Cui Jie sternly said: "Don't make noise, don't make trouble, otherwise you will drive him out."

He is so fierce, everyone else is a little afraid of him.

The stone was lying in his father's arms, shrinking his body, and Sun Daniu calmed down: "The stone is not afraid, father is here. Yueyue, you behave, no one will bully you."

The child nodded.

Sun Daniu felt distressed and touched his son's head. As he was about to take out food from his arms to feed his son, General Cui organized manpower to start cooking.

It will take several days for them to return to Chixia. They used more than two days when they came, but now there are many people, old and weak, and the return time will definitely be greatly lengthened. In this case, it is necessary to give ordinary people something to eat.

However, how could Cui Jie think of accepting so many people, constantly calculating the amount of food, and there is a serious shortage of water. It lasts two days at most.

He thought for a while and asked Qin Qiuyue and the other two men to report the letter. He stayed here to appease the refugees.

Qin Qiuyue quickly took the people away, and Cui Jie stood on a rock, observing the surroundings condescendingly.

Half an hour later, Sun Daniu brought his wife and son a bowl of porridge that was neither thick nor thin, and both of them had their eyes straight.

The stone stretched out his little hand and wanted to take it. Sun Daniu raised the bowl a bit and said warmly: "Don't worry about the stone, this one is too hot, it's a little bit cooler."

"But father, I'm so hungry, and the stone is so hungry."

Wu Niang said: "His father, let the stone take a sip along the edge of the bowl."

Then he turned his head to look at his son: "Remember to blow first."

The stone nodded vigorously.

Sun Daniu: "Okay, then."

The refugees next to them also got half a bowl of porridge, because there were not enough bowls, they were all mixed to eat.

There were too many people and there were few porridge, so something went wrong.

"Ah ah ah ah ah----"

An old woman was rolling on the ground, her face was splashed with hot porridge, and a man beside her punched and kicked her.

"What do you drink? You're so old, don't go eh—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

The man lowered his head in disbelief, a sword stuck in his chest, blood overflowing.


With a "bang", the man fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

Cui Jie said with a cold face, "Get the general's sword back and throw the body away."

The guards responded: "Yes."

Zhao Xiaobao was close, and some pitiful auntie stepped forward to help her clean up.

The others were silent, looking at Cui Jie as if they were watching a murderer.

After Zhao Xiaobao helped the old woman up, he said to everyone: "Our general can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. If you are honest, you will naturally give you food and drink and take care of your life and death. If you do something extraordinary, you will die. That’s the end of the man who’s right. Understood."


"...We will be obedient."

Wu Niang was a little scared when she saw this scene, but she felt more stable in her heart.

"Master, where are you taking us?"

While holding the porridge to feed his son, Sun Daniu said: "Chi Xia, I will take you back to Chi Xia. There are immortals there, and we will never be hungry again."

The eavesdropper next to him couldn't sit still, "Really, there are real immortals, don't you be deceived."

Sun Daniu said with a good-tempered smile: "The clothes I wear and the food distributed by the general are all given by the fairy."

"In Chixia, as long as you are willing to work, you can eat three meals a day, and you can work very hard. You can still eat meat at noon, and you can have your own land in the future."

The people around were shocked, "There is still such a good thing in this world!!"

Sun Daniu said: "So it's a fairy, and only a fairy can do this kind of thing."

"Just a few days ago, when the territory had just harvested wheat, Master Nian held a celebration for us. The head of the house came out of Wubao under the moonlight, stepping on auspicious clouds. Thousands of people in the territory had seen it at that time. Do not be fake."

"The fairy won't let us call her a fairy, she will be called the head in the territory."

Sun Daniu gave everyone popular science, and this scene also happened in other places.

A day and a half later, Qin Qiuyue and the others returned to Chixia.

One thought clicked on the desktop: "More than 1,300 people?"

Qin Qiuyue: "Yes, there are too many people, and the food and water we brought is too little to supply."

One thought: "I know."

He turned around and went to Zhang Su, and said the problem as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhang Su also knew that this matter could not be delayed, so he bought three cows from the system store, and then sent fifty guards to transport food and water over.

The grain that was only collected in the territory could not be moved, so Zhang Su paid for it out of his own pocket and bought it in the system store.

She was very considerate at the time. Perhaps Cui Jie and the others would encounter some refugees on the way back, so she prepared 1,500 catties of food, water, iron pots, and emergency herbs.

After the people left, she was calculating in her heart, more than 1,300 people, 5 merit points per person, that is more than six thousand, nearly seven thousand merit points.

Well, at any rate the merits of the six cows have come out.

But unexpectedly, it was five days after Cui Jie came back, and he was not followed by more than 1,300 people, but more than 2,400, and a series of prisoners.

Cui Jie was sitting in the bullock cart with high spirits.

Hearing the excitement outside, Zhang Su especially wanted to go out and take a look, but everyone walked to the door and held back.

The high-cold set cannot collapse.

She sat in the room, flipping through the book boredly.

At the gate of Chi Xia Territory, watching the drowsy group of people, eyelids jerked.

Cui Jie jumped from the bullock cart, walked to Yi Nian in two steps in three steps, knelt down on one knee, and clasped his fists. Picked up some refugees."

The guards are all equipped with sharp weapons, all of them eat and drink, and they all listen to his orders. When hitting the bandits, it is simply not too cool.

One thought:............

But it really made you awesome! !

In full view, Yi Min stretched out his hand to help him up, and embraced him affectionately.

