"Second brother, what about you?" An An asked me while blinking.

"Me? Of course I will find a woman I like to marry."

"Second brother, who is the girl you like? Is it the lady from the Wei family?"

I smiled and shook my head, "Of course it's not her. The woman I like is someone else, but I won't tell you who this woman is."

"Is that Zhao Zhiqing?"

"Not her."

"Second brother, I just want to know who you like, don't worry, I won't tell father and queen."

"It's not about telling the father and the queen. If you know who it is, then you will definitely treat her differently."

I have liked Dai Yunfang since I was three years old, but I just watched her grow up day by day from afar.

Even An An, who was with me all day, didn't notice it, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Second brother, you hide so deeply. Could it be the princess of North Vietnam or the princess of Western Chu?"

"Not at all. When we grow up and get married, you will naturally know who it is."

I said mysteriously, An'an didn't get what I said in the end.

And her problem, I have helped her solve it, so she hugged the pillow and went back to her bedroom to sleep.

After An An left, I lay on the big soft Simmons bed and couldn't sleep.

In my heart, I have had a very beautiful dream since I was a child, that is to take my beloved girl to look around the scenery.

But I know that it will be impossible within the past twenty years, my elder brother is now the prince.

When he turns 18, at most 20, he will be emperor. My father also wants to take our mother to travel around.

When I was born, I was named Chu Jingxian. This name sounds very nice, and I like it too.

I still remember when I was five years old, my parents said to me: "Our family is the best and the most obedient every year. When we grow up, we will be a generation of virtuous kings."

Then my mother told us the story of the eight virtuous kings, saying that he can beat the emperor unconscious, and he can also cure the treacherous officials and save the loyal ones.

Hearing our blood boil, even my prince brother said aloud: "Mother, I don't want to be an emperor, I want to be a great virtuous king."

There is nothing wrong with his words, he is the eldest of our three brothers and sisters, being a great virtuous king sounds impressive.

"Kangkang, can't you be a good emperor?" The queen mother's voice was as clear and pleasant as ever.

But with a bit of sternness, we know that she is unhappy. If our queen mother is unhappy, the consequences will be very serious.

Our father is a wife-loving maniac, whoever makes his little wife unhappy will not be able to get rid of the skin.

Kangkang, who had a strong desire to survive, immediately took our queen mother's hand and slapped Rainbow Fart.

"Then how is it possible! I will definitely become the second generation Mingjun of the Xuanyan Dynasty like my father, and my name will go down in history."

"Heck...Kangkang has a clear goal, he is such a good boy, you are all good boys."

"Of course, the boy was attracted by the eight virtuous kings in the mother's story, and passionately said that he wanted to be the great virtuous king."

So our mother and son happily told stories, ate snacks, and had a great time.

I also hope that I am as outstanding as the Eighth Sage King, but I will never forget my dream.

So, since I was eight years old, I have planned to take my girl all over the south of the Yangtze River.

Go to every corner of the world and let her know how beautiful and wonderful this world is.

I often take them together to travel all over the world in big cities and small villages.

I will also live in the Beiyue Palace and Xichu Palace for a month or two, seeing all the prosperity of the countries.

Let her know how wonderful and rich this world is, and when she encounters the most beautiful scenery, she will draw it and give it to me.

And my girl and I cannot settle in other places because of our identities.

So it is destined that we can only stay in the capital of our Xuanyan Dynasty, and now we are still young and can play freely.

When we grow up, we will have responsibilities that belong to us, and it is impossible to live in one place for a month or two.

When we went, it wasn't just me and her, but a bunch of kids.

At the beginning, I was still worried about this, but my girl is very smart.

She understands everything, and she communicates with me with all kinds of eyes. I am also very happy because she is very powerful.

I was sensible earlier, I knew that I liked her when I was three years old, and she seems to be sensible earlier than me...

She knew how to communicate with me with eyes since she was born, and my mother said that I could also communicate with them with eyes when I was born.

It's just that I don't have that memory, so I hope my girl will always be so powerful.

When I was five years old, I quietly told my two-year-old girl that I would marry her when she grew up.

She actually said crisply: "Okay, Brother Suisui must remember."

I was so happy that I almost jumped up, but I was very experienced since I was a child, and said to her calmly.

"Xiaofang, I want to protect you from now on and prevent you from being targeted by everyone, so I won't talk to you."

My girl smiled like a sneaky cat: "Brother Suisui, you are so kind. When I grow up, I will marry you and I will be your bride."

I was very touched that my girl was so sensible, she also told me: "Brother Suisui, you must marry me in the future and treat me well."

When I was five years old, my little heart was deeply touched, and I promised her: "Okay, I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

I was so excited that I didn't realize that the two-year-old girl knew so many things.

I traveled with her in the rivers and lakes, left a name among the people, and wandered in the rivers and lakes. Since then, I have never left my girl.

Of course, every time it's not just the two of us, but a whole bunch of other girls who want to marry me and my eldest brother.

Because I know that my girl knows me best, so no one knows about our interactions and appointments.

I grow up to give her the most romantic wedding, my girl will be very happy.


I want to give my girl the best, let her be the pride of my life, let her be the happiest woman in the world.

My girl was very happy, she was also very touched, and as she grew up, she didn't even mention marrying me anymore.

But we tacitly know that no one can destroy the strong relationship between each other.

Some older ones, such as the thirteen-year-old me lying on the bed at this time, every time I think of her, I will secretly smile.

She became clearer and more vivid in my mind, and she attracted me like a magnet, making me unable to extricate myself.

Thinking, thinking, I fell asleep sweetly.

The next day was another beautiful day. We took Chinese lessons as usual, practiced martial arts, and learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in our spare time.

Although we are already very good, there is no limit to learning, and we can learn more about literary talent and martial arts.

At this time, there was a bad news. Our great-grandmother passed away. No matter how good my mother's medical skills were, she could not save her. Life was as silent as fallen leaves.

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