Farming in the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 1911 The Barbarians

The Yue Man High Priest heard what Master Su said so seriously and asked in surprise: "With so many divine beasts, is there more than one great demon in the Wan Yao Valley?"

Ye Ling nodded: "Today I went to the Barbarians to mention this matter to you all. The battlefield should be far away from the Wan Yao Valley to avoid harming innocent people."

Saint Yun Li took Ye Ling's arm and nodded lightly: "Well! We all listen to you! When Brother Su Chen shows up in front of the major tribes, everyone will see that we Yue Man have a guest like Brother Su Chen. In the future, no one in the Barbarians will dare to provoke us Yue Man!"

Ye Ling knew that there were many barbarian tribes in the Fire Barbarian Land, and small tribes would often depend on large tribes or be annexed by large tribes. If the strength of each tribe is balanced and no one can annex anyone, they will form an alliance to form a tribal alliance, which is the majority of the Barbarians.

The same is true for the Wu Clan. After so many years of disputes, the Wu Clan and the Barbarians have intertwined spheres of influence.

Now it seems that the war is initially decided, with the Wan Yao Valley as the dividing line, the north is gradually controlled by the barbarians, and the south is controlled by the witches.

Accompanied by them, Ye Ling came to the barbarian settlement of the Huo Man tribe.

This place has reached the edge of the Wan Yao Valley, and even the Qingxue River can be seen faintly. It is not far from the place where the small tribe where Madam Man Luo lived and multiplied.

Ye Ling saw that the settlement of most of the barbarians was similar to a camp. There were not only the chiefs on the high tower, but also many barbarian warriors, riding spirit beasts such as demon wolves and spirit tigers, patrolling nearby.

The Yue Man High Priest is a frequent visitor here, and the Saint Yun Li has also been here several times.

Only Ye Ling's appearance exudes the breath of the Nascent Soul, which makes the chiefs and barbarian warriors look sideways! Seeing that this Yuanying senior is a guest invited by the Yue Man tribe, they dare not neglect it, and cross their arms and bow to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling nodded slightly and entered the big tent. Most of the people present were the leaders of the major tribes of the barbarians, or the priests and elders with great prestige in the tribes. There were also several familiar figures standing behind them, including Meng Yang, Madam Man Luo and Young Master Canglang!

In the past, these people had entered the ancient fantasy of the barbarians with him holding the ancient order.

Now the cultivation of these three people has improved. For example, Young Master Canglang has entered the late stage of the golden elixir, but compared with him, it is no longer the same.

Now Ye Ling is aliased as Su Chen, and he looks like he has changed his appearance after the immortal pill. He has a handsome appearance, a tall figure, and a pair of strange purple eyes. The whole person exudes a monstrous murderous aura, like a demon god, which is daunting! The old friends present can no longer recognize him.

The leaders of the various tribes of the Barbarians were also surprised to see that the Yue Man High Priest and the Saint brought a strange Nascent Soul cultivator!

In their impression, only the Barbarian Duke of Yue Man had entered the Nascent Soul stage, and now there was another one, and they didn’t know what his background was.

The chief of the Tianchan tribe stopped playing with the colorful poisonous python around his body and stood up to greet him: "Priest Yueman, Miss Yunli, may I ask who this is?"

The chief priest of Yueman said with a smile: "He is our new guest official of Yueman, Su Chen, Mr. Su! I think those tribesmen who often go to Wu for trade should have heard of Mr. Su's name."

Yunli also introduced to Ye Ling: "This is the chief of the Tianchan tribe and the current leader of the tribal alliance!"

Ye Ling nodded. He knew that the Tianchan tribe was an ancient tribe in the land of the Fire Barbarians and had considerable power among the tribes. When the ancient illusion of the barbarians was opened, he had fought with the Tianchan poisonous woman. This woman raised various poisonous creatures and was not easy to deal with. Later, he won by luck.

But now the times have changed. The young Jindan of the past has now become a person who is on par with the leaders of the barbarians.

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