Cui Jie: Your Highness is so powerful QAQ

His back was so painful being photographed.

The people Cui Jie brought back looked at the earth wall in front of him, and the Wubao looming inside the earth wall, very excited.

Yi Nian called Zhou Dahe, Qi Yunming, Deng Yun and more than a dozen people, "You send people to register in batches. If someone makes trouble, kill them on the spot."

"Yes, Master Yi Nian."

One thought met Cui Jie's brilliant eyes, and said helplessly: "You follow me to see the head."

Cui Jie: "Good~~~"

That rippling voice.

One thought can enter and exit Wubao at will. This is the right granted him by the head.

Zhang Su still wanted Yi Nian to live in Wubao, but it was a pity that Yi Nian refused to give up.

A thought made Cui Jie wait outside, and he went in first to get a vaccination.

Zhang Su almost didn't jump up after listening, "More than two thousand four hundred people?"

In their current territory, plus the number of Huixian, there are only more than 2,600 people.

Zhang Su pondered for a moment, and asked his soul: "Did Cui Jie go to grab someone?"

He choked with thoughts, paused, and then said Cui Jie's reply.

At first it was the various networks of veterans’ families, and then the refugees who rushed to hear the wind. When the number of people was too large, they would definitely win the eye. A group of mountain bandits came to rob, let Cui Jie lead people to clean up, and rescued more than 300 people from the mountain bandits' den.

They cleaned up the bandits on the front foot, and some refugees came over on the back foot asking for acceptance. It’s like a snowball, and it’s getting bigger and bigger, and Cui Jie can’t drive the refugees away, so he can only bite the bullet and accept it, so the number of people will naturally increase, more and more...

Zhang Su was silent.

She rubbed her eyebrows, "Let Cui Jie come to see me."

One thought: "He is waiting outside the door."

Zhang Su:............

Cui Jie stood on the edge and admired the scenery, suddenly the door behind him opened, and the underside of his respected Nine Palaces called him in without expression.

Cui Jie rubbed his hands, too excited.

"Xiaomin Cui Jie pays homage to the head." He has seen how powerful the head is, so he knelt neatly.

Zhang Su looked at his overly agile eyes, still showing a childish face, and said with difficulty: "Get up."

Cui Jie stood up, generous and natural.

Zhang Su's original entanglement was gone. His expression slowed down: "You have told me every thought about your affairs. You did a good job. What do you want?"

Cui Jie glanced at it, and was speechless.

Cui Jie grabbed the grasping hem with his hand hanging beside him, expecting: "Head, I want to be a general."

The general before he set off was appointed by himself, and there was nothing else but to listen to it.

This time he has done a good job, and he wants to get a gift from the head.

Zhang Su thought for a while, and said, "Then you will be named a brave general."

Cui Jie raised his eyebrows with joy: "Thank you, the head."

One thought: "Nothing else, just withdraw."

Cui Jie stepped back happily.

Zhang Su hesitated to say something, "I haven't given him anything else yet."

Land, food, iron coins, etc. can come in a little bit.

One thought: "These can wait for a commendation meeting and open it to him, including the guards and veterans."

Awards ceremony?

Zhang Su's mouth twitches, I think you are more and more fashionable now.

One thought: "Settle the refugees first."

Zhang Suyi thinks so too.

Ask, how can you quickly deter the refugees.

Answer: It is enough for the head to play once.

But you have to control the time. The broad daylight is not enough to set off the fairy's ethereal appearance.

The sun went down, the sky was dark, and the refugees stayed outside the territory, and the cool breeze made them shiver.

If they cannot enter, it means that they have not been formally accepted by the people in the territory, and they are very insecure.

Just when everyone's psychological defense line was about to collapse, everyone heard a wonderful sound of the piano, and before they could find where the piano sound came from, they saw a cloud of mist outside Wubao.

The stone leaped into the arms of his mother, her little hands gagged, her eyes widened.

Wu Niang thought of the immortal her husband said, "The master, isn't it?"

Sun Daniu has taken the lead to kneel down, and he still kneels down with his wife and children.

A white figure burst out of the fog.

[The fairy life is very beautiful, the skin is whiter than the snow in winter, and the expression is colder than the cold wind in winter, she is noble and dusty, and nothing can enter her eyes. When she appeared, auspicious clouds were a ladder, and everything was eclipsed. She was the only **** in the world. 】

The refugees stared at the figure approaching in a daze, thinking in their minds what the guards and veterans said to them these days.

It turned out to be true, they are saved.

"Welcome to the head——"

"Welcome to the head————"

One louder than one louder, neater and uniform.

Zhang Su didn't even land, but just glanced at them coldly, "We don't support idlers."

Abandoning this sentence, she disappeared again just as she did when she came.

However, the originally nervous and helpless refugees rejuvenated all of a sudden.

"The immortal... what the head said means, as long as we are willing to work, she will accept us, right."

"Yes, it must be like this."

"Hey, it's a bit cold, everyone squeeze, get through tonight first, and someone will come to settle us tomorrow."

The author has something to say: System: Host, you have added bgm to the show this time

Zhang Su: So?

System: have to increase the price! !

Zhang Su: ………I have a knife!

The author quietly took a head: Seeing a little cute and wondering why the heroine didn't cultivate immortality, a light gong technique cost 10,000 merit points, and immortal cultivation technique is even more expensive.

How to buy a big villa equivalent to one hundred dollars?╮(‵▽′)╭

And there are so many refugees under the heroine, so they must first protect their ordinary livelihoods before considering others. Take it from the people and use it for the people.

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