe me, what my husband said is the truth, you are such a lovely person, so my husband can't help feeling sorry for you."

Chu Lixuan couldn't help but put his arms around her waist, and said quietly: "My husband wants to rub you into my flesh and blood."

When Jiang Xinyan heard this, her face became even more rosy, and she pinched the flesh on Chu Lixuan's soft waist.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, why are you pinching me?"

"Who told you to hug me in broad daylight."

"Oh, don't pinch me, it hurts."

Chu Lixuan exaggeratedly shouted, Jiang Xinyan really let go, she didn't use any force, not to mention that he didn't have fat on his waist, so he didn't pinch it at all.

The others watched enviously as the couple fought, and the castle was bustling like never before.

They were digging ice and fishing, slaughtering pigs in a pig farm, and the cooks were also from the castle, and they were all disciples and grandchildren of Jiang Xinyan.

Their craftsmanship is not inferior to that of professional cooks, especially some local vegetables grown by themselves, which are even better than those in restaurants.

A few days before the wedding banquet in the castle, everyone was busy with the work at hand.

On the day before the banquet, everyone was busy with getting married,

The fresh fish they fished out of the ice.

Cook it in a large pot, add thick red soy sauce and fresh green coriander, serve it in a plate, and then pour the juice on it and serve it on the table.

The sweet potato powder is made into a crystal-clear vermicelli, which is cooled in a porcelain basin for later use, and then the slaughtered pork is cooked.

They make meatballs by hand, finely chop them with knives, and mix them with water chestnuts. Compared with those made by modern meat grinders, they taste tough but not greasy.

Under the order of the cook, the old people and children plucked the feathers of the chickens and ducks, washed them and put them in wooden barrels.

The large porcelain pots and small pots made by myself in the castle are neatly placed on the chopping board and placed in a cool place, waiting for the next day's banquet.

The kitchen in the castle is very spacious, with thirty large iron pots on the clay stove, and white tiles on the stove top.

There are still soup pots between the pots and stoves, which can be used to warm hot water. There is a low door at the fire place behind the stoves, so that ventilation and firewood can enter.

The chopping board of the kitchen is built between two benches with a solid wooden door, on which dishes of prepared dishes are stacked.

I saw the cook busy in the kitchen wielding a spoon, wiping sweat with the towel on his shoulder, and ordering the apprentices to add dishes to the pot.

The old valley owner told his son and grandson-in-law, the Emperor Xichu, that today is a banquet, which is different from usual.

But you can't be courteous and humble, otherwise, you will always be hungry and sit when you are free.

Tables and stools were set up in the central hall of the courtyard, and after one table had finished eating, another table of people sat down.

For those who are afraid of not being able to sit, let the people who have eaten still sit in place to occupy their seats, wait for the table to be cleared, and leave until the next round of dishes is served.

The people sitting at the table waiting for the table to start and serve the food are all young and middle-aged people in the castle.

They carried the purple mahogany trays with dishes, sweat dripped from their faces, and they smiled and yelled: "Let's come--".

The person near the table turned sideways to make room for him to serve and remove the dishes.

Plates of dishes were served on the table, and the people who ate on the table were all simple and bold people in the castle.

They were wearing new clothes that they were only willing to wear during the Chinese New Year, with black and red faces, a little restrained smile and friendly enthusiasm.

Everyone wiped the platform cloth and held up the wine glasses or white wine or fruit juice. They all placed the glasses in their hands carefully, for fear that they would fall down and spill on their clothes.

His Majesty Xichu saw that the freshly washed chopsticks still had water on them, so he wiped them over and over again with a towel.

If the people next to him looked at him friendly, he would smile and feel embarrassed.

It was the first time for Emperor Xichu to have a banquet, and he felt that the atmosphere of the banquet was bold.

The dishes are also different from what they usually eat. Although they usually eat very well, the banquet is very different.

There is a wine commander at every table, and he pours wine for everyone to persuade everyone to drink to their heart's content.

Everyone was talking and laughing loudly, giving food to each other, and the people in the pig farm asked the people who were farming something new.

The farmers and the horse breeders inquired about the anecdotes about raising horses in daily life, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Those who sit near the serving place will modestly move the dishes to the center of the table when each dish is served, so that everyone present can get it.

The dishes served at the banquet were all large plates and bowls piled high with spikes, and the local chickens and ducks raised in the castle were deliciously roasted.

Put in freshly picked green cabbage hearts from the field, the taste is delicious and fragrant, and the braised pork made by the chef is very special.

The piece is big and oily, and it has been stewed in a large pot for a long time, and it tastes fat but not greasy.

The three delicacies soup made by adding chicken soup and fungus to the vermicelli and egg skin is so fresh that the tongue can't turn it.

The vegetables are all grown in the castle. They are fried in a big pot with high heat, and the original taste is fresh and tender when served on the table.

The self-ground tofu has a strong bean aroma and is neatly cut into pieces. It is very tempting to eat with green garlic leaves.

The meatballs are also twice the size of the meatballs in their palace, and the taste is particularly delicious.

His Majesty Xichu sat in a row with Hao Yue, and Hao's father and mother, the old valley owner, Hao Baorong, Master Wuchen and the others sat at the same table.

Except for Emperor Xichu and Hao's father and mother, everyone else had a large banquet once or twice.

Those who have eaten the banquet will tell those who have not eaten the banquet what will be served next.

There are many good things in life that can only be felt with a quiet heart.

If life is too hasty, it is better to let yourself have a quiet space and find your most comfortable state.

The flowers bloom silently, and the flowers fall silently. They walk through in full bloom and flourish, and walk through in high spirits.

His Majesty Xichu watched inadvertently, and Hao's father and Hao's mother had grown a few strands of white hair on their temples.

Sigh, if you live in the triviality of chicken feathers all over the place, have you forgotten the splendor you once longed for?

Walking on the road of life that cannot be retreated, are you tired of the same days?

Life is not about rushing, but about feeling the way.

If the distance is too far, just calm down and look at the scenery around you...

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